
Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. An older term for depression is melancholy, meaning a(n):

a) depressed mood
b) excess of black bile
c) complex group of symptoms
d) affliction that affects older people

2. A major depressive disorder is the final diagnosis if:

a) hospitalization has occurred
b) the depression has lasted longer than one week
c) there is a significant weight gain or loss
d) only major depressive episodes are present

3. Mimicking others’ gestures is the definition of:

a) echopraxia
b) echolalia
c) waxy flexibility
d) delusions

4. An atypical feature of depression is:

a) loss of appetite
b) excessive sleeping
c) weight loss
d) frequent tearful episodes

5. The DSM identifies dysthymia as:
  1. having two of a list of six symptoms
  2. duration of two years when the person is depressed most of the day
  3. usually occurring after the age of forty
  4. being accompanied with a bipolar disorder

a) 1 and 2
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 3
d) 3 and 4

6. The purpose of this diagnostic system is to support the classification and tabulation of mor bidity and mortality data from around the world:

a) ICD-11
b) DSM-V
c) ICD-10
d) ICD-10-CM

7. This researcher developed a two-dimensional circumplex model that arranges emotions around a circle like colors in a color wheel:

a) Osgood
b) Russell
c) Martin
d) Beck

8. Statistics have shown the more recently you were born the more likely you are to develop depression in your lifetime, and the earlier in your life you are likely to experience a first episode.


9. Never-married women are the ___ depressed.

a) most
b) least

10. Autonomous persons are:
  1. focused on interpersonal relationships and the opinion of others
  2. less susceptible than others to depression when relationships are lost
  3. focused on achievement and goal attainment
  4. more susceptible to depression when they encounter a failure or blows to their achievement

a) 1 and 2
b) 1, 3, and 4
c) 4 only
d) 3 and 4

11. Women score higher on ___ and men score higher on __.

a) rumination, distraction
b) distraction, rumination

12. The typical age of onset for a first episode of depression is:

a) late teens
b) mid-twenties
c) early thirties
d) middle age

13. Both Minor Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder involve excessive:

a) sleeping
b) crying
c) helplessness
d) worrying

14. The best known of the instruments designed for a clinician to rate the severity of depression is the:

a) Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
b) Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale
c) Raskin Three Area Rating Scale

15. This assessment tool was devised to assess negative and positive self-statements:

a) Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale
b) Problem-Solving Inventory
c) Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Revised
d) Frequency of Self-Reinforcement Questionnaire

16. This inventory consists of 38 items. It has a wide range of potential uses in research and in clinical screening contexts:

a) Positive Affect/Negative Affect Scale
b) Beck Depression Inventory
c) Diagnostic Inventory for Depression
d) Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale

17. This inventory takes 1 to 2 hours to complete and consists of 567 items in a true-false response format:

a) Depression , Anxiety, and Stress Scales
b) Symptom Checklist-90-Revised
c) Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
d) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

18. Which of the following contributes significantly to the occurrence of depression:

a) individual life events
b) genetics
c) shared environment

19. The earliest antidepressants were the:

a) Tricyclics
b) SSRIs
c) SNRIs

20. Cortisol levels are generally elevated in depressed individuals and return to normal levels following a depressive episode:


21. This type of depression results from a failure to meet one’s own unrealistically high and perfectionistic standards:

a) dependency depression
b) dominant-goal depression

22. Joseph Wolpe prescribed which of the following for depression:

a) medication
b) problem-solving techniques
c) assertiveness training
d) social skills training

23. The learned helplessness theory of depression was developed by Seligman while doing research with:

a) mice
b) dogs
c) monkeys
d) apes

24. Beck viewed depression as a negative view of self, the world, and the future and defined it as:

a) emotional thinking
b) the negative cognitive triad
c) self-punishment
d) observed deficits

25. This type of match where deficits are strengthened is called:

a) capitalization
b) restructuring
c) coping
d) compensation

26. The research of Nemeroff et al. (2003) examined a subset of patients with a history of childhood trauma. For this subset, response to __ was superior to __.

a) psychotherapy, medication
b) medication, psychotherapy

27. Most depressions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological and environ- mental factors.


28. This type of therapy consists of strategies for making the person aware of the irrationality of the negative interpretations they are making:

a) behavioral activation
b) scheduling
c) assertiveness training
d) problem solving

29. The objective of a goal-setting exercise is to orient depressed persons to:
  1. setting limits to what is realistic
  2. identifying self-reinforcement
  3. thinking about longer-term goals
  4. experiencing success as they pursue goals

a) 1 and 4
b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 2
d) 3 and 4

30. The second theoretical basic mechanism of action is:

a) changing negative distortions of events
b) increasing rewarding behavior
c) countering helplessness

31. When comparing psychotherapy and medication to prevent relapse, ___ is superior.

a) psychotherapy
b) medication

32. One approach to encouraging homework compliance according to Beck and Burns is to:

a) discuss that homework is simple and part of treatment
b) advise them that homework is an experiment
c) give them an inventory of reasons for not doing homework
d) stress the importance of identifying problems