Eating Disorders

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Approximately ______ % percent of adolescent girls develop anorexia nervosa.

a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 10

2. Among young women, the incidence of bulimia is higher than the incidence of anorexia nervosa.

a) True
b) False

3. Anorexia nervosa is defined as extreme weight loss of _____ % below the individual's normal body weight.

a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 25
e) 30

4. An anorexic person may indulge in all of the following behaviors except

a) She may look at herself in the mirror and feel that she is overweight, but when in fact she is emaciated.
b) She may indulge in "ritualistic" eating.
c) She may do strenuous exercises.
d) She may take excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives.
e) She may prepare gourmet feasts for family and friends, but not partake in the meals herself.

5. All of the following statements apply to the bulimic patients except

a) People with bulimia nervosa consume large amounts of food.
b) They rid their bodies of the excess calories by vomiting.
c) They abuse laxatives or diuretics, take enemas or exercise obsessively.
d) Their body weight is below normal.

6. Many anorexic persons progress toward bulimia.

a) True
b) False

7. All of the following statements apply to people with binge eating-disorders except

a) They frequently consume abnormally large amount of food.
b) Then, they purge their bodies of excess food.
c) They lose control of themselves when eating.
d) Most people with this disorder are obese. e. They feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating.

8. The most common of eating disorders is

a) anorexia
b) bulimia
c) binge eating

9. Which of the following statements is not True of binge eating disorder?

a) The causes of binge eating are still unknown.
b) Up to half of people with binge eating disorder have a history of depression.
c) Binge eating disorder runs in the family.
d) Strict dieting worsens binge eating in some people.

10. Medical complications of anorexia include all of the following except

a) Monthly menstrual periods stop.
b) Breathing, pulse, and blood pressure rates drop.
c) Skin dries, yellows, and becomes covered with soft hair.
d) Dental problems develop.
e) Nails and hairs become brittle.

11. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) People with anorexia are often perfectionist, good students, and excellent athletes.
b) Individuals with bulimia are more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as abuse of alcohol and drugs.
c) Anorexia and bulimia are found most often in Caucasians.
d) In contrast to the other eating disorders more men than women are affected by binge eating disorders.
e) Ironically, girls with eating disorders often come from families that are supportive and non-judgemental of their weights.

12. Researchers have found that people with eating disorders have abnormal levels of all of the following except

a) serotonin
b) melatonin
c) cortisol
d) vasopressin

13. Antidepressant medications are more effective in the treatment of bulimia than anorexia.

a) True
b) False

14. There are several kinds of eating disorders, but only a few are officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association. Which of the following is such?

a) binge eating
b) bulimia nervosa
c) night eating syndrome
d) restricted eating
e) a and b

15. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the number of women between 12 and 25 affected by an eating disorder is

a) about 100,000
b) 5% of the population
c) half a million
d) between 5 to 10 million

16. Which of the following eating disorders typically begins in adolescence?

a) anorexia nervosa
b) binge eating disorder
c) bulimia nervosa
d) exercise resistance
e) night eating syndrome

17. Anorexia and bulimia are two distinct eating disorders. Anorexics seldom become bulimic.

a) True
b) False

18. This person is a compulsive eater and overweight; abhors physical exercise and becomes angry and resentful if asked to be physically active; was overweight during childhood. Select the eating disorder that best fits this person.

a) anorexia nervosa
b) binge eating disorder
c) bulimia nervosa
d) exercise resistance
e) restricted eating

19. Most persons with eating disorders will go to great lengths to hide their disease. Which of the following is probably the best-kept secret eating disorder?

a) anorexia
b) bulimia
c) binge-eating
d) exercise resistance

20. Antidepressant medications are equally helpful in anorexics and bulimics.

a) True
b) False

21. Select the medication found most effective in the treatment of anorexia:

a) Nardil
b) Elavil
c) Prozac
d) Wellbutrin

22. Bulimia and binge eating disorders have many similarities but also one important difference. Select such a distinguish- ing characteristic:

a) uncontrolled eating
b) purging
c) feeling of loss of control
d) affects women more than men
e) depression

23. Binge eating disorder is probably the least common eating disorder.

a) True
b) False

24. Binge eating disorder, alone among all eating disorders, is more common among men than women.

a) True
b) False

25. Who is more likely to indulge in impulsive activity such as shoplifting, casual sex or drug abuse?

a) anorexic
b) bulimic

26. Eating disorders appear to run in families.

a) True
b) False

27. Eating disorders affect men and women, but one of the following disorders affects men in larger numbers than other disorders.

a) anorexia
b) bulimia
c) binge eating

28. Scientists have found that the neurotransmitters function abnormally in anorexia and bulimia patients. Is the activity of neurotransmitters increased or decreased in such patients?

a) increased
b) decreased

29. Many patients with bulimia have obsessive-compulsive behavior.

a) True
b) False

30. Scientists have established a link between bulimia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This link is signified by the elevated presence of one of the following brain chemical hormones:

a) cortisol
b) vasopressin
c) neuropeptide
d) cholecystokinin

31. Many psychological factors characterize the behavior of people with eating disorders. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) People with eating disorders tend to be perfectionists.
b) They feel powerless, defeated and resentful.
c) They are quick to show their anger.
d) They often lack a sense of identity.

32. Select the answer that best describes the feelings of persons with eating disorders:

a) smothered, sheltered by their famil
b) abandoned, misunderstood and alone
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

33. The percentage of Americans whose health is jeopardized by too much weight is

a) increasing
b) decreasing

34. Among students, more females try to lose weight than males.

a) True
b) False

35. Which of the following produces greater weight loss?

a) altering the proportion of the calories from fat, carbohydrates and protein
b) restricting overall caloric intake

36. Americans try to lose weight for several reasons. Which of the following is not such a reason? (Select the most appropriate answer.)

a) improve self-image
b) health concerns
c) career advancement
d) appearance
e) All of the above are valid reasons

37. Which of the following weight loss methods is used by the least number of people?

a) diet
b) exercise
c) over-the-counter products
d) diet supplements
e) participation in a weight loss program

38. Significant weight loss can be achieved through rigorous exercise.

a) True
b) False

39. Which of the following is not a barrier to successful weight loss?

a) high cost of weight loss programs
b) lack of self-worth
c) failure to lose weight early
d) premature termination of diet modification or exercise program
e) lack of social and professional support

40. Most epidemiological studies suggest that weight loss is associated with increased mortality.

a) True
b) False

41. Most studies have confirmed long-term negative effects of weight cycling on psychological and physical health.

a) True
b) False

42. Which of the following is a serious adverse effect of very low-calorie diet and fasting?

a) cardiac arrhythmia
b) increased risk for gallstones
c) high mortality
d) sleep apnea
e) diabetes mellitus

43. Nonsupervised weight loss program is contraindicated for all of the following except

a) people with low self-esteem
b) severely overweight persons
c) pregnant or lactating women
d) children
e) those with serious medical conditions

44. In evaluating a weight loss method or program, which of the following factors is least important?

a) successful completion rate
b) experience of other participants
c) amount of weight loss
d) weight maintenance in the long term
e) adverse medical or psychological effect

45. An anorexic would starve herself to death because (select the incorrect statement from the following):

a) she is overweight
b) she feels she has no control over her life
c) she uses food to exercise control
d) she uses food to gain approval from her parents or peers

46. Boyfriends of bulimic girls generally do not tend to inter- vene. If their girlfriends are "looking good," most men don't question how they got that way.

a) True
b) False

47. Which of the following statements is more True of bulimics than of anorexics?

a) they withdraw socially
b) they stop menstruating
c) they exhibit a diminished sexual drive
d) they generally have an ongoing relationship with a man

48. At a program for managing eating disorders, a key component of treatment is supervised group meals at which they serve regular restaurant food. They don't do anything that's branded low-fat, not even diet soda.

a) True
b) False

49. There are both similarities and differences in how men and women are afflicted with eating disorder. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) In both genders, eating behavior is likely to go awry at certain key points in life, such as separation from family, going away to college, etc.
b) A 1992 survey showed that eating disorders in women had dropped by half, but among men they had doubled.
c) The onset of anorexia in girls is often a frightened retreat from sexuality.
d) About 22 percent of male anorexics are homosexual.
e) Both genders develop anorexia symptoms at about the same age.

50. Exercise addiction affects the same population group that's affected by anorexia or bulimia.

a) True
b) False