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Learning Objectives

1. Discuss basic components of the immune system.
2. Describe the two basic types of leukocytes.
3. Explain the keystone of immunology.
4. Identify the origin and purpose of stem cells.
5. Define immunity.
6. Explain immune response: specific, nonspecific, cell mediated, adaptive.
7. Define acquired immunity.
8. Describe autoimmune responses.
9. Explain CMI (cell-mediated immunity) and what it does.
10. Discuss factors impacting the immune system.
11. Discuss stressors, acute and chronic.
12. Explain psychoneuroimmunology.
13. Explain the connection between stress and immunity.
14. Explain the link between immunity and viral infections.
15. Discuss the link between stress, immunity, and chronic diseases.
16. Identify factors that deplete immunity.
17. Define anti-nutrients.
18. Identify supplements that enhance immunity.
19. Identify foods that aid immunity.
20. Explain the benefits of various vitamins, minerals, and herbs.
21. Identify foods to eat and those to avoid.
22. Discuss actions and strategies for enhancing the immune system.
23. Identify three types of vaccines.
24. Explain advantages/disadvantages of live vaccines and inactive vaccines.
25. Discuss the importance of vaccines.
26. List factors contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases.
27. Explain the role of vectors, biologic and mechanical.
28. Explain the role of arthropod vectors, endoparasites and ectoparasites.
29. Define zoonosis
30. Describe how fungi can create disease.
31. Discuss protozoa and what they can cause.
32. Define bacteria and their life forms.
33. Discuss transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and complications of botulism, salmonella, campylobacteriosis, and E coli.
34. Describe causes, transmission, and symptoms of shigellosis, cholera, and typhoid fever.
35. Identify effective ways to prevent the transmission of foodborne diseases.
36. Describe the three stages of pertussis and why it is of concern today.
37. Discuss transmission and symptoms of streptococcus A, bubonic plague, glanders, leptospirosis, and clostridium difficile infections.
38. Explain cause, symptoms, transmission, and prevention of lyme disease.
39. Explain transmission and infection routes of the viruses.
40. Discuss microbial spread of viruses.
41. Discuss diseases caused by viruses i.e., trypanosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis.
42. Define antibiotic resistance, superbug, MRSA, and VRSA.
43. Identify guidelines for using antibiotics appropriately.
44. Explain how to prevent spread of antibiotic resistant infections.
45. Identify co-morbid factors that contribute to MRSA/VRSA.
46. Discuss the control of MRSA and VRSA outbreaks.
47. Discuss vancomycin, gentamycin resistance.
48. Describe the CDC guidelines for the proper use of vancomycin.
49. Describe the characteristics and components of viruses.
50. Discuss the history of virus discoveries.
51. Discuss classifications of viruses.
52. Explain viral entry and phases of replication.
53. Explain how viruses are transmitted and the routes of infection.
54. Explain bacteriophage therapy and its uses and benefits.
55. Describe DNA and RNA viruses.
56. Explain coronavirus, SARS, calicivirus, orthomyxovirus, paraviruses, and paramyxovirus.
57. Discuss HIV statistics, transmission, and treatment.
58. Identify a major protozoan disease, a parasitic disease, and rickettsias disease.
59. Discuss the role of mosquitoes in spreading disease.
60. Describe the etiology, epidemiology, and treatment of trypanosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis, malaria, typhus-rickettsias, dengue fever, and viral hemorrhagic fever.
61. Explain what arenaviridae are and diseases that they cause.
62. Discuss diseases caused by flaviviruses.
63. Explain the difference between endemics, pandemics and epidemics.
64. Describe various stages of pandemics.
65. Explain antigenic shift and drift.
66. Identify influenza types, subtypes, strains.
67. Describe the symptoms and transmission of influenza.
68. Identify the components of H5N1: avian flu, incubation period, and clinical manifestations.
69. Explain the effectiveness and importance of the influenza vaccines.
70. Discuss how influenza pandemics are different from other pandemic threats.
71. Identify serious problems with pandemics.
72. Explain transmission/incubation/clinical signs of swine flu.
73. Discuss the history of H5N1 virus.
74. Identify symptoms of avian flu caused by H5N1.
75. Explain avian flu transmission.
76. Identify medications used in the treatment of pandemic influenza.
77. Explain how the avian flu pandemic influenza is different from avian influenza.
78. Discuss Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
79. Compare influenza and SARS.
80. Identify ways to prevent spread of SARs or infectious influenza.
81. Discuss antiviral vaccine development.
82. Discuss the history of bioterrorism.
83. Explain why BioWar is of grave concern.
84. Classify bioterrorism agents or diseases.
85. Describe BSL (Bio safety lab classifications).
86. Discuss biological /viral agents' use as biologic agents of bio war.
87. Describe the botulinum toxins and how they might be used in biowarfare.
88. Explain the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the plague, smallpox, and viral hemorrhagic fevers.
89. Identify possible clues to a biological warfare or terrorist attack.
90. Discuss The Four R's for nurses.
91. Explain the role of the school nurse in bio-terror or pandemics.
92. Describe how the nursing role/scope of practice may change or expand during times of crisis.
93. Describe an effective disaster plan.
94. Explain political and financial factors related to public education.
95. Discuss the nursing role in pandemics or other infectious threats to health.
96. Describe indications of possible BW agent attack.
97. Identify resources for nurses who wish to become better prepared.
98. Discuss current pandemic challenges.
99. Discuss community preparation, family and individual plans.
100. Identify supplies that should be stored as part of a disaster preparedness plan.