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Stress Management

Chapter 1: Stress Management for the 90s

Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Chapter 3: Stress: A Brief History and Discussion of  the Concept

Chapter 4: Stress Energy

Chapter 5: Stress and the Body: The Mind-Body Dialogue

Chapter 6: Personality Type and Stress

Chapter 7:  Type A Behavior and Stress

Chapter 8: Stress and the Soul: What is the Connection?

Chapter 9: Pulling it Together: Stress and Mental Health

Chapter 10: The Healing Power of Movement

Chapter 11: Back to Basics: We are What We Eat

Chapter 12: Imagery: The Oldest Healer

Chapter 13: Music: Ancient Healer in Modern Times

Chapter 14: Art: The Creative Pathway to Wellness

Chapter 15: Occupational Stress: Burnout Prevention

Chapter 16: World for Women (But Not for Women Only)

Chapter 17: Writing Yourself a Stress Management Care Plan: Commitment to Wellness

Chapter 18: Bibliography