Women's Health

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Which of the following foods is high in saturated fats?

a) olive oil
b) sesame seeds
c) palm oil
d) avocados

2. Heart Healthy Diet makes certain recommendations about diet. Which is the incorrect recommendation?

a) 8 to 10 percent of total calories from saturated fat
b) 30 percent or less of total calories from fat
c) less than 600 milligrams (mg) of dietary cholesterol
d) no more than 2400 milligrams (mg) of sodium

3. Which diet plan recommends the lowest level of sodium a day?

a) Heart Healthy Diet
b) TLC Diet
c) DASH Diet

4. Which of the following is not a True statement about osteoporosis?

a) Women are four times more likely than men to develop osteoporosis.
b) Women who are small-boned and thin have a higher risk for osteoporosis than women who are large-boned and weigh more.
c) Black women are more at risk for this disease than are white women.
d) Caffeine itself does not have harmful effects on bone health.

5. Which items contain lactose?

a) margarine
b) tablets for stomach acid and gas
c) birth control pills
d) salad dressings
e) all of the above

6. Most people with carpal tunnel syndrome are able to recover completely without surgery or other treatment by changing the way they perform repetitive tasks.

a) True
b) False

7. Which term is used to describe the lack of a menstrual period?

a) amenorrhea
b) dysmenorrhea
c) menorrhagia

8. Which of the following is not a good tip to help avoid toxic shock syndrome (TSS) with tampons?

a) alternate between tampons and pads during the period
b) change your tampon at least every 4 to 8 hours
c) choose high absorbency tampon throughout the period
d) don't use tampons between periods

9. What is the most common type of vaginal infection in women of childbearing age?

a) bacterial vaginosis
b) yeast infection

10. Select the True statement about douching from below:

a) Health care providers recommend douching to clean the vagina after sex to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.
b) Research shows that women who douche on a routine basis tend to have fewer problems (vaginal infection, STDs) than women who do not douche.
c) Douching after sex can prevent pregnancy.
d) Research shows there is a link between frequent douching and having low birth-weight babies or ectopic pregnancy.

11. Which of the following is not a True statement about fibroids?

a) Fibroids are usually benign.
b) African American women are more likely to get them than women of other racial groups.
c) If left untreated fibroids turn into cancer in a significant number of women.
d) Surgery is the best way to treat fibroids since medications offer only temporary relief.

12. What is the most common treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?

a) low doses of aspirin
b) birth control pills
c) metformin
d) antidepressants
e) all of the above

13. What is the most common reason hysterectomies are done?

a) uterine fibroids
b) endometriosis
c) uterine prolapse
d) cancers

14. Which pregnancy tests can determine pregnancy earlier?

a) urine test
b) blood test

15. Pregnant woman needs additional nutrients to keep herself and the baby healthy. How many extra calories per day does a pregnant woman need?

a) 300
b) 900
c) 1800

16. What is the recommended daily intake of folic acid for a woman with normal pregnancy?

a) 400 micrograms
b) 500 micrograms
c) 600 micrograms
d) 1000 micrograms

17. Ideally, babies should receive breast milk through the first year of life, or for as long as both the mother and the baby wish.

a) True
b) False

18. Select the correct response from below:

a) There is no knows safe level of alcohol a pregnant woman can drink and not affect her baby.
b) Not all women who drink alcohol during pregnancy will have a child born with FAS.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

19. Which of the following birth control methods protects against STDs?

a) the male latex condom
b) Copper T IUD
c) oral contraceptives
d) surgical sterilization
e) insulin injections

20. Which of the following is not an emergency contraception?

a) emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)
b) intraurine devices (IUDs)
c) abortion pills (RU-486)
d) b and c

21. Infertility is usually a _______ problem.

a) man's
b) woman's
c) man and woman's equally

22. After menopause, women have heart disease as often as men do.

a) True
b) False

23. How often should women over 40 get a mammogram?

a) whenever they feel a lump in their breasts
b) every 1 to 2 years
c) every 5 years

24. Which of the following is not actually a cancer?

a) lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
b) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)

25. Women with early-stage breast cancer who undergo breast-conserving surgery with radiation therapy live just as long as those who undergo mastectomy.

a) True
b) False

26. Select the incorrect statement from below:

a) For women with early-stage breast cancer the survival rate for lumpectomy with radiation is the same as for mastectomy.
b) In the long run lumpectomy followed by radiation actually costs less than mastectomy.
c) Women with a strong family history of breast cancer are advised to choose a more aggressive treatment, e.g., mastectomy over lumpectomy followed by radiation.
d) Younger doctors, female doctors, and doctors working at university medical centers are more likely to recommend lumpectomies than mastectomies.

27. Which category of women may not need a Pap test?

a) women who have had a hysterectomy
b) women who have had only the uterus removed (and still have their cervix)
c) women who have had both their uterus and cervix removed
d) women who have gone through menopause

28. Why type of STD has been linked to cancer of the cervix?

a) syphilis
b) gonorrhea
c) humanpapilloma virus (HPV)
d) herpes simplex virus (HSV)

29. Which is a more common type of uterine cancer?

a) endometrial cancer
b) uterine sarcomas

30. Which cancer of the female reproductive system causes most deaths?

a) cervical cancer
b) uterine cancer
c) ovarian cancer

31. Which cancer is the biggest killer of women?

a) breast cancer
b) colorectal cancer
c) cervical cancer
d) lung cancer

32. What is the No. 1 killer of women?

a) heart disease
b) stroke
c) cancer
d) suicide

33. What level of HDL is considered good to lower your risk for heart disease?

a) 35 mg/dL
b) 60 mg/dL or more
c) 200 mg/dL

34. For most people heart arrhythmias are harmless.

a) True
b) False

35. Which test measures heart's rhythm or electrical appearance over 24 to 48 hours?

a) echocardiogram
b) exercise stress test
c) nuclear stress test
d) Holter Monitor test

36. What is white coat hypertension?

a) systolic number is high, but diastolic number is normal
b) stage 3 hypertension, > 180/110
c) high blood pressure caused by other medical problems or illnesses
d) some people have high blood pressure only when they're in their doctor's office

37. Which medicine works to reduce high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily?

a) diuretics
b) beta blockers
c) alpha blockers
d) calcium, channel blockers
e) all of the above

38. Atherosclerosis refers to clogged arteries

a) to the heart;
b) to the brain;
c) in the legs or other parts of the body.
d) all of the above

39. Which type of angina means the person may have a heart attack soon?

a) stable angina
b) unstable angina

40. Latest research has shown that hormone therapy is the best protection against heart disease for women in menopause.

a) True
b) False

41. A stroke can affect any one of four main parts of the brain. Which is the most devastating stroke?

a) right hemisphere
b) left hemisphere
c) cerebellum
d) brain stem

42. Women are more likely than men to be hospitalized or to die from asthma.

a) True
b) False

43. Which medicine is generally used to relieve acute symptoms of asthma?

a) bronchodilators
b) corticosteroids

44. People with TB infection can spread TB to others by spreading germs in the air.

a) True
b) False

45. In which type of diabetes body produces little or no insulin?

a) type 1
b) type 2
c) gestational diabetes
d) all of them
e) withdrawal

46. All pregnant women should be tested for gestational diabetes.

a) True
b) False

47. For a person with diabetes, a good blood sugar level is less than _______ before a meal and less than _______ about two hours after the last meal.

a) 200, 250
b) 200, 200
c) 150, 200
d) 35, 70

48. Which condition would put a woman more at risk for UTI?

a) using a diaphragm during sexual intercourse
b) women whose partners use condoms with a spermicidal foam
c) women after menopause
d) all of the above

49. Pregnant women generally get UTIs more frequently than other women.

a) True
b) False

50. Select the correct statement about interstitial cystitis (IC) from below:

a) No one knows what causes IC, and there's no cure for it.
b) Women with IC should not get pregnant.
c) Antibiotics have been found to be useful in treating IC.
d) Surgery is the only sure way to treat IC.

51. Which muscles are responsible for loss of bladder control in women?

a) bladder muscle
b) sphincter muscles
c) pelvic floor muscles
d) all of the above

52. Which is the most common form of incontinence in women?

a) stress incontinence
b) urge incontinence
c) functional incontinence
d) overflow incontinence

53. Which of the following is not a True statement about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

a) The cause of IBS is not known, and as of yet there is no cure.
b) The majority of people with IBS (perhaps 75 percent) are women.
c) IBS, if left untreated, can lead to inflammation, bleeding, damage to the bowel, cancer or other serious diseases.
d) In people with IBS, diet and stress often seem to cause symptoms.

54. Select the True response from below about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD):

a) IBD is more common in people who live in regions farther away from the equator.
b) There's no direct relationship between IBD and either uterine cancer or Crohn's disease.
c) As many as half the persons with Crohn's disease (CD) will require surgery at some point in their lifetime.
d) Persons with IBD have a much higher risk for getting colon cancer, and other cancers including skin and bladder cancers.
e) all of the above

55. Which type of anemia is caused when a body doesn't get enough folic acid or vitamin B-12?

a) iron deficiency anemia
b) megaloblastic anemia
c) sickle well anemia
d) aplastic anemia

56. What does hemochromatosis mean?

a) iron overload
b) iron deficiency
c) inherited blood disease
d) vitamin deficiency anemia
e) all of the above

57. Which type of bleeding disorder is most common in women?

a) hemophilia
b) von Willebrand Disease (VWD)

58. All of the following factors may cause varicose or spider veins except:

a) heredity
b) hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause
c) obesity
d) high-fiber diet
e) all of the above

59. Lupus is an example of:

a) neuromuscular disease
b) endocrine system disease
c) gastrointestinal system disease
d) connective tissue disease

60. Which is the most widespread allergy?

a) food
b) penicillin
c) pollen
d) insect stings

61. Breast-feeding of infants for the first 6 to 12 months life is a sure-fire way of preventing the development of allergies later in life.

a) True
b) False

62. What is the most common type of arthritis?

a) tendinitis
b) bursitis
c) rheumatoid arthritis
d) osteoarthritis

63. What distinguishes fibromyalgia from chronic fatigue syndrome?

a) pain
b) fatigue
c) tender points

64. There's no simple test to diagnose Graves' Disease.

a) True
b) False

65. Which disease causes hypothyroidism?

a) Graves' Disease
b) Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

66. Which is the most common type of lupus?

a) SLE
b) DLE
c) drug-induced lupus
d) neonatal lupus

67. Which of the following is not a correct statement about lupus?

a) Lupus is more common in black women than in white women.
b) The cause of lupus is not known.
c) Lupus run in families.
d) Getting plenty of sun helps alleviate symptoms of lupus.

68. Which gland is affected by myasthenia gravis?

a) thyroid
b) thymus
c) pituitary
d) prostate

69. Most people with myasthenia gravis find their lifespan shortened considerably.

a) True
b) False

70. Which type of thyroid disorder would be indicated by these signs: weight loss, having an enlarged thyroid, not being able to stand the heat.

a) hypothyroidism
b) hyperthyroidism

71. What causes acne?

a) changing hormone levels
b) chocolate and greasy foods
c) dirty skin
d) stress
e) all of the above

72. Psoriasis involving scaling and inflammation of the skin is highly contagious.

a) True
b) False

73. Which of the following is not a True statement about psoriasis?

a) Psoriasis is an immune system disorder.
b) Psoriasis can be highly contagious.
c) Changes in climate, infection, stress and dry skin can cause flare-ups of psoriasis.
d) Treatment of psoriasis often requires a trial-and-error approach.

74. What would be the possible diagnosis for a person who eats large amounts of food who eats large amounts of food but doesn't engage in vomiting, fasting or exercising to the extreme?

a) anorexia nervosa
b) bulimia nervosa
c) binge eating disorder
d) eating disorders not otherwise specified

75. Which of the following is not a factor in the development of anorexia nervosa?

a) familymother or sister with anorexia
b) culture of extreme thinness
c) being overweight
d) stressful events or life changes

76. Someone with bulimia nervosa is likely to be

a) underweight
b) overweight
c) of normal weight
d) all of the above

77. New mothers have a greater chance of getting postpartum depression than mothers who have had one or more children.

a) True
b) False

78. There are three types of PPD a woman can have after giving birth to a child. Which is a very serious mental illness?

a) baby blues
b) postpartum depression
c) postpartum psychosis

79. Which of the following is not a True statement about generalized anxiety disorders (GAD)?

a) More women than men have this illness.
b) GAD may run in families.
c) GAD is diagnosed when someone spends at least 6 months worrying too much about everyday problems.
d) The symptoms of GAD tend to worsen with age.

80. Fear of highway driving is an example of

a) specific phobia.
b) social phobia.

81. What is the most common cause of dementia?

a) Alzheimer's disease
b) dementia with Lewy bodies
c) multi-infarct or vascular dementia
d) Parkinson's disease

82. What is the biggest risk factor for Alzheimer's disease?

a) family history
b) environment
c) infections
d) age

83. Women's bodies produce a chemical called oxytocin which has a ______ effect during stress.

a) calming
b) upsetting

84. Stress is a major cause of ulcer.

a) True
b) False

85. Which sleeping disorder can lead to high blood pressure or serious heart problems?

a) insomnia
b) sleep apnea
c) narcolepsy
d) restless legs syndrome

86. Who is most likely to have or develop sleep apnea?

a) people who are overweight or obese
b) people who snore loudly
c) those with high blood pressure
d) all of the above

87. One of the main symptoms of narcolepsy is cataplexy. What does it mean?

a) being extremely sleepy during the day
b) sudden loss of muscle control
c) doing tasks that are familiar without knowing that you're doing them
d) seeing things that are not there

88. To get symptom relief from restless legs syndrome, patient is usually advised to relax and lessen physical activity.

a) True
b) False

89. Select the True statement about STDs from below:

a) Due to better sex education the number of people getting STDs is steadily declining.
b) Much of the time STDs cause no symptoms, especially in women.
c) Generally, if you have no symptom of an STD, you cannot pass the infection on to another person.
d) Health problems due to STDs tend to be more severe and frequent for men than women.

90. Doing all of the following things can help you from getting STDs except:

a) Use a condom every time you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
b) Delay having sex for the first time.
c) Don't share needles or drug injection equipment.
d) Douching after sex decreases your chances of getting an STD.

91. Which of the following statements about hepatitis is not True?

a) Almost everyone who gets hepatitis A has a full recovery.
b) There's no vaccine for hepatitis c.
c) Hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccination.
d) Besides using condoms during sex, douching reduces the risk for getting hepatitis.

92. At what stage syphilis is non-contagious?

a) primary
b) secondary
c) latent

93. The treatment of choice for gonorrhea is ampicillin, amoxicillin, or some type of penicillin.

a) True
b) False

94. A person can become infected with HIV in all of the following ways except:

a) by having unprotected sex with a person who has HIV
b) by sharing drug injection equipment with someone who has HIV
c) mother who has HIV can pass it on the baby through breastfeeding
d) through contact with infected blood
e) all of the above

95. Which of the following is not a True statement about alcohol abuse and women?

a) Women are less likely than men to use or abuse alcohol.
b) Women become more intoxicated than do men, after drinking the same amount of alcohol.
c) Death rates among male alcoholics are 50 to 100 percent higher than those of their female counterparts.
d) Women develop alcoholic liver diseases after a comparatively shorter period of heavy drinking and at a lower level of daily drinking than men.

96. How long does it take to recover completely from the deleterious effects of smoking after the person has quit smoking?

a) 24 hours
b) 1 year
c) 5 to 15 years
d) never

97. Which explanation for female genital cutting (FGC) is least plausible?

a) cultural practice
b) curbs femal sexual desire
c) mandated by Islam
d) gender discrimination

98. Generally speaking, African American women suffer from diseases listed below at a much higher rate than white women with one exception:

a) tuberculosis
b) heart disease
c) obesity
d) osteoporosis

99. Lesbian women in general are at greater health risk from smoking, substance abuse and obesity.

a) True
b) False

100. Except for colors additives and a few prohibited ingredients, a cosmetics manufacturer may use any ingredient or raw material and market the final product without government approval.

a) True
b) False