Table of Contents

  1. Informed Consent: Patient Did Not Ask, Doctor Did Not Tell
  2. Proximate Cause: Nurse Uses Rubber Catheter on a Pregnant Patient Allergic to Rubber
  3. Loss of Chance: Nurses Leave Patient in Distress
  4. U. S. Supreme Court Defines Sexual Harassment
  5. Nursing-Home Negligence: Patient Chokes on Food
  6. Charting By Exception: Conservative Treatment Before Resorting to Surgery
  7. Nurse Claims Hospital Should Have Disciplined Her Progressively
  8. Nurse Fails to Spot Inconsistent Physicians’ Instructions
  9. Court Turns Down Paramedics’ Assertion of Governmental Immunity
  10. “Qualified and Talented” Nurse Falls Victim to Alcohol Abuse
  11. Nurse Terminated For Refusing to “Stay Out Of It”
  12. Unauthorized Disclosure: Nurse Spreads Word That Patient Has AIDS
  13. Wrongful Living: Nurse Resuscitates Patient Despite No “Code Blue”
  14. Nurse Threatens Patient That Filing a Lawsuit Will Result in Blacklisting
  15. Freedom of Speech: Nurse Is Suspended For Speaking Out
  16. Nurse Refusing to Treat Terminally Ill Patient Is Herself Terminated
  17. Schizophrenic Patient Escapes Psychiatric Center And Commits Murder
  18. Nurse Is Second Guessed After Patient Suffers Severe Mental Retardation
  19. Is a Nurse Working for a Registry an Employee or Independent Contractor?
  20. Employer Held Vicariously Liable For the Criminal Acts of Employee
  21. Good Samaritan Immunity Lasts Till the Emergency Lasts
  22. Workers’ Compensation Awarded to Nurse Injured on Way to Work
  23. Captain-of-the-Ship Doctrine: Does the Nurse Work For the Hospital or the Physician?
  24. Charting Was the Weakest Link
  25. Refusal to “Float” Sinks The Nurse
  26. Termination Without Just Cause: Inexperienced Nurse Gets Fired After Four Weeks
  27. Patient Asked to Leave If He Didn’t Like How Hospital Was Run
  28. Law Does Not Permit Monday Morning Quarterbacking
  29. Speaking Out: Nurse Reports Doctor Examining Patient in the Lobby
  30. Statute of Limitations: Patient Discovers a Sponge Years Later
  31. Automatic Doors Get Closed on the Patient, Hospital Gets Pinched
  32. Organ Donation: Good Faith Effort to Obtain Relative’s Consent
  33. Hospital Fails to Provide Specially-Trained Professional Nurse
  34. Overworked Nurse Falls Asleep At the Wheel on the Way Home
  35. Pregnant Nurse Refuses to Treat HIV-Infected Patient, Gets Terminated
  36. AFP Testing Would Have Detected Spina Bifida
  37. Nurse’s Medical Records Cannot Be Subpoenaed For Disciplinary Purposes
  38. Nurse Faces Retaliation For Speaking Tagalog On the Job
  39. Nurse Disobeys Orders to Remove Patient, Is Herself Removed
  40. Nurses Lack Bedside Manner
  41. Nurse “Pulled Something” After Lifting 00- to 00-lbPatient
  42. Patient Dumping: Hospital Refuses Treatment to an Indigent Patient
  43. Patient Sexually Assaulted by Intruder: Was Harm to Patient Forseeable?
  44. Post-Test