Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, and Health

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. The dietary guidelines for Americans were developed in 1980 and that document is still used as a primary nutrition guide for the general public.

a) True
b) False

2. Federal legislation requires the review and updating of the Dietary Guidelines at least every five years.

a) True
b) False

3. Scientists from the U.S. Depts. of Agriculture and Health, Education, and Welfare and a committee of experts from the scientific community first met in 1979 in order to validate a report of a Senate committee on nutrition and human needs.

a) True
b) False

4. The first (1977) report of dietary goals was widely accepted in the U.S.

a) True
b) False

5. The first dietary goals included specific recommendations related to carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol, sugar, salt.

a) True
b) False

6. Physical activity and safe food handling have been important sections of the guidelines since the first edition was issued.

a) True
b) False

7. Americans can be confident that the information provided in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 is scientifically credible.

a) True
b) False

8. Research has proven that increased illness and death in the U. S. are related to poor diets and lack of physical activity.

a) True
b) False

9. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans focus on promoting health and reducing risk for chronic disease through:

a) healthy living
b) early identification of at-risk individuals
c) diet and exercise
d) elimination of certain food groups

10. The information in the Dietary Guidelines

a) is to be used for all people
b) is to be used only for adults
c) is to be used for everyone over two years of age
d) is to be used for children over six and adults

11. Because of federal laws the dietary guidelines form the basis for planning:

a) school lunch programs
b) Weight Watcher programs
c) health and fitness club standards
d) infection control standards

12. The most important fact to note about the 2005 guidelines is

a) it is a revision of the 2000 document
b) it documents the scientific foundation of the guidelines
c) it is based on personal opinions of experts
d) it reiterates previous guidelines

13. Which of the following is one of the major messages in the 2005 guidelines?

a) calories do not matter if carbohydrates are eliminated
b) grains can be substituted for carbohydrates for weight loss
c) calories must be managed to manage weight
d) fruits and vegetables must be monitored carefully

14. One significant difference in the current guidelines and previous editions is:

a) there is a separate section on sugars
b) there is not a separate section on sugars
c) sugars were completely forbidden in the previous versions
d) sugars were not limited in previous versions

15. The basic premise of dietary guidelines is:

a) to balance nutrition intake and energy needs
b) to monitor dietary intake and activity levels
c) to control caloric intake and decrease sugar intake
d) to reduce fat and fiber intake

16. The dietary guidelines are used for all of the following except:

a) developing education programs for elementary schools
b) developing federal school lunch programs
c) developing brochures and posters for public service announcements
d) developing infant feeding recommendations

17. Which of the following is a good source of essential nutrients?

a) raw sugar added to coffee
b) red wine daily
c) buttered toast with eggs
d) brown and wild rice

18. The guidelines present a food intake pattern that includes which of the following?

a) five basic food groups
b) the basic seven food types
c) a 2500 calorie diet
d) different food types for different age groups

19. Americans who eat adequate amounts of healthy foods do not need to take daily doses of vitamins and minerals.

a) True
b) False

20. Following the 2005 dietary guidelines will:

a) promote health and prevent chronic diseases
b) cure many chronic diseases
c) prevent infections
d) eliminate all sugar and alcohol from diet

21. A healthy eating pattern is recommended to:

a) promote rapid weight loss
b) promote slow weight gain
c) prevent gradual weight gain
d) decrease use of weight loss drugs

22. The kinds and amounts of food eaten daily need to meet recommended nutrient intakes and match energy expenditure to:

a) maintain high energy
b) maintain a stable weight
c) maintain lifestyle food choices
d) maintain gradual weight gain

23. When diet includes nutrient-dense foods it can meet requirements for nutrients and match energy expenditure, providing for the intake of additional calories known as:

a) wasted calories
b) nutrient deficient calories
c) discretionary calories
d) energy calories

24. Most Americans:

a) consume more calories than their energy expenditures
b) have discretionary calories in their daily diets
c) meet nutrient intake requirements with food and supplements
d) have inadequate intake of energy-dense foods

25. To lose weight it is necessary to decrease caloric intake and:

a) adhere to a commercial diet plan
b) increase physical activity
c) eat natural, organic products
d) have regular rest periods

26. Research studies have demonstrated that persons who lose weight are most likely to maintain the weight loss if:

a) they participate in a large amount of leisure time physical activity
b) they reduce intake of all salty snacks
c) they increase regular intake of sugar-free beverages
d) they attend ongoing support group meetings

27. Scientific studies of low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins Diet and the low fat diet such as the Ornish Diet have demonstrated that :

a) weight loss is quicker and lasts longer with these diets
b) weight loss is gradual and maintained with the Atkins Diet
c) weight loss is quicker, but less than reduced calorie diets over time
d) weight loss is the same as produced by reduced calorie diets

28. One of the most prevalent consequences of the low carbohydrate, high fat, or low protein diets is:

a) lack of essential nutrients
b) high cholesterol levels
c) difficulty finding the foods in sufficient quantity
d) reduced energy level

29. Older people may need extra amounts of the following:

a) vitamins B and D
b) vitamins A and E
c) potassium and iron
d) sodium and folic acid

30. Physical activity that includes a cardiovascular workout and muscle strengthening exercises should be engaged in:

a) 30 minutes per day, 3 days per week
b) 60 minutes per day, 3 days per week
c) 30 minutes daily
d) 60 minutes daily

31. Daily intake of which of the following demonstrates the healthiest eating pattern?

a) fruit, vegetables, and whole grains
b) meat, dairy products, and sugar free desserts
c) protein-enriched shakes and energy bars
d) bacon, eggs, and processed cereals

32. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals and low-caloric value are called:

a) supplemental nutrients
b) nutrient-dense foods
c) essential nutrients
d) nutrient-calorie sources

33. Best food source for Magnesium is

a) potatoes
b) yogurt
c) pumpkin seeds
d) clams

34. Best food source for Iron is

a) potatoes
b) yogurt
c) pumpkin seeds
d) clams

35. Best food source for Calcium is

a) potatoes
b) yogurt
c) pumpkin seeds
d) clams

36. Best food source for Potassium is

a) potatoes
b) yogurt
c) pumpkin seeds
d) clams

37. Best food source for Vitamin A is

a) fortified cereals
b) liver
c) guava
d) fortified milk

38. Best food source for Vitamin E is

a) fortified cereals
b) liver
c) guava
d) fortified milk

39. Best food source for Vitamin C is

a) fortified cereals
b) liver
c) guava
d) fortified milk

40. Best food source for Vitamin D is

a) fortified cereals
b) liver
c) guava
d) fortified milk

41. Mary Smith is classified as obese if her BMI is:

a) 5
b) 10
c) 20
d) 40

42. Which of the following weight-loss plans is likely to produce sustainable weight loss?

a) elimination of all carbohydrates
b) the Adkins diet
c) reduction of calories
d) reduction of protein

43. In addition to poor dietary choices, which of the following factors contributes most to obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease?

a) living in a tropical climate
b) watching television 5-6 hours per day
c) excessive use of vitamin supplements
d) retirement

44. The food pyramid and the DASH plan are weight-loss plans for adults.

a) True
b) False

45. Children in America today are becoming more fit and physically active than they were twenty-five years ago.

a) True
b) False

46. Which of the following labels is used in the 2005 guidelines to determine whether daily intake of nutrient requirements is met?

a) RDA
b) ERA
c) EAR
d) USP

47. It is estimated that the entire population of the U.S. has inadequate intake of:

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin E
c) potassium
d) calcium

48. Most Americans do not eat adequate amounts of which of the following foods?

a) vegetables
b) starches
c) fats
d) meats

49. Eating brown or wild rice rather than white rice provides which of the following beneficial nutrients?

a) calories
b) fiber
c) protein
d) minerals

50. Which of the following food choices would demonstrate recommended allowance of saturated fats for a heart-healthy diet?

a) ham and cheese croissant
b) fried fish sandwich
c) cheeseburger and French fries
d) roasted chicken breast

51. Total fat intake should be limited to 25-35 % of total calories per day.

a) True
b) False

52. Total intake of cholesterol should be limited to 100 milligrams per day.

a) True
b) False

53. Some studies have demonstrated that intake of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet can reduce cardiac disease. Which of the following is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids?

a) pure butter
b) lean fish
c) oily fish
d) organic fruits

54. Which of the following is the best carbohydrate choice?

a) whole grain muffin
b) pre-sweetened cereal
c) fruit punch
d) caffeine-free soft drink

55. More Americans have increased their use of bottled instead of public water. Which of the following may be a negative consequence of this?

a) diabetes
b) high blood pressure
c) dehydration
d) dental caries

56. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure (less than 120 systolic, 80 diastolic) can reduce the risk of:

a) chronic lung disease
b) chronic heart disease
c) migraine headaches
d) high cholesterol

57. Salt intake should be reduced to:

a) reduce risk of elevated blood pressure
b) reduce hydration needs
c) reduce BMI
d) reduce depletion of essential minerals

58. The most effective way of reducing salt intake is:

a) removing the salt shaker from family tables
b) reducing kinds of salty snacks in stores
c) reducing amount of sodium in manufactured foods
d) using salt substitutes regularly

59. Which of the following can help reduce the negative effects of sodium on blood pressure?

a) drinking 1-2 glasses of water every 1-2 hours
b) limiting intake of caffeinated beverages
c) choosing dairy products that are low fat
d) eating foods rich in potassium

60. Effects of moderate alcohol consumption can be beneficial.

a) True
b) False

61. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause:

a) liver disease
b) addiction
c) cancer
d) all of the above

62. Drinking 2-3 beers per day is the equivalent of having one shot of whiskey each night.

a) True
b) False

63. What is one of the most important ways of evaluating the nutrients in manufactured foods?

a) monitoring weight gain closely
b) reading product labels
c) comparing shelf life of different products
d) reviewing manufacturers’ reputations

64. The recent outbreaks of E. Coli in the U.S. that caused illness and death (2006) are an example of:

a) blood-borne illness
b) vaccine-preventable disease
c) foodborne illness
d) avian influenza

65. Which of the following is essential to prevent spread of foodborne illnesses?

a) wearing latex gloves when handling food
b) using disposable products to store food
c) washing chicken and fish prior to storing
d) washing hands before and after handling food

66. Which of the following can increase the spread of microbial foodborne illness?

a) using disposable cleaning cloths
b) separating fresh vegetables and deli products
c) storing moist lettuce in the refrigerator
d) defrosting frozen foods in microwave

67. Young children, pregnant women, and older adults should avoid:

a) sushi
b) pasteurized milk
c) reheated hot dogs
d) ready-to-eat salad greens

68. When taking food to pot luck suppers or picnics, it is important to remember:

a) previously cooked food won’t spoil
b) foods are safe on the buffet line for 4-6 hours
c) deli products are the safest choice
d) cold foods should be on ice or in coolers

69. Special dietary considerations are often necessary for:

a) children
b) elderly people
c) pregnant women
d) all of the above

70. The principles of the “FightBac” campaign for food safety are:

a) clean, separate, cook, and chill
b) clean, store, chill, and cook
c) chill, cook, clean, and store
d) separate, chill, cook, and store

71. Which of the following is the most effective way of preventing the spread of foodborne diseases?

a) use of hand sanitizers containing 70% alcohol
b) hand washing with hot water
c) hand washing with soap and water
d) use of alcohol wipes

72. Which of the following food practices is most likely to cause cross contamination?

a) washing raw chicken
b) mixing pre-bagged salad greens
c) keeping opened condiments out of refrigerator
d) grinding meats by hand

73. Concepts for patient/consumer education included in the 2005 dietary guidelines include which of the following?

a) portion control is key to managing caloric intake
b) disabled persons cannot increase physical activity
c) a 2000 calorie diet is recommended for all adults
d) fruit drinks supply adequate vitamin intake for young children

74. An important concept to teach consumers is:

a) reduction of calories assures weight control
b) caloric intake must be balanced with caloric use
c) caloric intake needs are consistent for all people
d) caloric expenditure is decreased by activity

75. Which of the following was identified by the committee to revise the dietary guidelines as the healthiest way to maintain nutrition and reduce obesity?

a) daily measurement of fats and carbohydrates
b) regular caloric limitation
c) food variety, moderation, and physical activity
d) periodic maintenance and review of a food diary