Solution-Focused Conflict Management

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Solution-focused management:
  1. is similar to problem solving
  2. focuses on the conflict
  3. is about the "best case scenario"
  4. focuses on hope and optimism
  5. is sometimes called solution-focused mediation
  6. is about the "worst case scenario"

a) 1, 2, and 6
b) 2 and 5
c) 1 and 3
d) 4, 5, and 6
e) 3 and 5

2. When you buy a car, the transaction is:

a) nonzero sum
b) zero-sum

3. No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it is a statement by:

a) Nobel Prize winner Heisenberg
b) Einstein (1954)
c) Hebb (1949)
d) Seligman, founder of positive psychology

4. Goals are the first component of hope. _______ goals are sustaining the status quo.

a) Approach
b) Forestalling
c) Maintenance
d) Enhancement

5. The broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson, 2003) suggests that positive emotions:

a) outnumber negative emotions
b) broaden one’s awareness and encourage novel and exploratory thoughts and actions
c) lead to a fight-or flight response
d) limit our attention and creativity

6. One of the five propositions of De Shazer (1985) states:

a) change is continuous
b) focus on the goal
c) the clients are the experts
d) challenges are healthy

7. Problems are unsuccessful attempts to resolve difficulties, was stated by:

a) Psychiatrist Milton Erickson
b) Selekman (1993)
c) Franke (1963)
d) Watzlawick et al. (1974)

8. Client-centered therapists used _______ almost exclusively and the tenor of their contri- butions was primarily _______.

a) formulations, positive
b) formulations, negative
c) questions, positive
d) questions, negative

9. The best way in conflict resolution is:

a) the design approach
b) problem-solving
c) negotiating

10. The focus is future orientated in this type of management:

a) Traditional Conflict Management
b) Solution-Focused Conflict Management

11. Which of the following are needed for hope:

a) faith, direction, education
b) goal, pathway, agency
c) support and solutions
d) planning and preparing

12. What difference would that make? invites clients to describe their preferred future in positive, concrete, and realistic terms.

a) true
b) false

13. Scaling questions:

a) are open-ended
b) are used when problem solving
c) can access the client’s perception of almost anything
d) define success when resolving conflict

14. The fourth solution-focused question regarding a sign of progress in a situation is:

a) What brought you here?
b) What will be your next step?
c) Let’s evaluate your progress.
d) How can I motivate you to change?

15. In phase two of escalation, it can be described as:
  1. a fight
  2. a war
  3. a win-lose game
  4. a lose-lose game
  5. a conflict to destroy or damage others

a) 2 only
b) 1, 3, and 5
c) 2 and 4
d) 2, 4, and 5
e) 1 and 3

16. Where did you get this wonderful idea? is an example of a(n):

a) indirect compliment
b) direct compliment

17. In a _______ relationship, the client is mandated. This involuntary client has no conflict personally, others have a conflict with him.

a) complainant
b) visitor

18. Training, certification, supervision, years of experience and evidence-based practices contribute to superior performance.

a) true
b) false

19. A positive approach to normalization introduces the notion that:

a) it is an all or none situation
b) blaming each other is normal
c) change usually involves some setbacks
d) mediation is a basic requirement

20. Selective attention theory has obvious applications in relation to:

a) emotions
b) anger
c) creativity
d) cognition
e) expression

21. Forgiveness is an internal process, not requiring anyone else.

a) true
b) false

22. An example of a solution-focused question for consensus building is:

a) On a scale of 10 to 0, what is it today?
b) In what way does arguing help achieve your goal?
c) Is the deadline realistic?
d) Who has helped to achieve this?

23. Oxytocin:
  1. is secreted by the adrenal gland
  2. increases trust and reduces fear
  3. can be nasally administered
  4. regulates the sodium and fluid balance

a) 1 and 3
b) 1 and 4
c) 3 and 4
d) 2 and 3

24. The four scaling areas in the Session Rating Scale are:

a) time, quality, interventions, and outcomes
b) relationship, goals and topics, approach or method, and overall
c) discussion, tools, resources, planning
d) support, assistance, evaluation, feedback

25. A solution-focused question to enhance communication is, "At what mark would you be satisfied?"

a) true
b) false

26. When in the problem solving model there is talk of interests and options, this model becomes more ______ orientated.

a) present
b) future

27. One of the similarities between Transformative Mediation and Solution-Focused Mediation is:

a) the focus is on possibilities
b) a cause and effect model is used
c) control is in the hands of the clients, the mediator facilitates

28. When comparing Narrative Mediation and Solution-Focused Mediation, both models use open questions instead of closed questions.

a) true
b) false

29. Love and status are _______ resources.

a) nonparticularistic
b) particularistic

30. The fourth and last pathway to impossibility is:

a) the mediator neglects the client’s motivation
b) an approach that is not working
c) the professional’s traditions or conventions
d) the anticipation of impossibility

31. Which of the following takes center stage in restorative justice:

a) society
b) victim
c) wrongdoer