Anger Management

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Who wrote, If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?

a) Buddha
b) Kahlil Gibran
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Confucius

2. As the Yerkes-Dodson Law says, the relationship between angry arousal and performance is almost inversely proportional.

a) True
b) False

3. Attitude that says, “I hate those damn ______ (ethnic group). They deserve to suffer.” is an example of

a) anger.
b) hostility.
c) aggression.
d) aversive verbalization.

4. A man seeing his wife in a sexual encounter with another man pulls a gun and kills both of them. This is an example of

a) anger.
b) hostility.
c) aggression.
d) aversive verbalization.

5. Most anger events, as a rule, involve people who “love” or “like” each other.

a) True
b) False

6. The author listed appraisal errors commonly lead to angry episodes. Which scenario would the following fall under? A 78-year-old woman with moderate arthritis complaining constantly about her unbearable pain in exaggerated terms.

a) misinterpretation of the trigger
b) awfulizing
c) demandingness
d) negative rating of others

7. Anger episodes can lead to either short-term or long-term outcomes. Which are likely to have a greater effect on the angry behavior?

a) short-term
b) long-term

8. There’s strong evidence that letting anger out is healthy.

a) True
b) False

9. People who deny or repress anger have an increased risk of cancer.

a) True
b) False

10. Studies have shown that patients who tend to internalize angry feelings have higher subjective levels of pain.

a) True
b) False

11. Angry facial expressions are predictive of coronary events.

a) True
b) False

12. Select the most comprehensive and well-validated anger assessment tool currently available to mental-health practitioners:

a) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
b) State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 (STAXI-2)
c) Anger Episode Record

13. People who score high on the trait anger/temperament portion of the STAXI-2 scale have the following characteristics:

a) quick-tempered and impulsive
b) highly-sensitive, become angry on response to specific provocations

14. Which group of people is a better candidate for concrete interventions?

a) people who score high on trait anger/temperament scale
b) people who score high on trait anger/reaction scale

15. For people who score high on both the state and trait anger on the STAXI-2 scale, the anger is likely to be

a) transient, infrequent.
b) chronic.

16. STAXI-2 scale is useful to assess

a) anger as a trait;
b) state of anger;
c) style of anger expression;
d) all of the above

17. People who score high on anger expressions/in typically suppress their anger.

a) True
b) False

18. The formal diagnosis of anger can be found in

b) International Classifications of Diseases (ICD10)
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

19. Clients who are referred by the criminal justice system or clients interacting in a correctional counselors or probation officers are likely to have one of the following diagnoses:

a) adjustment disorder with angry mood
b) situational anger disorder without aggression
c) situational anger disorder with aggression
d) general anger disorder without aggression
e) general anger disorder with aggression

20. Clients are at different stages when they come to a therapist for anger management. Which stage is ideal for change?

a) precontemplative
b) noncontemplative
c) anticontemplative
d) contemplative

21. Studies have shown that people who vent their anger are ______ likely to act angrily the next time.

a) more
b) less

22. Which of the following statements is an example of “paradoxical intention” approach outlined by the author?

a) “How do you think this is going to affect your relationship?”
b) “Even though you think you were right, were there any downsides to yelling?”
c) “I think you should work at feeling even more angry.”

23. Successful anger management almost always requires the help of a professional counselor.

a) True
b) False

24. Among the several ingredients necessary for successful anger management counseling which is the most important?

a) quality of the treatment
b) length of the treatment
c) bond between the client and the counselor
d) therapeutic setting

25. Which of the following models is likely to increase the bond between the client and counselor to a greater degree?

a) coping model: practitioners who admit that they have modified their own personality in positive ways, but are still working on improvements
b) mastery model: practitioners who say they have already solved all of their personnel/anger problems and can now pass along their perfected wisdom

26. Angry behavior is generally

a) an automatic reaction.
b) a deliberate response.

27. In which of the following instances avoidance strategy would be of immediate and primary benefit for a client?

a) dealing with a child who repeatedly misbehaves
b) when a spouse asks the same accusatory question repeatedly
c) argument with your in-laws
d) “road-rage” incident

28. Avoidance and escape are only temporary strategies in an anger management program.

a) True
b) False

29. The author has identified three types of skills that can reduce many anger problems. Which skill help develop nonverbal practical life behaviors?

a) social interaction skills
b) assertiveness skills
c) specialized motor skills

30. One of the following elements is not within the definition of assertiveness:

a) direct
b) forceful
c) honest
d) appropriate expression of feelings

31. Which of the following is an example of assertive expression?

a) “I would like to talk about our problem now.”
b) “It makes sense to talk about our problem now because if we put it off I will forget what I want to say."

32. Exposure model has been used more successfully in treating

a) angry episodes.
b) anxiety disorders.

33. What is the focal point of exposure technique?

a) trigger
b) anger expression
c) reinforcing outcomes

34. In which of the following instances verbal exposure technique works best?

a) becoming angry while driving in traffic
b) facing computer problems
c) getting angry at higher taxes
d) relational problems

35. A client describes a problematic emotional experience. Thoughts related to this emotional experience could be “hot” or “cold.” Which of the following is a hot thought?

a) it occurred in the lunchroom at work;
b) it occurred at about 11 a.m.;
c) the lunchroom was crowded at the time;
d) it involved an argument with the supervisor.

36. Thoughts and feelings are basically the same thing.

a) True
b) False

37. Beck’s cognitive therapy model deals with three levels of cognitions: automatic thoughts, assumption, and core beliefs. Which of the following statements describes a core belief?

a) “You have to watch your back in this place.”
b) “If I trust other people, they will hurt me. Therefore, I must not trust others.”
c) “People are basically hostile.”

38. Which cognitive therapy model helps clients adjust to anger triggers better as opposed to perceiving triggers more accurately?

a) Beck’s approach
b) REBT approach

39. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy was formulated by

a) S. Freud.
b) Howard Kassinove.
c) J.L. Deffenbacher.
d) Albert Ellis.

40. Which of the following describes the basic tenet of REBT practice?

a) question or challenge the statement of the client
b) accept the client’s statement at face value

41. Select the rational belief from the below statements:

a) “It is terrible that I’m treated unfairly.”
b) “The office manager should respect my seniority.”
c) “I can’t stand being treated unfairly. It’s intolerable.”
d) “While I don’t like this bad situation, there are far worse injustices in the world

42. Which of the following statements reflects irrational beliefs?

a) major inconvenience
b) wish it didn’t happen
c) very difficult
d) must, should, or has to-

43. REBT’s cognitive approach to anger management puts heavy emphasis on positive thinking and affirmations.

a) True
b) False

44. Name the person who popularized the concept of affirmations and optimistic autosuggestion:

a) Norman Vincent Peale
b) Emile Cové
c) Stewart Smalley
d) Albert Ellis

45. Which of the following phrases comes closest to describing “allostatic load”?

a) reaction to catastrophic emergencies
b) body’s response to stressors
c) violent temper
d) tremendous pressure to succeed

46. Which statement correctly describes general adaptation syndrome?

a) stress-fighting response that continues over time unceasingly, breaking down the body
b) well-adjusted physical and psychological conditioning to fight life’s stressors

47. There’s a definite connection between forgiveness and lack of forgiveness and cardiovascular disease and mental health.

a) True
b) False

48. There are many responses to any offensive remark or behavior. Which statement describes excusing?

a) implies indifference and a lack of motivation to change the aversive parts of the world around us
b) implies minimization
c) finding a rationale for the offensive behavior
d) putting it out of the mind

49. Which statement describes justifying?

a) implies indifference and a lack of motivation to change the aversive parts of the world around us
b) implies minimization
c) finding a rationale for the offensive behavior
d) putting it out of the mind

50. Which statement describes accepting?

a) implies indifference and a lack of motivation to change the aversive parts of the world around us
b) implies minimization
c) finding a rationale for the offensive behavior
d) putting it out of the mind

51. Forgiveness and forgetting are one and the same.

a) True
b) False

52. The act of forgiveness is never complete without some sort of revenge or compensation

a) True
b) False

53. The authors have identified four phases of forgiveness. Which is the first phase?

a) uncovering anger
b) deciding to forgive
c) work phase
d) release and deepening

54. Which is the concluding phase?

a) uncovering anger
b) deciding to forgive
c) work phase
d) release and deepening

55. What percent of clients who are successful in the reduction of overeating, smoking, and other problems eventually relapse?

a) 20
b) 40
c) 50 to 90

56. Relapses are inevitable in any anger management program.

a) True
b) False

57. The shape of the progress graph with anger on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis is

a) straight descending line
b) bell-shaped
c) zig-zag
d) random

58. What should a practitioner’s response be when a client misses an appointment?

a) “John, I was a furious with you last week. You know you have to call if you are not coming."
b) “John, I felt surprised and annoyed when you didn’t show up last week.”

59. The author has described several change strategies that practitioners can use to better manage their own angry reactions during sessions. Which one requires the help of another practitioner?

a) manage in-session physical arousal
b) skill-building
c) problem-solving
d) avoidance and escape
e) exposure exercise

60. Select the rational thought from below:

a) “It’s awful that Paul still gets angry when he imagines his home and wife.”
b) “Paul should be better by now. I am doing everything right. Paul ought to be respoonding."
c) “I like Paul and wish he were improving. But, even if he never gets better, I can accept the outcome. I just won’t like it.”
d) “Paul is a jerk. Can’t he see that his wife is just who she is, and that she has always been sloppy?"

61. Prison inmates who score high on psychometric measures of antisocial behavior (e.g., MCMI, MMPI) are good candidates for group counseling for anger control.

a) True
b) False

62. Individuals with psychotic spectrum disorders, serious mood disorders, and/or current substance use problems are generally not good candidates for group anger management.

a) True
b) False