Nursing an Hispanic Patient

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Which Spanish explorer first claimed a territory in North America for Spain?

a) Christopher Columbus
b) Hernando de Soto
c) Juan Ponce de Leon
d) Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon

2. In which year did the Mexican war between the United States and Mexico occur?

a) 1810
b) 1846-1848
c) 1861-1865
d) 1910

3. Which of the following people may enter the United States without restriction?

a) Mexicans
b) Cubans
c) Guatemalans
d) Puerto Ricans
e) none of the above

4. Which city has the largest population of Cuban Americans?

a) Miami
b) Los Angeles
c) New York
d) Chicago

5. Which is the largest ethnic group of Hispanics in the United States?

a) Cuban
b) Mexican
c) Puerto Rican
d) Central and South American

6. In Puerto Rico and Cuba there's a merger of Spanish and African influences. In which area the African influence is most manifest?

a) language
b) religion
c) architecture
d) music

7. Which historic event Cinco de Mayo commemorates?

a) Mexico's independence from Spain
b) Mexico's victory over the French army
c) Mexican revolution
d) victory at Alamo

8. In order to be classified as Hispanic, a person has to be speaking Spanish.

a) True
b) False

9. Which of the following peoples are not considered Hispanic?

a) Mexicans
b) Argentines
c) Brazilians
d) Dominican Republicans

10. A recent survey of Latino registered voters found that the term Hispanic is preferred to Latino.

a) True
b) False

11. The description "liberal, older, and sometimes radical" is more typically applied to

a) Hispanics.
b) Latinos.

12. While dealing with Hispanic patients, you must respect their privacy. You'd be invading their privacy if you were closer than a handshake distance.

a) True
b) False

13. Which of the following terms symbolizes the deferential behavior Hispanics exhibit towards others based on age, sex, social position, economic status, and authority?

a) la familia
b) respeto
c) personalismo
d) confianza

14. Generally speaking, while addressing an Hispanic adult patient, which term should you use?

a) usted (you)
b) tú (you)

15. All of the following statements about Hispanic culture are True except:

a) Hispanics tend to avoid eye contact with authority figures.
b) Hispanic patients tend to avoid disagreeing or expressing doubts to their health care provider with respect to the treatment they are receiving.
c) When ill or injured, Hispanic people frequently consult with other family members and often ask them to come along to medical visits.
d) Hispanics prefer formal, institutional relationships to personal relationships; they place their trust in the organization, the clinic or the hospital rather than the individual physician.

16. Select the term that best describes confianza:

a) confidence
b) private, confidential
c) trust
d) respect

17. Hispanics generally have a longer life expectancy than non-Hispanic whites do.

a) True
b) False

18. Identify the leading cause of death for Hispanics of all age groups:

a) accidents
b) cancer
c) homicide
d) heart disease

19. Select the True statement from below:

a) Hispanic adults have the lowest rates of smoking.
b) Hispanic teenagers have the highest rates of smoking among all their peers.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

20. Which of the following groups has the lowest rate of breast-feeding their infants?

a) Hispanic women
b) non-Hispanic white women
c) non-Hispanic black women

21. Which group tops the list in terms of unhealthy weight?

a) non-Hispanic whites
b) Mexican Americans
c) non-Hispanic blacks

22. A lifestyle issue facing the Hispanic community is excessive alcohol use. Data indicate that rates of alcohol use ___________ with acculturation among all U.S. Hispanic groups.

a) increase
b) decrease

23. The incidence rate of AIDS for Hispanic adult men is _____ than that for non-Hispanic white adult men.

a) higher
b) lower

24. Hispanics have a ________ incidence and mortality rate for prostate, breast and lung cancers.

a) higher
b) lower

25. Select the correct statement from below:

a) Hispanics suffer from obesity and diabetes at a proportionately higher rate than non-Hispanic whites do.
b) Hispanics have a lower rate of heart disease than non-Hispanic whites do.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

26. Preventive medicine is not a norm for most Hispanics.

a) True
b) False

27. Which term is used to describe stomachache, diarrhea, and lack of appetite?

a) ataque
b) bilis
c) empacho
d) susto

28. In Hispanic culture, body organs, diseases, foods, and liquids may be "hot" or "cold." Ice is considered

a) hot.
b) cold.

29. Which of the following describes curanderismo?

a) religious healing
b) quackery
c) treatment based on various herbs
d) voodooism
e) treatment based on a mixture of Aztec, Spanish, spiritualistic, homeopathic, and modern medicine

30. Health care decision-making in a Hispanic family is generally

a) left to the individual.
b) shared with other members of the family.

31. Which of the following ingredient is generally missing in the Mexican diet?

a) complex carbohydrates
b) fat
c) protein
d) calcium, iron, vitamin A

32. Puerto Rican foods are not spicy like Mexican foods.

a) True
b) False

33. Less acculturated Hispanics-those who don't use English eat somewhat more healthful diets than acculturated Hispanics who speak English.

a) True
b) False

34. Which among the following Hispanic groups is the most advantaged in terms of education, affluence?

a) Mexican
b) Puerto Rican
c) Cuban
d) Central and South American

35. In one of the following categories Hispanics have a higher incidence of disease than non-Hispanic whites:

a) heart disease
b) stroke
c) cancer
d) diabetes

36. Which of the following population groups scored highest on the Healthy Eating Index?

a) non-Hispanic whites
b) Hispanic Spanish speakers
c) Hispanic English speakers

37. In the hierarchy of lay healers among Hispanics, find the term used for an herbalist:

a) yerbero
b) sobador
c) partera
d) abuela

38. The use of herbal remedies has been found to be more widespread in _______.

a) non-Hispanic whites
b) Hispanic subjects

39. Which group receives its information on herbal remedies from a family member as opposed to through magazines or books?

a) Hispanic
b) non-Hispanic white

40. Hispanics/Latinos generally have ______ mortality rates but ______ morbidity rates compared with the overall U.S. population.

a) lower, lower
b) lower, higher
c) higher, lower
d) higher, higher

41. Which of the following cities has the largest concentration of Hispanics/Latinos?

a) New York
b) Los Angeles
c) Chicago
d) San Antonio

42. Mortality rates from coronary heart disease vary among population groups. Below is mortality expressed as per 100,000. Which of the following numbers is likely to apply to people of Hispanic origin?

a) 90
b) 121
c) 188

43. Which group of children is affected most by asthma?

a) non-Latino white
b) Mexican American
c) non-Latino African American
d) Puerto Rican

44. Which term is used by Puerto Ricans for asthma?

a) embrujado
b) ataque
c) fatiga
d) nervios

45. What should you do to improve communication with your Hispanic patients?

a) Utilize trained medical interpreters when communicating with patients who are not proficient in English.
b) Use friends, family, or children for medical interpretation.

46. Identify the Hispanic group that has the highest propensity to drink alcohol:

a) Mexican American
b) Puerto Rican
c) Cuban American

47. Cross-cultural misunderstandings between providers and patients can lead to mistrust and frustration, but are unlikely to have an impact on objectively measured clinical outcomes.

a) True
b) False

48. When the patient and the provider come from different cultural backgrounds, the medical history obtained may not be accurate.

a) True
b) False

49. When taking a medical history from a patient with a limited ability to speak English, which of the following is least useful?

a) Asking questions that require the patient to give a simple "yes" or "no" answer, such as "Do you have trouble breathing?" or "Does your knee hurt?"
b) Encouraging the patient to give a description of her/his medical situation, and beliefs about health and illness.
c) Asking the patient whether he or she would like to have a qualified interpreter for the medical visit.
d) Asking the patient questions such as "How has your condition changed over the past two days?" or "What makes your condition get better or worse?"

50. When a patient is not adhering to a prescribed treatment after several visits, which of the following approaches is not likely to lead to adherence?

a) Involving family members.
b) Repeating the instructions very loudly and several times to emphasize the importance of the treatment.
c) Agreeing to a compromise in the timing or amount of treatment.
d) Spending time listening to discussions of folk or alternative remedies.

51. If a family member speaks English as well as the patient's native language, and is willing to act as interpreter, this is the best possible solution to the problem of interpreting.

a) True
b) False

52. Because Hispanics have a lower incidence of certain cancers than the majority of the U.S. population, their mortality rate from these diseases is correspondingly lower.

a) True
b) False

53. Some symbols-a positive nod of the head, a pointing finger, a "thumbs-up" sign-are universal and can help bridge the language gap.

a) True
b) False

54. Out of respect for a patient's privacy, the provider should always begin a relationship by seeing an adult patient alone and drawing the family in as needed.

a) True
b) False

55. Which of the following is not True of an organization that values cultural competence:

a) The organization employs or has access to professional interpreters that speak all or at least most of the languages of its clients.
b) The organization posts signs in different languages and has patient education materials in different languages.
c) The organization tries to hire staff that mirrors the ethnic and cultural mix of its clients.
d) The organization assumes that professional medical staff does not need to be reminded to treat all patients with respect.

56. Which of the following factors has a more significant impact in causing differences in cancer incidence and mortality rates among various racial and ethnic groups?

a) ethnicity
b) socioeconomic status

57. Hispanics/Latinos have lower incidence of cancer and death rates from it overall compared with those of African-Americans and whites.

a) True
b) False

58. Which of the following groups is most likely not to have a regular doctor?

a) whites
b) African Americans
c) Hispanics
d) Asian Americans

59. Which group had the highest rate of breast exam and pap smear?

a) non-Hispanic white
b) black
c) Hispanic
d) American Indian

60. The IOM report discusses several factors as responsible for healthcare disparities between whites and racial and ethnic minorities. Which of the following factors was ruled out as a source of health care disparities?

a) cultural or linguistic barrier
b) minorities are usually enrolled in lower-cost health plans
c) bias or prejudice against minorities
d) stereotypes held by the provider about the behavior or health of minorities
e) minority patients' attitudes toward healthcare

61. According to the IOM report, which of the following is a major source of healthcare disparities?

a) minority patients' attitudes toward healthcare
b) providers' perceptions and attitudes toward patients based on race or ethnicity

62. On average, Hispanic Americans are almost twice as likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites of similar age.

a) True
b) False

63. Based on the genetic origins, which Hispanic group had the lowest rate of diabetes?

a) Hispanics of Spanish origin
b) Hispanics of American Indian origin
c) Hispanics of African origin

64. Once a woman has had gestational diabetes, she has an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

a) True
b) False

65. Which group of women had the fewest deaths from all cancers combined?

a) white
b) African American
c) Asian American
d) Hispanic/Latino
e) American Indian

66. Which group of women had the highest infant mortality rate?

a) African American
b) white
c) Hispanic
d) Asian American

67. The effect of greater acculturation on older Mexican Americans is to _______ the incidence of diabetes.

a) increase
b) decrease

68. Which group has the highest rate of tuberculosis?

a) white Americans
b) black, non-Hispanic Americans born in the United States
c) black, non-Hispanic foreign-born Americans
d) foreign-born Asian Americans

69. Which group of women has the highest lifetime prevalence of depression?

a) white
b) Hispanic
c) African American

70. Which group has the lowest percentage of low-birth-weight babies?

a) white
b) African American
c) Hispanic
d) American Indian
e) Chinese

71. What is the more significant form of HIV transmission in women?

a) IV drug use
b) heterosexual contact

72. Teenage girls have a higher chance of contracting some STDs than do teenage males.

a) True
b) False

73. Which sexually transmitted disease, if left untreated, may develop into pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

a) gonorrhea
b) syphilis
c) chlamydia
d) herpes simplex virus (HSV)

74. Which sexually transmitted disease may lead to cervical cancer?

a) herpes simplex virus
b) human papillomavirus (HPV)
c) chlamydia
d) syphilis

75. Which type of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infects genital area?

a) type 1
b) type 2
c) both

76. The effect of greater acculturation on older Mexican Americans is to _____ the incidence of diabetes.

a) increase
b) decrease

77. Which group has the highest rate of tuberculosis?

a) white Americans
b) black, non-Hispanic Americans born in the United States
c) black, non-Hipanic foreign-born Americans
d) foreign-born Asian Americans

78. Which group of women has the highest lifetime prevalence of depression?

a) white
b) Hispanic
c) African American

79. The Hispanic adolescent population is projected to ________ in the near future.

a) increase
b) decrease

80. Which group of adolescent females had the highest reported rate of attempted suicide?

a) white
b) black
c) Hispanic

81. Teenage pregnancy is a major problem facing adolescents of color. Which group has the lowest births to females younger than 20 years of age?

a) white
b) black
c) Hispanic
d) Asian American

82. Alcohol consumption among black and Hispanic youth is less than among white youth.

a) True
b) False

83. Which group of adolescent females is more likely to engage in vigorous physical activity?

a) non-Hispanic white
b) black
c) Hispanic
e) none of the above

84. Which group of elderly women reported having had the lowest rate of checkup within the past year?

a) Asian
b) white
c) black
d) Hispanic

85. Which group of women had the highest pregnancy-related mortality?

a) Hispanic
b) non-Hispanic white
c) non-Hispanic black

86. Identify the leading cause of pregnancy-related death for Hispanic women:

a) hemorrhage
b) embolism
c) infection
d) pregnancy-induced hypertension

87. Hispanic/Latina women have a risk 1.5 to 3 times higher than non-Hispanic white women for having a child affected by serious birth defects.

a) True
b) False

88. Foreign-born Hispanics are more likely to give birth to low-birth weight babies than U.S-born Hispanic women.

a) True
b) False

89. Pregnant Latinas typically avoid foods that are considered ________.

a) hot
b) cold

90. Select the response that describes la cuarantena:

a) attaching a safety pin to the front of the underwear by a pregnant Latina to protect her fetus from developing a cleft lip or palate
b) eating hot foods after childbirth to restore the lost heat
c) 40-day postpartum period during which the woman is to rest and adjust to having a new infant
d) taking of purgantes (home remedies) by the mother that are said to help her body eliminate impurities from the birth

91. Which country has the highest prevalence of STDs, such as syphilis and gonorrhea?

a) Mexico
b) Ecuador
c) Argentina
d) Guatemala

92. Select the correct statement from below about Hispanic women's experience of domestic violence:

a) Mexican-American women experience the same type of abuse as Anglo-American women.
b) Mexican-American women stay in abusive relationships longer.
c) Hispanic women report abuse less frequently to law enforcement agencies or seek medical attention less often compared with Anglo-American women.
d) all of the above

93. Which factor is most determinative of violence against women?

a) race
b) ethnicity
c) socioeconomic status

94. Among all women, Hispanic women are the least likely group to be victims of rape.

a) True
b) False

95. Elderly abuse in Hispanic families is ______ prevalent than elderly abuse in the general population.

a) more
b) less

96. Which group has the highest rate of heavy drinking?

a) African American
b) Hispanic
c) Asian American
d) American Indian

97. Select the correct response from below:

a) Hispanics generally have a lower prevalence of drinking and heavy drinking.
b) Hispanics are approximately twice as likely as whites to die from cirrhosis.
c) both of the above
d) none

98. The gene that is present in many Asian subpopulations causes a "flushing reaction to alcohol." Persons who have inherited this gene are likely to be ______ than those who lack this gene.

a) abstainers
b) heavier drinkers

99. The prevalence of smoking among Hispanic adults is _____ than that among whites.

a) higher
b) lower

100. Mexican Americans born in the United States generally have higher rates of mental disorders than adult Mexican immigrants.

a) True
b) False