Sex Matters for Women

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. When does a woman’s sexual stroy begin?

a) infancy
b) puberty
c) the first time she makes love
d) the moment she discovers orgasm

2. It’s normal and natural for children, girls and boys alike, to explore their own bodies.

a) True
b) False

3. Select the correct statement from below:

a) The percentage of young women having sexual intercourse before age 15 has remained fairly steady over the last 30 years.
b) The age at which a young woman has her first intercourse has dropped.
c) both of the above
d) none

4. Young women generally need more time than males to feel comfortable with their bodies and sexuality.

a) True
b) False

5. When adolescent girls or young adult women have intense romantic feelings for other females, expressed by touching and hanging on each other, even kissing, caressing and fondling, it generally is a sign of gender identity crisis.

a) True
b) False

6. Starting around 16, good girl/bad girl dichotomy begins to disappear and sexual behavior is more tolerated and even respected among young women.

a) True
b) False

7. Which of the following statements describes “agenda sex”?

a) sex as solace
b) sex for pleasure only
c) sex without desire or love between two partners
d) sex to dispel loneliness
e) sex as conquest

8. Women who are celibate do not have sexual feelings.

a) True
b) False

9. How many women report being forced to have sex at some time in their lives?

a) less than 5%
b) about 25%
c) nearly half
d) close to 90%

10. A woman is significantly more susceptible to STDs

a) when she’s experimenting with sex.
b) when she’s a victim of sexual assault.
c) during her late teens and early 20s.
d) when she mixes sex with alcohol.

11. Select the correct statement regarding sex and alcohol from below:

a) If one has sexual inhibitions, alcohol and drugs can make it easier for one to have sex with a partner.
b) Once a person starts to rely upon alcohol for sexual desire and arousal, it becomes increasingly difficult to go it alone.
c) A person’s sexual and interpersonal development stops at the point where chemical usage begins.
d) all of the above

12. Arrival of a baby changes sex life for a woman. Whose life is more dramatically altered?

a) married women
b) women without a partner

13. What is the percent of marriages in the United States where one or both partners have sought sex outside the relationship?

a) 25
b) 40
c) 65
d) 80

14. When a woman remarries after a divorce, sex in the remarriage faces new challenges. Select the most formidable challenge from below:

a) being comfortable with the new partner
b) presence of three sets of parents and two sets of kids
c) feelings of failure associated with the divorce
d) additional financial responsibilities

15. Until about the ______ month of fetal growth, genital development of developing boys and girls appears almost identical.

a) fourth
b) fifth
c) sixth
d) eighth

16. What’s the girl’s analogous body part to the boy’s penis?

a) vulva
b) vagina
c) urethra
d) clitoris

17. Most baby girls are born with a thin membrane called hymen which means

a) membrane
b) “god of marriage”
c) either of the above
d) none of the above

18. The G spot is named for one of the following:

a) gynecology term
b) Dr. Ernst Grafenberg
c) anatomical shape of female genitals
d) when stimulated, it feels good and results in orgasm for many women

19. To protect the uterus from unwanted bacteria, women should practice douching for routine vaginal care.

a) True
b) False

20. Fertilization of the egg by sperm happens in

a) uterus
b) fallopian tubes
c) ovaries
d) vagina

21. What do Kegels exercises help to achieve?

a) intensify woman’s sexual pleasure during orgasm
b) create sexually pleasurable feelings during the exercises
c) improve urinary control
d) help tone the vaginal opening after childbirth
e) all of the above

22. When did the clinical study of sex begin?

a) with Adam and Eve
b) with the invention of the pill
c) in the 1950s
d) during the sexual revolution
e) when the women got the right to vote

23. Who postulated the connection between clitoral stimulation and orgasm?

a) Sigmund Freud
b) Masters and Johnson
c) Drs. Beverly Whipple and John Perry
d) Dr. Ruth Westheimer

24. Androgens are the hormones associated with sexual desire for both sexes. Which sex requires a higher level of this hormone?

a) male
b) female

25. Orgasm for women is spontaneous and cannot be learned through experience or experimentation.

a) True
b) False

26. Myth or fact? If a woman masturbates, she “uses up” sexual energy that could go to her partner and therefore should give up masturbation once she’s in a relationship.

a) myth
b) fact

27. Sexologists agree that most women do not experience orgasm regulaly from sexual intercourse alone.

a) True
b) False

28. Myth or fact? Women who live together have a tendency to have menstural cycles at the same time or very close together.

a) myth
b) fact

29. Pregnant women have very high levels of this hormone:

a) estrogen
b) androgens
c) progesterone
d) pheromones

30. All aspects of sexual response–desire, arousal, and orgasm–shut down during menstruation.

a) True
b) False

31. Women have cramps during their periods because of ______ of a hormone called prostaglandin.

a) a lack
b) too much

32. Which of the following methods provides protection against STDs?

a) oral contraceptives
b) Norplant
c) withdrawal method
d) condoms
e) vasectomy

33. Most couples are able to enjoy sexual activity during pregnancy. During which trimester is sex most pleasurable, experiencing even multiple orgasms?

a) first trimester
b) second trimester
c) third trimester

34. Sexual intercourse in the days following ovulation for couples who are actively trying to conceive is not recommended because the uterine contractions and the thrusting actions may keep a fertilized egg from inplanting in the uterus.

a) True
b) False

35. The authors have listed 4 steps that can help a woman let go of negative thoughts about her body. Which is the first step in this process?

a) Stop
b) Refocus
c) Identify
d) Substitute

36. As a part of the process of being sexually active during an illness a woman should

a) self-explore her body.
b) masturbate.
c) abstain from sex.
d) do all of the above
e) a and b

37. Women with complete spinal cord injury (SCI) do not experience orgasm.

a) True
b) False

38. Which of the following statements defines vulvar pain?

a) pain in the visible portion of the genitals
b) inernal or vaginal pain
c) pelvic floor muscle pain
d) all of the above

39. Which of the following is the leading cause of internal sexual pain?

a) medication side effects
b) not enough stimulating activity
c) vaginal dryness
d) a tough hymen

40. What is the number of Americans currently infected with an incurable STD?

a) 10 million
b) 25 million
c) 65 million
d) over half the population

41. STDs exact a particularly harsh toll from ______.

a) men
b) women

42. Identify from the following STD caused by a virus:

a) gonorrhea
b) chamydia trachomatis
c) herpes
d) pubic lice
e) scabies

43. Which of the following STDs is not caused by genital sexual contact?

a) yeast infection
b) HIV
c) syphilis
d) hepatitis B

44. The laws in all states provide that minors can receive testing and treatment for STDs only with their parents’ permission.

a) True
b) False

45. “I go through the motions of having sex, but I’m not really present in my body.” This is an indication of one of the following reactions to sexual trauma:

a) lack of sexual desire
b) sexual aversion
c) dissociative sex
d) sexual compulsion
e) trophy sex

46. There’s no difference in the sexual experience of circumcised and uncircumcised men.

a) True
b) False

47. Does the size of a penis make a difference?

a) yes
b) no
c) yes and no

48. For maximum effectiveness, the body manufactures and stores sperm in the testicles at

a) normal body temperature
b) higher than body temperature
c) at about two degrees lower than normal body temperature

49. Which of the following statements describes retrograde ejaculation?

a) difficulty with erection and achieving orgasm
b) ejaculate is voided from the bladder during urination
c) premature ejaculation
d) ejaculation after a vasectomy

50. Men are innately more highly sexed than women.

a) True
b) False

51. Refractory period refers to

a) how quickly a man becomes sexually aroused
b) how long a man is able to stay erect during sexual intercourse
c) a period of time when the body is not capable of re-aroual and orgasm

52. Mens’ erection difficulties can be either related to medical or psychological problems. If the man’s erection difficulty is due to psychological problems, he would not get erections when he's asleep.

a) True
b) False

53. Which of the following comes closest to defining rapid ejaculation?

a) ejaculation within two minutes of entering the vagina
b) before completing a hundred thrusts during intercourse
c) if his partner fails to orgasm at least 50% of the time
d) before he enter his partner's vagina, or within seconds of entry

54. Surveys show that men are initiators (of sex) more often than women.

a) True
b) False

55. Which of the following statements describes low sexual desire?

a) having difficulty getting aroused or experiencing orgasm
b) no seeking it, not fantasizing about it
c) being afraid of, or disgusted by, sex

56. Which of the following is not a good measure of low sexual desire?

a) frequency of intercourse
b) sexual thoughts
c) interest in being physically aroused

57. Preliminary research has shown that one of the following antidepressants eliminates or minimizes sexual side effects:

a) Prozac
b) Zoloft
c) Paxil
d) Wellbutrin

58. Lesbians spend considerably more time engaging in nongenital touching and caressing durging lovemaking than do heterosexual women.

a) True
b) False

59. What percent of women report always experiencing orgasm during intercourse?

a) nearly 100%
b) 75%
c) 50%
d) less than 30%