Case Management Innovations for the Future

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. Identify the main issues surrounding evolution of the case management role in the past decade.
2. Describe the purpose of case management practice guidelines in setting the course for future case management role success.
3. Describe three types of general guidelines pertinent to case management practice.
4. Describe the 10 most important trends in U.S. healthcare.
5. Describe the impact of aging Baby Boomers during the future of healthcare and implications for case management practice.
6. Examine the technological, Biotechnological, and cyberspace trends in healthcare and implications for case management.
7. Identify the impact of healthcare financing, organizational costs, and bankruptcies of healthcare providers on case management practice.
8. Describe key changes anticipated in healthcare insurance trends.
9. Describe the changes in healthcare delivery models, staffing shortages, and impact on case management and patient needs.

Course Contents

1. Case Management Role Evaluation
2. Boomers Go Forth
3. Technological, Biotechnological, and Cyberspace Trends
4. Healthcare Costs - Losses & Gains
5. Healthcare Finance and Insurance Changes
6. Care Delivery Models and Shortages, and Sequalae
7. Complementary Medicine Boom


“I found material in course informative and relevant to trends in the medical professions past, present and probable in the future.” - C.D., Long Beach, CA.

“Enjoyed this course. I found it to be very helpful in my job.” - C.L., Modesto, CA

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