Natural Healing

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. In this book, natural healing techniques are referred to as traditional medicine, whereas the modern medical system is referred to as orthodox medicine.

a) True
b) False

2. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Natural medicines are entirely without toxic or side effects.
b) Natural medicines are relatively safe because they are essentially plant-based foods taken in small doses.
c) Herbs can cause toxic effects if taken in extremely high doses for nonrecommended purposes.
d) One can abuse a plant-based medicine, just as one can abuse a synthetic drug.
e) none of the above

3. Select the correct statement from the following:

a) Orthodox and traditional medicine are two complementary systems.
b) In their basic approach to the human body, the two medical systems represent opposite world views.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

4. Each form of traditional medicine, whether it be Chinese, Ayurvedic, Greek, or Japanese, refer to the life force as the bodily and spiritual entity, and assign a specific term to it. One of the following has the incorrect associated term:

a) The Chinese refer to it as chi.
b) The Ayurvedic approach refers to it as prana)
c) The Greeks call it pneuma.
d) The Japanese call it qi.

5. The terms yin and yang refer to

a) the names of Chinese panda bears.
b) two potent herbal medicines used to treat bipolar disorder
c) terms generally used in the Chinese form of traditional medicine to characterize the polar opposites.
d) the currency used in ancient China
e) a variation in the game of ping pong

6. All of the following except one is considered yang:

a) fire
b) the daylight hours
c) the sun
d) time
e) the earth

7. In the yin/yang terminology used in the Chinese form of medicine, tall people are:

a) yin
b) yang

8. Various studies have validated the use of foods, herbs and physical therapies in promoting natural health. Which of the following substances has been known to lower total cholesterol?

a) ginkgo biloba
b) garlic
c) licorice
d) cruciferous vegetables
e) kuzu

9. All of the following items have been linked to lowering the risk for cancer except

a) broccoli
b) licorice
c) Shiitake mushrooms
d) acupuncture
e) turmeric

10. At least in one hospital in this country, acupuncture has been used successfully in the treatment of cocaine addiction.

a) True
b) False

11. According to a Japanese study one of the following has been known to substantially lower cholesterol and triglycerides:

a) Japanese green tea
b) gugulipid
c) ginkgo biloba
d) tofu

12. According to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine ____________ of Americans sought the advice of a holistic health practitioner during the previous year.

a) 10%
b) 33%
c) 80%
d) 99%

13. Several prestigious institutions, such as Harvard Medical School, now offer courses in natural, holistic medicine.

a) True
b) False

14. There is "little point in avoiding sweets, such as chocolate" to reduce the incidence of acne. This is the position of

a) modern Western medicine
b) traditional medicine
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

15. There is a psychological component to allergies, including feelings of isolation, separation and arrogance. This is the position of

a) modern Western medicine
b) traditional medicine
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

16. Who believes that iron deficiency very often is not the cause of anemia?

a) modern Western medicine
b) traditional medicine

17. To reduce anxiety, you should avoid all of the following foods except

a) coffee
b) chocolate
c) alcohol
d) strong spices
e) slightly salty foods

18. According to the traditional medicine, arthritis is caused by

a) degeneration of the cartilage in the joints
b) inflammation of the joints
c) autoimmune disorder
d) wind and dampness
e) all of the above

19. In the treatment of asthma, Chinese medicine focuses on all of the following, except

a) lungs
b) bronchial passages
c) kidneys
d) liver

20. According to the Chinese medicine, how many types of asthma are there?

a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
e) six

21. According to the traditional medicine, the most common cause of back pain is:

a) lifting heavy weight
b) pregnancy
c) prolonged stress and fear
d) lack of exercise
e) prolonged standing

22. According to Cornell University researchers, the average Chinese man or woman has a cholesterol level of _____________ mg/dL.

a) 154
b) 160
c) 180
d) over 200

23. For healthy blood pressure, the traditional medicine recommends all of the following except

a) garlic
b) Shiitake mushrooms
c) Reishi mushrooms
d) citrus fruits

24. Chinese medicine states that all of the following foods either cause bronchitis or exacerbate its symptoms except

a) coffee
b) alcohol
c) peaches, pears, strawberries and citrus fruits
d) garlic
e) ginger

25. Chinese medicine regards cancer as stagnation of(select the incorrect answer)

a) blood
b) lymph
c) cells
d) qi

26. Which of the following herbs would you not use to treat common cold?

a) ginger
b) ma-huang
c) echinacea
d) goldenseal
e) slippery elm

27. Which of the following is not the usual advice from traditional medicine for dandruff?

a) reduce animal proteins
b) increase exercise
c) use Head and Shoulders shampoo
d) use wahoo

28. According to the traditional medicine dizziness is caused by wind which enters the body causing instability and turbulence.

a) True
b) False

29. The earliest use of fragrant oils to heal goes back to the

a) Egyptians
b) Greeks
c) Romans
d) Chinese

30. Which of the following essential oils is seductive and sensual?

a) chamomile
b) eucalyptus
c) geranium
d) lavender
e) peppermint

31. Which of the following essential oils is used to purify and decongest the lungs?

a) arnica
b) eucalyptus
c) coriander
d) wintergreen

32. The cause of more than 60 major illnesses including heart disease, cancer and cataracts can be traced to:

a) free radical formation
b) oxidation
c) antioxidants
d) a) and b) above
e) all of the above

33. Select the correct answer from the following:

a) The Chinese obtain only 7% of their protein from animal foods.
b) Americans get more than 70% of their protein from animal sources.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

34. The five elements manifested in the Chinese medicine include all of the following

a) wood
b) earth
c) wind
d) fire
e) metal

35. According to the Chinese medicine philosophy, the energy each organ receives at various times during the day rises and falls. At what time does the heart receive the least amount of qi?

a) 11:00 a)m.
b) 1:00 p.m.
c) 11:00 p.m.
d) 6:00 a)m.

36. The Chinese discovered that during each season, a particular set of organs is nourished by the life force to a far greater extent than other organs of the body. What is the best season for healing the heart and small intestine?

a) spring
b) summer
c) late summer
d) fall
e) winter

37. This particular supplement is recommended for women in the earliest stages of pregnancy since it is necessary for the development of nerve cells in the fetus.

a) chromium
b) calcium
c) boron
d) folic acid
e) magnesium

38. Zinc is a trace mineral which is known to be a powerful immune booster. What is the optimum dosage of zinc per day for an adult?

a) 2 mg
b) 12 _ 19 mg
c) 50 mg
d) 100 mg

39. Bioflavonoids are

a) A form of steroids
b) plant compounds found in citrus fruits
c) essential oils
d) cancer cells generally found in the colon

40. There are several methods used for herbal preparations. To extract the deeper healing qualities of stems, roots and bark, which of the following methods should be used?

a) infusion
b) decoction
c) fomentation
d) herbal poultice

41. One of the therapeutic massage techniques is based on a system of healing touch that focuses life energy into 26 "safety energy locks." The practitioner gently touches a part of the body where one of the safety energy locks is located infusing it with

a) Alexander technique
b) Hellerwork technique
c) neuromuscular therapy
d) Jin shin jyutsu
e) Tragerwork technique

42. Reflexology is a Tibetan form of laying on of hands or palm healing.

a) True
b) False

43. Among the many therapeutic massage techniques, one of the following is the most widely practiced massage therapies in the United States and around the world.

a) polarity
b) therapeutic touch
c) Swedish massage
d) ohashiatsu

44. Homeopathy originated in:

a) India
b) China
c) Germany
d) Japan

45. Select from the following one that is not a characteristic of homeopathy:

a) Effective medicines actually produce a condition similar to the illness itself.
b) Drugs should be used to create the opposite effect on symptoms.
c) The smaller dosages are even more effective against the underlying illness.
d) combination remedies
e) over-the-counter drug status

46. Homeopathic remedies come entirely from plants.

a) True
b) False

47. Homeopathic remedies are considered over-the-counter drugs by the FDA, and thus can make certain health claims on their labels.

a) True
b) False

48. This herb has traditionally been used as a woman's herb to control morning sickness during pregnancy and to ease the pain of menstruation and childbirth.

a) psyllium
b) red raspberry
c) oat straw
d) witch hazel

49. Ginseng is commonly used as an adaptogen, which means

a) it lowers high blood pressure.
b) it raises low blood pressure.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

50. Green tea has twice the amount of caffeine than coffee.

a) True
b) False

51. Ginger has many beneficial properties and is used in all of the following but one instances:

a) to reduce inflammation, especially in people with arthritis
b) to inhibit platelet aggregation
c) to prevent nausea, even in pregnant women
d) to reduce cholesterol
e) to alleviate depression

52. Which of the following is not True of ephedra?

a) It is one drug specifically exempted under Olympic rules.
b) It is excellent for treating asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions.
c) It boosts heartrate, breathing and metabolism.
d) If used in excess, it can create changes in brain chemistry and perception.
e) High dosages and repeated use may result in nervousness, restlessness and increased blood pressure.

53. Licorice is used for respiratory problems such as asthma, coughs and bronchitis.

a) True
b) False

54. Larkspur is

a) A sedative
b) an insecticide
c) an antidepressant
d) an expectorant
e) an astringent

55. All of the following herbs except one are associated with treating gynecological problems:

a) cramp bark
b) dong quai
c) goldenseal
d) comfrey
e) chasteberry

56. All but one of the following herbs have laxative properties:

a) cascara sagrada
b) barberry
c) castor oil
d) buckthorn
e) calamus root

57. All but one of the following herbs are known for their calming and quieting effect on the central nervous system:

a) California poppy
b) valerian
c) alfalfa
d) catnip
e) chamomile

58. Only one of the following herbs can be taken orally for internal use.

a) clay
b) comfrey
c) calendula
d) st. john's wort
e) eucalyptus

59. Which of the following herbs has aphrodisiac effect on men, but cannot be promoted in herbal form as an aphrodisiac according to FDA regulations?

a) Siberian ginseng
b) yohimbine
c) Suma
d) scorpion
e) life root

60. Who wrote the following? "Drugs are not always necessary. Belief in recovery always is."

a) Elizabeth Kublar-Ross
b) Norman Cousins
c) Stephen Schliefer
d) Andrew Wyles

61. People who early in life believed that they were predisposed to an earlier-than-normal death actually died prematurely.

a) True
b) False

62. The Pennebaker method of healing relies upon

a) the confessional writing
b) being optimistic
c) having faith in healing
d) burying negative thoughts
e) prayer and meditation

63. All but one of the following people have studied the effects of prayer and meditation on health:

a) Gail Ironson
b) Randolph Byrd
c) Ram Dass
d) Herbert Benson
e) Hans Selye

64. Which of the following foods have been shown to irritate the bladder and make one more vulnerable to bladder problems?

a) beans
b) white fish
c) acidic juices in foods
d) spirulina and chlorella
e) black sesame seeds

65. Which of the following exercises may result in the loss of bladder control?

a) Kegel exercise
b) high impact aerobics
c) abdomen exercises
d) pelvic exercises

66. The primary dietary factor affecting hearing is

a) sugar
b) fat
c) fish
d) alcohol
e) caffeine

67. One method of eye exercises encourages people to do as much as possible without the use of eye glasses. Name that method.

a) Chinese
b) Pritikin
c) Bates
d) Schlemm

68. According to the Chinese, the gallbladder is responsible for sound decision making.

a) True
b) False

69. According to the Chinese, burnt foods such as toast or roasted seeds have a deleterous effect on the heart.

a) True
b) False

70. Listed below are some of the most commonly known antioxidants. Select the one that is not an antioxidant:

a) vitamin C
b) beta-carotene
c) vitamin E
d) calcium
e) selenium

71. Beta-carotene is an excellent antioxidant and to reduce the risk of cancer it should be taken in supplement form on a regular basis.

a) True
b) False

72. Many culinary herbs have powerful immune-boosting and cancer-fighting properties. Select from the following the herb that is not such:

a) garlic
b) Shiitake mushrooms
c) pepper
d) cumin
e) green tea

73. The more vigorous exercise produces greater immune system power.

a) True
b) False

74. In Chinese medicine, one of the following is not considered a healing food for the kidneys.

a) pure, clean water
b) beans
c) ginger
d) barley
e) grapes

75. There are three types of estrogen produced by a woman's body. Of these three there is one that is produced in the greatest quantity and the only one that is noncancerous:

a) estradiol
b) estrone
c) estriol

76. From the Chinese perspective, the primary organ of digestion is:

a) small intestine
b) large intestine
c) spleen
d) stomach