Women and Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. According to a survey, American women are more likely to abuse alcohol and other drugs in 1992 than they were in 1976.

a) True
b) False

2. African American women are twice as likely to die from alcohol-related causes than Caucasian women.

a) True
b) False

3. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Men are four times more likely than women to indulge in heavy alcohol consumption.
b) A higher percent of African American women than Caucasian women are reported to use alcohol at least once a week or more often.
c) Hispanic women population reported the lowest percent of alcohol use at least once a week or more often.
d) Men report high quantity, frequency, and rates of intoxication at an earlier age than do women.

4. In women, alcohol reaches higher peak levels in the blood faster than it does for men.

a) True
b) False

5. Women have higher death rates from alcohol-related damage than do men.

a) True
b) False

6. Heavy alcohol consumption has many physiological effects. Select the correct one from the following:

a) weight gain
b) increased appetite
c) enhanced sexual functioning
d) osteoporosis

7. Women with alcohol diagnoses are ________ likely than men with alcohol diagnoses to have alcohol-related co-occurring disorders.

a) more
b) less
c) no more or no less

8. The proportion of women reporting lifetime heroin use has declined significantly over the last seven years.

a) True
b) False

9. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Twice as many women as men receive and use prescriptions for drugs.
b) Men are twice as likely as women to be addicted to prescription drugs in combination with alcohol.
c) Seventy percent of the prescriptions for tranquilizers, sedatives, and stimulants are written for women.

10. Women have been found to develop severe liver disease with shorter durations of alcohol use and lower levels of consumption than do men.

a) True
b) False

11. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) The rate of syphilis among African-American women is the highest among
b) women of all ethnicity.
c) Women tend to show fewer symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases STDs
d) Death rates for men who are HIV-positive are higher than those for women.

12. There is a strong correlation between substance abuse and mental health problems, such as depression and anti-social personality disorders. Women with alcohol diagnoses were more likely than men with alcohol diagnoses to have alcohol-related co-occurring

a) True
b) False

13. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) Older people are the most frequent users of prescription medications.
b) African American women over 60 years of age are more frequent users of psychotropic medications of any kind, in comparison with Caucasian and other women.
c) Twenty-one percent of hospitalized patients over 60 have a diagnosis of alcoholism.
d) Alcohol consumption generally decreases among persons in their 60s.

14. Although women are advised to avoid alcohol consumption during pregnancy, alcohol use during the first trimester of pregnancy is generally considered safe.

a) True
b) False

15. The term "relational model" as used in the treatment of alcohol and other drug use in women refers to

a) relationship between various forms of abuses (alcohol, drug, sex, violence, etc.)
b) the importance of relationships for women
c) the efficacy of a particular treatment plan
d) the presence of dual disorders

16. All of the following are examples of codependent behaviors except controlling relationships

a) controlling relationships
b) repressing feelings
c) self-neglect
d) not setting boundaries
e) forming a bond with another substance abuser

17. Treatment of substance abuse includes all of the following methods except identify the drug used in the treatment of alcoholism:

a) methadone
b) naltrexone
c) antabuse
d) antacid

18. Treatment of substance abuse includes all of the following methods except:

a) pharmacological treatment
b) psychosocial treatment
c) nontraditional dealing (e.g., acupuncture)
d) social learning
e) involuntary incarceration

19. Residential treatment and rehabilitation are provided to individuals under the following circumstances (select the correct response):

a) For some clients controlled and structured environment over a longer period of time is necessary.
b) The client is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, psychotic manifestations, or severe illness related to substance abuse.
c) Sometimes hospital-based residential program is the only treatment esource covered by insurance.
d) a and b above
e) all of the above

20. In general, males and females of comparable background and at the same levels of problem severity respond equally well to treatment for alcohol problems.

a) True
b) False

21. The prevalence of violence against women who enter substance abuse treatment programs is about the same as that against women in the general population.

a) True
b) False

22. Concern for their children is a major motivation for many women in their decision to enter treatment for their substance abuse problems.

a) True
b) False

23. Identify the overwhelming reason many women decide to enter treatment for substance problems:

a) stay out of prison
b) keep the family together
c) not wanting to lose a job
d) concern for their children
e) health

24. The use of methadone is an established pharmacotherapy for the treatment of addic-tion to

a) alcohol.
b) cocaine.
c) opioid.
d) tobacco.

25. Prisons for men are more likely to have medical services, substance abuse treatment, and other support services than are those for women.

a) True
b) False

26. Women who need treatment for substance abuse are less likely than are men to be identified in the workplace.

a) True
b) False

27. Women are often reluctant to enter substance abuse treatment programs for various reasons. The following are some of their fears; select the incorrect statement:

a) Pregnant, homeless, and lesbian women in the criminal justice system are reluctant to enter programs for substance abuse because they are afraid of losing custody of their children.
b) Some women avoid such programs because they fear of getting well.
c) HIV-positive women and women trapped in abusive relationships also avoid substance abuse treatment programs because they see no future.
d) Illegal aliens also avoid programs because they fear deportation.
e) Women on welfare avoid treatment for substance abuse because they fearloss of their only source of income.

28. Older women present special problems for substance abuse treatment. Select the incorrect statement from the following:

a) For some older women alcohol and drug abuse is the only form of diversion available.
b) Older women are socialized to believe that you do not "air your dirty laundry in public."
c) Some family members believe that the older woman is easier to deal with
d) when she is numbed by alcohol and other drugs.
e) Many physicians do not fully understand the potential consequences of alcohol and other drug interactions in this age group.

29. African American women are most likely to rely on other African American women for treatment for substance abuse.

a) True
b) False

30. It is essential to obtain as accurate and complete history of substance abuse and treatment as possible during the intake interview. Questions that can help identify a client's current alcohol or other drug related problems include all of the following e

a) types of drugs used in the past
b) source of drugs
c) her current symptoms
d) her previous withdrawal experiences
e) need for detoxification

31. Case management is essential to the successful continuing care of women recovering from abuse of alcohol and other drugs. A case manager's job is to

a) help clients obtain benefits and entitlements
b) arrange access to health care, housing, child care and transportation
c) coordinate appointments with mental health service providers
d) identify women who have relapsed and help them return to treatment
e) all of the above

32. Alcoholism and other drug dependencies have all of the following characteristics except

a) chronic
b) infectious
c) progressive
d) subject to relapse

33. Recovery from alcoholism and substance abuse is a lifelong process and, therefore, relapses cannot be prevented.

a) True
b) False

34. Effective strategies to prevent relapse include

a) accept relapse as part of the recovery process that cannot be prevented
b) hold the client responsible for the failure
c) provide assistance with housing, health care, employment and child care
d) create a system of reward and punishment

35. There are many factors that cause a woman to relapse. Select the incorrect one:

a) inadequately trained counselors
b) inability to deal with other issues, such as past sexual abuse or incest
c) unstructured leisure time
d) lack of support from the family
e) stressors related to housing, employment, child care

36. Relapse can often be traced to difficulties in coping with unresolved issues related to a history of abuse. How can a counselor help the woman as part of a continuing care plan?

a) provide referrals to individual or group counseling
b) provide contact information for a local shelter for battered women
c) develop strategies for immediately resolving abuse issues in the future
d) provide information on the use of restraining orders
e) all of the above

37. Follow-up of clients' status after treatment is necessary to evaluate the effective-ness of treatment. What is the recommended length of period during which these data should be collected?

a) one month
b) three months
c) six months
d) at least a year

38. During the early recovery process, clients should be advised to avoid halfway houses or group homes where there are other recovering women.

a) True
b) False

39. During the recovery phase women have many issues to deal with, such as housing money, relationships, etc.What should be the goal of treatment programs with respect to women with children?

a) support a woman's desire to be a full-time parent if she's able and prepared
b) continue to provide counseling and support to women who cannot cope with parenting
c) develop a resource directory of parenting assistance and child care agencies
d) all of the above

40. Follow-up clients' status after treatment is an essential part of the continuing care phase of recovery. Select the correct response from the following:

a) Wait till the client calls the program for help.
b) Maintain contact with the client until the counselor determines that follow-up services are no longer required.
c) To prevent unhealthy dependence, encourage the client to avoid contacting the program unless it's absolutely necessary.
d) The main goal of follow-up programs is to collect objective, statistical data to help improve the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

41. What would be the correct approach for a counselor while questioning the client during a follow-up?

a) ask the client if she has been using alcohol or other drugs
b) wait until the client volunteers information about her use of alcohol or other drugs
c) approach the issue indirectly by asking about the quality of service she received
d) since the client is unlikely to tell the truth, question the employer or co-workers concerning the client's use of alcohol or drugs

42. Treatment programs should use a variety of mechanisms to monitor the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of staff with respect to women in treatment. The text lists several of such mechanisms. Select the one that is not specifically listed:

a) role playing exercises
b) review of treatment plans prepared for and by the women
c) review of aggregate outcome data
d) feedback from focus groups of experts
e) feedback from women who have completed the treatment

43. The text refers to four ethical principles that also apply to substance abuse treatment. "First do no harm" refers to one of the following principles:

a) autonomy
b) beneficence
c) equity
d) non-malevolence

44. The principle of autonomy suggests that the client is the ultimate decision-maker for what is best for his or her welfare. This principle should be upheld at all stages of the treatment, from the beginning through the recovery.

a) True
b) False

45. According to the principle of beneficence, what would be the correct course of action in the following situation?

a) allow children to be with their mother during the treatment since it is in the children's best interests
b) allow the woman to have time to recover without having her children with her in treatment

46. Substance abuse treatment programs designed for women have to be substantially different than those designed for men.

a) True
b) False

47. In One Woman's Story on p.259, Anita's substance abuse had to do with

a) alcohol
b) heroin
c) crack cocaine
d) prescription drugs

48. In the same story, after her treatment for substance abuse, Anita's present status is:

a) Anita is happily married, has a job, and is working on her bachelor's degree in social work.
b) Anita lost custody of her second child to the state.
c) Anita has moved in with her mother whose helping her cope with her drug problem and take care of the children.
d) Anita has relapsed into her crack cocaine habit.

49. A child with fetal alcohol syndrome would show one of the following characteristics:

a) craving for alcohol
b) constant crying and screaming
c) small head size, mental retardation
d) autism

50. The term psychotropic pertains to

a) psychedelic drugs
b) drugs used in the treatment of mental illness
c) use of multiple drugs
d) "recreational" drugs`