Domestic Violence

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. According to some studies, ______ percent of women have suffered domestic violence.

a) 10
b) 30
c) 55
d) 75

2. Women in the lower socioeconomic status generally have higher rates of victimization.

a) True
b) False

3. A majority of men who were killed by their wives were killed as they were assaulting or threatening to injure or kill the women.

a) True
b) False

4. There are many myths regarding domestic violence. Which of the following is a fact?

a) Battered women always stay in abusive relationships.
b) When there’s violence in the family, all family members must change for the violence to stop.
c) Drinking causes battering.
d) Men who batter are usually not violent toward anyone but their wives/partners or their children.

5. Forty to sixty percent of batterers also abuse their children.

a) True
b) False

6. Domestic violence is not simply woman abuse, but spouse abuse. Woman are just as violent as men.

a) True
b) False

7. Domestic violence is caused by alcohol, drugs, unemployment, or the stress of day-to-day living.

a) True
b) False

8. In the context of domestic violence, which of the following can be classified as battering?

a) physical attack
b) threats and intimidation
c) withholding of money
d) psychological and sexual abuse
e) all of the above

9. Below are some of the typical behavioral characteristics of an abuser. Select one that’s inconsistent with abusive behavior:

a) The man pays excessive attention to the woman, monopolizing her time.
b) The relationship between the batterer and the woman evolves slowly, over a long period of time.
c) Rough sex is often a precursor to physical violence.
d) The man exhibits sudden mood swings, nice and polite one minute, a raging volcano the next.
e) The batterer is often abusive and cruel to animals and children.

10. The ultimate goal of the perpetrator of domestic violence is

a) personal gratification
b) financial gain
c) power and control over the other partner
d) to mask personal inadequacies

11. Many studies show that domestic violence assessment is not a routine medical practice.

a) True
b) False

12. Healthcare providers play an important role in the screening and assessment of domestic violence. Select the correct statement from below:

a) Most victims of domestic violence do not expect to be asked about the abuse and are extremely reluctant to come fourth with private matters.
b) Screening and assessment for domestic violence should generally be done in the presence of both partners to obtain full perspective, confront the abuser and provide immediate counseling.
c) In order to invite frank discussion of domestic abuse, assure the patient that her words or statements will not be documented.
d) The best thing a provider can tell a victim of domestic violence is, “That’s not okay.”

13. As a healthcare provider what should you do if a victim of domestic violence chooses not to disclose information about an abusive relationship during a patient interview?

a) confront the victim with the physical evidence, telltale signs of abuse
b) contact other members of the family (e.g., children, sister) of the victim confidentially
c) contact the local police to learn if calls were made to quell domestic disturbance
d) respect the patient’s right of self-determination, assure her you’re available as a resource whenever she needs