Stress Management

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Stress can be defined as:

a) a force acting upon an organism
b) an encounter perceived as threatening
c) a body-mind-spirit reaction to an event
d) all of the above

2. There is only one correct definition of stress.

a) True
b) False

3. Any change can be stressful.

a) True
b) False

4. Wellness is

a) the absence of physical disease
b) a process
c) reflected by a sense of holism
d) all of the above

5. Hans Selye is most often associated with:

a) discovering quantum physics
b) identifying the General Adaptation Syndrome
c) describing a relational theory of stress.
d) none of the above

6. The branch of science which explores the connection between the brain and the physiological activities of the body is:

a) medical psychiatry
b) clinical psychology
c) psychoneuroimmunology
d) systems theory

7. Which of the following physical reactions may occur when a person is experiencing stress?

a) increased heart rate
b) improved immune system functioning
c) decreased muscle tension
d) improved sleeping patterns

8. High levels of stress can cause all of the following mental reactions except:

a) poor judgement
b) improved memory
c) difficulty learning
d) impaired concentration

9. Which of the following conditions may enhance coping skills?

a) a personal sense of self-worth
b) a strong social support network
c) excessive use of alcohol or drugs
d) all but c

10. It is important to begin all relaxation exercises by:

a) focusing on the breathing
b) taking a tranquilizer
c) turning on the radio
d) forming an image of yourself

11. Exercise or creative movement assists in stress management by:

a) allowing the physical expression of thoughts or ideas
b) improving the overall level of energy and endurance
c) both 'a' and 'b
d) none of the above

12. Which of the following is not a phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome?

a) resolution
b) alarm
c) exhaustion
d) resistance

13. Imagery:

a) has been a part of healing practices for many years
b) involves all the senses of the body
c) is an important resource for wellness promotion
d) all of the above

14. The earliest known healers were called

a) priests
b) doctors
c) placebos
d) shamans

15. Imagery exercises, such as the "quick getaway." may be helpful in:

a) promoting relaxation before bedtime
b) decreasing pain during medical treatment
c) reducing the physical effects of stress
d) all of the above

16. Music has been a part of healing rituals in many cultures throughout history.

a) True
b) False

17. Which of the following is a possible effect of music?

a) improved learning and creativity
b) decreased awareness of the body
c) improved ability to use imagery
d) a and c

18. When two vibrating objects are placed near each other. The more weakly vibrating object will begin to "lock-in" with the stronger vibrations. This is an example of:

a) vibrational resonance
b) musical synchronicity
c) entrainment
d) none of the above

19. Before using music as a therapeutic tool with a client, the nurse should:

a) assess the client's attitude toward music
b) assist the client to complete a music self-assessment tool
c) ask the client if they notice any physical reactions when listening to music
d) all of the above

20. A mandala is:

a) a musical instrument
b) a symbol of wholeness
c) a tool for self-expression
d) b and c

21. The effects of imagery exercises may be enhanced by the addition of appropriate music.

a) True
b) False

22. Stress management techniques are most effective when:

a) they involve activities which the client enjoys
b) are part of an overall life management program
c) address physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
d) all of the above

23. Completing a Stress Management Care Plan helps the client by:

a) setting achievable goals for changing behavior patterns
b) reinforcing the client's commitment to wellness
c) reminding the person what to do
d) all of the above

24. All stress is bad.

a) True
b) False

25. Feeling a loss of control can be a major source of stress for clients within the health care setting.

a) True
b) False

26. Which of the following statements about personality are True?

a) personality represents the arrangement of your thoughts, behaviors, coping mechanisms, and attitudes
b) personality is the result of the interplay between genetic predisposition, life experience, and culture
c) personality affects your relationships, your work.your emotional make-up, and the way in which you approach your daily life.
d) all of the above

27. Which of the following is not a system for describing personality types?

a) Type A/Type B
b) Jungian theory of introversion/extroversion
c) Myers/Briggs
d) Freudian scheme of Id/Ego/Superego

28. A person with a predominantly Type A personality is likely to

a) speak in a rapid, aggressive fashion
b) eat, walk, and move quickly
c) experience a chronic state of time urgency
d) all of the above

29. Which is not a True statement about Type A personality ?

a) it does not have a negative impact on health
b) a Type A person can modify some of his behaviors
c) Type A behaviors, such as being a perfectionist are often reinforced in Western society
d) all are True

30. The soul can be defined as

a) an intangible quality or depth within us that provides meaning within our life
b) an aspect of a person which transcends religious and cultural considerations
c) both of the above
d) neither

31. Elements of designing a care plan for the soul include

a) acknowledging the sacredness of everyday life
b) creating a special place for yourself
c) designating some daily 'soul time'
d) all of the above

32. Which of the following is not an effect of exercise?

a) improvement of overall cardiovascular fitness
b) lowering of blood pressure
c) decreased anxiety
d) reduced bone density

33. Cautions to be followed when exercising include:

a) consult with a health care professional prior to starting an exercise program
b) always stretch for 5 minutes before and after the exercise period
c) both a and b
d) none of the above

34. A person with a history of joint injuries wants to start an exercise program. Which of the following types of exercise would probably be the safest and most beneficial for him?

a) step aerobics
b) walking
c) swimming
d) b and c

35. If you are assisting a client to plan an exercise program as part of stress management, which of the following principles would you teach him?

a) set realistic, attainable goals at first, working up to higher levels gradually
b) exercise must cause joint and muscle pain in order to accomplish desired results
c) running is the most effective form of aerobic exercise for most people
d) exercise will help you lose weight, but will not relieve stress

36. A patient wants to develop an overall wellness promotion program for herself. She also wants to lose weight. What would your first step be in assisting this client?

a) enter the client in an aerobics class
b) have the client start to keep a food diary
c) recommend the client enter a support group
d) teach the client meditation techniques

37. Which of the following is not a principle of good nutrition ?

a) eat ample amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables daily
b) drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
c) avoid or reduce intake of sugar and caffeine
d) eat large servings of meat with each meal

38. Certain foods and herbs may play a role in stress management. Which of the following beverages would be the best choice for an anxious client to drink in the evening ?

a) a cup of coffee
b) a beer
c) chamomile or valerian root tea
d) none of the above

39. Which is not an effect of caffeine?

a) increased levels of B vitamins within the body
b) increased levels of stress hormones
c) possible aggravation of fibrocystic changes in the breast
d) all of the above

40. A client complains of feeling tense and shaky during the work day. The client drinks 6-8 cups of coffee daily, plus eats several chocolate bars between meals. Which dietary change/s would you recommend?

a) add sugar to each cup of coffee to provide extra energy
b) cut down or eliminate coffee intake, switching to deaf or herbal teas
c) select snacks high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat
d) b and c

41. Symptoms of burnout may include:

a) ongoing fatigue
b) more frequent illnesses
c) negative attitudes and behaviors
d) all of the above

42. Job settings or characteristics which can contribute to burnout include:

a) frequent changes in policies
b) rotating shifts
c) decentralized decision making
d) a and b

43. Interventions which you can take to decrease or cope with job stress include:

a) set realistic goals for yourself daily
b) take breaks and lunches as scheduled
c) take good care of yourself away from work
d) all of the above

44. The first key step in the Job Care Plan is:

a) personalize
b) plan
c) prioritize
d) process

45. Which of the following is a True statement ?

a) Stress-related illnesses are rarely found in women.
b) Women are experiencing cardiovascular disorders in greater numbers than in past decades.
c) Women have a higher tolerance level for job stress than men.
d) Men have a higher tolerance level for job stress than women.

46. Important points when setting goals are:

a) keep it simple and realistic
b) focus on large accomplishments or 'big wins"
c) reward success and revise the goal if it is not realistic
d) a and c

47. Stress management techniques are most successful if practiced every day.

a) True
b) False

48. Living the "hyphenated life" of parent/spouse/career social activities can be a source of stress.

a) True
b) False

49. Learning to set priorities and focus on quantifiable goals is part of stress management.

a) True
b) False

50. Completing the Stress Management Care Plan for yourself is an important step in the commitment to overall wellness.

a) True
b) False

51. When a co-worker steals your idea with out giving you credit. Your proper response should be:

a) confront the co-worker in front of the supervisor
b) leave the project or the meeting
c) bring the co-worker into your confidence and explain the need to work together
d) leave the matter alone

52. Expressing your anger through screaming and cursing is a better response than repressing it.

a) True
b) False

53. Many of the stressors in our lives are beyond our immediate control.

a) True
b) False

54. There's no link between anger and physical ailments.

a) True
b) False

55. The characteristics of ôtough-minded"people are:

a) they are at relative ease under most ordinary circumstances
b) when faced with a stressful situation they spring into action quickly
c) their response is measured
d) all of the above

56. Once you get used to coping with stress effectively you never forget the skill.

a) True
b) False

57. In Type A individuals, frequent, free-floating hostility causes more damage than the challenge-seeking, hard-driving aspect of the personality.

a) True
b) False

58. Research shows that the SNS - adrenal - medulla systems of Type As recover more slowly than those of Type Bs.

a) True
b) False

59. In Hans Selye's GAS model, during the resistance stage, our body:

a) becomes limp and listless to deal with the stressful event.
b) resists all external stimuli as long as the stress persists.
c) acquires a higher level of awareness to cope with the situation.
d) none of the above.

60. The best way to deal with stress is to learn to shorten your stay in the resistance stage (according to Hans Selye's GAS model.)

a) True
b) False

61. During a stressful situation,

a) body releases hormones, adrenaline and nonadrenalme, combined effect of which is to lower body's immune system,
b) body releases beta endorphins, effect of which is to raise body's threshold for pain.
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b

62. Type A individuals as a rule are more successful in their careers than Type B individuals.

a) True
b) False

63. Individual(s) credited with pioneering research in personality types (Type A and B):

a) Hans Selye
b) Friedman and Rosenman
c) C. Bernard
d) W. B. Cannon

64. Type B persons are more likely to indulge in polyphasic thought or performance than Type A.

a) True
b) False

65. It is impossible to change Type A behavior.

a) True
b) False

66. People usually react to stress in different ways:

a) some eat excessively to distract themselves from work
b) others suffer stomach up set and skip meals
c) both of the above
d) neither a or b