Sexual Violence

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Any physical sexual contact performed without a person’s consent using a position of authority or verbal

a) rape
b) sexual coercion
c) sexual violence

2. What percent of college males would commit rape if they were sure they would not get caught:

a) 12%
b) 20%
c) 35%
d) 48%

3. A significant correlate of sexual violence includes which of the following:

a) childhood abuse, both sexual and physical
b) poor nurturing skills from the mother
c) alcoholic parents
d) a dysfunctional family with a history of sexual deviation

4. This individual has a significant history of criminal behavior, including sexual and nonsexual offenses, and a higher score on a measure of psychopathy:

a) child molesters
b) rapists

5. The two paths of the Hierarchical-Mediational Confluence Model are:
  1. a negative emotional state
  2. an abusive home environment
  3. general hostility
  4. exposure to pornography

a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4
d) 1 and 3

6. This theory proposes a network of causal factors including biological, ecological and basic core

a) Multidimensional Assessment of Sex and Aggression
b) A Theory of Interacting Predictive Factors
c) The Sexual Experience Theory
d) An Integrated Theory of Sexual Offending

7. After many years of research, there is no significant link between pornography and sexual violence.


8. The theory of alcohol myopia maintains that sexual aggression is caused by a:

a) large consumption of alcohol at the time of the aggression
b) woman’s sexual interest
c) hostility to women after drinking moderately
d) pharmacological impairment of the ability to accurately discern inhibitory cues

9. The supportive research for rape prevention programs on college campuses is:

a) strong
b) encouraging
c) weak
d) non-existant

10. One of the basic criteria for the diagnosis of paraphilia according to the DSM IV-TR is it has occurred:

a) only with specific age groups
b) over a period of at least six months
c) with a co-condition

11. In the study by Dietz, Hazelwood, and Warren (1990), sadists were described as:

a) feeling sexually inadequate
b) having neurological problems
c) displaying an antisocial personality
d) outwardly good citizens

12. At the time of the crime, sadists reported the primary emotion was:

a) anger
b) distress
c) satisfaction
d) an intense hate for women

13. In one study of pedophiles, it was found that 56 percent also reported a lifetime diagnosis of:

a) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
b) fetal alcohol syndrome
c) major depression
d) posttraumatic stress disorder

14. A first step in defining "hypersexuality" is to examine normative samples in the community and determine level of sexual expression.


15. The measurement most frequently used to assess circulating testosterone is:

a) magnetic resonance imaging
b) a blood test
c) positron emission tomography
d) a urine test

16. The three risk assessment tools allow clinician judgment and consider static and dynamic factors that have been empirically shown to:

a) reveal sexual fantasies
b) assess risk-taking and impulsivity
c) predict re-offending
d) evaluate cognitive functioning

17. The most commonly accepted measure of deviant arousal is phallometry.


18. When conducting a polygraph test, it is important to:
  1. state how the information is stored
  2. obtain informed consent
  3. include how the information will be used
  4. list who can view the information

a) 1 only
b) 3 and 4
c) 2 only
d) 2 and 3
e) 1 and 4

19. A treatment that works in real world conditions is the definition of:

a) efficacy
b) effectiveness

20. The Sex Offender Treatment and Evaluation project had:
  1. intense treatment
  2. members with an IQ above 80
  3. highly structured groups
  4. members with more than two felonies
  5. manuals to use for activities

a) 1 and 4
b) 2, 4, and 5
c) 3 and 4
d) 2 and 3
e) 1, 3, and 5

21. The sex offender treatment program which was developed in the Canadian federal prison system is:
  1. focused on regulating emotions and having positive goals
  2. an evidence-based program
  3. a cognitive-behavioral program
  4. a reformulated relapse prevention model
  5. a program of four pathways

a) 1, 4, and 5
b) 2, 3, and 4
c) 2 and 4
d) 3, 4, and 5
e) 1 and 3

22. Carkhuff and Pierce (1975) describe five levels of empathy. Level I is:

a) lack of empathy
b) focusing on just the content and ignoring feelings
c) suggesting an action step
d) assessing with open-ended questions
e) offering support to the client

23. Prochaska and Norcross (2004) have labeled five stages of readiness to change. The final stage is:

a) motivation
b) commitment
c) maintenance
d) focus

24. A schema can also be called a script and implicit theory,


25. A key treatment target should be:

a) recognizing environmental triggers
b) a coping plan
c) accepting responsibility
d) addressing low self-esteem

26. Marshall et al. (2006) suggests a three-stage process in group therapy to help achieve victim empathy. In the final stage the offender:

a) discusses consequences for the victim
b) writes a hypothetical letter to the victim
c) identifies short- and long-term results for the victim

27. According to Baumeister (1993) emotional dysregulation is directly linked with:

a) low self-esteem
b) loneliness
c) fearing closeness
d) anger and anxiety

28. The first behavioral technique used to address deviant sexual fantasies is foul odor aversion.


29. According to Fernandez (2006) the primary factor leading to positive therapeutic change is for clients to:

a) have a sense of hope
b) gain a sense of control
c) identify high-risk situations
d) generate a transition plan back to society

30. Treatment with Asian American sex offenders should focus on:

a) impaired social relations
b) sharing shame among the family
c) peer group influences
d) the status of the mother