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Table of Contents

Nutrition and Physical Activity - Chapter 01
A Healthy Diet

Heart Healthy Eating

What Parents Need to Know About Children's Bone Health


Weight Loss

Physical Activity

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For more information

Pregnancy and Reproductive Health - Chapter 02
Menstruation and the Menstrual Cycle

Vaginal Yeast Infections

Bacterial Vaginosis


Uterine Fibroids

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)




Pregnancy Tests

Prenatal Care

Pregnancy and Nutrition

Folic Acid

Pregnancy and Medications

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Birth Control Methods

Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Contraception



Menopause and Menopause Treatments

For more information

Cancer Detection and Treatment - Chapter 03
Breast Cancer

Breast Self-Exam


Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Patient and Doctor Dialogue

Pap Test

Cervical Cancer

Cancer of the Uterus

Ovarian Cancer

Cancer of the Colon and the Rectum

Lung Cancer

Skin Cancer

For more information

Heart/Lung Conditions & Stroke - Chapter 04

Heart and Cardiovascular Disease

Are there any tests? Can you have a heart arrhythmia without having heart or cardiovascular disease?
Diagnosing Heart Disease

High Blood Pressure



Heart Attack


Lung Disease Overview



For more information

Diabetes - Chapter 05
Diabetes: Overview

For more information

Kidney, Urinary Tract and Bladder Disorders - Chapter06
Urinary Tract Infections ( UTIs)

Interstitial Cystitis

Urinary Incontinence

Organ Donation and Transplantation

For more information

Digestive Diseases - Chapter 07
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

For more information

Circulatory System - Chapter 08

Bleeding Disorders

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

For more information

Autoimmune Diseases - Chapter 09
Autoimmune Diseases: Overview



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Graves' Disease

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


Myasthenia Gravis

Thyroid Disorders

For more information

Skin Conditions - Chapter 10


Skin Cancer

For more information

Eating Disorders - Chater 11
Eating Disorders - Overview

Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorders

For more information

Mental Health - Chapter 12

Postpartum Depression

Anxiety Disorders


Alzheimer's Disease

Stress and Your Health

Caregiver Stress

For more information

Sleep Disorders - Chapter 13
Sleep Disorders: Overview


Sleep Apnea


Restless Legs Syndrome

For more information

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Chapter 14
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Overview





Genital Herpes

Human Papillomavirus and Genital Warts

Women and HIV/ AIDS


For more information

Substance Abuse - Chapter 15
Alcohol Abuse and Treatment

Drug Abuse and Treatment


For more information

Violence Against Women - Chapter 16
Sexual Assault

Date Rape Drugs

Female Genital Cutting Frequently Asked Questions

For more information

Minority Women & Special Groups - Chapter 17
Health Problems in Minority Women and Special Groups

Lesbian Women's Health

For More Information

Cosmetics Safety - Chapter 18
Cosmetics Safety: More Complex Than at First Blush

Cosmetic Ingredients: Understanding the Puffery
Prohibited Ingredients and Related Safety Issues
Hair Dye Products
Heading Off Hair-Care Disasters: Use Caution With Relaxers and Dyes
bulletWhy should I try to have a healthy diet?
bulletHow can I start planning a healthy diet for me and my family?
bulletWhat are the most important steps to a healthy diet?
bulletI know a healthy diet means I should control my fat intake, but I'm confused by all the different kinds of fats in foods! How do I know which ones are ok and which ones to avoid?
bulletI'm concerned about heart disease. Is there a special diet to help prevent or control it?
bulletMany diets say to limit my sodium to an amount measured in milligrams per day, but exactly how much salt is that?
bulletIt's hard to know if my portions are too big or too small for a healthy diet. Do I have to measure everything I'm eating?
bulletI'm confused by all of the labels I see on foods, like "fat free" and "low calorie." What do these terms mean?
bulletHow can I follow a healthy diet if I eat out a lot?
bulletWhy do I need to be concerned about heart healthy eating?
bulletHow do I get started with planning a heart healthy diet?
bulletWhat is cholesterol and what diets can help me lower or maintain healthy levels of cholesterol?
bulletHow do the Heart Healthy and TLC Diets work?
bulletWhat diets can help me maintain a healthy blood pressure level?
bulletHow does the DASH Diet work?
bulletWhat else can I do, besides diet, to keep my heart healthy?
bulletI thought osteoporosis affects older women. Why should girls and teenage girls be concerned about bone health?
bulletWhat is "weight bearing" physical activity?
bulletHow do calcium and physical activity make bones stronger?
bulletHow much calcium do adolescents need?
bulletIt seems pretty hard to get 1300 milligrams of calcium from food alone. Should girls take a calcium supplement to make sure they get enough calcium? And, is it possible to get too much calcium?
bulletCan you get enough calcium if you are lactose intolerant?
bulletI've heard that milk and other dairy products can be fattening, or aren't good for you in other ways.
bulletWhy are dairy products recommended for adolescents who want to build strong bones?
bulletHow does caffeine affect bone health?
bulletWhat else can adolescents do to improve and promote their bone health?
bulletMy neighborhood is not very safe. How can girls take part in weight bearing physical activity while staying indoors?
bulletWhat kinds of weight bearing exercises can girls with physical disabilities do to keep their bones strong?
bulletWhat is obesity?
bulletWhat causes being overweight and obesity?
bulletHow many women are obese?
bulletWhat are some of the serious health problems linked to obesity?
bulletWhat are metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity?
bulletHow can I improve my health if I am obese?
bulletWhat is the best way to lose weight?
bulletWhat are high protein/low carbohydrate diets? Are they a healthy way to lose weight?
bulletIs it safe to use diet pills or herbal supplements when trying to lose weight?
bulletAre there any weight loss programs that work?
bulletIf I quit smoking, will I gain weight?
bulletHow can physical activity improve my health?
bulletHow can I prevent injuries when I exercise?
bulletI am a larger woman. Can I be physically active?
bulletCan I stay active if I have a disability?
bulletWhat are some tips to help me get moving?
bulletDo I need to talk to my health care provider before I start?
bulletWhat is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of CTS?
bulletWhat causes CTS?
bulletHow is CTS treated?
bulletIs there a cure for CTS?
bulletHow can I prevent CTS?
bulletWhat is menstruation?
bulletWhat is the menstrual cycle?
bulletWhat happens during the menstrual cycle?
bulletWhat is a typical menstrual period like?
bulletWhat kinds of problems do women have with their periods?
bulletAt what age does a girl get her first period?
bulletHow long does a woman have periods?
bulletWhen should I see a health care provider about my period?
bulletHow often should I change my pad/tampon?
bulletWhat is a vaginal yeast infection?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections?
bulletWhat causes vaginal yeast infections?
bulletHow is a yeast infection diagnosed?
bulletHow is a yeast infection treated?
bulletHow can I prevent yeast infections?
bulletWhat is bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
bulletWhat are the signs of BV?
bulletHow do women get BV? Is there anything that can put a woman at greater risk for getting BV?
bulletHow can I find out if I have BV?
bulletDoes BV cause any problems?
bulletHow is BV treated?
bulletIf I have BV, do I need to worry about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)?
bulletWhat should I do if I have BV?
bulletWhat should I do if I think I have an STD?
bulletWhat is douching?
bulletWhy do women douche?
bulletHow common is douching?
bulletIs douching safe?
bulletWhat effects will douching have on pregnancy?
bulletWhat is the healthiest and safest way to clean the vagina?
bulletWhat are fibroids?
bulletWhy should women know about fibroids?
bulletWho gets fibroids?
bulletWhere can fibroids grow?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of fibroids?
bulletWhat causes fibroids?
bulletCan fibroids turn into cancer?
bulletHow do I know for sure that I have fibroids?
bulletWhat is the treatment for fibroids?
bulletHow does Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) work?
bulletWhat is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
bulletHow many women have PCOS?
bulletWhat causes ovarian cysts?
bulletIs it possible to have PCOS without having cysts?
bulletWhat causes PCOS?
bulletHow is PCOS diagnosed?
bulletHow does PCOS affect fertility and pregnancy?
bulletDoes PCOS put women at risk for other conditions?
bulletHow is PCOS treated?
bulletWhy do I need to know about endometriosis?
bulletWhat is endometriosis?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of endometriosis?
bulletHow would I know if I have endometriosis?
bulletWhat causes endometriosis?
bulletWhat is the treatment for endometriosis?
bulletHow do I cope with a disease that has no cure?
bulletWhat is a colposcopy? What are the benefits of colposcopy?
bulletWhy would a woman need a colposcopy?
bulletWhat happens during the procedure? Does it hurt?
bulletWhat happens after the procedure? How do you feel?
bulletAre there any risks with having a colposcopy?
bulletWhat is a hysterectomy?
bulletHow common are hysterectomies?
bulletHow is a hysterectomy performed?
bulletWhy do women have hysterectomies? Do alternatives exist?
bulletWhat should I do if I am told that I need a hysterectomy?
bulletIf my cervix was removed in my hysterectomy, do I still need to have Pap tests?
bulletHow do pregnancy tests work?
bulletWhat's the difference between a urine and a blood pregnancy test? Is one better than the other?
bulletHow is a home pregnancy test done?
bulletHow accurate are home pregnancy tests?
bulletCan anything interfere with home pregnancy test results?
bulletWhat is prenatal care?
bulletWhy is prenatal care so important?
bulletI am thinking about getting pregnant. How can I take care of myself?
bulletI just found out that I am pregnant. How can I take care of myself?
bulletI am not thinking about getting pregnant right now, but heard that all women should take folic acid every day.
bulletHow often should I see my doctor during pregnancy?
bulletWhat happens during prenatal visits?
bulletI am in my late thirties and I want to have a child now. Should I do anything special?
bulletHow should my diet change now that I am pregnant?
bulletWhat are the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for pregnant women?
bulletShould I take a multi-vitamin during my pregnancy?
bulletI've heard that I will need iron supplements. Is that true?
bulletWhat about folic acid?
bulletShould I avoid drinking alcohol while I am pregnant?
bulletShould I avoid caffeine?
bulletWhat should I make sure to include in my diet?
bulletWhy do pregnant women crave certain foods?
bulletDo I really need to "eat for two?"
bulletWhat about diabetes and pregnancy?
bulletHow much weight should I gain during my pregnancy?
bulletIs it difficult to lose weight after pregnancy?
bulletWhy do I get morning sickness and nausea, and what can I do about it?
bulletIs it safe for me to exercise during pregnancy?
bulletWhat types of exercise are best when I'm pregnant?
bulletWhat should I be careful about when it comes to exercising?
bulletWhat is folic acid?<
bulletWhy is folic acid important for women?
bulletHow much folic acid should women take?
bulletIs it safe to take medicine while you are pregnant?
bulletWhat over-the-counter and prescription drugs are not safe to take during pregnancy?
bulletWill there be studies in the future that will look at whether certain medicines or products are safe in pregnant women?
bulletShould I avoid taking any medicine while I am pregnant?
bulletWhat about taking natural medications, or herbal remedies, when you are pregnant?
bulletI have heard that some women who were pregnant between 1938 and 1971 were given a drug called DES to prevent miscarriages that is now known to cause cancers. Would I be affected if my mother took this drug?
bulletWhat is fetal alcohol syndrome?
bulletWhat are the most common birth defects or problems of FAS?
bulletHow does alcohol cause these problems?
bulletCan FAS be cured?
bulletIs it okay to drink a little alcohol during pregnancy?
bulletWhat is fetal alcohol syndrome?
bulletHow long should I breastfeed?
bulletIs there any time when I should not breastfeed
bulletIs it safe to take medications while breasfeeding?
bulletCan I breastfeed if my breasts are small?
bulletWill breastfeeding keep me from getting pregnant?
bulletWill breastfeeding tie me to my home?
bulletWhy should I breastfeed?
bulletCan I still breastfeed when I go back to work?
bulletHow much do breastfeeding pumps cost and what kind will I need?
bulletHow can I breastfeed discreetly in public?
bulletIf I decide to breastfeed, is there a right way to do so?
bulletDoes breastfeeding hurt
bulletCan I give my baby a pacifier if I breastfeed?
bulletHow do I know that my baby is gtiing enough milk from my breastfeeding
bulletWill my partner be jealous if I breastfeed
bulletWhat is the best method of birth control (or contraception)?
bulletWhat are the different birth control methods that I can use?
bulletAre there any foams or gels that I can use to keep from getting pregnant?
bulletHow effective is withdrawal as a birth control method?
bulletEveryone I know is on the pill. Is it safe?
bulletWill birth control pills protect me from HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and other STDs?
bulletI've heard my girlfriends talking about dental dams and I thought they were something only dentists used during oral surgery what are they?
bulletWhat is emergency contraception (or emergency birth control)?
bulletHow does emergency contraception work?
bulletWhat are the types of emergency contraception? Are they the same thing as the "morning after" pill?
bulletI was given emergency contraception in an emergency room. What do I need to do after I take the pills?
bulletHow effective is emergency contraception at preventing pregnancy?
bulletMy girlfriend took emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) and they did not work. If she keeps the pregnancy, will there be something wrong with her baby?
bulletIs emergency contraception the same thing as the "abortion pill?"
bulletWhat is infertility?
bulletIs infertility a woman's problem?
bulletWhat causes infertility in men?
bulletWhat causes infertility in women?
bulletHow is infertility tested?
bulletWhat is the treatment for infertility?
bulletWhat is assisted reproductive technology (ART)?
bulletWhat is perimenopause?
bulletHow long does perimenopause last?
bulletI've been depressed in the past. Will this affect when I start going through perimenopause?
bulletWhat should I expect as I go through perimenopause? 
bulletI don't understand why I get hot flashes. Could you tell me what's going on with my body?
bulletI am feeling so emotional lately. Is this from the changes in my hormones?
bulletWhat can I do to prevent or relieve symptoms of perimenopause?
bulletI'm going through perimenopause right now. My period is very heavy, and I'm bleeding after sex. Is this normal? 
bulletCan I get pregnant while in perimenopause? 
bulletWhat is menopause?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of menopause?
bulletI will be having a hysterectomy to remove both my uterus and my ovaries, and I am only 37. Will I go into menopause?
bulletWhat is premature menopause?
bulletWhat is postmenopause?
bulletI've reached menopause, but I still have been feeling so depressed and irritable. I'm just not myself. Will these feelings ever go away?
bulletI've reached menopause and haven't had my period for a few years now. But, the other day I had some bleeding off and on. Should I be concerned?
bulletWho needs treatment for the symptoms of menopause?
bulletWhat are the benefits and risks of hormone therapy?
bulletSo, what have we learned about taking hormone therapy for menopause?
bulletWhat about natural treatments for menopause?
bulletHow else can I help my symptoms?
bulletHow can I stay healthy as I age?
bulletDo you have a tool I can use to track my symptoms?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about breast cancer?
bulletWhere can I learn more about breast cancer?
bulletWhy should I do a breast self-exam?
bulletWhat am I looking for when I do a breast self-exam?
bulletIs there a right way to examine my breasts?
bulletHow often should I do a self-exam?
bulletWhat is a mammogram?
bulletAre there different types of mammograms?
bulletAre mammograms safe?
bulletHow is a mammogram done?
bulletHow is a mammogram done in a woman with breast implants?
bulletHow often should I get a mammogram?
bulletWhere can I get a mammogram?
bulletHow can I get ready for my mammogram?
bulletAre there any problems with mammograms?
bulletWhat type of tumor do I have? What does "invasive" mean?
bulletWhat does "lobular" mean? What does "ductal" mean? What does it mean for my treatment?
bulletWhat is an "early stage" breast cancer?
bulletWhat's my chance of surviving this cancer with each treatment?
bulletWhy would any woman pick mastectomy if the survival rate is the same?
bulletYou say that the survival rate does not differ "significantly" between lumpectomy with radiation and mastectomy. But, if there is a tiny percentage difference in outcome, how many women does that represent? Isn't it significant to those women?
bulletDoes the decision about what kind of surgery to have affect whether I need chemotherapy?
bulletI have breast cancer in my family. Should I choose the more aggressive treatment? Should I undergo surgery to prevent breast cancer?
bulletWhat are the chances of the cancer coming back if I get a lumpectomy with radiation? If it comes back, is it likely to be invasive? If I decide on a lumpectomy/radiation, how can you be sure there are no other "spots" in the breast? Wouldn't a mastectomy eliminate that possibility?
bulletWhat does "margin" mean?
bulletI have heard that some tumors are "estrogen receptor-positive?" What does that mean? If my tumor is estrogen receptor-positive, should that make a difference in my treatment?
bulletIf I choose a lumpectomy, how much of my breast has to be taken out? Will it affect the look of my breast? What will the scar look like?
bulletWhat will my breast look like after lumpectomy/radiation? I hear it gets hard.
bulletI thought that radiation can cause cancer. Will it increase my risk for other cancers?
bulletCan I have a mastectomy without removing the nipple?
bulletWhat are the side effects of both surgical treatments? What's the worst case scenario?
bulletCan I have breast reconstruction at the same time as my mastectomy?
bulletWith reconstruction, can I change the size of my breasts? Can the plastic surgeon make the other breast match?
bulletWhat happens when each treatment ends? How often do I see you?
bulletIf I have a lumpectomy and I get a recurrence, will I have to have a mastectomy then? Can I have reconstruction after radiation?
bulletThese are questions that breast cancer patients commonly ask their doctors. What's your recommendation? What treatment would you recommend if I were your wife/sister/daughter? What do most of your patients in my situation decide?
bulletHow often should I do a self-exam?
bulletWhat is a Pap test?
bulletWhy do I need a Pap test?
bulletDo all women need Pap tests?
bulletMy friend had a hysterectomy does she still need a Pap test?
bulletHow often do I need to get a Pap test?
bulletIs there anything special I need to do before going for a Pap test?
bulletHow is a Pap test done?
bulletWhat happens after the Pap test is done?
bulletWhat do abnormal Pap test results mean?
bulletWhat will happen if my Pap test finds something that is not normal?
bulletMy health care provider told me my Pap test result was a false positive. What does this mean?
bulletIs there anything new or being developed to improve the accuracy of Pap tests?
bulletDo sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause cancer of the cervix?
bulletWhat increases a woman's risk for cancer of the cervix?
bulletWhat is cervical cancer?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about cervical cancer?
bulletWhere can I learn more about cervical cancer?
bulletWhat is cancer of the uterus?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about cancer of the uterus?
bulletWhere can I learn more about cancer of the uterus?
bulletWhat is ovarian cancer?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about ovarian cancer?
bulletWhere can I learn more about ovarian cancer?
bulletWhat is cancer of the colon and the rectum?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about cancer of the colon and the rectum?
bulletWhere can I learn more about cancer of the colon and the rectum?
bulletWhat is lung cancer?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about lung cancer?
bulletWhere can I find out more about lung cancer?
bulletWhat is skin cancer?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about skin cancer?
bulletWhere can I learn more about skin cancer?
bulletWhat is heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletDo women really need to worry about heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletWhat are the different types of heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletWhat increases my chances for getting heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletHow can I reduce my risk for heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletHow much difference can diet and exercise really make on the health of my heart and cardiovascular system?
bulletHow does high blood cholesterol affect my risk for heart and cardiovascular disease?
bulletI had my cholesterol checked but I do not understand the results. What do they mean?
bulletHow do I know if I have heart or cardiovascular disease?
bulletWhat are the signs of heart attack and stroke?
bulletWhat are palpitations or "extra" heartbeats? Are they dangerous?
bulletWhat is an arrhythmia?
bulletIs it safe to take an aspirin a day to prevent heart disease?
bulletDo birth control pills and hormone therapy (HT) increase a woman's risk for heart disease?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about heart disease?
bulletWhat is an ECG or an electrocardiogram?
bulletHow can a chest x-ray help diagnose heart disease?
bulletWhat is an echocardiogram (echo)?
bulletHow is an echocardiogram performed?
bulletWhat other tests might be performed with an echocardiogram?
bulletI have heard many people talk about stress tests. What is a stress test?
bulletWhat happens when a treadmill stress test is performed?
bulletWhat are some different types of exercise stress tests?
bulletWhat about stress tests for people who can't exercise?
bulletMy heart often skips beats and my doctor ordered a Holter Monitor test. What is this?
bulletWhat is cardiac catheterization?
bulletHow is a cardiac catheterization performed?
bulletAre CT scans or MRI tests used to diagnose heart disease?
bulletWhat is a MUGA scan and how is it performed?
bulletThere are so many tests to diagnose heart disease. How do I know which one is right for me?
bulletWhat is high blood pressure and why is it so dangerous?
bulletShould women be concerned about high blood pressure? about
bulletWhat causes high blood pressure?
bulletWhat are the risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure?
bulletHow can I tell if I have high blood pressure what are the signs I should be looking for?
bulletHow is blood pressure measured?
bulletCan high blood pressure be prevented?
bulletWhen I get my blood pressure checked in my health care provider's office it is always sky high! Can I check my own blood pressure at home?
bulletWhat medicines are used to treat high blood pressure?
bulletWhat is atherosclerosis?
bulletWhat is plaque?
bulletWhat causes plaque to form in arteries?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of atherosclerosis?
bulletWhat risk factors raise my chances of having atherosclerosis?
bulletHow is atherosclerosis diagnosed?
bulletHow is atherosclerosis treated?
bulletCan I prevent or reverse atherosclerosis?
bulletWhat is angina and how will I know if I have it?
bulletDoes angina mean I'm having a heart attack?
bulletIs all angina the same?
bulletAre there other types of angina besides stable (common) and unstable angina?
bulletHow is angina diagnosed?
bulletWhat should I do if I start to have unexpected chest pains while resting?
bulletHow is angina treated?
bulletWhat lifestyle changes can help with angina?
bulletWhat if lifestyle changes and medicine fail to control angina?
bulletWhat is a heart attack?
bulletDo women have to worry about having a heart attack?
bulletHow can I tell if I am having a heart attack?
bulletWhy is prompt treatment so important?
bulletHow is a heart attack diagnosed?
bulletHow is a heart attack treated?
bulletIf I have had one heart attack, will I have another one?
bulletIs it safe to have sex after a heart attack?
bulletWhy is exercise so important after a heart attack?
bulletHow can I prevent a heart attack?
bulletWhat is a stroke?
bulletWhat is a "mini-stroke" or TIA?
bulletWhat are the warning signs of stroke?
bulletWhat are the effects of stroke?
bulletWhere can stroke occur in the brain and how does that affect the body?
bulletWho is at risk for stroke?
bulletHow is stroke prevented?
bulletHow is stroke diagnosed?
bulletHow is stroke treated?
bulletWhat about stroke rehabilitation?
bulletWhy are the lungs important?
bulletWhat types of diseases can affect the lungs?
bulletWhat causes lung disease?
bulletWhich lung diseases are the most common in women?
bulletHow is asthma diagnosed and treated?
bulletHow is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) diagnosed and treated?
bulletHow is lung cancer diagnosed and treated?
bulletWhat can I do to lower my risk of lung disease?
bulletWhat is asthma?
bulletAre women affected by asthma differently than men?
bulletWhat causes asthma?
bulletWhat can trigger an asthma attack?
bulletHow can I find out if I have asthma?
bulletHow is asthma treated?
bulletWhat can I do to prevent an asthma attack?
bulletHow does asthma affect a pregnant woman?
bulletWhat is tuberculosis (too-burr-cue-low-sis) (TB)?
bulletHow would I get TB?
bulletWhat are the types of TB?
bulletWho is more likely to get TB disease?
bulletWhat are the tests for TB?
bulletIs there medicine for TB?
bulletIf I have TB disease, can I give it to other people?
bulletI'm pregnant and found out I have TB. Is it safe to take medicine while I'm pregnant?
bulletCan I breastfeed if I am taking pills for TB disease?
bulletWhat is diabetes?
bulletWhat are the different types of diabetes?
bulletWho is at risk for diabetes?
bulletWhat are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?
bulletWhat tests are used to diagnose diabetes?
bulletWho should be tested for diabetes?
bulletHow is diabetes treated?
bulletCan diabetes be prevented?
bulletWhat is hypoglycemia? How is it related to diaetes?
bulletWhat is new in diabetes research?
bulletWhat is the urinary tract?
bulletWhat are urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
bulletWhat causes UTIs?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of a UTI?
bulletWho is at risk for UTIs?
bulletDo you develop more urinary tract infections during pregnancy?
bulletHow is a UTI diagnosed?
bulletHow is a UTI treated?
bulletWhat if I keep getting UTIs?
bulletAre there steps I can take to prevent a UTI?
bulletWhat is interstitial cystitis?
bulletWhat are the causes of interstitial cystitis?
bulletWhat are some symptoms and signs of interstitial cystitis?
bulletHow is interstitial cystitis diagnosed?
bulletIs there a cure for interstitial cystitis?
bulletHow is interstitial cystitis treated?
bulletHow does diet affect interstitial cystitis?
bulletI have interstitial cystitis and have just discovered I am pregnant. Will it affect my baby in any way?
bulletWhat is urinary incontinence and what causes it?
bulletWhat does the bladder system look like and how does it work?
bulletAre there different types of urinary incontinence?
bulletDoes pregnancy, childbirth and menopause affect urinary incontinence?
bulletHow is urinary incontinence diagnosed?
bulletHow is urinary incontinence treated?
bulletWhat is organ donation and transplantation?
bulletWhat is the current status of organ donation and transplantation in the United States?
bulletWho can be an organ donor?
bulletWhat organs and tissues can I donate?
bulletHow do I become a donor candidate?
bulletDoes the donor's family have to pay for the cost of organ donation?
bulletIf I am a donor, will that affect the quality of my medical care?
bulletDoes organ donation disfigure your body?
bulletWho manages the distribution of organs?
bulletWhat is the process for receiving an organ for transplantation?
bulletHow can someone find a transplant hospital?
bulletHow are minority women affected by organ transplants?
bulletWhat is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
bulletWho gets IBS?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of IBS?
bulletWhat causes IBS symptoms?
bulletHow is IBS diagnosed?
bulletHow do diet and stress affect IBS?
bulletWhat foods may cause IBS symptoms?
bulletWhat can I do to help my IBS besides avoiding problem foods and beverages?
bulletWhat medicines are used to treat IBS?
bulletWhat is inflammatory bowel disease?
bulletWho is affected by IBD?
bulletWhat causes IBD?
bulletWhat is ulcerative colitis (UC)?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of UC?
bulletWhat are the complications of UC?
bulletHow do I know if I have UC?
bulletWhat is Crohn's disease (CD)?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of CD?
bulletWhat are the complications of CD?
bulletHow do I know if I have CD?
bulletIs IBD related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
bulletWhat are the signs of IBD? When should I see my health care provider?
bulletCan IBD be prevented?
bulletHow is IBD treated?
bulletWhat medications are used to treat IBD?
bulletWhat types of surgery are used to treat IBD?
bulletI have IBD and need surgery, have I failed at managing my disease?
bulletWhat research is being done on new treatments for IBD?
bulletIs there a link between IBD and colon cancer?
bulletDoes having IBD increase my chances of getting cancer? Is there any way to tell if I am developing cancer?
bulletHow is fertility affected in women with IBD?
bulletIs pregnancy safe for women with IBD?
bulletWhat is anemia?
bulletWhat causes anemia?
bulletWhat are the signs of anemia?
bulletHow do I find out if I have anemia?
bulletWhat's the treatment for anemia?
bulletHow do I prevent anemia?
bulletHow much iron do I need every day?
bulletAre there special iron guidelines for pregnant women?
bulletI am taking hormone therapy (HT). Does that affect how much iron I should take?
bulletDoes birth control affect my risk for anemia?
bulletI am a vegetarian. What steps should I take to make sure I get enough iron?
bulletWhat happens if I take too much iron?
bulletIf I have hemochromatosis, what can I do to stay healthy?
bulletWhat is a bleeding disorder?
bulletAre there different types of bleeding disorders?
bulletIs heavy bleeding during menstruation a bleeding disorder?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of bleeding disorders? How would I know if I had one of these disorders?
bulletWhy is it important to know if I have a bleeding disorder?
bulletHow are bleeding disorders treated?
bulletWhat are varicose veins and spider veins?
bulletHow common are abnormal leg veins?
bulletWhat causes varicose and spider veins?
bulletWhy do varicose and spider veins usually appear in the legs?
bulletAre varicose and spider veins painful or dangerous?
bulletHow can I prevent varicose and spider veins?
bulletShould I see a doctor about varicose veins?
bulletHow are varicose and spider veins treated?
bulletCan varicose and spider veins return even after treatment?
bulletWhat is an autoimmune disease?
bulletWhat are some of the most common examples of autoimmune diseases?
bulletWhat causes autoimmune diseases?
bulletHow are autoimmune diseases diagnosed?
bulletHow are autoimmune diseases treated?
bulletWhat are allergies and who suffers from them?
bulletWhat is an allergic reaction?
bulletWhat symptoms are associated with allergies?
bulletDoes asthma affect women differently than men?
bulletWhat are the most common allergies?
bulletWhat are hives?
bulletHow are allergies diagnosed?
bulletHow can allergies be treated? What are the possible side effects from treatment?
bulletDoes breastfeeding effect a baby's allergic responses?
bulletWhat is arthritis?
bulletAre there different types of arthritis?
bulletWhat causes arthritis?
bulletWhat does arthritis do to a person's joints?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of arthritis?
bulletHow is arthritis diagnosed?
bulletWhat are the treatments for arthritis?
bulletWhat research is being done on arthritis?
bulletWhat is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?
bulletWhat causes CFS?
bulletWhat are the signs of CFS?
bulletHow common is CFS? Who gets it?
bulletHow would my health care provider know if I have CFS?
bulletHow is CFS treated?
bulletWhat can a person do to cope with CFS?
bulletWhat is the latest research on CFS?
bulletWhat is fibromyalgia (FM)?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
bulletHow common is fibromyalgia? Who is mainly affected by it?
bulletWhat causes fibromyalgia?
bulletHow is fibromyalgia diagnosed?
bulletHow is fibromyalgia treated?
bulletWhat is the difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome?
bulletWhat research is being done on fibromyalgia?
bulletWhat is Graves' disease?
bulletWhat is an autoimmune disease?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of Graves' Disease?
bulletHow do I know if I have this disease?
bulletWhat is the treatment for this disease?
bulletWhat could happen if this disease is left untreated?
bulletWhat is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?
bulletWhat is an autoimmune disease?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis?
bulletIs this disease hereditary?
bulletHow can I know for sure if I have this disease?
bulletWhat is the treatment for this disease?
bulletWhat would happen without medication to regulate my thyroid function?
bulletWhat is lupus?
bulletWho has lupus?
bulletWhat are the different types of lupus?
bulletWhat causes lupus?
bulletHow is SLE diagnosed?
bulletWhat are flares?
bulletHow is lupus treated?
bulletIs it safe for me to become pregnant?
bulletHow can I cope with the stress of having lupus?
bulletHow can I tell the difference between symptoms of lupus and symptoms of pregnancy?
bulletWhat research is being done on lupus?
bulletWhat is myasthenia gravis (MG)?
bulletWhat causes MG?
bulletWho gets myasthenia gravis?
bulletWhat is the role of the thymus gland in MG?
bulletWhat are the signs and symptoms of MG?
bulletHow is MG diagnosed?
bulletWhat is the treatment for MG?
bulletWhat is a myasthenic crisis?
bulletHow can I help take care of myself if I have MG?
bulletIs MG associated with other conditions?
bulletWhat is the thyroid and why should I worry about it?
bulletWhat are the different types of thyroid disorders?
bulletWhat are the signs of a thyroid disorder?
bulletHow are thyroid disorders treated?
bulletWhat is acne?
bulletHow does acne develop?
bulletWhat causes acne?
bulletWho gets acne?
bulletHow is acne treated?
bulletTreatment for blackheads, whiteheads, and mild inflammatory acne
bulletTreatment for moderate to severe inflammatory acne
bulletTreatment for severe nodular or cystic acne
bulletTreatments for hormonally influenced acne in women
bulletOther treatments for acne
bulletHow should people with acne care for their skin?
bulletWhat research is being done on acne?
bulletWhat is psoriasis?
bulletWhat causes psoriasis?
bulletHow is psoriasis diagnosed?
bulletWhat is the treatment for psoriasis?
bulletWhat research is being done on psoriasis?
bulletWhat is skin cancer?
bulletWhy should I be concerned about skin cancer?
bulletWhere can I learn more about skin cancer?
bulletWhat are eating disorders?
bulletWho is at risk for eating disorders?
bulletWhat causes eating disorders?
bulletWhat are the most common types of eating disorders?
bulletWhat effects do eating disorders have on a person's health?
bulletHow can you tell if someone has an eating disorder?
bulletWhat are the treatments for eating disorders?
bulletWill having an eating disorder keep me from getting pregnant or having a healthy baby?
bulletWhat should you do if you or someone you know has an eating disorder?
bulletWhat is the latest research on eating disorders?
bulletWhat is anorexia nervosa?
bulletWhat causes it?
bulletWhat are signs of anorexia nervosa?
bulletWhat happens to someone who has anorexia nervosa?
bulletCan someone with anorexia nervosa get better?
bulletCan women who had anorexia nervosa in the past still get pregnant?
bulletCan anorexia hurt a baby when the mother is pregnant?
bulletWhat is bulimia nervosa?
bulletWhat causes it?
bulletWhat are the signs of bulimia nervosa?
bulletWhat happens to someone who has bulimia?
bulletCan someone with bulimia get better?
bulletCan women who had bulimia nervosa in the past still get pregnant?
bulletDoes bulimia nervosa hurt a baby when the mother is pregnant?
bulletWhat is binge eating disorder?
bulletWho suffers from binge eating disorders?
bulletWhat causes binge eating disorder?
bulletHow is binge eating treated?
bulletWhat is depression?
bulletWhat causes depression?
bulletWhat are the signs of depression?
bulletHow is depression treated?
bulletHow can I get help for my depression?
bulletWhy do women get postpartum depression?
bulletWhat is postpartum depression? Are the "baby blues" the same thing as postpartum depression?
bulletWhat are the signs of postpartum depression?
bulletWho is at risk for getting postpartum depression?
bulletWhat causes postpartum depression?
bulletHow is postpartum depression treated?
bulletWhat can I do to take better care of myself if I get postpartum depression?
bulletWhat are anxiety disorders? Are they common?
bulletWhat are the different types of anxiety disorders and what are their symptoms?
bulletWhat is generalized anxiety disorder?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of GAD?
bulletWhat is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of (OCD)?
bulletWhat is panic disorder?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of panic disorder?
bulletWhat is a phobia?
bulletWhat are specific phobias and what are the symptoms?
bulletWhat are social phobias and what are the symptoms?
bulletWhat is post-traumatic stress disorder and how is it treated?
bulletHow are anxiety disorders treated?
bulletWhat should I do if I think I may have an anxiety disorder?
bulletWhat can I do to help myself if I have an anxiety disorder?
bulletWhat is the latest research on anxiety disorders?
bulletWhat is dementia?
bulletWhat causes dementia?
bulletHow can you tell if someone suffers from dementia?
bulletWho is most likely to suffer from dementia?
bulletHow do you treat dementia?
bulletIs there help for caregivers of people with dementia?
bulletWhat is Alzheimer's disease?
bulletWhat causes Alzheimer's disease?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?
bulletHow is Alzheimer's disease diagnosed?
bulletHow is Alzheimer's disease treated?
bulletWhat research is being done on Alzheimer's disease?
bulletCan I prevent Alzheimer's disease by taking vitamins or herbal remedies?
bulletHow do family members cope when caring for someone with Alzheimer's?
bulletWhat are some of the most common causes of stress?
bulletWhat are some early signs of stress?
bulletHow do women tend to react to stress?
bulletHow does stress affect my body and my health?
bulletWhat are some of the most stressful life events?
bulletWhat is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
bulletHow can I help handle my stress?
bulletI heard deep breathing could help my stress. How do I do it?
bulletDoes stress cause ulcers?
bulletWhat is caregiving?
bulletWhat is caregiver stress?
bulletWhat can caregivers do to prevent stress and burnout?
bulletWhat is the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP)?
bulletHow can I find out about care giving resources in my community?
bulletWhat kind of paid help is available for home health care? Is there government support for this?
bulletWho is eligible for Medicare home health care services?
bulletWill Medicaid help pay for home health care?
bulletWhat are sleep disorders?
bulletWhy do I need to worry about sleep?
bulletWhat happens when you sleep?
bulletHow much sleep does a person need?
bulletHow can I tell if I have a sleep problem or a sleep disorder?
bulletWhat can I do to get a good night's sleep?
bulletWhat is insomnia?
bulletWhat are the different types of insomnia and what causes them?
bulletHow is insomnia diagnosed?
bulletHow is insomnia treated?
bulletWhat habits promote a good night's sleep?
bulletWhat is sleep apnea?
bulletWho gets sleep apnea?
bulletWhat causes sleep apnea?
bulletWhat are the effects of sleep apnea?
bulletHow do I know if I have sleep apnea?
bulletHow is sleep apnea diagnosed?
bulletHow is sleep apnea treated?
bulletCan sleep apnea be prevented?
bulletWhat is narcolepsy?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of narcolepsy?
bulletShould I worry about getting narcolepsy?
bulletHow is narcolepsy diagnosed?
bulletHow is narcolepsy treated?
bulletWhat can I do to cope with narcolepsy?
bulletWhat is restless legs syndrome (RLS)?
bulletHow common is RLS?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of RLS?
bulletWhat causes Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)?
bulletHow is RLS diagnosed?
bulletHow is RLS treated?
bulletWhat are sexually transmitted diseases (Ss)?
bulletWhy do women need to be concerned about them?
bulletWhat are the most important things for a woman to know about Ss?
bulletWhat are the most common Ss?
bulletAre there tests for Ss?
bulletHow can I keep from getting Ss?
bulletWhat should I do if I have an S?
bulletWhat is hepatitis?
bulletWhat causes hepatitis?
bulletWhat are the different types of hepatitis and how do you get them?
bulletWhat are the signs of hepatitis?
bulletIs hepatitis a sexually transmitted disease (S)?
bulletHow is hepatitis treated?
bulletHow can I lower my chances of getting hepatitis?
bulletWhat is syphilis?
bulletWhat are the signs of syphilis?
bulletHow is syphilis spread?
bulletHow is syphilis diagnosed?
bulletCan syphilis be cured? How is syphilis treated?
bulletCan syphilis cause problems during pregnancy?
bulletWhat is gonorrhea?
bulletHow do you get gonorrhea?
bulletWhat are the signs of gonorrhea?
bulletAre there tests for gonorrhea?
bulletHow is gonorrhea treated?
bulletWhat happens if gonorrhea isn't treated?
bulletCan gonorrhea cause problems during pregnancy?
bulletWhat is chlamydia and how common is it?
bulletHow do you get chlamydia?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of chlamydia?
bulletHow is chlamydia diagnosed?
bulletWhat is the treatment for chlamydia?
bulletWhat complications can result from untreated chlamydia?
bulletWhat is genital herpes?
bulletWhat are the symptoms of genital herpes?
bulletCan genital herpes recur?
bulletHow is genital herpes diagnosed?
bulletWhat is the treatment for genital herpes?
bulletIs there a cure for genital herpes?
bulletAre there any complications of genital herpes during pregnancy?
bulletWhat is human papillomavirus or HPV?
bulletWhat are genital warts? How are they spread?
bulletWhy should I worry about HPV or genital warts?
bulletHow can you tell if you have HPV or genital warts? Do you always get genital warts when you have HPV?
bulletHow are genital warts treated?
bulletIs there any research being done on HPV?
bulletWhat is HIV and why do I need to know about it?
bulletHow does a person become infected with HIV? Is it true that a pregnant or breastfeeding woman can give HIV to her baby?
bulletCan you get HIV from doing things like kissing?
bulletWhat are the signs of HIV infection? Do women and men have the same symptoms?
bulletWhat is AIDS?
bulletIs there a test for HIV?
bulletWhat is the latest research on HIV and AIDS?
bulletWhat is trichomoniasis?
bulletHow do you get trichomoniasis?
bulletWhat are the signs of trichomoniasis?
bulletIs there a test for trichomoniasis?
bulletHow is trichomoniasis treated?
bulletDoes trichomoniasis cause any problems with pregnancy?
bulletWhat is the most basic definition of alcohol abuse?
bulletWhat is alcoholism?
bulletDoes a person have to be alcoholic to experience problems from alcohol abuse?
bulletHow many women abuse alcohol?
bulletDoes alcohol affect women differently than men?
bulletDoes heavy drinking affect your menstrual period?
bulletWhat effect does drinking during pregnancy have on the baby?
bulletHow is alcoholism treated?
bulletWhat do I do if I think I may be drinking too much?
bulletWhat happens during treatment?
bulletWhy do some women refuse to seek treatment for drug abuse?
bulletIs there a connection between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS?
bulletWhat treatment is available for women?
bulletWhere can I call if I have questions related to drug abuse?
bulletAre there any additional on-line resources about drug abuse?
bulletIs smoking a major cause of lung cancer in women?
bulletShould women who smoke be concerned about heart disease?
bulletWhy do women and girls smoke?
bulletWhy should I quit smoking?
bulletWhat happens to my body when I smoke?
bulletHow can I learn if I am at risk for health problems from smoking?
bulletWhat are the dangers of second-hand smoke?
bulletIs it ever too late to quit?
bulletWhat have other women done to quit smoking?
bulletCan medicines really help me quit?
bulletI've tried to quit many times. What if I can't quit smoking?
bulletWon't quitting smoking make me gain weight?
bulletIs it better to smoke "light" cigarettes?
bulletAre menthol brands safer than other ones?
bulletI only smoke cigars. Are they bad for my health?
bulletWhat is the difference between cigar and cigarette smoking?
bulletHow can I talk to my children about the dangers of smoking?
bulletWhat is sexual assault.
bulletWho are the victims of sexual assault.
bulletHow can I help prevent being sexually assaulted.
bulletHow do I handle a sexual assaulter.
bulletWhat do I do if I am sexually assaulted.
bulletWhere else can I go for help.
bulletHow do I help someone who has been sexually assaulted.
bulletWhat are date rape drugs?
bulletWhat do the drugs look like?
bulletWhat effects do these drugs have on the body?
bulletAre these drugs legal in the United States?
bulletIs alcohol a date rape drug?
bulletHow can I protect myself from being a victim?
bulletWhat is female genital cutting (FGC)?
bulletWhen is FGC carried out?
bulletWhere is FGC practiced?
bulletHow many women and girls in the world have been affected by FGC? In the United States?
bulletWhy are other terms used for female genital cutting, such as female circumcision (FC) or female genital mutilation (FGM)?
bulletWhere and when did FGC originate?
bulletWho performs FGC?
bulletWhat are the consequences of FGC?
bulletWhy is FGC still practiced?
bulletWhy does FGC occur in the United States?
bulletWhy is female genital cutting considered to be a human rights violation?
bulletWhat laws against female genital cutting exist in the United States?
bulletWhat international efforts exist to stop FGC?
bulletWhat health problems affect minority women and special groups?
bulletWhat types of health care coverage exist? How do I find out about them?
bulletHealth status and health risks of lesbians
bulletHealth behaviors/characteristics
bulletInteractions with the health care system
bulletBarriers to quailty health care
bulletMoldy oldies
bulletDriving and making up don't mix
bulletTesting the testers
bulletAllergic reactions
bulletWhat's `natural'?
bulletSafety testing
bulletThe meaning of makeup
bulletBeauty on the safe side
bulletRegulating cosmetics
bulletBaffling names
bulletWhat about biological ingredients?
bulletIndustry self-regulation
bulletSubstantiation of safety
bulletIngredients prohibited or restricted by regulation
bulletMethyl methacrylate monomer: the subject of a court ruling
bulletColor additives
bulletContaminants raise concerns
bulletAvoiding prohibited ingredients through FDA's voluntary cosmetic registration program
bulletWhen the product is the problem
bulletSafer straightening
bulletHair dye reactions
bulletLook out for your eyes
bulletHair color and cancer