Eating Disorders

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. In 1979, normal weight women who purged and also binge ate were identified by a new diagnosis called:

a) an eating disorder
b) bulimia nervosa
c) anorexia nervosa
d) binge eating disorder 

2. This manual reflects the North American standard criteria for defining eating disorders:

b) ICD-10 

3. The purging form of anorexia nervosa seems to be associated with the worst prognosis.

a) true
b) false

4. Contributing to compulsive exercising is:

a) a fear of becoming fat and gaining weight
b) periods of starvation and self-induced vomiting
c) depression and hyperactivity
d) anxiety and food restriction 

5. According to the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10, the diagnostic criteria for BN is the recurrent episodes of overeating and eating binges that occur twice weekly for at least ______ month(s):

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

6. Binges are often:

a) done in groups
b) planned in advance
c) accomplished by eating a single food
d) preceded by periods of anger and depression 

7. As many as _____ -_____ % of eating disorder patients do not meet the criteria for either AN or BN, but fall into a category known as EDNOS.

a) 10, 20
b) 20, 40
c) 30, 60
d) 40, 80 

8. In this disorder, there is an exceptionally high mortality and a significant risk of suicide:

a) AN
b) BN
c) BED

9. All eating disorders are different manifestations of a single disorder or syndrome is the definition of:

a) symptomatic behaviors
c) eating factors
d) spectrum hypothesis 

10. This is the most widely used diagnostic interview for evaluating the specific psychopathology related to eating disorders:

a) Yale-Brown-Cornell Eating Disorder Scale
b) Eating Attitudes Test
c) Diagnostic Survey for Eating Disorders
d) Eating Disorder Examination 

11. In this type of overeating not a large amount of food is eaten, but there is a feeling of being out of control of one’s eating:

a) objective binge episode
b) subjective binge episode 

12. Bruch identified the primary psychological dysfunction as a:
  1. mother or father who had an eating disorder or personality disorder
  2. severe disturbance in body image
  3. failure to interpret hunger and other internal signals properly

a) all but 4
b) 2 only
c) 2, 3, and 4
d) 1 and 2 

13. This classification of risk factors according to Fairburn’s Risk Factor Model includes childhood and familial overweight and early menarche:

a) a general risk for psychiatric disorder
b) a specific risk for eating problems 

14. Wilson sees the addictions model as “a conceptual dead end.”

a) true
b) false

15. Which of the following are cognitive maintaining processes:
  1. perfectionism
  2. fear of certain foods
  3. chronic low self-esteem
  4. mood intolerance
  5. interpersonal difficulties

a) 1, 2, and 3
b) all but 2
c) 2, 4, and 5
d) 1, 3, and 5 

16. Which of the following are especially susceptible to eating disorders:

a) girls who perceived overweight in childhood
b) birth between April and June
c) genes on different chromosomes
d) girls who experience puberty early 

17. Repeated use of ipecac to induce vomiting can lead to ______ ______ and be fatal.

a) liver disease
b) heart damage
c) brain infarction
d) kidney failure 

18. One of the greatest challenges that the clinician faces in treating ambivalent patients is engaging them in:

a)  “the process of change”
b) psychological treatment
c) possible hospitalization
d) immediate consequences 

19. If a body mass index is under 17.5, the likely diagnosis is:

a) BN
b) AN
c) ED 

20. These patients are diagnosed with ED and are not capable of insight-oriented psychotherapy:

a) are severely depressed
b) also have obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms
c) 8 years old
d) female patients with a male therapist 

21. There is a “standard” of treatment for AN, BN, and EDNOS.

a) true
b) false

22. The RU curve:
  1. encourages patients to reflect on their current state
  2. has five dimensions
  3. helps to prevent relapses
  4. is a dynamic tool throughout therapy

a) 2 and 3
b) 1 and 4
c) 1, 3, and 4
d) 1, 2, and 4 

23. In this phase of cognitive behavior therapy for BN, patients are encouraged to keep a symptom diary and food diary:

a) phase one
b) phase two
c) phase three 

24. Self monitoring in CBT for AN includes:
  1. what was eaten
  2. amount of food eaten
  3. length of exercise time
  4. feelings of guilt after eating

a) 1, 2, and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) all but 3
d) 3 and 4 

25. These patients insist on wanting to put on weight gain on hold until they have dealt with the “real” issues:

a) “Bulimia Wish”
b) “Nervosa Wish”
c) “Anorexia Wish”
d) “Eating Disorder Wish” 

26. In order to promote weight gain:

a) a correct weight should be set
b) a specific number of calories should be eaten per day
c) 3-4 pounds should be gained a week
d) a weight range should be established 

27. After the patient completes a Dysfunctional Thought Record, the worst mistake the clinician can make is to forget to ask for it or not give it the attention it deserves.

a) true
b) false

28. Dysfunctional mood modulatory behavior is expressed by:
  1. self-injurious behavior
  2. psychoactive substances
  3. periods of anxiety, depression and guilt
  4. excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting or binging

a) all but 4
b) 1, 2, and 4
c) 1 only
d) 4 only 

29. The vital years of adolescence when psychosocial development is crucial is when ____  _____ occurs and the patient is usually ill.

a) BN
b) AN
c) ED 

30. The clinician needs to assist the patient with reducing negative self-talk and develop a list of more positive self-statements, which should be memorized and available whenever the need arises.  This is an example of:

a) body shape education
b) cognitive restructuring 

31. The Maudsley approach for family therapy with adolescents and children with AN has three phases which are:
  1. refeeding the patient and includes a family meal
  2. focusing on negotiations for a new pattern of relationships
  3. educating that p

a) 1, 2, and 3
b) 2, 3, and 4
c) 1, 3, and 4
d) 1, 2, and 4 

32. Patients can die from rapid renutrition.

a) true
b) false

33. In psychodynamic therapy for AN, the first issue discussed by the therapist is:

a) giving advice about eating behaviors and symptom management
b) establishing useful long-term therapy
c) addressing the unconscious and conscious meaning of the symptom in terms of the  patient’s history and family experiences 
d) encouraging rest after eating in a warm room 

34. Nonspecific clinical management incorporates elements of weight restoration strategies and:

a) nutritional counseling
b) “booster” sessions over three months
c) an intensive monitoring session
d) the symptoms of relapse 

35. Interpersonal psychotherapy was first developed for the treatment of _______ and was later modified for the treatment of _______.

a) anxiety, AN
b) depression, BN
c) suicide, EDNOS
d) hyperactivity, BED 

36. In this stage of motivational enhancement therapy, the therapist explores perceived positive and negative aspects of abnormal eating behavior:

a) precontemplation stage
b) contemplation stage
c) action stage
d) maintenance stage 

37. One reason there is little evidence for treatment of AN is:

a) AN doesn’t cause disability
b) AN is less common than other eating disorders
c) AN occurs in late adolescence
d) AN has a short-term positive recovery 

38. If guardianship legislation exists, and the patient has a history of manipulating her parents, it would be prudent to:

a) hire consultation
b) establish a treatment team
c) allow the patient to represent herself
d) appoint a public guardian