Thyroid Disorders

Kenneth Ain, M.D & M. Sara Rosenthal, Ph.D.

Course Outline

The only book you need to understand and treat your thyroid condition.

Combining the expertise of two pioneers in the field—world-renowned thyroid specialist Kenneth Ain, M.D., and bestselling thyroid author and bioethicist M. Sara Rosenthal, Ph.D. — The Complete Thyroid Book provides all the essential information for the diagnosis of and treatment options for thyroid disease.

Completely updated with the latest research, this book provides a comprehensive look at tests, scans, and state-of-the-art therapies and treatments for every type of thyroid condition.

The Complete Thyroid Book, now revised and updated, is your source for information on:

About the Authors

KENNETH AIN, M.D., is a professor of medicine and director of the Thyroid Oncology Program, University of Kentucky. He is also director of the Thyroid Cancer Research Laboratory at the VA Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky. He founded and moderates the thyroid cancer patient education Yahoo group thyroidcancerhelp.

M. SARA ROSENTHAL, PH.D., is an associate professor of bioethics, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, and director of the University of Kentucky Program for Bioethics. Dr. Rosenthal has written more than thirty health books, including several on thyroid disease. Both authors live in Lexington, Kentucky.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Describe how the thyroid begins to develop.
2. State how the thyroid got its name.
3. Compare a diffuse and nodular goiter.
4. Discuss the role of the thyroid gland.
5. Compare T3 and T4.
6. Define euthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyrotoxicosis.
7. Describe the TSH test.
8. Define thyroglobulin.
9. Describe the three major kinds of antithyroid antibodies.
10. Discuss preparation for whole body scans.
11. Define bosselated, goiter, Pemberton's maneuver.
12. State why CT scans are useful and dangerous.
13. Describe a fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
14. Compare primary hypothyroidism and secondary hypothyroidism.
15. Discuss the problems of iodine deficiency and excess.
16. List several signs of hypothyroidism.
17. Discuss how hypothyroidism is treated.
18. Define hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis.
19. List several symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.
20. Discuss off-labeling prescribing.
21. Discuss antibodies, antigens, and autoimmune disorders.
22. Discuss the statistical occurrence of thyroiditis.
23. Define polyglandular autoimmune disease.

Course Contents

1. What Is the Thyroid, and What Does It Do?
1.1 How It Formed, Where It Is, What It Does
1.2 An Introduction to Thyroid Hormone
2. Test and Labs: Diagnosing Thyroid Disease
2.1 Tests That Measure Thyroid Hormone Levels
2.2 TSH: The Most Sensitive Test to Assess Thyroid Hormone Status
2.3 Thyroglobulin: The Specific Thyroid Protein
2.4 Thyroid Hormone-Binding Proteins
2.5 Measuring Thyroid Antibodies
2.6 Dynamic Tests of Thyroid Function
2.7 Tests of Metabolism
2.8 Radioactive Thyroid Tests
2.9 X-Rays, Ultrasounds, and Other Diagnostic Pictures
2.10 Pathology, Do You Nedd Surgery? What Did the Surgeon Find?
3. Hypothyroidism: The Most Common Problem
3.1 Why Am I Hypothyroid? 39 Slowing Down: Signs of Hypothyroidism
3.2 Diagnosing Hypothyroidism
3.3 Treating Hypothyroidism
3.4 Why Do I Still Feel Hypothyroid
4. Too Much Thyroid Hormone: Thyrotoxicosis
4.1 Symptoms of Too Much Thyroid Hormone
4.2 The Emotional Effects of Thyrotoxicosis
4.3 Causes of Thyrotoxicosis Without Hyperthyroidism?
4.4 Thyrotoxicosis with Hyperthyroidism
4.5 Intrinsic Thyroid Autonomy: Independent Thyroid Hormone Manufacturers
4.6 Diagnosing Thyrotoxicosis and/or Hyperthyroidism
4.7 Treating Thyrotoxicosis
5. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Other Types of Thyroiditis
5.1 What Is an Autoimmune Disorder?
5.2 Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
5.3 Other Common Autoimmune Disorders
5.4 Other Forms of Thyroiditis
6. Graves' Disease
6.1 What Happens in Graves' Disease?
6.2 Diagnosing Graves' Disease
6.3 Treating Graves' Disease
6.4 Screening Family Members for Graves' Disease
6.5 Are There Natural Therapies for Graves' Disease?
7. Goiter: An Enlarged Thyroid Gland
7.1 Evaluating a Goiter
7.2 Types of Goiter
8. Thyroid Nodules
8.1 Finding a Thyroid Nodule
8.2 Steps in Evaluating a Thyroid Nodule
8.3 Hot Nodules
8.4 Radiation Exposure to the Neck During Childhood
9. Thyroid Cancer
9.1 Who Gets Thyroid Cancer?
9.2 What Causes Thyroid Cancer?
9.3 Types of Thyroid Cancers and Their Behavior
9.4 Treatment for Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Cancers
9.5 Diagnosis Evaluation: Long-Term Follow-Up
10 Thyroid Hormone: The Inside Scoop
10.1 How It All Started
10.2 T4: The Details
10.3 T3: Specific and Limited Users
10.4 Mixtures of T3 and T4
10.5 Thyroid Extracts, or Natural Thyroid Hormone
11. Other Drugs Used in Thyroid Disease
11.1 Drugs Used to Treat Hyperthyroidism
11.2 Stable Iodide 162 Potassium Perchlorate
11.3Lithium Carbonate
11.4 Treatment of Hypoparathyroidism: Low Calcium
12. Radioactive Iodine Theraphy
12.1 What Is Radioactivity
12.2 Types of Treatment with Radioactive Iodine
13. Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy and After Delivery
13.1 The Normal Thyroid in Pregnancy
13.2 Being Pregnant with Preexisting Thyroid Disease
13.3 Gestational Thyroid Disease (Thyroid Disease During Pregnancy)
13.4 Discovering Thyroid Nodules in Pregnancy
13.5 After the Baby is Born
14. Thyroid Disease During Menopause
14.1Natural Menopause
14.2 HRT, Menopause, and Thyroid Disease
14.3 Osteoporosis
14.4 Staying Alert About Heart Disease
15. Thyroid Disease in Infants and Children
15.1 Thyroid Disease in Newborns and Infants
15.2 Thyroid Disease in Children and Adolescents
16. Thyroid Disease and Obesity
16.1 Defining Obesity
16.2 Inappropriate Drug Treatments for Obesity
16.3 Lowering Fat and Healthy Eating
17. Thyroid Disease and Older Individuals
17.1 Hypothyroidism in Older Persons
17.2 Thyrotoxicosis in Older Persons
17.3 Other Thyroid Problems
17.4 Thyroid Disease in a Person with Alzheimer's Disease
18. Thyroid Hormone Resistance and Rare Genetic Disorders of the Thyroid
18.1 Resistance to Thyroid Hormone (RTH) or Thyroid Hormone Resistance
18.2 Pituitary and Hypothalamic Diseases and Other Genetic Disorders
19. Thyroid Misconceptions and Misinformation
19.1 False Statements About Hypothyroidism
19.2 Misconceptions About Radioactive Iodine (RAT)
19.3 Other Myths About Thyroid Cancer
20. Special Diets for Thyroid Disease and Healthy Eating
20.1 The High-Fiber Diet for Hypothyroidism 271 The Low-Iodine Diet (LID)
20.2 What to Eat if You're Hyperthyroid
20.3 What to Eat After Treatment for Thyroid Disease
20.4 The Mediterranean Diet
21. Making an Informed Decision
21.1 The Standards of Care
21.2 What You Should Know About Ethical Guidelines in Health Care
21.3 Steps Toward Informed Decision Making
22. Coping with Thyroid Eye Disease
22.1 What Is Thyroid Eye Disease?
22.2 Battling the Bulge: Treating TED
22.3 Dry Eyes
23. Coping with Depression, Anxiety, and Other Mental Health Disorders
23.1 Unipolar Depression and Hypothyroidism
23.2 Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and Thyroid Disease
23.3 When Your Body Feels Your Emotional Pain: Somatization Disorder
24. 24 Coping with Heart Disease
24.1 Heart Complications from Hypothyroidism
24.2 Heart Complications from Thyrotoxicosis
25. 25 Coping with Fatigue
25.1 Normal Fatigue
25.2 Abnormal Fatigue: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
26. 26 Thyroid and Public Health
26.1 Environmental Issues in Thyroid and Endocrine Disease
26.2 Screening Fertile Women for Hypothyroidism
26.3 Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy
26.4 The Radioactive Iodine Shortage
26.5 Potassium Iodide in the Age of Nuclear Reactors and Terrorism
Appendix A: Thyroid Links on the Web
Appendix B: Links to Other Conditions Related to Thyroid Disease
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