Dosage Solution Calculations

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. 60.0 kg = _________g

a) 0.006 g
b) 0.06 g
c) 600.0 g
d) 6,000.0 g
e) 60,000.0 g

2. 75.0 mg =_________g

a) 7,500.0 g
b) 750.0 g
c) 0.75 g
d) 0.075 g
e) 0.0075 g

3. 25.0 ml =_________cc

a) 2.5 cc
b) 25.0 cc
c) 250.0 cc
d) 500.0 cc
e) 2,500.0 cc

4. 55.0 liters = _________ml

a) 0.055 ml
b) 0.05 ml
c) 0.5 ml
d) 5,500.0 ml
e) 55,000.0 ml

5. 25.4 cm = _________ inch(es)

a) 1 inch
b) 5 inches
c) 10 inches
d) 12 inches
e) 15 inches

6. 12 inches =_________cm

a) 25 cm
b) 28 cm
c) 30.5 cm
d) 31.2 cm
e) 36 cm

7. 32°C = _________°F

a) 86.2°F
b) 87.6°F
c) 89.6°F
d) 95°F
e) 98.6°F

8. 100°F =_________°C

a) 34°C
b) 36.2°C
c) 37°C
d) 37.8°C
e) 39°C

9. ounces 48 = pints _________

a) 2 pints
b) 3 pints
c) 4 pints
d) 6 pints
e) 7 pints

10. quarts 10 = _________pints

a) 5 pints
b) 15 pints
c) 20 pints
d) 25 pints
e) 30 pints

11. 240 drops =_________teaspoonfuls

a) 1 teaspoonful
b) 2 teaspoonfuls
c) 3 teaspoonfuls
d) 4 teaspoonfuls
e) 5 teaspoonfuls

12. 5 tablespoonfuls = _________ teaspoonfuls

a) 10 teaspoonfuls
b) 15 teaspoonfuls
c) 20 teaspoonfuls
d) 25 teaspoonfuls
e) 30 teaspoonfuls

13. 3 ounces=_________ tablespoonfuls

a) 2 tablespoonfuls
b) 4 tablespoonfuls
c) 6 tablespoonfuls
d) 8 tablespoonfuls
e) 10 tablespoonfuls

14. 5.0 g = gr ________

a) gr 15
b) gr 30
c) gr 45
d) gr 60
e) gr 75

15. 180.0 g= ounces (oz) _________

a) 6 oz
b) 10 oz
c) 250 oz
d) 540 oz
e) 5,400 oz

16. xxx oz =_________cc

a) 90 cc
b) 260 cc
c) 500 cc
d) 750 cc
e) 900 cc

17. 150 pounds=_________kg

a) 90 kg
b) 149.6 kg
c) 76 kg
d) 68 kg
e) 40 kg

18. 21 kg = _________ pounds

a) 40 pounds
b) 42 pounds
c) 45.8 pounds
d) 46.2 pounds
e) 47 pounds

19. You are to administer Gantrisin 1.0 g. The tablets you have are labeled Gantrisin 0.5 g. How many tablet(s) will you administer? _________

a) ½ tablet
b) 1 tablet
c) 1 ½ tablets
d) 2 tablets
e) 2 ½ tablets

20. You are to administer phenobarbital 90.0 mg. The tablets you have are labeled phenobarbital gr ss. How many tablet(s) will you administer? _________

a) 1 tablet
b) 2 tablets
c) 3 tablets
d) 4 tablets
e) 5 tablets

21. You are to give sulfasuxidine 2.0 g. The tablets you have are labeled sulfasuxidine 500 mg. How many tablet(s) will you give? _________

a) 0.25 tablet
b) 1.0 tablet
c) 2.25 tablets
d) 3.0 tablets
e) 4.0 tablets

22. You are to give A.S.A. 300 mg. The tablets you have are labeled A.S.A. 0.3 g. How many tablet(s) will you give? _________

a) ½ tablet
b) 1 tablet
c) 1 ½ tablets
d) 2 tablets
e) 5 tablets

23. You are to give Milk of Magnesia 1 oz. How many cc is this? _________

a) 10 cc
b) 15 cc
c) 20 cc
d) 25 cc
e) 30 cc

24. You are to drink 1,000 cc of water in hours. How many quarts (qt) would this be? _________

a) ½ qt
b) 1 qt
c) 1 ½ qt
d) 2 qt
e) 2 ½ qt

25. You are to give digitalis leaf 90 mg. The tablets you have are labeled 60 mg. How many tablet(s) will you give? _________

a) ½ tablet
b) 1 tablet
c) 1 ½ tablets
d) 2 tablets
e) 2 ½ tablets

26. You are to administer penicillin 750,000 units intramuscularly. The bottle of penicillin is labeled 300,000 units/cc. How many cc will you administer? _________

a) 0.4 cc
b) 0.8 cc
c) 1.5 cc
d) 2.5 cc
e) 3.5 cc

27. You have Ancef containing 500.0 mg in 1.0 cc. You are to give 400.0 mg. How much solution will you give? _________

a) 0.2 cc
b) 0.5 cc
c) 0.8 cc
d) 1.25 cc
e) 1.55 cc

28. You have a solution of cortisone acetate 25.0 mg in 1.0 cc. You are to give 60.0 mg. How much solution will you give? _________

a) 0.4 cc
b) 0.8 cc
c) 1.8 cc
d) 2.4 cc
e) 3.2 cc

29. You are to give 50 units of regular insulin. You have on hand a bottle labeled: "Regular insulin U-100" and a 3-ml hypodermic syringe. How much solution would you give? _________

a) 0.2 cc
b) 0.5 cc
c) 1.2 cc
d) 1.5 cc
e) 2.0 cc

30. You are to give cephalothin sodium gr viiss. You have a vial labeled: "Cephalothin sodium 0.5 g in 2.0 cc." How much of this solution would you give? _________

a) 0.2 cc
b) 0.5 cc
c) 1.2 cc
d) 1.5 cc
e) 2.0 cc

31. What type of syringe would you use for the injection described in problem 32?

a) tuberculin
b) 3-ml hypodermic
c) 5-ml hypodermic
d) 10-ml hypodermic
e) 30-ml hypodermic

32. You are to give 100,000 units of sodium penicillin G from a multi-dose vial labeled: "Sodium penicillin G. 1,000,000 units per 10.0 cc." How many cc will you need to use? _________

a) 1.0 cc
b) 2.0 cc
c) 5.0 cc
d) 7.0 cc
e) 10.0 cc

33. What type of syringe would you use for the injection described in problem 34? ________

a) tuberculin
b) insulin
c) 3-ml hypodermic
d) 5-ml hypodermic
e) 10-ml hypodermic

34. You are to give chlorpromazine 0.075 g from a bottle labeled: "Chlorpromazine 25.0 mg per ml." How much solution will you use? _________

a) 1.5 ml
b) 2.0 ml
c) 3.0 ml
d) 3.5 ml
e) 4.0 ml

35. You are to give atropine sulfate 0.2 mg (gr 1/300). You have a bottle of solution labeled: "Atropine sulfate 0.4 mg per cc. How much solution will you use? _________

a) 0.5 cc
b) 1.0 cc
c) 1.5 cc
d) 2.0 cc
e) 2.5 cc

36. You are to give 600,000 units of penicillin. You have a bottle labeled: "Penicillin 3,000,000 units per 10.0 cc.'' How much solution will you use? _________

a) 0.5 cc
b) 1.2 cc
c) 1.5 cc
d) 2.0 cc
e) 2.5 cc

37. You have a vial containing 500 units of a drug in dry form. How much diluent will you use to prepare a solution containing 125 units of drug per cc?

a) 0.25 cc
b) 1.0 cc
c) 2.5 cc
d) 4.0 cc
e) 10.0 cc

38. A vial of potassium penicillin G contains 3,000,000 units of the dry drug. How much diluent will be needed to make a solution that contains 400,000 units of this drug per cc? _________

a) 0.25 cc
b) 2.5 cc
c) 5.0 cc
d) 6.5 cc
e) 7.5 cc

39. You have a vial containing 25.0 mg of a drug in dry form. How much diluent will you use to prepare a solution containing 2.0 mg of drug per cc? _________

a) 5.0 cc
b) 7.5 cc
c) 10.0 cc
d) 12.5 cc
e) 15.0 cc

40. You are at home and need to prepare 8 oz. of a normal saline solution (0.9% strength). How many teaspoonful(s) of table salt will you add to 8 oz. of hot water? _________

a) ½ teaspoonful
b) 1 teaspoonful
c) 2 teaspoonful
d) 2 ½ teaspoonfuls
e) 3 teaspoonfuls

41. You are to prepare 1,000.0 cc of 1:5,000 solution of potassium permanganate. You have a stock solution labeled potassium permanganate 1:1,000. How many cc of this stock solution do you need? ________

a) 100.0 cc
b) 200.0 cc
c) 300.0 cc
d) 400.0 cc
e) 500.0 cc

42. How many cc of diluent do you need to add to the stock solution in problem 43 in order to prepare the 1,000.0 cc of 1:5,000 potassium permanganate solution? ______

a) 900.0 cc
b) 800.0 cc
c) 700.0 cc
d) 600.0 cc
e) 500.0 cc

43. Give 500 cc packed cells over a period of 4 hours. Your blood set delivers 10 drops/cc. What is the flow rate? ______

a) 10 drops/min
b) 15 drops/min
c) 20 drops/min
d) 25 drops/min
e) 40 drops/min

44. Order: "100 cc lactated Ringer's solution in 8 hours.'' Using a Pedi-set, the flow rate will be _________ microdrops/min.

a) 8 microdrops/min
b) 10 microdrops/min
c) 12 microdrops/min
d) 14 microdrops/min
e) 30 microdrops/min

45. Order: "1,000 cc D5W to run at a rate of 125 cc per hour." What is the flow rate if the set delivers 15 gtt/cc?________

a) 3.1 gtt/min
b) 6.5 gtt/min
c) 31 gtt/min
d) 38 gtt/min
e) 45 gtt/min

46. Order "3,000 cc D5W over 24 hours." What is the flow rate if the drop factor is 10 gtt/cc?

a) 15 gtt/min
b) 17 gtt/min
c) 21 gtt/min
d) 25 gtt/min
e) 30 gtt/min

47. Order "Aminophylline 50 mg/ hr. The solution is 200 mg of aminophylline in 250 ml ½ NSS." How many ml per hour are to be infused? _________

a) 10 ml/hr
b) 25.5 ml/hr
c) 31 ml/hr
d) 62.5 ml/hr
e) 101 ml/hr

48. Order: "IV 1,000 cc PSS with 40,000 units of heparin to infuse at 75 ml/hr." What is the dose of heparin delivered every hour?_________

a) 1,000 units
b) 2,000 units
c) 3,000 units
d) 4,000 units
e) 5,000 units

49. Biaxin is ordered for a 24 pound child. The recommended dose is 7.5 mg/kg every 12 hours. It comes 125 mg/5 ml. You would give _____ ml each dose.

a) 2.1
b) 3.1
c) 4.1
d) 4.5
e) 5

50. Motrin is recommended for children at the dose 10 mg/kg/dose. It comes 40mg/ml. How much would you give to a 12 pound child? _________

a) 0.6
b) 1
c) 1.4
d) 1.8
e) 2.1

51. Amoxicillin is ordered for a 13 pound infant. The recommended dose is 20 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses. It comes as 125 mg/5 ml. You would give________ ml each dose.

a) 1
b) 1.6
c) 2
d) 2.6
e) 5

52. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is ordered for a 4-year-old. The recommended dose is 6.25 mg every 4-6 hours for children 2 to 6 years old. It comes 12.5 mg/5 ml. How much would you give each dose? _______

a) 0.5 ml
b) 0.75 ml
c) 1 ml
d) 1.25 ml
e) 2.5ml