Chapters |
1 |
The Basics of Domestic Violence |
What is Domestic Violence? |
Domestic Violence Myths |
Barriers to Leaving an Abusive Relationship |
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Victims |
Strategies Victims Use to Protect Themselves and Their Children |
Perpetrators of Domestic Violence |
Behavioral Characteristics of Abusers |
2 |
Patterns of Emotional Abuse |
Identifying Emotional Abuse |
Emotional Abuse |
Chart of Coercion |
3 |
Substance Abuse and Woman Abuse by Male Partners |
Perspectives On Substance Abuse and Woman Abuse |
Substance Abuse and Batterers |
Substance Abuse and Battered Women |
Conclusion and Recommendations |
References |
4 |
Marital Rape |
Introduction |
A Brief Legal History of Marital Rape |
The Occurrence of Marital Rape |
The Effects of Marital Rape |
Intervention with Marital Rape Survivors |
Conclusions |
References |
5 |
Domestic Violence in Gay and Lesbian Couples |
Introduction |
Terms |
Stages of Gay Relationship Development |
Introduction to Gay Male Domestic Violence |
Characteristics of Domestic Violence in Straight Relationships |
Conclusion |
References |
Special Issues in LGBT Domestic Violence |
6 |
Elder Abuse |
Elder Abuse Is a Serious Problem |
Major Types of Elder Abuse |
7 |
The Overlap Between Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence |
The Co-occurence of Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence |
Children�s Exposure to Domestic Violence |
Professionals Responding to Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: In Search of Common Ground |
8 |
Child Protection Practices with Families Experiencing Domestic Violence |
Guiding Principles and Desired Outcomes |
Practice Guidelines for Initial Screening |
Practice Guidelines for Family Assessment |
Practice Recommendations for Assessing the Alleged Victim |
Practice Recommendations for Assessing the Children |
Practice Recommendations for Assessing the Alleged Domestic Violence Perpetrator |
Additional Factors to Consider During Assessment |
Safety Planning with Adult and Child Victims |
Case Decision |
Case Planning for Cases Involving Domestic Violence |
Case Closure |
9 |
Children and Domestic Violence: Resources For Professionals |
Scope of the Problem |
Resources for Further Information |
References |
Endnotes |
10 |
Preventing Domestic Violence: Clinical Guidelines on Routine Screening |
Overview |
Rationale |
Recommended Practice |
Future Considerations |
General Screening Policy |
Specific Health Care Settings |
Glossary of Terms |
Suggested Screening Questions |
References |
11 |
Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Youth Violence: Strategies for Prevention and Early Intervention |
Overlap and Consequences of Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Youth Violence |
Need for Prevention/Early Intervention of Family and Youth Violence 201 |
Elements of Successful Family and Youth Violence Prevention/ Early Intervention Efforts |
References |
12 |
Programs for Batterers |
Overview |
Four Areas of Concern |
Philosophies |
Methods |
Are Programs For Batterers Effective? |
Bibliography |
13 |
Domestic Violence: A Workplace Issue |
What Employers Can Do |
What Unions Can Do |
Endnotes |
14 |
Enhancing Caseworker Safety and Support in Child Protection Cases Involving Domestic Violence |
15 |
Building Collaborative Responses for Families Experiencing Domestic Violence |
Appendix |
A |
Resource List |
B |
Child Abuse Reporting Numbers |
C |
Stages of Change |
D |
Domestic Violence Assessment: Victim |
E |
Domestic Violence: Child |
F |
Domestic Violence Assessment: Alleged Perpetrator |
G |
Safety Plans |
H |
Developing a Memorandum of Understanding |