Substance Use Problems

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Examining drug problems on a continuum:

a) assists clinicians in defining categories
b) has considerable utility and support
c) views drug problems in terms of recovery
d) focuses on specific labels 

2. Some believe that ___________ can make them more socially relaxed; however, this social  enhancement can occur with a placebo.

a) marijuana
b) hallucinogens
c) stimulants
d) alcohol 

3. The most efficient way for mental health professionals to learn about any drug is to:

a) ask the client directly
b) consult the physician
c) look it up on the Internet
d) research the drug in a drug book 

4. Current users of illicit drugs are in the ____________.

a) majority
b) minority 

5. An example of a dependence symptom is use that exceeds intention.

a) true
b) false

6. Repeated legal problems is an example of:

a) dependence symptoms
b) withdrawal
c) abuse symptoms
d) psychological dependence 

7. The most prevalent illicit drug across nations is:

a) stimulants
b) marijuana
c) cocaine
d) inhalants 

8. Which ethnic group has a higher percentage of drug use?

a) Native American
b) Hispanic
c) Native Hawaiian
d) Asian 

9. Which of the following are more likely to receive a diagnosis of abuse and dependence:
  1. alcoholics
  2. men
  3. aged 18-44
  4. unmarried
  5. live in the Western U.S.
  6. depressed people

a) 1, 2, 3, and 6
b) 3, 4, and 5
c) 1, 2, and 6
d) 2, 3, 4, and 5 

10. The best predictor of chronicity problems is:

a) polysubstance abuse
b) length of time illicit drugs are used
c) early onset of use
d) a psychiatric diagnosis 

11. According to Shane et al., co-occurring disorders often predict a(n) ___________  prognosis.

a) uncertain
b) poor
c) fatal 

12. Pharmacological treatments for childhood ADHD appear to increase the risk for subsequent  drug problems.

a) true
b) false

13. People with borderline personality disorder and substance abuse do not respond well to  treatment because they:

a) are often in financial ruin
b) have no support system
c) usually have family problems and legal issues
d) are likely to drop out 

14. Up to ______  ______ of drug abusers in treatment have attempted suicide.

a) three fourths
b) one half
c) one third
d) one fourth 

15. Substance use disorders:

a) run in families
b) rest with the individual
c) are related to peer pressure
d) have little relationship to upbringing 

16. Which of the following factors improve treatment outcomes:
  1. social support
  2. motivation by the person to change
  3. improved financial conditions
  4. better physical and mental support
  5. intact cognitive abilities

a) 1, 2, 3, and 4
b) 2 and 5
c) 1, 3, 4, and 5
d) 2, 3, and 5 

17. An appropriate statement to a client when conducting an interview would be:

a)  “These notes will help me fill out insurance forms.”
b) “Mind if I take some notes?”
c)  “We’ll have a list of ideas you can take home.”
d)  “Taking notes will help me develop a treatment plan.” 

18. The Timeline Follow-Back is a(n) __________ examination that has proven reliable and  valid over lengthy periods in dozens of studies.

a) introspective
b) brief
c) complex
d) retrospective 

19. The contemplation ladder or ruler:

a) describes previous drug use
b) assesses readiness to change
c) requires recall
d) asks about health, personality, relationships and education 

20. Which of the following would likely lead to a better outcome for cannabis problems:

a) twelve-session treatments delivered every week
b) it would depend on the severity of the problem
c) eight-session treatments as needed
d) four-session treatments delivered over three months 

21. To avoid risks when snorting, a user should:

a) not share straws
b) use a saline spray after snorting
c) use foil
d) avoid fillers 

22. Which of the following have dramatic impacts on a drug user’s trajectory:
  1. the chance of a flesh-eating bacteria or AIDS
  2. marriage and parenthood
  3. infections or hepatitis
  4. incarceration

a) 2 only
b) 1 and 3
c) 2 and 4
d) 4 only 

23. Motivational interviewing focuses on:

a) the client’s own reasons to quit
b) empathy and reflection
c) setting goals
d) the benefits of changing behavior 

24. Refusing drugs when they are offered or handling negative emotions without drugs are  examples of a single skill, which is the definition of:

a) self-confidence
b) self-efficacy
c) self-esteem
d) resistance 

25. Decisional balance is a technique that:

a) discusses the future without drug use
b) assesses readiness to quit
c) examines costs and benefits of change
d) has a 12-step program the client has constructed 

26. A question, “Is there any evidence that this thought is really true, all the time?” is an  example of:

a) challenging
b) recalling
c) generalizing
d) altering beliefs 

27. An initial return to the problem behavior is the definition of:

a) prolapse
b) relapse
c) lapse 

28. A common physical state that increases the risk of lapse is:

a) social pressure
b) depression
c) cravings
d) withdrawal 

29. Substance users show _______ rates of alexithymia, a diminished capacity to identify or  express their own emotion.

a) decreased
b) moderate
c) elevated 

30. Those with the most severe alcohol dependence and those with the fewest psychiatric  symptoms had:

a) better outcomes in TSF than other treatments
b) excellent results with AA
c) marginal results with Project MATCH
d) been encouraged to enroll in SMART 

31. Vipassana is rooted in _________ principles.

a) Christian
b) Buddhist
c) Hindu
d) Muslim 

32. No drug has received regulatory approval for cocaine dependence.

a) true
b) false