Team Building

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Teams are needed in the workplace to:

a) solve problems
b) provide staffing
c) review budgets
d) administer medications

2. Teams offer a cost effective way to increase productivity by:

a) cutting staff positions
b) rotating shifts
c) reviewing quarterly quality assurance goals and objectives
d) increasing efficiency and improving quality

3. Teams possess the following qualities:

a) character, charisma and class
b) speed, simplicity and self-confidence
c) humor, humility and humbleness
d) drive, determination and devotion

4. An important criteria for creating a team in the early implementation phase is determine its:

a) mission
b) philosophy
c) objective
d) future

5. The four stages of team growth are:

a) forming, storming, norming and performing
b) simplicity, speed, self-confidence and self-determination
c) cost awareness, cost cutting, cost management and cost measuring
d) dependency, depression, devotion and dedication

6. Teams in an organization ______________ as a common theme.

a) face downsizing
b) face ambiguous situations
c) face layoffs
d) face a changing management structure

7. A teamwork practice includes:

a) budget preparation
b) customer focus
c) promoting team members
d) determining goals and objectives

8. One of the multiple stages in the change process includes:

a) resistance
b) denial
c) promotion
d) refusal

9. An effective change agent needs:

a) tenacity
b) money
c) balance
d) seniority

10. In groups, the members tend to focus on:

a) each other
b) their boss
c) administration
d) themselves

11. The members of a team:

a) receive the support of other team members
b) get promoted quicker
c) retire earlier
d) get better patient satisfaction results

12. A team behavior that influences team effectiveness includes:

a) taking unresolved issues to administration
b) posting minutes from monthly meetings
c) promoting differences of opinion to carefully examine ideas
d) signing up new team members

13. __________ and _____________ feed a team members resistance to team building.

a) lack of knowledge and interest
b) fear and denial
c) lack of time and short staffing
d) critically ill patients and low morale

14. An example of a team problem is:

a) too many members
b) digression
c) jealousy
d) role conflict

15. One of the ground rules for team meeting is:

a) define the purpose of the meeting
b) publishing the minutes in the newsletter
c) having a member of management attend
d) keeping the meeting to a one hour minimum.

16. Empowerment can be described as a:

a) 2 way collective effort
b) 3 way collective effort
c) 4 way collective effort
d) 5 way collective effort

17. There are ____________ myths in empowerment.

a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10

18. A characteristic of an empowered environment is when:

a) there are no bosses
b) there are yearly raises
c) there are senior staff members
d) risk is considered a condition for growth

19. One of the 5 key components for a self-managed team is:

a) access to resources and support
b) setting up standards
c) joining quality circles
d) reporting to upper management

20. All quality activities are aimed at trying to meet the needs of patients in the form of:

a) no waiting time
b) faster hospital discharges
c) patient satisfaction
d) lower hospital costs

21. Effective teams have a ____________atmosphere.

a) calming
b) chaotic
c) subtle
d) tension-free

22. Ineffective teams do not ______________ well.

a) handle conflict
b) communicate
c) design cost effective programs
d) listen

23. There are ______________ myths related to conflict.

a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9

24. An effective strategy for inter-group conflict is:

a) hold joint staff meetings
b) have weekly conference calls
c) report conflict to upper management
d) bring together several members from each department or team for joint problem solving

25. Every team has both a ___________ and a ____________ function as roles on a team:

a) recorder and secretary
b) vice-president and treasurer
c) task and maintenance
d) team leader and Head nurse

26. A teams responsibility is to:

a) monitor physician staff
b) report difficult team members to the counselor
c) select a group leader
d) develop the aide and orderly staff members

27. A team member who sees the “big picture” is called a:

a) networker
b) dynamo
c) leader
d) strategist

28. ________________ decision making is generally the preferred method with in a team.

a) consensus
b) majority rule
c) opinion
d) data

29. Being creative in team decision making is being __________ to the ideas of others.

a) futuristic
b) resistant
c) open-minded
d) negative

30. There are ________ myths of creativity in team decision making.

a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9

31. Team spirit is defined as:

a) partnering with other team members
b) exploring differences among members
c) empowerment
d) the feeling that grows with in a working group

32. Guidelines to help build team spirit include:

a) publishing a newsletter
b) recruiting only motivated team members
c) defining performance standards
d) creating a team identity

33. A strategy in dealing with difficult team members includes:

a) don’t expect to change others behavior
b) report them to upper management
c) implement the disciplinary process
d) motivate them

34. In dealing with the team “star,” two pitfalls to watch out for include:

a) five them a raise
b) congratulate them in a staff meeting
c) report the star to upper management
d) make sure the “star” is challenged and recognized

35. The best sniper strategy is to:

a) discuss the attack later
b) report the attack to the supervisor
c) refuse to be attacked directly
d) inform your closest colleague

36. Negaholics can also be considered:

a) naysayers
b) demons
c) delinquent
d) defiant

37. Team members procrastinate because they have been:

a) promoted
b) rewarded
c) listened to
d) rejected

38. A master at doing minimal work on the team is a member who is:

a) negative
b) a complainer
c) unmotivated
d) not able to be promoted

39. A ‘zero tolerance” approach is appropriate for a:

a) complainer
b) “poor me”
c) solo achiever
d) backstabber

40. Difficult team members can be a/an _______ and a _____________ for any team and its leader.

a) risk and a headache
b) burden and a discipline problem
c) empowerment effort and a management challenge
d) opportunity and a challenge

41. The first consideration as a requirement for success in team building is:

a) begin with a fundamental mission
b) begin with a fundamental goal
c) begin with a fundamental philosophy
d) begin with a fundamental position statement

42. One of the challenges that teams face when they try for success is:

a) holding monthly meetings
b) quality assurance reviews
c) holding management development classes
d) a new perspective on leadership

43. One of the tips a manager can use in managing his/her team includes:

a) recognizing and rewarding team members
b) promoting the team leader
c) single out the highest achiever
d) meet with the team weekly

44. One of the major reasons why a team might not perform well is:

a) they don’t have routine meetings
b) they have too many members
c) there is no clearly defined goal to work toward
d) there is no team leader

45. Mentoring can be considered a:

a) difficult process
b) growth process
c) life long process
d) management process

46. To assist teams in making a decision , a manager is responsible for:

a) promoting team members
b) evaluating team members
c) coaching team members
d) counseling team members

47. Stress is ___________ for nurses.

a) good
b) toxic
c) life-sustaining
d) impossible

48. The most insidious kind of stress is ____________ stress.

a) infrequent
b) occasional
c) frequent
d) chronic

49. Relaxation for nurses is a:

a) luxury
b) necessity
c) stress reliever
d) guilt trip

50. In the framework for continuous renewal, it is important for nurses to:

a) let others know what works for you
b) change your mind-set
c) celebrate the small successes you are achieving
d) trust failure