Family Violence

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. the definition of family violence includes all of the below elements except:

a) pertains to persons who are cohabitating
b) includes neglect
c) the incident must be reported to legal authorities
d) must result in physical or emotional harm or violation of another family member’s rights and freedom of choice

2. Among the various theories of family violence, which theory focuses on the roles of men and women in our society and the attitudes toward women?

a) the psychopathology theory
b) the social learning theory
c) the culture of violence theory
d) the substance abuse theory
e) the cycle of violence theory

3. Which theory holds that family violence can be traced to certain individuals within the family who suffer from mental illness, personality disorders, and other dysfunctions?

a) the psychopathology theory
b) the frustration–aggression theory
c) the general systems theory
d) the ecological theory

4. While bathing his one-year-old daughter, she slips from the father’s grasp and hits her head against the faucet, causing a cut over her eye that requires two stitches. Is this child abuse?

a) yes
b) no

5. A one-year-old child is reaching for the side of a hot woodstove. Which of the following acts is child abuse?

a) You allow the child to touch the stove to teach her a lesson.
b) You say “hot” and slap the child’s hand.
c) You move the child to another part of the room without any infliction of punishment.

6. Which form of child abuse is most prevalent?

a) physical abuse
b) emotional abuse
c) neglect
d) sexual abuse

7. Which of the following models views child abuse a result of parent’s inadequate parenting skills?

a) psychopathological model
b) interactional model
c) environmental-sociological-cultural model

8. Which of the following statements was not supported by the National Incidence Surveys?

a) Children from poor families were five times as likely to be abused.
b) The greater the number of children in the family, the greater the probability of abuse.
c) The incidence of child abuse increases with the child’s age.
d) Race and ethnicity play an important role in child abuse.

9. Which of the following bruises should arouse suspicion of child abuse?

a) bruises on the front portion of the arms, legs, and face
b) bruises over knees and shinbone
c) bruises on the back of the arms or legs or on the back

10. Which of the following actions may require the diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

a) a parent inflicts an injury on the child
b) a parent feigns a “disease” by lying about its presence or staging it
c) none of the above
d) both of the above

11. Which of the following offenders form the largest class of child sexual abusers?

a) strangers
b) family members
c) acquaintances

12. A victim of child sexual abuse may not exhibit any physical signs of abuse.

a) True
b) False

13. Research has identified two types of perpetrators: the fixated offender and the regressed offender. Which offender primarily chooses young females as his victims?

a) the fixated offender
b) the regressed offender

14. The theory that inbreeding causes physical and mental deformities and disabilities has now largely been discredited.

a) True
b) False

15. Child pornography is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

a) True
b) False

16. Parricide refers to the

a) killing of a child by a parent.
b) killing of a parent by a child.
c) suicide by a child who was a victim of sexual abuse.
d) killing of a sexual abuser by a family member.

17. Nonorganic failure to thrive (NFTT) is caused by diseases such as chronic renal disease, food allergies, or congenital heart disease.

a) True
b) False

18. Jill and Howard believe in nudity within the home. They also undress their three-year-old daughter. They eat, watch television, and do housework undressed. Is this a form of physical abuse or emotional neglect?

a) yes
b) no

19. The Supreme Court has decided that parents may not, on religious grounds, withhold medical treatment for their children.

a) True
b) False

20. Sibling abuse is probably the most common form of family violence in the United States.

a) True
b) False

21. Which of the following statements does not fit the profile of sibling abuse?

a) Sibling abuse occurs at a higher rate among children in families in which both child abuse and spousal abuse are present.
b) Sibling assaults are higher in families with spousal abuse than in those with child abuse
c) Sibling abuse crosses all racial and socioeconomic lines.
d) As siblings grow older, the abuse decreases.

22. There has never been one successful prosecution of a satanic cult engaged in ritualistic abuse.

a) True
b) False

23. State reporting laws require all of the following persons to report cases of suspected child abuse except

a) physicians
b) teachers
c) counselors
d) neighbors

24. The reporting statutes require incidents of suspected child abuse to be reported even when there’s a confidential relationship between the professional and the client.

a) True
b) False

25. Select the correct statement about the reporting laws from below:

a) Child-abuse reporting laws establish immunity from civil lawsuits for any professional who acts in good faith.
b) Most statutes establish both civil and criminal penalties for failing to report suspected child abuse.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

26. Which of the following is a True statement about Megan’s law?

a) requires sex offenders to register with a department or law enforcement agency
b) requires notification of the presence of the sex offender in the community to individuals and organizations.
c) requires indefinite incarceration of the repeated sex offender
d) requires the sex offender to be confined in a psychiatric facility, and, in some cases, undergo castration.

27. Can a law enforcement agency be held liable for failing to investigate a suspected child abuse?

a) yes
b) no

28. Which of the following would be considered spousal abuse?

a) A boy is upset at his girlfriend who is late for a date. He calls her lazy and irresponsible.
b) During a date, the male takes his date’s arm and steers her to an entrance, commenting that she is stupid for not seeing that this is the fastest way to leave the theater.
c) The wife is tired and wants to sleep, but the husband forces her to engage in sex.
d) The husband does not allow his wife access to any funds after she bounced three checks and almost caused him to lose his job at the bank.

29. In recent years spousal abuse has _________.

a) increased
b) declined

30. Select the True statement from below:

a) There’s a link between alcohol and spousal abuse.
b) There’s no association between pregnancy and spousal abuse.
c) Cohabitating couples report higher incidence of spousal abuse than married couples.
d) Increased level of stress leads to a higher rate of violence within the family.
e) all of the above

31. Which of the following characteristics exhibited by batterers is consistently associated with spousal abuse?

a) exposure to violence in the family while growing up
b) low self-esteem
c) inferior verbal skills
d) psychopathology
e) alcohol abuse

32. Cycle theory of violence which explains the dynamics involved in battering was advanced by

a) Rosenbaum and Maiuro
b) Pagelow
c) Leonore E. Walker
d) Anderson

33. Which type of spousal abuse is relatively easier to detect?

a) physical abuse
b) sexual abuse
c) emotional abuse

34. Battered woman syndrome in spousal homicide cases is now a substantial, scientifically accepted theory.

a) True
b) False

35. According to one survey, restraining orders were found ineffective in preventing repeated incidents of spousal abuse by a vast majority of victims.

a) True
b) False

36. Across the country very few spousal assault cases are prosecuted.

a) True
b) False

37. The definition of elder abuse applies to both domestic as well as institutional abuse.

a) True
b) False

38. Who is more likely to abuse elders?

a) their adult children
b) spouses

39. In explaining the cause of elder abuse, which of the following theories holds the least validity?

a) dependency in relationships contributes to elder abuse
b) abusers have mental disorders
c) providing care for an elder induces stress within the family
d) those who abuse elders grow up in families characterized by violence

40. Is there a mandatory reporting law for elder abuse as there is for child abuse?

a) yes
b) no

41. Battering and abuse do not exist in the lesbian community as only men abuse women.

a) myth
b) fact

42. What is the incidence of battering within same-sex relationships?

a) less than 5 percent
b) 25 to 35 percent
c) over 60 percent

43. Laws in many jurisdictions provide for mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS of certain individuals. Select that group:

a) physicians, nurses, dentists
b) law enforcement personnel
c) sexual predators
d) all persons over the age of fifteen

44. Service providers to victims of family violence who have a disability should follow certain tips. Select the appropriate response from below:

a) Look directly at the victim when addressing him or her.
b) If the victim is accompanied by a third-party nondisabled person, try to communicate through this person
c) Tell the disabled victim that you admire his or her courage or determination for living with the disability.
d) Avoid humorous situations that occur as a result of a disability, something that would be acceptable in other situations.
e) all of the above

45. In Puerto Rican culture, which of the following traits contributes to sexual abuse?

a) familism
b) respect
c) machoism
d) female spiritual superiority
e) all of the above

46. With respect to family violence in rural areas, select the correct statement:

a) Children in rural communities are as likely, and possibly more likely, to be abused or neglected than children in cities.
b) Crimes such as homicide, rape, and assault are more likely to occur among acquaintances in rural areas than in urban areas.
c) Some of the highest rates for domestic violence disputes have been found in least populated jurisdictions.
d) Rural communities typically have fewer resources.
e) all of the above

47. With respect to rape and sexual assault, which of the following is not a correct statement?

a) About 60 percent of all the rape or sexual assault incidents occurred in the victim’s own home or at the home of a friend, neighbor, or relative.
b) About 75 percent of the single offenders had a prior relationship with the victim as a family member, intimate, or acquaintance.
c) About 30 percent of all victims reported that they took some form of self-protective action during the crime.
d) Rape occurs much more often between those who know each other than between strangers.

48. Several theories have been advanced on causes of sexual aggression toward women. Which theory is the least credible?

a) socialization
b) machoism
c) sexual motivation
d) culture of violence

49. No conclusive study indicates that rape victims as a class suffer from lower self-esteem than other victims or nonvictims.

a) True
b) False

50. In a Texas criminal case, the victim, fearing for her life, consented to sex with the offender, and asked him to wear a condom, which she supplied. Was the offender guilty of rape?

a) yes
b) no

51. Was rape committed in the following situations?

a) On a third date, the male double-shots his date’s drinks. She is not an experienced drinker and passes out while they are engaged in heavy petting. The male proceeds to have intercourse with her.
b) The female initially consents to intercourse but, during the act, changes her mind and tells the male to stop. He continued with the act until orgasm.
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

52. Which of the following is a myth about stalking?

a) Most stalkers are not mentally ill.
b) Most stalkers are not dangerous.
c) Stalkers generally do not respond to psychiatric treatment.
d) Most stalkers look like sleaze balls and have beady eyes.
e) all of the above

53. Most stalkers are men.

a) True
b) False

54. Sending letters or making telephone calls, even though threatening, does not constitute stalking.

a) True
b) False

55. What is the most effective weapon against stalking?

a) mental evaluation
b) counseling or psychiatric treatment
c) civil commitment
d) restraining orders

56. Crisis reaction involves three stages. During which stage the victim returns to normalcy?

a) the impact stage
b) the recoil stage
c) the reorganization stage

57. Which of the following is recognized disorder in the DSM-IV?

a) acute stress disorder
b) posttraumatic stress disorder
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

58. Mandelsohn has developed a typology of victims and their contribution to the criminal act, from the completely innocent victim to the imaginary victim. In which classification would fall those who assist others in suicide or euthanasia?

a) the completely innocent victim
b) the victim with minor guilt
c) the victim who is as guilty as the offender
d) the victim more guilty than the offender
e) the most guilty victim