

   Course Outline

Learning Objectives

Upon completing the course you'll be able to: 

Chapter 1: Definitions

  1. Explain airway pathology in asthma.

  2. Describe the relationship of airway pathology to disordered lung function.

  3. List and explain all forms of airflow imitation in asthma.

  4. Based on the functional consequences of airway inflammation, provide an operational description of asthma.

Chapter 2: Epidemiology

  1. Describe the prevalence of asthma based on genetic factors, environmental factors, allergens, and population characteristics.

  2. Describe the mortality and morbidity of asthma.

  3. Describe the evolution of asthma from infancy to adulthood.

  4. Formulate a respiratory health survey questionnaire.

Chapter 3: Risk Factors

  1. Identify two predisposing factors that lead to the development of asthma.

  2. Identify four causal factors that lead to the development of asthma.

  3. Identify five contributing factors that lead to the development of asthma.

  4. Identify six factors that exacerbate asthma.

Chapter 4: Mechanism of Asthma

  1. Discuss the mechanism of airway inflammation in asthma.

  2. Explain how nonspecific stimuli provoke reflex bronchoconstriction.

  3. Describe four characteristics symptoms of asthma.

  4. List four factors that may contribute to airflow limitation in asthma.

  5. Describe nocturnal asthma.

Chapter 5: Diagnosis and Classification

  1. List five symptoms that would lead to a clinical diagnosis of asthma.

  2. Formulate five questions of the patient in considering the diagnosis of asthma.

  3. Describe how measurements of airflow limitation, its reversibility and its variability can help in establishing a diagnosis of asthma.

  4. Describe two methods (FEV1 and FVC) used to assess the level of airflow limitation.

  5. Describe the additional factors to be considered in the diagnosis of childhood asthma in the elderly, occupational asthma, seasonal asthma, and cough variant asthma.

  6. Explain the classification of asthma on the basis of etiology, severity and pattern of airflow limitation.

  7. Describe clinical features before treatment and daily medication required to maintain control of asthma classified by its severity.

Chapter 6: Prevention

  1. Discuss the goal of primary prevention of asthma.

  2. Discuss seven primary prevention strategies for asthma.

  3. Explain how the domestic mite allergen is a major causal risk factor for asthma.

  4. Describe five future programs for the primary prevention of asthma.

Chapter 7: A Six-Part Asthma Management Program

  1. List seven goals for successful management of asthma.

  2. Educate patients to develop a partnership in asthma management.

  3. Assess and monitor asthma severity with measurements of symptoms and measurements of lung function.

  4. Interpret PEF measurements for management of asthma.

  5. Describe six nonpharmacological secondary prevention measures to avoid or control asthma triggers.

  6. Establish a medication plan for long-term management of asthma using controller medications and reliever

  7. List eight parameters that would define control of asthma.

  8. Describe a four-step treatment approach to the long term management of asthma.

  9. Ask six questions of the asthma patient to establish the diagnosis and classify the severity of asthma.

  10. Describe the four-step treatment approach for infants and young children in the management of asthma.

  11. List eight objectives for the control of asthma in infants and young children.

  12. List four categories of patients who are at high risk of asthma-related death.

  13. Classify 11 symptoms into mild, moderate and severe exacerbations of asthma.

  14. Describe treatment for home management of asthma exacerbations.

  15. Describe in a flow chart format the management of exacerbation of asthma in a hospital environment.

  16. List eight factors that would indicate the need for close and continuous supervision of the asthma patient in a hospital.

  17. List three criteria for admitting the asthma patient to the intensive care unit.

  18. List nine criteria to determine if the patient can be discharged from continuous supervision in a hospital.

  19. Explain special considerations required in managing asthma in relation to pregnancy, physical activity, surgery, occupational asthma, and aspirin-induced asthma.

Learning Objectives

To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory).   Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam. 

Course Outline


Mortality of asthma

Predisposing Factors

Risk factors that cause asthma exacerbations: Triggers.

Other factors that may exacerbate asthma.

Asthma symptoms:

Airflow limitation in asthma

Clinical diagnosis:

Always think

Childhood asthma

Classification of asthma

Primary prevention strategies:

Goals for successful management of asthma

Avoid or control asthma triggers:

Establish diagnosis

Criteria for admission to intensive care unit:

Outcome control of asthma

Severity of asthma exacerbations

Special considerations:

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Customer Comments About Our Courses

"The course is over all excellent, very professional."  T.C., Poway, CA

"Wonderful course. I had a special interest in this information as I have two children with asthma."  -  L.B., Chino Hills, CA

"Very appropriate pertaining to NIH guidelines for practice. Well done!"  -  A.S., Lake Forest, CA

"Extremely comprehensive–can be a very useful tool for those clinicians dealing hands on with asthma patients on a frequent basis."  -  C.W., Palo Alto, CA

"Because I have ASTHMA & also a grandchild suffers ASTHMA, I found this extremely educational, informative and helpful."  D.K., Templeton, CA

"Very informative & helpful–were pass informative to family (son-in-law) has severe asthma & needs is encouraged to learn more."  -   S.G., San Francisco, CA

"Very good course–content with great adherence to NIH guidelines."  S.W., Hudsonville, MI

"Well done! Up date information! Now I have a great reference book!" -  J.L.M., RN, CA

"Thank you! Very well done and informative! Wonderful worksheets to help teach patients." - L.J.R., RN, CA

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