
Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. All of the following are risk factors for osteoporosis except

a) overweight
b) family history
c) early menopause
d) use of corticosteroids
e) Caucasian woman

2. A bone density test can do all of the following except detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs

a) predict your chances of future fractures
b) determine your rate of bone loss
c) stop further bone loss

3. There are many myths about osteoporosis. Select the factual statement from the following:

a) Osteoporosis rarely leads to death.
b) Osteoporosis often runs in the family.
c) Osteoporosis is a disease of the aged.
d) Once osteoporosis sets in, nothing can be done about it.

4. If osteoporosis is diagnosed early enough, the fractures associated with the disease can be prevented.

a) True
b) False

5. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) A bone mass measurement is a non-invasive procedure.
b) A bone density test cannon detect bone loss until 25-40% of the skeleton has been depleted.
c) A bone mass measurement is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis of osteoporosis.

6. Select the correct statement from the following:

a) Bone scan is another method of measuring bone density.
b) Bone scan can reveal presence of cancer, bone lesions and inflammation

7. Blood and urine tests are often performed to rule out osteomalacia.

a) True
b) False

8. Increased production of testosterone has been linked to higher incidence of osteoporosis.

a) True
b) False

9. In women bone removal starts to replace at menopause.

a) True
b) False

10. ERT does all of the following except

a) eliminate hot flashes
b) relieve vaginal dryness
c) maintain bone density
d) reduce the risk of breast cancer
e) protect against heart disease

11. HRT is usually recommended for women whose uterus has been removed.

a) True
b) False

12. Recommended calcium intake for women after 65 is higher than for men after 65.

a) True
b) False

13. Kids age 10 and under need more than those over 10.

a) True
b) False

14. Which of the two types of amenorrhea is more common?

a) primary
b) secondary

15. All but one of the following factors have been associated with causing secondary amenorrhea. Identify that factor:

a) removal of ovaries
b) hormone imbalance
c) congenital defect
d) eating disorder
e) over-exercise

16. The greater the number of menstrual cycles during the reproductive years of a women, the greater the attainment of peak bone mass.

a) True
b) False

17. What is the recommended daily allowance of calcium for an average woman?

a) 500 mg
b) 1,000 mg
c) 1,200 mg
d) 1,500 mg

18. Which of the following is not an osteoporosis prevention strategy?

a) do not smoke
b) optimal intake of calcium
c) daily intake of between 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D
d) regular dosage of glucocorticoids
e) regular weightbearing exercises

19. Glucocorticoid medications are used to treat all of the following diseases except

a) rheumatoid arthritis
b) asthma
c) lupus erythematosus
d) to boost body’s immune system
e) all of the above

20. Glucocorticoids have been identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis. The major source of glucocorticoids for anyone is from

a) excessive production by the body
b) synthetic medications

21. Which of the following routes of administration of glucocorticoids is most damaging to the bones?

a) oral
b) inhalation
c) creams
d) drops
e) intravenous

22. Which of the following medicines used to prevent blood clotting have not been shown to cause osteoporosis?

a) heparin
b) aspirin

23. Weightbearing exercise is a prescribed preventive measure for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

a) True
b) False

24. There is no known treatment available for

a) osteoporosis
b) osteoarthritis
c) rheumatoid arthritis

25. Corticosteroid medications provide an effective treatment for

a) osteoporosis
b) osteoarthritis
c) rheumatoid athritis

26. The most common hip fractures occur

a) near the top of the femur
b) near the bottom of the femur

27. You can reduce your risk of falling and fracturing a hip by all of the following except

a) having regular physical exams
b) reviewing medications with your doctor
c) wearing low-heeled shoes
d) avoiding alcohol
e) buying a wheelchair

28. Most women suffer wrist fractures between the ages of 65 and 75.

a) True
b) False

29. The incidence of wrist fracture in men does not go up as they age.

a) True
b) False

30. Wrist fracture occurs most often in women who are frail and physically inactive

a) True
b) False

31. The diagnosis of wrist fracture requires an x-ray.

a) True
b) False

32. Most simple wrist fractures require only a cast or splint.

a) True
b) False

33. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) A fractured vertebra requires a surgery.
b) It can take up to 12 weeks to heal completely.
c) A back brace, if used too much, can actually be harmful.
d) Lifting of heavy objects should be avoided following a fractured vertebra.

34. Most doctors recommend that the patient, after recovering from fractured vertebra, take up a moderate sport such as golf.

a) True
b) False

35. Kyphosis refers to the process of recovery from a fractured vertebra

a) the degeneration of spine bones
b) the curvature of the back
c) physical therapy routine

36. The term used for back brace, jacket or corset devices is

a) orthopedic device
b) prosthetic
c) orthotic
d) orthodontic

37. Which thoraco-lumbar support device should be recommended for a patient with severe kyphosis or existing scoliosis?

a) the body jacket
b) the Jewett-type 3-point brace
c) the Boston brace
d) semi-rigid thoraco-lumbar corset

38. Which of the following devices is most expensive?

a) the body jacket
b) the Jewett-type 3-point brace
c) the Boston brace
d) semi-rigid thoraco-lumbar corset

39. Overweight patients do best in______lower back supports.

a) a)rigid
b) flexible

40. Paget’s disease is most common in

a) Caucasian people of European descent
b) African-Americans
c) Asians
d) Hispanics

41. Which of the following is not a symptom of Paget’s disease?

a) bone pain
b) headaches and hearing loss
c) deformities of bone
d) bone fracture
e) loss of appetite

42. Alkaline phospatase is

a) a drug used to treat Paget’s disease
b) a chemical produced by bone cells
c) a test to diagnose Paget’s disease
d) an indicator of too much calcium in the blood

43. Paget’s disease generally occurs in the spine and then gradually spreads to other bones.

a) True
b) False

44. Paget’s disease is rarely fatal.

a) True
b) False

45. Select the correct statement from the following:

a) There’s no connection between Paget’s disease and arthritis.
b) Paget’s disease causes osteoporosis.
c) Many of the treatments for Paget’s disease can also be used to treat osteoporosis.
d) Paget’s disease often leads to bone cancer.

46. Which of the following diseases has the most direct relationship to Paget’s disease?

a) arthritis
b) heart disease
c) osteoporosis
d) diabetes
e) kidney problems

47. Calcium deficiency during early years has been linked to Paget’s disease.

a) True
b) False

48. Paget’s disease can affect a patient’s

a) nervous system
b) vision
c) hearing
d) teeth
e) all of the above

49. Paget’s disease patients should avoid exercise as it tends to aggravate the pain in the bones and joints.

a) True
b) False

50. There are two classes of drugs approved for treatment of Paget’s disease. Which of the following drugs falls under bisphosphonate?

a) Calcima
b) Didronel
c) Miacalcin
d) Osteocalcin

51. OI can be prevented if diagnosed early through medication, diet and exercise.

a) True
b) False

52. There are four distinct forms of OI. Which is the most common?

a) Type 1
b) Type 2
c) Type 3
d) Type 4

53. Hypophospatasia, if detected at birth, can be treated quite successfully.

a) True
b) False

54. The level of calcium in the blood would rise if parathyroid glands release ________ hormone.

a) more
b) less

55. Hyperparathyroidism generally runs in the family.

a) True
b) False

56. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Fibrous dysplasia most often affects the vertebrae of the spine.
b) Fibrous dysplasia is a congenital disease.
c) Fibrous dysplasia is usually not a fatal disease.
d) Fibrous dysplasia is most often evaluated and treated by orthopedic surgeons.
e) e)There’s no specific drug approved for treatment of fibrous dysplasia.

57. When hearing loss is caused by physical problem in the external ear or in the middle ear, the type of hearing loss is refared to as

a) conductive
b) sensorineural
c) mixed

58. Generally speaking, conductive hearing loss occurs in individuals with

a) osteogenesis imperfecta
b) Paget’s disease of bone

59. Which is the most common treatment for myeloma bone disease?

a) radiation therapy
b) orthopedid treatment fracture
c) analgesics
d) bisphosphonates

60. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts more than

a) a few days
b) more than a month
c) more than 3 months

61. Patients with spinal osteoporosis should have deep muscle massage near the spine for pain relief.

a) True
b) False

62. Natural pain killers produced by the brain are called

b) endorphins
c) morphins
d) serotonins

63. There is a new medication that appears to act like a narcotic in pain relief but with fewer side effects. Its name is

a) naprosyn sodium
b) Advil
c) ibuprofen
d) Tramadol
e) Panadol

64. Which of the following is not a weightbearing exercise?

a) walking
b) aerobic
c) stair-climbing
d) swimming
e) racquet sports

65. While buying a motorized treadmill, it is best to buy one with ______ motor.

a) AC
b) DC
c) doesn’t matter

66. While using the treadmill, for safety reason, you should always hold the handrails.

a) True
b) False

67. While buying a ski machine it’s better to buy one with ____ ski movement.

a) dependent
b) independent

68. Which of the following exercise machines provides the most impact?

a) stair-climber
b) ski machine
c) treadmill
d) exercise bicycle

69. Which of the following exercise machines provides the least impact?

a) stair-climber
b) ski machine
c) treadmill
d) exercise bicycle

70. For most people, exercise machines are poor choices to protect bone health.

a) True
b) False

71. Most falls occur

a) at home
b) outdoors

72. While looking for a doctor to treat osteoporosis, all of the following specialists would be appropriate except

a) osteoporosis-board certified physician
b) endocrinologist
c) family doctor
d) geriatrician
e) gynecologist

73. Physiatrists are physicians who specialize in

a) mental and emotional disorders
b) general internal medicine
c) physical medicine and rehabilitation
d) diseases of the elderly

74. To be eligible for Medicare, one (select the incorrect response)

a) has to be over 65
b) must be eligible for some type of Social Security benefit
c) must meet certain income requirement

75. Medicare is divided into two parts. Which part requires deductibles, co-insurance and premiums?

a) Part A
b) Part B

76. Medicare is a federal program, but the coverage may vary depending upon where you live.

a) True
b) False

77. Medicare pays for all prescription medications up to a certain annual limit.

a) True
b) False