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Classroom Only
Course# Name of Course Contact Hours Price Online
1176 Acute Cardiac Care
Course Outline & Objectives
30 71.95 (Test Only)
1173 Acute Myocardial Infarction:
Rapid Identification and Treatment
10 58.95 N
1660 Acute Low Back Problems in Adults
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 Y
1246 ADHD in Children and Adults
Course Outline & Objectives
10 49.95 (Test Only)
1277 Adult Learning, Theories, Principles, and Applications
Course Outline & Objectives
30 150.00 Y
5048 Advanced I.V. Therapy and Blood Withdrawal Certification Course 36 240.00 C
1251 After Cancer Treatment
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
5010 AIDS Update
Course Outline & Objectives
10 31.95 Y
1126 Allergy
Course Outline & Objectives
30 56.95 (Test Only)
94525 Alternative Medicine
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 Y
1248 Alzheimer's Disease
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
1655 Anger Management
Course Outline & Objectives
30 62.95 (Test Only)
2207 Anxiety
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 (Test Only)
2205 Anxiety and Depression
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
2195 Anxiety and Phobia
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
1121 Arthritis
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 N
1645 Assertiveness
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
1107 Assessment Made Incredibly Easy
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 N
1120 Asthma
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
1281 Basic Clinical Dialysis
Course Outline & Objectives 
30 58.95 (Test Only)
1205 Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy
Course Outline & Objectives 
30 57.95 N
1197 Bedside Case Management
Course Outline & Objectives
20 61.95 Y
1220 Bioterrorism
Course Outline & Objectives
30 68.95 Y
1223 Bioterrorism ( Nevada Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
4 35.00 Y
1288 Breast Cancer
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
1111 Breastfeeding Made Simple New!)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
1170 Cardiovascular Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 72.95 Y
1172 Cardiovascular Nursing Holistic Practice 30 69.95 N
1191 Case Management Innovations For the Future
Course Outline & Objectives
10 39.95 Y
1195 Case Management of Oncology Patients
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 N
2227 Chemical Dependency
Course Outline & Objectives
30 61.95 Y
3300 Child Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
30 42.95 Y
3015 Child Abuse and Culture
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test Only)
91109 Chronic Hepatitis B 8 29.95 N
1272 Chronic Illness in Children and Adolescents
Course Outline & Objectives
12 49.95 (Test Only)
1228 Chronic Pain
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 (Test Only)
1283 Clinical Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Course Outline & Objectives
30 71.95 (Test Only)
1142 Clinical Management of Hypertention
Course Outline & Objectives
30 62.95 (Test Only)
1211 Clinical Nutrition
Course Outline & Objectives
30 57.95 N
1631 Clinical Supervision
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 Y
2255 Codependency
Course Outline & Objectives
10 36.95 Y
2203 Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test only)
1603 Communication Skills for Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test only)
1625 Conflict Resolution Skills
Course Outline & Objectives
12 44.95 Y
1284 Coping with Kidney Disease: A 12-Step Treatment Program to Help You Avoid Dialysis
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
1175 Critical Care Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 73.95 N
1915 Critical Thinking in Nursing Case Studies Across the Curriculum
Course Outline & Objectives
30 72.95 (Test Only)
3010 Cultural Competence
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 N
1249 Dementia
Course Outline & Objectives
10 35.95 (Test Only)
2209 Depression
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 (Test Only)
1125 Diabetes
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 Y
2511 Diagnosing and Managing Headaches
Course Outline & Objectives
30 62.95 (Test Only)
1212 Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, and Health
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 Y
1210 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Course Outline & Objectives
10 42.95 N
1130 Digestive Diseases
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 Y
91225 Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 Y
1620 Documentation for Nurses
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 N
2525 Domestic Violence
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 Y
1103 Domestic Violence (Florida Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
10.00 Y
1201 Dosage & Solutions Calculations
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 Y
2250 Drug Addiction Counseling
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
2225 Eating Disorders
Course Outline & Objectives
10 39.95 Y
2226 Eating Disorders (Advances in Psychotherapy)
Course Outline & Objectives
15 49.95 (Test Only)
1135 Emergency Nursing, Case Studies
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 Y
1902 End-of-Life Handbook, The
Course Outline & Objectives
10 43.95 (Test Only)
5005 Facts About AIDS
Course Outline & Objectives
30 39.95 N
2515 Family Violence
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
2500 For Women Only
Course Outline & Objectives
10 35.95 Y
2228 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Course Outline & Objectives
10 38.95 N
1263 Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test Only)
2904 Gerontological Nursing 30 75.95 (Test Only)
2906 Geriatric Depression 30 69.95 (Test Only)
2210 Handbook of Psychiatric Emergencies
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
2206 Healing Anxiety and Depression
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
2217 Health Effects of Mold 10 38.95 N
4510 Healthy Immune System
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 Y
1102 Hepatitis C
Course Outline & Objectives
2 20.00 Y
1108 Herpes Zoster 10 38.95 Y
1235 HIPAA New!
Course Outline & Objectives
30  63.95 Y
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 Y
1104 HIV/AIDS (Florida Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
4 20.00 Y
3500 Home Care Nursing Practice (ANA)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
3501 Home Health Nursing Practice (ANA)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 68.95 (Test Only)
4505 How to Strengthen the Immune System closed out sale!
Course Outline & Objectives
30 47.95 Y
4515 How You Can Help Your Patients to Stop Smoking
Course Outline & Objectives
10 38.95 (Test Only)
2850 Human Sexuality
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
1141 Hypertension
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test Only)
4507 Immunity, Infectious Diseases, and Pandemics—What You Can Do 
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
1670 Infectious Diseases 30 59.95 N
2240 Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy
Course Outline & Objectives
10 36.95 Y
5015 Internet for the Health Professional
Course Outline & Objectives
30 49.95 N
1900 Legal and Ethical Dilemmas
Course Outline & Objectives
8 33.95 Y
1636 Leadership and Management in Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
45 111.95 (Test Only)
1600 Managed Care
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 N
1180 Management of Cancer Pain 
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 Y
1610 Managing Difficult Patients
Course Outline & Objectives
30 54.95 (Test Only)
1240 Managing Pain Before It Manages you 
Course Outline & Objectives
30 62.95 (Test Only)
1650 Master Your Panic and take back your life
Course Outline & Objectives
20 58.95 (Test Only)
1110 Maternal Neonatal Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 N
1105 Medical-Surgical Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 71.95 N
1920 Medication Errors and How to Avoid Them
Course Outline & Objectives
15 38.95 Y
1930 Medical Errors 30 62.95 N
1101 Medical Errors (Florida Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
2 20.00 Y
1112 Menopause Book, The Course Outline 30 66.95 N
2530 Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 Y
1282 Mental Illness 10 34.95 N
1275 Motivational Interviewing in Health Care - Helping Patients Change Behavior
Course Outline & Objectives
30 61.95 (Test Only)
1214 Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and Fitness
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
4537 Natural Healing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
4541 Nature's Medicine 30 64.95 (Test Only)
4539 Nature's Remedies
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 Y
1165 Nurse's Drug Handbook
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 N
1905 Nurse's Legal Advisor
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
1910 Nurse's Legal Handbook
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 N
5028 Nursing an Hispanic Patient
Course Outline & Objectives 
30 60.95 Y
2903 Nursing Care of the Elderly 30 59.95 N
1162 Nursing Pharmacology NEW
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
1150 Nursing Procedures
Course Outline & Objectives
30 72.95 (Test Only)
1213 Nutrition Made Clear(Audio CD)
Course Outline & Objectives
45 109.95 N
3305 Nutritional Disorders of Children
Course Outline & Objectives
10 28.95 N
2911 Osteoporosis
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 Y
2265 Overcoming Binge Eating NEW
Course Outline & Objectives
15 55.95 (Test Only)
1250 Pain and Symptom Management in Cancer Patients
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
1185 Pain Management
Course Outline & Objectives
30 61.95 Y
1186 Pain Management  (Michigan Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
1 10.00 (Test Only)
1187 Pain Management
Course Outline & Objectives
30 47.95 Y
2215 Panic Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
8 29.95 Y
1895 Patient Advocacy and Ethical Nursing Practice
Course Outline & Objectives
8 39.95 N
91255 Patient Safety - (Online Only)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 Y
1115 Pediatric Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 N
1161 Pharmacology
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 N
1160 Pharm Facts for Nurses
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 N
4500 Physical Activity & Health
Course Outline & Objectives
15 41.95 N
1278 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating an Instructional Program 30 350.00 N
1270 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Course Outline & Objectives
20 57.95 (Test Only)
2535 Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect, Role of Mental Health Professionals 30 59.95 N
1108 Prevention of Herpes Zoster
Course Outline & Objectives
10 35.95 Y
2210 Psychiatric Emergencies
Course Outline & Objectives
30 59.95 N
Psychiatric & Mental Health Care
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 Y
2212 Psychiatric Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 73.95 (Test Only)
1155 Rapid EKG Interpretation
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 N
2885 Sex Matters For Women
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
2527 Sexual Violence
Course Outline & Objectives
10 44.95 (Test Only)
1148 Skin and Wound Care
Course Outline & Objectives
30 66.95 (Test Only)
2235 Sleeping Disorders
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
4518 Smoking Cessation, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 (Test Only)
1626 Solution-Focused Conflict Management
Course Outline & Objectives
30 71.95 (Test Only)
5025 Spanish For Nurses
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
5030 Spanish Audio CD I  No CE 19.95  N
5035 Spanish Audio CD  II No CE 19.95
5037 Spanish Audio CD I &II No CE 37.00   N
5026 Spanish Immersion for Nurses (not home study)
Course Outline & Objectives
20 35.00 N
5042 Stress Management 
Increasing your stress resistance (Brehm)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 67.95 Y
5040 Stress Management (Ruthstiver)
Course Outline & Objectives
30 56.95 Y
2220 Substance Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
30 49.95 Y
2222 Substance Use Problems
Course Outline & Objectives
10 44.95 (Test Only)
1630 Supervisory Skills For Nurses
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 N
1245 Taking Charge of ADHD
Course Outline & Objectives
30 64.95 (Test Only)
1640 Team Building
Course Outline & Objectives
10 37.95 Y
1122 Thyroid Disorders
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 (Test Only)
4516 Tobacco Cessation
Course Outline & Objectives
10 34.95 (Test Only)
3005 Transcultural Nursing
Course Outline & Objectives
30 63.95 Y
1102 Viral Hepatitis (Texas Mandatory)
Course Outline & Objectives
2 20.00 Y
5045 Weight Management
Course Outline & Objectives
30 49.95 Y
1252 Whole-Food Guide For Breast Cancer Survivors
Course Outline & Objectives
30 69.95 (Test Only)
2505 Women Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
15 44.95 Y
2510 Women's Health
Course Outline & Objectives
30 49.95 Y
2520 Women's Mental Health NEW! 30 62.95 N
2880 Women's Sexuality NEW!
Course Outline & Objectives
30 65.95 N
1147 Wound Care
Course Outline & Objectives
30 61.95 (Test Only)

Wound Care - Made Incredibly Easy

30 64.95 N

Homestead Schools, Inc.
    dba Homestead CEUs

23800 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 200
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone (310) 791-9975
E-mail: homesteadschools@socal.rr.com