Pain Management

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. The neurotransmitter that increases the transmission of noxious stimuli is which of the following?

a) A-delta fibers
b) Substance P
c) Endorphins
d) Enkephalins

2. Which of the following statements about pain is true?

a) It is always caused by tissue injury.
b) Pain recognition occurs in the Thalamus.
c) A reflex arc refers to the moment when pain is perceived in the cerebral cortex.
d) The Gate Control Theory was first described by Melzack.

3. Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion are the stages of which of the following?

a) Gate Control Theory
b) General Adaptation Syndrome
c) Local Adaptation Syndrome
d) Specificity Theory

4. An elevated blood pressure, tachycardia, and nausea are more likely caused by which type of pain?

a) Chronic benign pain
b) Chronic malignant pain
c) Acute pain
d) All of the above

5. When all routes are available for pain management, which is the preferred route?

a) Oral
b) Intramuscular
c) Intravenous
d) Intraspinal

6. Which of the following statements is true about pain?

a) Pain is a normal finding in the elderly population.
b) Infants feel pain.
c) Placebos can be used to distinguish between physical and psychological pain.
d) The longer a person experiences pain, the less the perceived distress.

7. Addiction to pain medication occurs in what percentage of patients?

a) Less than 1 %
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 15%

8. The most reliable piece of assessment data for monitoring a patient's pain symptoms is which of the following?

a) Vital Signs
b) Sleeping
c) Self-report
d) Type of procedure or injury

9. Mr. Ottoman has had a hemioraphy 12 hours ago. He received Morphine 5 mg IM at 3pm. At 4pm you find the following:
He is diaphoretic and restless. His vital signs are BP 180/90, HR 100, RR24. He states that his pain is an 8 on a scale of 0-10.

a) Give another 5 mg of Morphine IM.
b) Change to Demerol and give 50 mg IM.
c) Encourage him to wait another hour, as it takes that long for morphine to work.
d) Give 10 mg of Morphine IM.

10. For postoperative pain management on a patient with a history of renal disease, which opioid would be preferred?

a) Torodol
b) Demerol
c) Morphine
d) Motrin

11. The pain of arthritis is best classified as which of the following?

a) Acute Pain
b) Chronic Pain
c) Chronic Malignant Pain
d) Referred pain

12. Consequences of chronic benign pain are which of the following?

a) Depression
b) Immobility
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

13. The leading cause of disability of persons during their working years is which of the following?

a) Cancer
b) Arthritis
c) Low back pain
d) Dysmenorrhea

14. The correct method of treating chronic benign low back pain is which of the following?

a) Rest
b) Activity
c) Heat
d) All of the above

15. The preferred medication and route for the treatment of pain associated with sickle cell crisis is which of the following?

a) Morphine IV
b) Morphine IM
c) Demerol IM
d) Codeine po

16. Nursing interventions that can decrease the pain associated with sickle cell anemia include which of the following?

a) Application of cold packs
b) Extra blankets for warmth
c) Exercises every 2-4 hours
d) Sodium and fluid restriction

17. The pain of sickle cell anemia is due to which of the following?

a) Hemorrhage
b) Fluid retention
c) Tissue hypoxia
d) All of the above

18. Which of the following statements about arthritis is true?

a) The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown.
b) Bilateral joint stiffiness is characteristic of osteoarthritis.
c) Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory problem.
d) NSAID treatment of arthritis should be on an "as needed" basis rather than around the clock.

19. Migraine headaches are thought to be caused by which of the following ?

a) Vasoconstriction
b) Vasodilation
c) Tension
d) None of the above

20. Mr. Jones comes to the ER with complaints of a severe headache. It started last night and woke him out of a sound sleep. He has had three of these headaches in the past two weeks. You would suspect which of the following?

a) Classic Migraine
b) Tension Headache
c) Simple Migraine
d) Cluster headache

21. Which of the following medications are used to treat migraines?

a) Ergotamine Tartrate
b) Imitrex
c) Inderal
d) All of the above

22. Pain that lasts for a short time and is due to tissue injury is classified as which of the following?

a) Acute Pain
b) Chronic Pain
c) Malignant Pain
d) Benign Pain

23. Mrs. Johnson has pain medication ordered every 4 hours, she is on her light every four hours like clock-work, asking for her medication. The probable cause of this behavior is which of the following?

a) The patient has addictive tendencies.
b) Patient is trying to manipulate the staff.
c) Patient is a "drug seeker".
d) Patient is being undermedicated.

24. Pain perception is affected by which of the following?

a) Previous experience with pain
b) Religious beliefs
c) Locus of control
d) All of the above

25. The major component of any pain assessment instrument should be which of the following?

a) Self-report
b) Patient behaviors
c) Physical exam
d) Medical history

26. When the nurse uses a pain rating scale she is assessing for which of the following?

a) Duration of pain
b) Intensity of pain
c) Location of pain
d) Aggravating factors

27. The best way to prevent respiratory depression is to assess for which of the following?

a) Respiratory rate less than 8
b) Sedation level
c) Hypotension
d) Bradycardia

28. If a patient can carry on a conversation and awakens easily you would record their sedation level as which of the following?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

29. Mr. Jones comes to the emergency room with a fractured arm. He complains of severe pain and is medicated with 5mg of Morphine IV. When you reassess him in 30 minutes he is drowsy, but easily aroused. He rates his pain as a 7 on a scale of 0-10. Your best

a) Repeat the Morphine dose
b) Continue to monitor him
c) give Narcan
d) Encourage him to wait longer

30. 75 mg of Demerol every 3 hours is equal to how much Hydromorphone every 4 hours?

a) 7.5 mg
b) 10 mg
c) 6mg
d) 60 mg

31. When switching from Oral to IV Push Morphine how much would you give IV if the oral dose had been 30 mg every 4 hours?

a) 30 mg every 4 hours
b) 15 mg every 4 hours
c) 10 mg every 4 hours
d) 5 mg every 4 hours

32. 150 mg ofdemerol IM is equal to ____ mg of Morphine PO.

a) 10 mg
b) 20 mg
c) 30 mg
d) 60 mg

33. 60 mg of Oxycodone po is equal to ____ mg ofDemerol IM.

a) 75 mg
b) 150mg
c) 60 mg
d) 100mg

34. 75 mg ofDemerol every 4 hours is equal to ____ mg of Morphine (by continuous infusion) over 24 hours.

a) 20 mg
b) 40 mg
c) 60 mg
d) 80 mg

35. Which of the following is true about Meperidine (Demerol)?

a) It is contraindicated for patients with renal disease.
b) It has a duration of 4-6 hours.
c) It is the preferred drug for chronic pain.
d) All of the above

36. The onset of action for transdermal Fentanyl is which of the following?

a) 4-6 hours
b) 6-8 hours
c) 8-12 hours
d) 24-48 hours

37. The correct dose of Narcan to correct respiratory depression is which of the following?

a) 0.4 mg diluted with 1 cc of Normal saline
b) 0.4 mg undiluted
c) 0.4 mg diluted with 10 cc of Normal Saline
d) 0.8 mg diluted with 5 cc of Normal Saline

38. Codeine is best suited for ____________ type of pain.

a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Severe
d) Both b and c

39. Morphine is best suited for ____________ type of pain.

a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Severe
d) Both b and c

40. Torodol is best suited for ____________ type of pain.

a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Severe
d) Both b and c

41. Methadone is best suited for ____________ type of pain.

a) Mild
b) Moderate
c) Severe
d) Both b and c

42. Morphine is classified as which type of opioid?

a) Full opiate agonist
b) Partial opiate agonist
c) Mixed agonist-antagonist
d) A non-agonist

43. Side effects ofNSAIDs include which of the following?

a) GI disturbances
b) Renal failure
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b

44. The only NSAID that is available in the parenteral form is which of the following?

a) Naprosyn
b) Ibuprophen
c) Torodol
d) Aspirin

45. How should NSAIDs be given?

a) On an empty stomach
b) With food
c) PRN for pain
d) a and c

46. Which of the following has the least affect on inflammation?

a) Tyienol
b) Aspirin
d) Steroid

47. According to the literature the intervention used most often by health care providers is which of the following?

a) Medication
b) Relaxation
c) Distraction
d) Therapeutic touch

48. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain includes:

a) Relaxation
b) Stress management
c) Coping Skills
d) Progressive Activity
e) All of the above

49. Cutaneous Stimulation includes which of the following?

a) Heat Application
b) Cold Application
d) All of the above

50. Alternative interventions used as adjuncts to pharmacologic management of pain include which of the following?

b) Distraction
c) Massage
d) Imagery
e) All of the above

51. One of the most effective nursing interventions for the management of pain is which of the following?

a) Biofeedback
b) Education
c) Acupuncture
d) All of the above

52. Adults are motivated to learn those things that they feel they need to know.

a) True
b) False

53. Long teaching sessions are preferred over short ones, especially if the patient is in pain.

a) True
b) False

54. Vital signs are more reliable than self-report, when assessing pain in children.

a) True
b) False

55. Tachycardia and hypertension are the result of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

a) True
b) False

56. Comatose patients are not able to perceive pain.

a) True
b) False

57. NSAIDs should never be combined with opioids for the treatment of pain.

a) True
b) False

58. Chronic pain is worse than acute pain.

a) True
b) False

59. Depression is thought to lead to chronic pain states.

a) True
b) False

60. The more tissue damage, the more the pain.

a) True
b) False

61. Medications such as Morphine have a ceiling effect related to their analgesic properties.

a) True
b) False

62. The preferred method of ordering pain medication is "around-the-clock".

a) True
b) False

63. Respiratory depression is more common after a first dose.

a) True
b) False

64. Pain rating scales for children are not available.

a) True
b) False

65. Fear of addiction leads to under-medication of many patients.

a) True
b) False

66. When changing to a new opioid or to a new route the initial dose should be calculated by using an equianalgesic chart.

a) True
b) False

67. Constipation is a side effect of all opioids.

a) True
b) False

68. Torodol may cause sedation and respiratory depression.

a) True
b) False

69. Tyienol is preferred to aspirin and NSAIDs to treat mild pain when the patient has a history of ulcer disease.

a) True
b) False

70. Nursing interventions such as positioning, back rubs, hygiene, and teaching are essential adjuncts to any pain management plan.

a) True
b) False