After Cancer Treatment

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Cancer is traumatic for many reasons, one of which is:

a) the cost of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation
b) the psychological stress of illness
c) the possibility of pain and death
d) the debilitated feeling during and after the treatment period

2. Dealing with problems as they arise is the definition of:

a) deconditioning
b) a problem-orientated approach
c) endurance
d) psychoneuroimmunology

3. One of the first goals of the American Cancer Society was to help people:

a) become familiar with and accept the word “cancer”
b) know medications used to treat cancer
c) understand the importance of radiation and chemotherapy
d) join a support group and learn about cancer

4. In its simplest form, cancer means “good cells gone bad.”

a) true
b) false

5. Cancer cells have a ____________ than normal nucleus.

a) smaller
b) larger

6. When cancer cells spread to a distant part of the body it is called:

a) an exacerbation
b) accelerated growth
c) duplication
d) metastasis

7. “Therapy from a short distance” is the definition of :

a) external-beam therapy
b) brachytherapy

8. Which of the following are ways to help yourself heal:
  1. avoid prolonged anxiety
  2. exercise regularly to build strength and endurance
  3. eating a healthy diet
  4. pace yourself during the day and sleep well at night

a) 2 and 3
b) 1 and 4
c) all but 1
d) 3 only

9. A situation that has reached an extremely or difficult point, a time of great disagreement, uncertainty or suffering, is the definition of:

a) crisis
b) stress
c) setback
d) futility

10. One reason goals are set is because insurance companies require it.

a) true
b) false

11. An example of a short-term goal is:

a) something that is realistic
b) something you can achieve in 6 to 12 weeks
c) something to motivate you
d) something you can achieve in 6 to 12 months

12. To begin to heal physically:

a) goals should focus on the support system
b) 8 long-term goals should be set
c) you have to heal emotionally first
d) set between 10 and 14 goals

13. As a society, we value which of the following:

a) productivity and accomplishments
b) hard work and honesty
c) loyalty and dependability
d) work and income

14. The three most important healing parameters are:

a) medication, sleep, and diet
b) exercise, medication, and decrease stress
c) diet, exercise, and sleep
d) meditation, exercise, and diet

15. Running errands is an example of __________.

a) exercise
b) activity

16. Doing this task uses energy up front, but is time well spent:

a) planning a rest break
b) using good body mechanics
c) doing tasks early in the morning
d) plan your day ahead of time

17. In this phase, cancer patients are not given placebos, but are randomly assigned to a group that receives standard treatment or a new treatment:

a) Phase I
b) Phase II
c) Phase III
d) Phase IV

18. The inherent problems with CAM treatments are:
  1. there is no vigorous research
  2. risks are not fully understood
  3. reproducible testing results are not done
  4. it is unknown how much good they will do

a) 2 and 4
b) all but 3
c) 1 and 2
d) 4 only

19. A cancer patient, when seeking treatment, should first and foremost:

a) investigate what insurance plan is accepted by your doctor
b) call the American Cancer Society for a list of reputable physicians
c) explore alternative medicine on the Internet
d) seek treatment with medical doctors, including a primary care physician and an oncologist

20. A medical doctor who specializes in rehabilitation is a(n):

a) oncologist
b) physiatrist
c) psychologist
d) psychiatrist

21. Holistic medicine believes that the whole body is important, not just the part that is ill.

a) true
b) false

22. An important concept in CAM refers to the belief that there is a life force that helps promote health and healing which is:

a) naturalism
b) homeopathy
c) vitalism
d) ying and yang

23. The NCCAM was formed to:
  1. validate treatments and practitioners with scientific study
  2. dispel myths about CAM
  3. examine patterns of drug usage
  4. list safe herbal treatments

a) all but 3
b) 1 and 4
c) 1 and 2
d) 4 only

24. The basic principle of homeopathy is:

a) to give large doses of natural substances
b) the body is trying to heal itself
c) that treatment is tightly regulated
d) there is no interaction between homeopathic remedies and prescription drugs

25. ___________ are a subset of botanicals, meaning plants or plant parts that are valued for their medicinal properties.

a) supplements
b) herbs
c) remedies
d) detoxifications

26. Chiropractors and osteopaths have the same training and priveleges.

a) true
b) false

27. The three primary therapeutic benefits of massage are:

a) increased energy, weight loss, and improved muscle tone
b) lower heart rate, relaxation, and faster healing
c) relaxation, pain relief, and improved sleep
d) boost the immune system, decrease appetite, and stimulate nerve function

28. Masters use the technique to detect areas of energy disruption in the body:

a) sweeping
b) therapeutic touch
c) acupuncture
d) massage

29. The effectiveness of therapeutic touch :

a) is well documented
b) varies by individual
c) depends on the skill of the practitioner
d) is very controversial

30. Which of the following are in the “discourage” category for CAM treatments:

a) vitamin B,D, and E
b) vitamin C and A, and soy
c) acupuncture, nicotine, and vitamin C
d) St. John’s Wort, caffeine, and massage

31. Randomized controlled studies:

a) require a control group of 100 participants
b) is the gold standard for medical research
c) are done over a period of years
d) is accurate with a smaller sample size

32. The most prevalent and debilitating symptom cited during breast cancer treatment is:

a) fatigue
b) nausea
c) weakness
d) anxiety

33. An example of a good exercise regimen is:

a) the THR
b) a BMI
c) walking

34. The benefits of personal trainers are:
  1. they are experts in injuries
  2. they keep you motivated
  3. they teach you correct ways to do exercises
  4. they can give advice about illness

a) all but 4
b) 2 only
c) 2 and 3
d) 3 and 4

35. Walking is an example of a cardiovascular exercise.

a) true
b) false

36. The concept that states, “lifting too light of a load, compared to what you are able to lift, will not improve strength very much” is the:

a) “size principle”
b) “overload principle”
c) “high load, low rep” program
d) progressive resistance exercise

37. This is needed for significant healing:

a) carbohydrates
b) proteins
c) fats
d) vitamins and minerals

38. According to Table 8.1, an example of cruciferous vegetables are:

a) tomatoes and cauliflower
b) grapefruit and turnips
c) collards and radishes
d) cabbage and potatoes

39. Examples of complex carbohydrates according to Table 8.2 are:

a) table sugar and honey
b) pasta and oats
c) peanuts and bread
d) lima beans and bulgur

40. The bovine growth hormone has approved use from the USDA.

a) true
b) false

41. In order to stop smoking the American Cancer Society recommends you:

a) use nicotine gum
b) stop “cold turkey”
c) wear a nicotine patch
d) attend cognitive behavioral classes

42. People who are undergoing radiation treatments are more tired at the end of the course than the beginning. This is an example of:

a) cumulative fatigue
b) “tumor burden”
c) damage to healthy cells and tissues
d) anxiety, depression, and stress

43. Melatonin levels peak:

a) during the day when active
b) when there is tumor growth
c) at night when a person sleeps
d) as a person ages

44. ___________ is one of the primary causes of insomnia.

a) Fatigue
b) Pain
c) Hunger
d) Infection

45. The third pharmacological category of treating fatigue is the use of medications to:

a) promote sleep
b) control pain
c) stabilize the mood
d) improve alertness and energy

46. The World Health Organization describes the “ladder” approach in the use of pain medications, the first step being:

a) evaluation of the patient for addiction
b) the use of anti-inflammatory drugs
c) steroid injections
d) assessment for side effects

47. This drug contains active ingredients that are present in botanical marijuana and is approved for nausea and vomiting associated with cancer:

a) cesamet
b) nabilone
c) marinol
d) zoledronic acid

48. These types of drugs help alleviate neuropathic pain:

a) a lidocaine patch and antidepressants
b) capsaicin and anti-inflammatories
c) muscle relaxants and opioids
d) antidepressants and antiseizure drugs

49. These are electrical impulses used to apply topical corticosteroids, but the skin is not broken is the definition of:

a) a TENS unit
b) iontophoresis
c) an AFO
d) a nerve block

50. The field of psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the brain, the ___________ system and the ______________ system.

a) endocrine, immune
b) digestive, lymphatic
c) nervous, reproductive
d) cardiovascular, respiratory

51. According to Kubler-Ross, hope is present in all five stages of grief.

a) true
b) false

52. These two symptoms are medical conditions that call for treatment with medications or psychological counseling or both:

a) sleep disturbances and irritability
b) profound sadness and thoughts of suicide
c) significant weight loss and agitation
d) major depression and uncontrolled anxiety

53. An important focus called “the adjustment to a disability or serious illness” is the ____________ component of recovery.

a) physical
b) psychological
c) emotional
d) difficult

54. In some studies, regular churchgoers:

a) are more likely to be cured
b) live longer
c) suffer less anxiety
d) require less pain medication

55. ______________ is a cornerstone of the Christian faith.

a) Meditation
b) Singing
c) Prayer
d) Mindfulness

56. Intimacy can be affected by the specific type of cancer, the stage of the illness, treatment, side effects, medications and emotional responses.

a) true
b) false

57. The most important sexual organ is between the ears.

a) true
b) false

58. Which of the following are appropriate to tell children about cancer:
  1. explain possible outcomes
  2. use the word cancer
  3. tell them the name of your disease
  4. tell them cancer is not contagious

a) 4 only
b) 1 and 3
c) all but 1
d) 2 and 3

59. In an Australian study, researchers found that _________ were the most important factor in survival.

a) family
b) friends

60. __________ ____________ is a feeling of being isolated and rejected.

a) Social loneliness
b) Emotional loneliness

61. Setbacks in cancer treatment and recovery affect the ultimate prognosis.

a) true
b) false

62. Radiation treatment was discovered by:

a) Louis Goodman
b) Albert Einstein
c) Gustav Lindskog
d) Marie Curie

63. Preventing cancer in the first place is called:

a) primary prevention
b) secondary prevention
c) tertiary prevention