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9. Restoring Health, Boosting Immunity and Energy

Free Radicals

Free radicals are toxic oxygen molecules. They are highly reactive molecular units which can react with a broad range of cell components including proteins, lipids and DNA. In addition to environmental factors, free radicals are formed by normal physiological processes.

Free radicals have been linked to atherosclerosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, premature aging, osteoarthritis and immune deficiency. Normal metabolism and environmental factors both can produce free radicals. Food may contain pesticides and endogenous plant compounds which can stimulate free radicals. Unfortunately smoke can deplete lung vitamin E, as can toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium and lead; which accelerate free radicals. Infection can also create free radicals. Phagocytic cells (neutrophils) respond in an antibacterial activity and release superoxides or oxidative acids. Free radicals can come from environmental factors such as sunlight, X-rays, chemicals, foods and drinks. Essentially they are atoms that have lost their electrons because of toxic effects and are chemically unstable and can result in tissue chaos.

They can also be produced within our bodies during the intake of fat substances. The fat molecules oxidize and turn rancid resulting in even more free radicals. Oxidation occurs when oxygen or its chemical equivalent attacks fat molecules in the absence of control enzymes. The attack of oxygen upon unprotected fat molecules produces oxidized fats called peroxidized fats. These are known carcinogenic substances capable of mutation. As these break down more, they form the highly reactive molecules which are free radicals.

Smoking, air pollution, pesticides, hydrocarbons from petroleum-based products, fried, barbecued and charbroiled foods, alcohol, coffee, cleaning fluids, paints and furniture polish facilitate free radicals.

In summary, it is difficult to escape the multitude of free radical attacks. It is important to combat the free radicals with antioxidants in order for the body to have minimum amount possible. Prolonged imbalances between antioxidants and free radicals can lead to cumulative free radical damage which can lead to degenerative diseases, including diabetes, premature aging, cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, and others. It is thought that free radicals can cause a serious weakening of the immune system.


Free Radicals are neutralized by antioxidants according to recent documented theories. The body possesses an elaborate defense system to minimize free radical damage, and this involves the “preventative” antioxidants that reduce the rate at which free radicals occur during a chain reaction. Catalase and glutathione peroxidase destroy superoxides, preventing the chain reaction of free radicals.

Many antioxidants occur naturally in foods and act to prevent fats from oxidizing either before or during digestion. The body has several enzymes which prevent the damage induced by specific types of free radicals, such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase are natural antioxidants. One theory of aging is that those with higher levels of antioxidant enzymes live longer.

Vitamins and Foods Which Protect From Free Radicals

Vitamin E inactivates lipid soluble radicals and consequently breaks the chain, trapping free radicals. Other dietary antioxidants with significance appear to be vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids, and coenzyme Q. In addition to the above antioxidants additional ones have been suggested as useful: A, B1, B5, B6, PABA, the amino acid cysteine, the minerals zinc and selenium, the SOD enzymes, and the herbs aloe vera and chaparral.

Carotene molecules are the most widespread group and may be more potent than vitamin E. It has been shown that a high intake of beta carotene is associated with a reduced rate of cancers which involve the epithelial cells. The association of free radicals affecting cancer and aging seems to have growing evidence to support it.

Green leafy vegetables, yams, sweet potatoes, and carrots can increase tissue carotenoid level. With stress and aging, the thymus gland shrinks, and high carotene intake may also help the immune system as a whole – the thymus gland is largely composed of epithelial cells.

Flavonoids also appear to modify the reactions to other compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. Ginkgo biloba extract contains flavonoids that appear to have a strong affinity for the adrenal and thyroid gland and the central nervous system. Molecules of flavonoids are unique in their antioxidant activity, as they are potent antioxidants capable of improving the flow of blood to the brain.


The study of enzymes started in the 1920’s with the crystallization of urease, which is an enzyme that splits urea. In the 1930’s more enzymes were crystallized and in the 1940’s and 1950’s physiological reactions of enzymes were studied. In 1960, ribonuclease, a cellular enzyme, was discovered. X-Ray-crystallography was first used to demonstrate the three dimensional structure of enzymes in the middle 1960’s. Now progress has created sophisticated equipment and techniques for enzyme assays, such as the radioimmunoassay and the enzyme immunoassay.

Enzymes can only be formed from organic living matter, and are required for the proper and normal functioning of the human biological system. One can think of an enzyme as a systemic spark required for every function performed. The immune system is totally dependent on enzymes.

For example, in the “complement system” of the immune system, as previously discussed, there are 27 known subproteins, 22 of which are enzymes. There are around 3000 known enzymes at this time and most likely more are to be discovered.

Enzymes are made of amino acids, which are protein products. Enzymes are very specific. Simply put, enzymes are catalysts – they allow things to function. For instance, one enzyme for blue cheese might be different than an enzyme for jack cheese. Therefore, the lack of proteins can adversely affect enzyme effectiveness.

If a person is missing a critical enzyme, proper vitamin absorption will not be possible. Without enzymes, food digestion is greatly impaired, as enzymes release vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Gastrointestinal conditions, such as pancreatic insufficiency, chronic fat intolerance (steatorrhea), or diseases such as cystic fibrosis are some of the disorders which may be treated by enzyme activity. Thromboembolic disorders such as venous thrombosis, or other varicosities have also utilized the therapeutic effects of enzymes. The chemical reactions which occur in the body are caused by enzymes.

Fertilization is a highly coordinated sequence of enzymatic activity. Pheromones, which produce attraction, sexual excitement and arousal are made of numerous enzymes. The energy source for sperm to travel to the ovum is one kind of enzyme, whereas the enzyme responsible for the sperm to penetrate it uses yet another. In one DNA cell there maybe 100,000 genes, most of which is coded for enzymes. The entire cycle of cellular life and death, is ignited by specific enzymes, and they are constantly at work.

Enzymes can eliminate early cancerous cells, repair damaged tissues, control excessive inflammation, and breakdown foods.

What Affects Enzymes?

There is a nutritional dependency to obtain essential factors for proper enzymatic functioning. Although some of the enzymes are obtained through foods, certain things in the American diet kills enzymes found in foods.

For example heat, microwaves, pasteurization and refined foods affect the enzymatic quality. There is dynamic equilibrium in a well functioning immune system which can be unbalanced through poor nutritional intake.

Let’s take for example the fast food junkie to illustrate the enzymatic path. Food is digested by the digestive glands, which, if the food enzymes are insufficient, more effort will be required from the thyroid, which can become less efficient and enlarged.

Since the thyroid functions slower, coenzymes would be required. This would take energy away from vital organs and tissues which might require energy for their own metabolic activity to function properly. The result of this is an imbalance in the metabolic enzymes which could contribute to degenerative disorders.

Enzyme Deficiencies and Clinical Manifestations

Pepsin which is a vital digestive enzyme breaks up proteins and splits them into usable amino acids, and without pepsin, protein cannot be used by the body. Renin, yet another digestive enzyme causes coagulation of milk changing it into its protein, casein. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron are all released by renin which helps to strengthen the nervous system and provide strong bones, and teeth. Lipase is utilized to nourish skin cells and prevent viral infection or allergic reactions and its primary function is also to split fats.

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) found in the stomach works on tough foods with fibrous material. Without HCL, allergies, achlorhydria, gastric carcinoma, or pernicious anemia can occur. Anger, stress (especially before eating), or B-complex deficiency, can cause a lack of HCL.

A fluoride of lime enzyme imbalance, or lack of, can cause varicose veins, carbuncles and cracked skin. Phosphate of lime, another enzyme, is an important element in gastric juice which can manifest as peripheral numbness, sore breasts and night sweats if found to be lacking. Sulfate of lime is found in all connective tissue as well as in the liver. Missing this enzyme could present as a skin disorder, or an oozing ulcer.

Phosphate of iron is found in the blood and other body cells, but not in nerves. An imbalance of this enzyme can be the cause of chronic constipation or diarrhea. Chloride of potash is found in the lining and under the surface of body cells. It can be the cause of eczema or warts, if not in balance.

Sulfate of potash is the enzyme which comes from the epidermal cells and organ lining. Tongue discoloration, limb pain, and skin eruptions can be caused by the deficiency of this enzymatic salt. Potassium phosphate is found in all tissue, especially in nerve, brain and blood cells. Improper fat digestion, poor memory, anxiety, insomnia and occasionally a thready rapid pulse are some of the symptoms with this deficiency.

Phosphate of magnesia is another enzymatic element of bones, teeth, brain , nerves, blood, and muscle cells. Cramps, shooting pains, and colic are some of the symptoms when this is lacking.

Chloride of soda is that which regulates the amount of moisture in the body carrying it to cells, and hay fever has been associated with this deficiency.

Phosphate of soda is the emulsifier of fatty acids keeping uric acid soluble in the blood. An acid-coppery taste in the mouth, or sour breath, is sometimes seen with this salt deficiency. Sulfate of soda, which is a slight irritant to tissues, functions as a stimulant for natural secretions. Depression , edema, and gallbladder disorders are associated with an imbalance of this enzyme.

Co-Enzyme Q-10 is a key helper for the last stage of the chemical reaction in which the body extracts energy from food. It has been found that although the body makes Co-Q-10 it often does not make it in sufficient amounts, especially in the chronically ill.

Research which was done in Japan and Europe documents the importance of Co-Enzyme Q-10 for the treatment of various conditions. Some of these might include heart disease of various types, cancer and gum disease. The minimum maintenance dose is 30-40 mg per day, whereas a therapeutic dose might be 150 mg per day. When starting any therapy, it is advised to seek consult of a professional who can address idiosyncratic needs.