Whole-Food Guide For Breast Cancer Survivors

Edward Bauman, MED,PHD
Helayne Waldman, MS, EDD
Forewood By Donald I. Abrams, MD


Course Description

The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors is an essential guide for every woman seeking to understand the effect of nutritional deficiencies and environmental factors on her overall health and wellness. Based on Edwards Bauman's groundbreaking Eating for Health model, this highly comprehensive, practical approach can help you reduce the chance of breast cancer recurrence; rebuild your immune system; and enjoy a stronger, healthier body.

About the Authors

Edward M. Bauman, MEd, PhD, is the founder and executive director of Bauman College: Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts. He has been a guiding light in the field of holistic health and nutrition for the past 40 years. He is a groundbreaking leader in the field of whole foods nutrition.

Dr. Helayne Waldman, EDD., M.S., CNE, is a holistic nutrition educator in private practice and a consultant to breast cancer clinics and doctors in the San Francisco bay Area.

Foreword writer Donald I. Abrams, MD, is professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and chief of hematology/oncology at San Francisco General Hospital.

Learning Objectives

1. State the risk of developing breast cancer according to the National Cancer Institute.
2. Discuss the role of physical activity and developing breast cancer.
3. Discuss the risk to postmenopausal women when taking hormone replacement therapy.
4. Describe the Western dietary pattern.
5. Discuss the research of Dr. Samuel Epstein.
6. State one of the greatest risks to immune health that we can completely control.
7. Define angiogenesis, quercetin, and  xenoestrogens.
8. Discuss the causes of breast cancer according to the National Institutes of Health.
9. Compare soluble and insoluble fiber.
10. Define macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients.
11. Describe “hidden carcinogens.”
12. List several contaminants in tap water.
13. Describe persistent organic pollutants.
14. Describe BPA.
15. Describe Ames’s “triage theory.”
16. State why Japan has the lowest breast cancer rate.
17. Describe the women with the lowest vitamin D levels.
18. List the sources of magnesium.
19. Discuss the research of Dr. Judah Folkman in the 1960’s.
20. Describe the U.S. Pharmacopoeia certification.
21. Discuss the use of sugar by cancer cells.
22. Compare glycemic index and glycemic load.
23. Describe how high-fructose corn syrup is produced.
24. Discuss the role of obesity in women with breast cancer.
25. Define dysglycemia.
26. Discuss the importance of protein in the diet.
27. List several nutritional superstars.
28. Describe the main organs of the immune system.
29. Compare the innate and adaptive immune system.
30. List the sequence of events that occur when a pathogen invades the body.
31. List several factors that influence immunity.
32. Discuss the role of the following when developing a healthy immune system: mushrooms, whey, garlic, and aloe.
33. Define inflammation.
34. List methods of assessing your inflammation status.
35. Compare omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
36. Describe the leaky gut and steps to take for this condition.
37. List several functions of your liver.
38. Describe bile.
39. Describe the three forms of estrogen.
40. Describe progesterone.
41. List ways to eliminate unhealthy estrogens and raise healthy estrogens.


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