After completing this course you’ll be able to:
1. | Identify the main issues surrounding evolution of the case management role in the past decade. |
2. | Describe the purpose of case management practice guidelines in setting the course for future case management role success. |
3. | Describe three types of general guidelines pertinent to case management practice. |
4. | Describe the 10 most important trends in U.S. healthcare. |
5. | Describe the impact of aging Baby Boomers during the future of healthcare and implications for case management practice. |
6. | Examine the technological, Biotechnological, and cyberspace trends in healthcare and implications for case management. |
7. | Identify the impact of healthcare financing, organizational costs, and bankruptcies of healthcare providers on case management practice. |
8. | Describe key changes anticipated in healthcare insurance trends. |
9. | Describe the changes in healthcare delivery models, staffing shortages, and impact on case management and patient needs. |
Introduction | |
1. | Case Management Role Evaluation |
2. | Boomers Go Forth |
3. | Technological, Biotechnological, and Cyberspace Trends |
4. | Healthcare Costs - Losses & Gains |
5. | Healthcare Finance and Insurance Changes |
6. | Care Delivery Models and Shortages, and Sequalae |
7. | Complementary Medicine Boom |
“I found material in course informative and relevant to trends in the medical professions past, present and probable in the future.” - C.D., Long Beach, CA.
“Enjoyed this course. I found it to be very helpful in my job.” - C.L., Modesto, CA
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