Bioterrorism (Nevada Mandatory)

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Which of the following situations would be more manageable by civilian authorities in the event of a terrorist attack?

a) terrorist attack that employs biological weapons
b) a chemical release or a major explosion

2. Which of the following forms of anthrax infection causes most fatalities?

a) cutaneous
b) inhalational
c) gastrointestinal

3. What is the usual prescribed length of time for which antibiotics should be taken for inhalational anthrax?

a) one week
b) 30 days
c) 60 days
d) until the symptoms disappear

4. Does a patient have immunity after recovering from anthrax infection?

a) yes
b) no
c) not certain, but it is possible

5. What is the most common naturally occurring form of anthrax?

a) inhalational
b) cutaneous
c) gastrointestinal

6. The greatest risk to human health following an intentional aerosolization of anthrax spores occurs during the period in which anthrax spores remain airborne, called primary aerosolization. What is the maximum time before the aerosol would be fully dispers

a) 4 hours
b) 1 day
c) 7 days
d) 45 days

7. During which phase smallpox is most contagious?

a) incubation period
b) prodrome phase
c) early rash
d) scab stage

8. The U.S. government has sufficient stockpile of smallpox vaccine to immunize the American public in the event of smallpox outbreak.

a) True
b) False

9. The list of people who should not get smallpox vaccine includes:

a) pregnant women
b) HIV positive persons
c) children younger than 12 months
d) people with heart conditions
e) all of the above

10. Of the three kinds of botulism, which one is most common?

a) foodborne botulism
b) infant botulism
c) wound botulism

11. What is the most common vehicle for the botulism toxin in the United States?

a) beef
b) milk products
c) poultry
d) vegetables

12. What is the most effective treatment for botulism?

a) botulinum antitoxin
b) antibiotics
c) activated charcoal

13. Which form of plague can be spread from person to person?

a) pneumonic
b) bubonic
c) septicemic

14. Plague exists in one of two states in nature, enzootic or epizootic. Which state is responsible for the spread of plague to humans?

a) enzootic
b) epizootic

15. In a biological warfare act, which plague is most likely to be spread?

a) bubonic
b) pneumonic

16. In the event of a biological weapons attack, which of the following is expected to have the lowest case-fatality rate?

a) tularemia
b) plague
c) anthrax

17. In a mass casualty situation what is the preferred drug of choice for treating tularemia?

a) streptomycin
b) gentamicin
c) doxycycline

18. Viral hemorrhagic fevers affect

a) lungs.
b) liver.
c) kidney.
d) nervous system.
e) multiple organ systems.

19. At present there’s no antidote for ricin poisoning.

a) True
b) False

20. What is the most useful test to determine if a person has been exposed to nerve agents?

a) x-ray
b) urine test
c) CAT scan
d) blood test

21. What is the mortality rate from exposure to sulfur mustard?

a) 2-3%
b) 30%
c) 65%
d) over 90%

22. Which of the following foods is most likely to be contaminated?

a) fruits
b) vegetables
c) pasteurized milk
d) raw shellfish

23. Identify the government agency responsible to monitor, investigate, control and prevent public health problems:

a) CDC
b) FDA
d) FBI

24. How is the illness caused by E. coli treated?

a) antibiotics
b) antidiarrheal agents, such as loperamide (Imodium)
c) no specific treatment

25. What is the preferred treatment for cholera?

a) antibiotics
b) rehydration

26. Who are the carriers of typhoid-causing bacteria, Salmonella Typhi?

a) humans
b) animals
c) shellfish
d) all of the above

27. Most chemical agents can penetrate clothing and are absorbed rapidly through the skin.

a) True
b) False

28. The best room to use for shelter during a chemical accident or attack is a room with many windows and doors that can be used as possible escape routes.

a) True
b) False

29. Agents of bioterrorism are generally not transmitted from person to person.

a) True
b) False