Healing Anxiety and Depression

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Psychiatrists don’t look at brain function because it is not a part of psychiatric tradition.

a) true
b) false

2. This test is practical and cost effective and provides amazing pictures of brain function:

a) EEG
b) PET
c) MRI

3. When two scans are done to evaluate a patient’s brain, the first scan is a baseline and in the second scan the patient:

a) challenges his brain with a computer test
b) takes a radioactive isotope
c) is asked to daydream
d) takes a sedative

4. The brain consumes _____ percent of the body’s energy.

a) 2
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20

5. When the limbic system is less active, negativity takes over.

a) true
b) false

6. One of the clinical problems associated with the anterior cingulate gyrus is:

a) memory problems
b) addictive disorders
c) decreased motivation
d) increased negative thoughts

7. The _________ temporal lobe processes rhythm and music and reading facial expressions.

a) nondominant
b) dominant

8. This part of the brain is responsible for human success:

a) cerebrum
b) cerebellum
c) prefrontal cortex
d) frontal lobe

9. A limitation of a self-report questionnaire is:

a) the test is costly
b) the test does not give a complete picture
c) the test requires computer skills
d) self-report bias can result

10. Dysthymia is associated with which of the following:

a) pure anxiety
b) pure depression
c) cyclic anxiety and depression
d) unfocused anxiety and depression

11. This type of anxiety/depression tends to occur more frequently in children or grandchildren of alcoholics:

a) cyclic anxiety/depression
b) temporal lobe anxiety/depression
c) overfocused anxiety/depression
d) unfocused anxiety/depression

12. This type of anxiety/depression has “emotional seizures”:

a) seasonal affective disorder
b) cyclic anxiety/depression
c) pure anxiety
d) overfocused anxiety/depression

13. Which state has the highest rate of SAD:

a) Alaska
b) Washington
c) Maine
d) Ohio

14. In this type of anxiety/depression, the person may experience frequent periods of déjà vu”:

a) seasonal affective disorder
b) cyclic anxiety/depression
c) overfocused anxiety/depression
d) temporal lobe anxiety/depression

15. This type of anxiety/depression is often seen in conjunction with ADD and ADHD:

a) overfocused anxiety/depression
b) underfocused anxiety/depression
c) cyclic anxiety/depression
d) temporal lobe anxiety/depression

16. In order to have a significant brain injury, you must lose consciousness.

a) true
b) false

17. “Learned helplessness” occurs when a person:

a) is neglected or abused at an early age
b) has a brain injury from an accident
c) tries to be successful in various areas and performs poorly
d) repeatedly uses drugs to mask symptoms

18. Women earn far less than men even when performing the same tasks.

a) true
b) false

19. Nicotine and caffeine _________ blood flow to the brain.

a) increases
b) decreases

20. The mainstay of EMDR involves having clients bring up emotionally troubling memories while:

a) listening to natural sounds in a controlled environment
b) performing progressive relaxation in a therapist’s office
c) describing the events to a clinician
d) their eyes follow a trained therapist’s hand moving horizontally back and forth

21. Xanax is a benzodiazepine and:
  1. is quick acting
  2. is used when alcohol is involved
  3. has a tendency to cause memory problems
  4. can cause a severe withdrawl syndrome if abruptly stopped

a) 1 and 3
b) 1, 2, and 4
c) 4 only
d) 1, 3, and 4

22. TCAs need to be monitored carefully because of their effect on:

a) the liver
b) mood swings
c) heart function
d) suicidal ideation

23. One of the most common side effects of an MAOI is:

a) flight of ideas
b) postural hypotension
c) nausea and vomiting
d) nervousness

24. Medications must be available to the brain to be helpful, thus drug holidays are not recommended to treat medication-induced sexual dysfunction.

a) true
b) false

25. When lithium is prescribed for cyclic anxiety/depression:
  1. blood work is required
  2. the patient may develop the “lithium tremor”
  3. it has been well studied
  4. tardive dyskensia may result
  5. cataracts may develop

a) 1, 2, 4, and 5
b) 2 and 5
c) 2, 3, and 4
d) 1, 2, and 3

26. Anticonvulsants are used in temporal lobe anxiety and depression to:

a) reduce aggression, mood instability and headaches
b) decrease episodes of depression
c) improve energy and decrease irritability
d) stop seizure activity

27. Valerian is a _________ and is used as a(n) ________.

a) vitamin, anti-depressant
b) herb, sedative
c) mineral, stabilizer

28. An insufficiency of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil has been linked to:

a) a decreased cerebral blood flow
b) agitation and worry
c) depression and mood instability
d) insomnia

29. ________amino acids are those the body can manufacture for itself.

a) Essential
b) Nonessential

30. An example of a complex carbohydrate is:

a) pasta
b) cereal
c) rice
d) fruit

31. Nuts are an example of a:

a) monosaturated fat
b) saturated fat

32. An example of “always” thinking is, “He never listens to me.”

a) true
b) false

33. The most poisonous red ANT is:

a) fortune telling
b) mind reading
c) focusing on the negative
d) blame

34. By writing down automatic negative thoughts and talking to them, you:

a) take away their power
b) set priorities
c) can show the list to a counselor
d) identify the red ANTs

35. Suicide in the civilian population peaks during April, possibly because:
  1. it is tax time
  2. the holidays are over
  3. there is a full moon in the spring
  4. people are acting on winter depressions with increased energy

a) 2 and 3
b) 1 only
c) 4 only
d) 1 and 4

36. The hallmark of unhappy people is that they have a tendency to:

a) require more counseling
b) surround themselves with negative people
c) have more physical ailments
d) cannot maintain lasting relationships

37. In the barbaric thirteenth-century experiment, the German emperor Fredrick II found that babies who were not touched, cuddled, or talked to:

a) all died before they could speak
b) had learning disabilities
c) developed aggressive behavior
d) were normal after being removed from the experiment

38. When using bio-feedback equipment, ________ stress tests are performed.

a) physical
b) psychophysiological
c) physiological
d) psychological

39. By moving your belly ______ when you inhale, you flatten your diaphragm and significantly ______ lung capacity which calms all body systems.

a) out, decrease
b) in, increase
c) in, decrease
d) out, increase

40. Which of the following have the highest level of life satisfaction:

a) married women with children
b) married women and married men
c) single women and married men
d) married women and single men

41. The treatment for PMS involves making sure the ________ function is normal.

a) heart
b) thyroid
c) liver
d) ovarian

42. __________ __________ is a devastating illness that cripples a mother’s ability to care for herself and her infant.

a) Postpartum depression
b) Baby Blues

43. Lithium, the “gold standard” for mania:

a) can cause “floppy infant syndrome”
b) has not been studied for pregnancy
c) is excreted in breast milk
d) may trigger flashbacks

44. Estrogen deficiency increases the risk for bladder problems, colon cancer and the biggest killer of women:

a) osteoporosis
b) breast cancer
c) Alzheimers
d) heart disease

45. The first step in treating sexual disorders that may affect women is to identify and treat any medical problems that may be causing the problem.

a) true
b) false

46. Andropause resulting from the decrease production of testosterone in men:
  1. has been well studied
  2. increases the risk of osteoporosis
  3. is the male form of menopause
  4. may result in weight gain

a) 1 and 3
b) 3 and 4
c) 1, 3, and 4
d) 2, 3, and 4

47. This hormone declines with age, is produced by the adrenal glands, and is converted to testosterone. It is:

a) GH
c) PSA
d) CBC

48. When someone cannot let a problem or hurt go, it is called _________ aggression.

a) impulsive
b) compulsive
c) explosive

49. When a person is in denial about a “psychiatric illness,” the first suggestion is to:

a) tell the person you’ve had enough
b) enlist the help of others
c) make an appointment with the doctor
d) tell the person what behaviors concern you

50. When an underlying condition causes chronic insomnia, it is called ________ insomnia.

a) middle
b) secondary
c) terminal
d) transient

51. Teenage insomnia is relatively rare and generally signals a serious issue.

a) true
b) false

52. One of the most frequently misdiagnosed conditions is:

a) chronic tension
b) anxiety
c) ADD
d) depression

53. This type of exercise boosts the body’s immune system, increases oxygen delivery to the brain, increases the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters, and promotes the sense of well being:

a) anaerobic exercise
b) weight lifting
c) swimming
d) aerobic exercise

54. Long-term administration of medication at full dose or at the highest dose necessary to control symptoms is called:

a) a therapeutic dose
b) maintenance therapy
c) optimal dose
d) normal dosing therapy