Domestic Violence

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Which of the following statements is not True about domestic violence?

a) Domestic violence affects not only the victim but also the perpetrator, children, and other societal and business institutions.
b) Abuser through domestic violence seeks to establish a pattern of desired behaviors from his victim.
c) Nearly 90 percent of domestic violence victims are female.
d) Males are significantly more likely to be victimized by intimates than by strangers.

2. Over the past several years , what has been the trend in domestic violence?

a) going up
b) going down
c) has remained about the same

3. Violent movies and video games have been identified as a cause of domestic violence.

a) True
b) False

4. When was the first Federal domestic violence legislation enacted?

a) 1967
b) 1984
c) 1994
d) 1996

5. Where there is violence in the family, all family members need to change for the violence to stop.

a) True
b) False

6. Select the True statement from below:

a) Men who batter usually have "poor impulse control."
b) Forty to sixty percent of wife batterers also abuse their children.
c) Women with low self-esteem tend to become involved in abusive relationships.
d) Only the poor, uneducated women are victims of domestic violence.
e) all of the above

7. Identify from the following barriers women face in leaving an abusive relationship:

a) In many cultures women are taught to accept violent or controlling behavior of their husbands.
b) Victims are too isolated to seek outside help.
c) Victims often feel responsible for changing their partner's abusive behavior or changing themselves in order for the abuse to stop.
d) Victims' religious beliefs may tell them divorce is "wrong."
e) all of the above

8. Many victims of domestic violence will not disclose the abuse unless directly asked about it by a healthcare provider.

a) True
b) False

9. Victims of domestic violence, having experienced the abuse first hand, are less likely to maltreat their children than those who are not abused by their partners.

a) True
b) False

10. Which group of women experiences the highest rate of intimate partner violence?

a) women between the ages of 16 and 24
b) separated women between the ages of 20 and 34
c) women between the ages of 35 and 49

11. Most perpetrators of domestic violence do not have psychiatric illnesses.

a) True
b) False

12. DSM-IV classifies domestic abuse as a mental illness.

a) True
b) False

13. Men are just as likely to be victims of domestic violence as women.

a) True
b) False

14. Domestic abuse is caused by alcohol, drugs, unemployment, or the stress of day-to-day living.

a) fact
b) myth

15. Which of the following is not a myth about domestic violence?

a) Drinking causes battering
b) Stress causes battering.
c) In approximately 95% of domestic assaults, the man is the perpetrator.
d) Where there is violence in the family, all family members are to fault to a certain extent for the violence to stop.

16. Most battered women have a short courtship period before getting engaged to the abuser or living together.

a) True
b) False

17. Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding substance abuse and woman abuse?

a) Woman abuse is a choice that men make in a society which supports men's power and control.
b) Compared to women who do not abuse substances, substance abusing women experience significantly more verbal and physical abuse.
c) Men who batter are very intoxicated, and are therefore "out of control" when they batter.

18. Is there a direct link between substance abuse and woman abuse?

a) Yes
b) No

19. When did marital rape become a crime in all 50 states?

a) 1913
b) 1970s
c) 1993
d) Marital rape is not a crime in most states.

20. Compared to women raped by strangers and by those whom they don't know well, marital rape survivors report higher rates of anger and depression.

a) True
b) False

21. Survivors of marital rape are _______ likely than other survivors of violence to report their assaults to formal service providers, friends, or family members.

a) more
b) less

22. If you were interviewing a marital rape survivor, which of the following questions would be inadequate to ask?

a) Has you husband forced you to have sex against your will?
b) Has your husband pressured you to have intercourse?
c) Has your boyfriend forced you to do things sexually you're uncomfortable with?
d) Have you ever been raped?

23. Which group of women is more likely to stay with their husband-rapists?

a) white
b) Latina
c) African-American
d) Asian

24. Not all women who are raped by their husbands experience other forms of physical violence, such as battering.

a) True
b) False

25. Who is less likely to report their assaults?

a) women raped by strangers
b) women raped by their husbands

26. When women seek assistance for marital rape which of the following agencies has been found to be of least help?

a) police
b) battered women's shelters
c) rape crisis counselors
d) religious advisors

27. Due to the inherent nature of gay relationships, the incidence of gay domestic violence is greater than heterosexual domestic violence.

a) True
b) False

28. Which of the following statements about gays and lesbians is incorrect?

a) Many gay adolescents are abused or raped in the house, usually by an uncle or older brother, but sometimes by the father.
b) As many as 20% of the gay males attempt suicide before the age of 20.
c) Gays and lesbians are at three times the risk of heterosexual population for developing alcoholism.
d) Contrary to common beliefs, domestic violence in gay and lesbian couples is significantly lower than in heterosexual couples.

29. In gay and lesbian relationships, since both parties presumably have the same amount of power bestowed by the sexist society, domestic violence cannot be attributed to "power differential."

a) True
b) False

30. By definition, domestic violence in same-sex relationships is "mutual."

a) True
b) False

31. Generally, perpetrators of elder abuse are family members.

a) True
b) False

32. What is the most common type of elder abuse?

a) physical abuse
b) emotional abuse
c) sexual abuse
d) financial abuse
e) neglect

33. There are several risk factors for elder abuse. Select the one with the most credence:

a) caregiver stress
b) personal characteristics of the elder (e.g., dementia, disruptive behaviors, significant needs for assistance, etc.)
c) personal problems of abusers
d) domestic violence grown old

34. Victims of domestic violence are more likely to perpetrate physical violence against their children than caretakers who are not abused by a partner or spouse.

a) True
b) False

35. Some children are better able to cope with domestic violence than others.

a) True
b) False

36. Select the incorrect statement from below about children's response to domestic violence:

a) Children who witness frequent and severe forms of violence exhibit more problems than children who witness fewer incidences of physical violence.
b) The effects of domestic violence on children seem to lessen as time passes.
c) Older children appear to exhibit higher levels of emotional and psychological distress than younger children.
d) Children who witness domestic abuse and are physically abused demonstrate increased levels of emotional and psychological maladjustment than children who only witness violence and are not abused.

37. Assessment for domestic violence should occur on every child abuse and neglect report received by CPS.

a) True
b) False

38. CPS caseworkers should always look for domestic violence in cases involving allegations of child abuse.

a) True
b) False

39. CPS caseworkers investigating allegations of domestic violence should follow certain guidelines for family assessment. Select the incorrect statement from below:

a) If the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence has a history of previous assaults, CPS caseworkers should interview the alleged perpetrator only in a safe location.
b) Caseworkers should not leave messages asking to speak with the alleged victim about the abuse.
c) CPS caseworkers should interview the children, alleged victim, and alleged perpetrator of domestic violence together; this will allow the full truth to come out.
d) Caseworkers should seek the expertise of other service providers (such as substance abuse and mental health professionals) in cases involving domestic violence.

40. In cases of domestic violence, CPS caseworkers should demand that the victim leave the abusive relationship.

a) True
b) False

41. While making an assessment of the alleged victim of domestic violence which of the following would be an inappropriate question?

a) Could you tell me about your relationship with your partner?
b) All couples argue. How do you and your partner argue?
c) What did you do to make your partner so mad?
d) Does your partner ever act jealous or possessive of you?

42. Most children who live with domestic violence can provide detailed descriptions of the incidents in their homes.

a) True
b) False

43. While assessing the alleged domestic violence perpetrator, which of the following would be the wrong tactic?

a) First and foremost, plan for caseworker safety.
b) Use third-party reports, such as police and criminal records, civil protection orders, hospital records, etc., when interviewing the alleged abuser.
c) CPS caseworkers should not try to obtain a "confession" or hold a "debate" regarding domestic violence allegations.
d) Confront the alleged abuser with the account provided by the alleged victim.
e) The interview should be done in a non-threatening, non-confrontational manner.

44. When faced with a victim of domestic violence who is unable to communicate in English, what should be the right thing to do?

a) use children as translators
b) use adult family members or friends
c) use a bilingual member of the staff

45. There's no evidence that substance abuse directly causes domestic violence.

a) True
b) False

46. Select the True statement from below:

a) Domestic violence and poverty are connected.
b) Urban gay and bisexual men suffer domestic violence nearly as much as heterosexual women.
c) Individuals with disabilities face additional barriers in reporting abuse.
d) In cases where both partners perpetrate abusive action, women get hurt more often than men.
e) all of the above

47. "Failure to protect" allegation in child maltreatment cases involving domestic violence is usually directed against __________.

a) perpetrators of abuse
b) victims of domestic violence

48. In cases involving domestic violence, out-of-home placement of children should be the best option after all other means of safety have been exhausted.

a) True
b) False

49. In case planning involving domestic violence, which of the following activities would be appropriate?

a) couples or family counseling
b) divorce mediation
c) anger management
d) safety planning
e) all of the above

50. The impact of domestic violence on children ranges from enormous resiliency to significant maladaptive adjustment.

a) True
b) False

51. About what percent of primary care physicians routinely screen for violence during regular office visits?

a) 10
b) 35
c) 60
d) over 90

52. Guidelines on routine screening for domestic violence recommend that inquiry about domestic abuse should be made whenever symptoms or signs are present or when the provider suspects abuse has occurred.

a) True
b) False

53. While screening women for domestic violence within the health care system, which of the following is an inappropriate practice?

a) should be done face-to-face
b) be direct and non-judgmental
c) should be done in the presence of patient's close friends or relatives
d) be confidential

54. While screening women for domestic violence it is better to use a patient's friend or family member than a professional interpreter when needed.

a) True
b) False

55. Roughly half the cases involving domestic violence also feature child abuse.

a) True
b) False

56. Children have a ___________ risk of getting abused by mothers who are abused by their husbands than by mothers who are not.

a) greater
b) lower

57. Men who, as children, witnessed their parents' domestic violence are less likely to abuse their own wives than sons of nonviolent parents.

a) True
b) False

58. In which of the three forms of violence, prevention efforts have been applied with substantial vigor?

a) child abuse
b) domestic violence
c) youth violence

59. Prevention efforts to curb juvenile violence are more successful when they target

a) older children with peer counseling or employment/vocational programs.
b) young children and their families.

60. Batterers are out of control when they abuse, and they are angry, nasty men, and suffer from low self-esteem.

a) True
b) False

61. Which domestic violence model does not believe there are victims or perpetrators and looks at victims as partially responsible for the violence?

a) insight model
b) interactional or systems theory
c) cognitive-behavioral model
d) sociopolitical model

62. Which domestic violence model looks at the perpetrator's childhood and his psychological problems as the root cause of violent behavior?

a) insight model
b) interactional or systems theory
c) cognitive-behavioral model
d) sociopolitical model

63. Out of the four philosophies that deal with the issues of domestic violence, which model has the most realistic and beneficial approach?

a) insight model
b) interactional or systems theory
c) cognitive-behavioral model
d) sociopolitical model

64. Which education/treatment method is least used when working with batterers?

a) individual counseling
b) couples counseling
c) group counseling

65. Of the three formats used for counseling abusers, which is the most effective?

a) individual counseling
b) couples counseling
c) group counseling

66. Of the three types of abusers identified by Saunders, which is the least severely violent?

a) Generally Aggressive
b) Family Only
c) Emotionally Volatile

67. Of the three types of abusers, which group is the most psychologically abusive to their partners?

a) Generally Aggressive
b) Family Only
c) Emotionally Volatile

68. Counseling programs for batterers should include both male and female batterers in the same group so as to provide mutual perspective on the intricate issues of domestic violence.

a) True
b) False

69. More than half of employers are unaware of employees in their companies who have been affected by domestic violence.

a) True
b) False

70. When confronted with hostile actions in child protection cases involving domestic violence what should a caseworker not do?

a) ignore the threats
b) document perpetrator's actions
c) consult with the supervisor

71. Which of the following situations require enhanced safety precautions from the caseworker?

a) perpetrator stares intently at the caseworker
b) paces the floor during an interview
c) makes subtle threats to "make trouble" for the caseworker by calling the supervisor
d) warns the caseworker to "watch your back"
e) all of the above

72. In volatile situations in child protection cases involving domestic violence, caseworkers should make every effort to not give the perpetrator an impression that one is afraid.

a) True
b) False

73. Domestic violence and child maltreatment are often described as two sides of the same coin.

a) True
b) False