ADHD in Children and Adults

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. The cognitive and behavioral manifestations that usually accompany ADHD emerge at  what age:

a) infancy
b) toddlerhood
c) childhood
d) adolescence 

2. Inattention, impulsivity, and over-activity must be present for at least ______ months when  it is considered disruptive and inappropriate for the developmental level.

a) 6
b) 8
c) 10
d) 12

3. Five percent of the school-aged children in the U.S. meet the criteria for ADHD.

a) true
b) false

4. ADHD occurs more frequently in _______ than _______.

a) females, males
b) males, females 

5. Adults with ADHD may have positive outcomes such as:

a) paying attention to details
b) being a good listener
c) following instructions
d) working on several projects simultaneously

6. The major differential feature between ADHD and other psychiatric disorders is the  constitutional predisposition towards problems with:
  1. attention and impulsivity
  2. depression and problems with anger
  3. anxiety and substance abuse

a) 1 and 2
b) all but 4
c) 1 and 4
d) 3 and 4 

7. Many individuals with ADHD report consistent problems with falling asleep and remaining  alert throughout the day.

a) true
b) false

8. The first step for the professional when diagnosing ADHD is to accumulate information:

a) so symptoms can be controlled
b) that will assist in developing a treatment plan
c) to assist in setting goals
d) that would rule out other causes of ADHD symptoms 

9. It is clear that ADHD is a disorder that:

a) is outgrown in children
b) occurs in families
c) has specific diagnostic symptoms at all ages
d) has symptoms that lessen by adulthood 

10. The most compelling support for a neurological basis for ADHD comes from:

a) CT scans
b) MRI studies
c) EEG’s
d) specific blood tests 

11. In those with ADHD, privatization of speech:

a)  is delayed
b) is absent
c) functions normally
d) affects motor and physical skill 

12. Research by ___________ found that both maternal and paternal alcohol dependency  increased the likelihood that children would receive an ADHD diagnosis.

a) St. Sauver
b) Erdman
c) Knopik et al.
d) Ford et al.

13. Adults with ADHD often:
  1. change jobs frequently
  2. have problems completing assignments
  3. had learning disability as children
  4. have difficulty working independently

a) 2, 3, and 4
b) 2 and 3
c) 1, 2, and 4
d) 3 only 

14. The average onset for ADHD is:

a) 3-4 years
b) 4-5 years
c) 5-6 years
d) 6-7 years

15. When ADHD is identified during preschool, it is usually more severe and the child is likely  to have other comorbidities.

a) true
b) false

16. Which of the following would identify a specific learning disability:

a) an interview
b) a checklist
c)  doing seat work
d) neuropsychological testing 

17. In order to qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD as an adolescent or adult:

a) psychological testing must be completed for depression and anxiety
b) the disorder must be present from childhood
c) a mock job interview is conducted
d) a medical history including laboratory tests are done 

18. Prior to the administration of neuropsychological or achievement tests, the client should:

a) complete the assessment questionnaire
b) get adequate sleep the night before testing
c) avoid excessive amounts of caffeine
d) sign a “Consent for Testing” form after procedures are explained 

19. Which of the four categories of assessment methods were described by Quinlan:
  1. collateral interviews and CPTs
  2. psychometric tests and instruments that measure specific correlates of ADHD
  3. checklists and structured interviews
  4. Co

a) 2 and 3
b) 1 and 3
c) 1 and 4
d) 2 and 4 

20. This task measures the ability to sustain attention and effort and the subject’s response  time:

c) Conners CPT
d) CPTs 

21. Clinicians who evaluate these reports assess the client’s patterns of errors to gain a sense of  inattention and impulsivity:

b) CPTs
c) rating scales
d) psychological evaluation 

22. When individuals fall short of meeting diagnostic criteria for ADHD by one or two  symptoms it is called “subthreshold.”

a) true
b) false

23. The primary aim of treatment for an individual diagnosed with ADHD should be:

a) alternative classrooms for children with ADHD
b) to meet stated goals established at the first session
c) coordination of resources across settings to establish a continuum of care
d) referral for further evaluation of life skills, learning problems, depression and      substance abuse 

24. Stimulants have been demonstrated to be effective in:

a) decreasing symptoms of hyperactivity
b) enhancing attention and concentration
c) improving academic performance
d) lessening anxiety, especially in children over five years of age 

25. Contrary to popular opinion, the use of stimulant medication during childhood has been  shown to __________ the risk for substance abuse in adulthood.

a) increase
b) reduce 

26. This medication is the only medication that has been approved by the FDA to treat adult  ADHD:

a) Strattera
b) Provigil
c) Adderall
d) Cylert 

27. Drug holidays are generally taken:

a) when symptoms have subsided
b) so the dosage can be titrated
c) during the summer months
d) to evaluate the child for mood, anxiety, and depression 

28. Which behavioral technique is illustrated by the following:  A child loses free-time  privileges for not completing homework.

a) positive reinforcement
b) time out
c) token economy
d) response cost 

29. These researches have compelling evidence that behavioral interventions have limitations:

a) DuPaul and Eckert
b) Brown et al.
c) Pfiffner and McBurnett
d) Brestan and Eyberg 

30. The National Institutes of Health Multimodal Treatment for ADHD has found the  combination of treatments for children with comorbid disorders was: 

a) inferior when compared to medication alone
b) variable depending on the child
c) especially superior
d) labor intensive 

31. A successful intervention that involves parents of a child with ADHD emphasize the need  for structure and routine in children’s lives.

a) true
b) false

32. Nadeau researched ADHD in individuals throughout the lifespan and found that attention  and concentration difficulties remain and individuals are ________ hyperactive as ADHD  progresses.

a) more
b) less

33. Coaching consists of:

a) meeting deadlines
b) developing a career history stressing strengths
c) having accommodations for specific needs
d)  turning goals into strategies and actions 

34. Under this plan, teachers, mental health professionals, and parents create an Individualized  Education Program that includes specific goals that are assessed each year:

b) Section 504 

35. After 44 children completed cognitive training using computers over several weeks, there  was:

a) significant improvement in working memory
b) no long term changes
c) an increase in attentiveness
d) variable results requiring further study 

36. Sugar causes ADHD or exacerbates the effects of the disorder.

a) true
b) false

37. The efficacy of stimulant medications has been:
  1. conducted for short periods of time
  2. studied on Caucasian boys
  3. evaluated for the long term
  4. as effective as placebos in double-blind studies

a) 2 only
b) 3 and 4
c) 2 and 3
d) 1 and 2 

38. Conners (1980) found in studies that diets with or without food additives revealed:

a) symptoms of ADHD increase with additives
b) the amount of additive was not studied
c) no significant differences in ADHD symptoms
d) symptoms varied with age 

39. When an individual has ADHD and a substance abuse disorder, health care professionals  need to initially prioritize treatment of:

a) the substance abuse disorder

40. Prescribing stimulant medication and clonidine can be beneficial for the management of  ADHD and:

a) anxiety
b) learning disorders
c) oppositional defiant disorder
d) tics 

41. The most daunting obstacle to successful treatment is:

a) a non-supportive family
b) lack of adherence on the part of the patient
c) inability to pay for services
d) an abusive environment