Alternative Medicine

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Biomedicine

a) is the dominant medical system in modern America
b) maintains that there are specific causes for all afflictions
c) teaches that vaccines can prevent many diseases
d) all of the above

2. Medicine in the United States evolved from a mix of Native American, African, Eastern, and European traditions

a) True
b) False

3. Alternative medical schools and practices became obscure as the American Medical Association and the U.S. government began exerting more influence in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries.

a) True
b) False

4. Nurses need to be familiar with alternative medical practices in the U.S. because

a) we need to discourage our patients from using them.
b) Americans make more visits to alternative practitioners than conventional doctors.
c) many people are dissatisfied with biomedical system.
d) b and c

5. The majority of people seeking alternative therapies are suffering from acute illnesses.

a) True
b) False

6. Which of the following is not a unifying thread among most alternative medical practices?

a) the physician or practitioner is the authoritative expert
b) emphasis on integration of individuals in the stream of life
c) recognition of the importance of spiritual values to health
d) use of whole substances, such as foods and herbs in addition to pharmacological agents

7. Central concepts used by most alternative systems of medicine include:

a) holism
b) balance and imbalance
c) energy, also known as "qi"
d) all of the above

8. Belief barriers to unbiased evaluation of alternative therapies include all of the following except:

a) confidence in high technology, e.g., high-tech procedures
b) stereotypes of alternative medical practitioners as quacks
c) difficulty reprinting research done in other countries
d) AMA’s position on the one True medical profession

9. The role of the Office of Alternative Medicine is to advocate for the elimination of biomedical practice.

a) True
b) False

10. Western medicine differs from most traditional medical systems in its emphasis on mind-body separation.

a) True
b) False

11. "Mind-body"

a) refers to an isolated duality
b) can best be regarded as an overall process
c) is a frame of reference for healing interventions
d) b & c

12. Healing can occur with or without a medical cure.

a) True
b) False

13. Perceived meaning has direct consequences to health.

a) True
b) False

14. The placebo response is

a) an example of mind-body interaction.
b) often related to the relationship between doctor and patient.
c) when a patient responds to an inactive substance as if it were an active medication.
d) all of the above

15. Which of the following is not a true statement?

a) Religion and spirituality are the same thing.
b) Spirituality and religion have therapeutic potential.
c) Religious attendance appears to correlate with health benefits.
d) all of the above are True

16. There are differences in the psychological stances taken by cancer survivors both within cultures

a) True
b) False

17. According to the text, psychotherapy is

a) a treatment for emotional and mental health
b) the basis of all care
c) the matrix of interaction in which the helping professions operate
d) all of the above

18. Psychotherapy can assist recovery from a medical crisis.

a) True
b) False

19. Meditation is a technique found only in Eastern cultures.

a) True
b) False

20. Positive effects of meditation on health include

a) reduction of blood pressure
b) decreased blood cortisol levels
c) reduction of chronic pain
d) all of the above

21. Recent studies have shown a direct correlation between imagery and immunology.

a) True
b) False

22. Hypnosis has been used in pain management, including in labor and delivery.

a) True
b) False

23. A patient can learn biofeedback on his own, without using any therapist or monitoring devices.

a) True
b) False

24. Practitioners of yoga can gain heightened control over bodily processes such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory function

a) True
b) False

25. You are caring for a 6-year-old child with a history of abuse. Which mode of therapy would be most appropriate?

a) music therapy
b) dance/movement therapy
c) art therapy
d) biofeedback

26. The principle of nonlocality is relevant to which of the following mind-body interventions?

a) prayer and mental healing
b) music therapy
c) hypnosis
d) imagery and hypnosis

27. The science which studies how living organisms interact with electromagnetic fields is called

a) applied kinesiology
b) quantum physics
c) bioelectromagnetics
d) electromyography

28. Electromagnetic fields generated by power lines are

a) exogenous
b) endogenous
c) nonionizing
d) a & c

29. Clinical applications of BEM include

a) bone repair
b) nerve stimulation
c) wound healing
d) all of the above

30. TENS is

a) used in physical therapy for pain relief
b) a technique using electrodes applied to the skin via wires
c) used to monitor rapid eye movement sleep
d) all but c

31. A client will often try home or traditional remedies for simple health problems, but consult a health care provider for serious illness. This behavior is an example of

a) denial and avoidance
b) hierarchy of resort
c) alteration in judgment
d) knowledge deficit

32. Each of the major formal systems of medical practice has some similar general characteristics. These would include

a) a theory of health and disease
b) an educational plan to prepare practitioners
c) a set of cultural expectations on the role of the system
d) all of the above

33. The three major types of illnesses are

a) naturalistic, personalistic, and energetic
b) biochemical, psychosomatic, and idiopathic
c) spiritual, corporeal, and pneumatic
d) allopathic, psychiatric, and biochemical

34. Traditional Oriental medicines ncorporates philosophical principles and worldviews of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

a) True
b) False

35. A central characteristic of Oriental medicine is the emphasis on diagnosing disturbances of

a) kundalini
b) qi
c) humors
d) karma

36. Which is not a treatment modality in traditional Oriental medicine?

a) acupressure
b) cupping
c) qiqong
d) yoga

37. Acupuncture works by

a) manipulating the network of energetic meridians
b) inserting needles; into specific energetic points
c) regulating or correcting the flow of qi
d) all of the above

38. Research studies suggest that acupuncture can be helpful in treatment of chronic pain and other conditions.

a) True
b) False

39. Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medical system of

a) China
b) Japan
c) India
d) Korea

40. Which of the following statements about ayurvedic medicine is not true?

a) Disease in the body begins with imbalance or stres in the consciousness of the person.
b) Physical manifestations of disease are due to imbalances in the doshas.
c) Ayurvedic practitioners receive minimal formal training in India.
d) It involves internal cleansing and removal of toxic metabolic wastes.

41. Homeopathy

a) developed from the work of a German physician in the late 1700s;
b) is widely practiced in Europe, Latin America, and Asia;
c) involves giving small amounts of dilute remedies made from naturally occurring substances;
d) all of the above

42. Most homeopathic patients in the United States are seeking care for chronic illnesses.

a) True
b) False

43. Anthroposophical medicine incorporates three preexisting movements. Which of the following is not included?

a) homeopathy
b) naturopathy
c) scientific medicine
d) ayurvedic medicine

44. According to anthroposophical physicians, a person’s pulse and breathing are part of which body-mind system?

a) sense-nerve system
b) rhythmic system
c) metabolic-limb system
d) none of the above

45. Naturopathic medicine integrates traditional therapeutics with modern scientific methods according to primary principles. These principles include

a) recognizing the body’s inherent ability to heal
b) identifying and treating the cause of diseases
c) using therapies that do no harm
d) all of the above

46. Naturopathic medical researchers have conducted a number of studies dealing with issues of women’s health.

a) True
b) False

47. Environmental medicine is most closely related to which other medical practice?

a) toxicology
b) allergy
c) homeopathy
d) bacteriology

48. Clinical conditions addressed by environmental medicine include

a) asthma
b) depression
c) arthritis
d) all of the above

49. According to the concept of adaptation, disease can result if the body must continually try to maintain homeostasis when repeatedly exposed to an offending substance.

a) True
b) False

50. Community based health care practices

a) view the individual’s sickness in relation to the entire community
b) regard medicine and religion as two separate entities
c) are rarely utilized in the United States
d) include mostly care that is delivered in secrecy

51. There is a variety of community-based healers. Which of the following is not an example of a traditional healer?

a) shaman or medicine man
b) powwower
c) granny woman
d) public health worker

52. Singing specific chants is part of healing practices of the Dineh, or Navaho.

a) True
b) False

53. The folk medical system used by many Hispanic-Americans is called

a) voodoo
b) curanderismo
c) santeria
d) none of the above

54. A public health nurse notices that a Hispanic-American mother covers her infants face when strangers approach. The most likely explanation for this behavior is

a) the mother wants to keep the baby away from germs
b) the mother is protecting the baby from mal de ojo
c) the mother is treating the baby for empacho
d) the mother has experienced Gusto

55. Alcoholics Anonymous is an example of a community-based healing system.

a) True
b) False

56. Which of the following statements about physical healing methods are true?

a) they are also referred to as biomechanical therapies
b) all are based on the understanding that dysfunction of one body part affects function of others
c) medications are needed to realign body parts
d) all but c

57. Osteopathy is a recently developed system of health care in the United States.

a) True
b) False

58. According to osteopathic theory, diseases arise from disruptions of the normal interactions of anatomy, physiology, and behavior.

b) tomy, physiology, and behavior.

59. Which of the following is not a manual medical method used in osteopathic practice?

a) myofascial release techniques
b) strain and counterstrain techniques
c) craniosacral techniques
d) activator technique

60. The science concerned with investigating the relationship between structure and function of the human body to restore health is called

a) chiropractic
b) osteopathic
c) reflexology
d) ayurvedic

61. Major points of chiropractic philosophy include

a) the human body has an innate ability for self-healing;
b) the nervous system influences all other body systems;
c) joint dysfunction and subluxation may lead to disease;
d) all of the above

62. A client asks you if chiropractic care is ever successful for patients with back pain. You tell the client that

a) there have been no studies done to assess the effectiveness of chiropractic techniques;
b) a recent RAND report found that manipulation was effective in specific cases of low back pain;
c) they should not explore alternative medical practices under any circumstances;
d) chiropractic care is the best treatment for all back pain situations.

63. Massage therapy can be defined as the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body to normailize those tissues.

a) True
b) False

64. Which of the following is not a type of massage therapy?

a) neuromuscular massage
b) deep tissue massage
c) manual lymph drainage
d) biofield diagnostics

65. Massage therapy would be an appropriate mode of treatment for which of the following clients?

a) a 45-year-old woman complaining of chronic pain due to fibromyalgia
b) a 25-year-old woman experiencing insomnia and stress
c) a 60-year-old woman experiencing lymphedema post mastectomy
d) All of these patients could possibly benefit from mmassage therapy

66. Reflexology is an example of

a) pressure point therapy
b) chiropractic medicine
c) massage therapy
d) healing touch

67. Structural integration

a) is also known as “Rolfing”
b) involves stretching the fascia sheaths by applying sliding pressure to the affected areas
c) is a pain-free method of relaxing muscle spasms
d) a and b

68. Which of the following is not a type of postural reeducation therapy?

a) Lowenwork
b) Alexander technique
c) Feldenkrais method
d) Trager psychophysical integration

69. Biofield therapeutics, or energy healing, is a new form of healing which started in California.

a) True
b) False

70. Healing science, healing touch, and therapeutic touch are forms of blofield therapy taught and practiced in the United States.

b) False

71. There is not a generally accepted theory explaining biofields. Major hypotheses are that the biofield is

a) metaphysical
b) an electromagnets field effect
c) presently undefined given the current state of physics technology
d) all of the above

72. Biofield therapeutics have been demonstrated to

a) accelerate wound healing
b) reduce acute and chronic pain
c) assist with release of pent-up grief
d) all of the above

73. Applied kinesiology is a diagnostic method and therapeutic technique which can be used along with chiropractic.

a) True
b) False

74. The practice of physical therapy is part of mainstream medicine in the l990s, although practitioners may use manual healing methods categorized as alternative.

a) True
b) False

75. Alternative pharmacological approaches are directed toward eradicating specific disease entities.

a) True
b) False

76. Chelation is the major form of alternative therapy for

a) cancer
b) cardiovascular disease
c) rheumatoid arthritis
d) migraines

77. You are caring for a client with advanced cancer. Which of the following products is an alternative cancer therapy?

a) Hoxsey treatments
b) Essiac
c) Iscador
d) all of the above

78. Apitherapy is the medicinal use of products of

a) spider venom
b) ox urine
c) mistletoe
d) honey bees

79. Use of plants as medicinal substances is rare in the 20th century.

a) True
b) False

80. Many prescription drugs in the United States contain plant-derived material.

a) True
b) False

81. Echinacea appears to stimulate the immune system and exhibit interferonlike antiviral activity.

a) True
b) False

82. Which of the following is/are an herbal preparation used to delay the effects of aging?

a) ginseng root
b) Chinese folxglove root
c) ginkgo biloba
d) a & c

83. Ayurvedic medicine incorporates a variety of herbal medicines.

a) True
b) False

84. For further information on herbal medicines, the nurse can consult the

a) NAPRALERT database
b) USDA Laboratory research
c) the PDR
d) a & b

85. Academic studies of medicinal plants have declined in the United States as compared to Europe and Asia.

a) True
b) False

86. Which of the following statements is true?

a) the affluent diet is associated with decrease in chronic diseases;
b) dietary changes in technologically-advanced countries have occurred faster than people’s biological adaptation to those diets;
c) negative effects of the affluent diet can be seen by disease profiles in recently acculturated groups to the U.S;
d) b & c

87. The focus of nutrition research in recent decades has shifted from issues of nutritional deficiencies to dealing with chronic diseases caused by overnutrition.

a) True
b) False

88. The average daily amounts of essential nutrients needed to meet the physiological needs of healthy people is referred to as the

a) FDA
b) RDA
c) BNQ
d) FGP

89. A good resource for teaching clients how to eat a balanced diet is the

a) Four Food Groups
b) RDA list
c) Food Guide Pyramid
d) macrobiotic diet

90. The following statements are True:

a) all vitamins can be toxic at some levels;
b) most vitamins are safe for long-term use at levels above the RDA;
c) pharmacological doses of vitamins and magnesium salts may be used to treat certain conditions;
d) all of the above

91. Orthomolecular medicine

a) is characterized by treating disease with the optimal concentration of substances normally present in the body;
b) incorporates therapeutic use of high-dose nutrient therapy to treat chronic disease;
c) neither of the above;
d) both of the above

92. Orthomolecular research for treatment of AIDS has shown vitamin A and beta-carotene to be promising therapeutic agents.

a) True
b) False

93. The Gerson therapy is characterized by

a) concern with the balance of magnesium and zinc in the body
b) hourly feedings of raw, fresh fruit and vegetable juices
c) coffee enemas for pain management and to stimulate bowel and liver enzymes
d) all but a

94. The macrobiotic philosophy believes that

a) the development of cancer is determined by dietary, environmental, social, and personal factors
b) cancer develops in a long-term, multistep process
c) each person’s illness can be classified as predominantly yin or yang
d) all of the above

95. Both the Pritikin and Ornish diets are characterized by low carbohydrates, high protein, and no sodium.

a) True
b) False

96. Food allergies may be managed by

a) avoiding food allergens
b) taking allergy shots
c) following a 4-day rotation diet
d) a & c

97. The vitamin deficiency, seen in strict vegetarian diets is

a) vitamin A deficiency
b) vitamin C deficiency
c) vitamin B12 deficiency
d) vitamin E deficiency

98. A cultural diet is defined as the diet of any group of people who share beliefs and customs.

a) True
b) False

99. The Mediterranean diet is associated with increased incidence of cardiac disease and cancer.

a) True
b) False

100. Successful nutritional counseling depends on

a) adequate nutritional training for physicians and other health care providers
b) culturally sensitive communication strategies and respect for individual practices
c) approaches designed to meet client needs, e.g., information on how to eat sensibly at fast-food restaurants for those who do little cooking
d) all of the above