Nature's Remedies

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Which of the following three medical traditions is the oldest?

a) homeopathy
b) Chinese medicine
c) Ayurveda

2. The traditional medicine works on principles starkly different from those that conventional medicine is based upon. One of the following principles can be found in either approach:

a) First, do no harm.
b) Focus on the person, not the disease.
c) Allow time for healing to occur.
d) Look for causes.

3. Which of the following concepts is found in homeopathy?

a) Diet and lifesyle are the cornerstone of healthy living.
b) Imbalance in the doshas lead to disease; bringing harmony is the answer.
c) The invisible energy force, qi, is responsible for health, growth and development.
d) Use body's symptoms to heal disease and illness.

4. Chinese medicine bases all activities on the five forces of nature. Select the incorrect choice from below:

a) earth
b) wind
c) fire
d) metal
e) wood

5. Chinese medicine ascribes all of the body's complex functions to five organs or viscera, and six bowels. So the Chinese medicine does not recognize one of the following organs:

a) heart
b) lungs
c) liver
d) pacreas
e) spleen

6. Which term best describes the concept of immune system in Chinese medicine?

a) central
b) nonexistent
c) peripheral
d) alternating
e) coordinating

7. According to Chinese medicine, there are several types of qi at work in the human body including something called defensive qi. The defensive qi

a) body including something called defensive qi. The defensive qi
b) protects the body from the external causes by opening and closing the pores of the skin.
c) protects the body from the internal causes, including emotions.
d) protects the body against traumatic injury, poisoning and parasites.

8. In order to make a diagnosis the Chinese doctor uses four methods of examination. However, one of the following methods of assessment, which is basic in conventional medicine, is absent in Chinese medicine:

a) looking with unaided eyes
b) inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation
c) listening and smelling
d) questioning
e) feeling the patient's body with his or her hands

9. Of the essential oils listed below, which has sedative and antidepressant qualities for treating anxiety, insomnia and headaches?

a) eucalyptus
b) lavender
c) peppermint
d) tea tree

10. Which of the following herbs is known for its wound-healing qualities?

a) echinacea
b) chamomile
c) cayenne
d) ginger
e) comfrey

11. What is the recommended natural remedy for diarrhea?

a) allow the body to do its cleaning work;
b) drink plenty of fluids;
c) take one-half to one dropperful of goldenseal three times a day;
d) all of the above

12. Essential oils can be used in all of the following manners except

a) compresses
b) baths
c) internally
d) inhalations
e) massages

13. What would be the dietary recommendation for treating vaginal yeast infection?

a) Eat a low-fat diet and avoid caffeine.
b) Drink plenty of water with a supplemental fiber product, such as psyllium.
c) Eat a cup of yogurt containing active Lactobacillus acidophilus culture everyday.
d) Drink a quart of cranberry juice every day until symptoms subside.

14. Some herbs or supplements increase bleeding during menstruation and should be avoided whereas some help relieve menstrual cramps. What would you recommend to relieve discomfort during menstruation?

a) gamma linoleic acid (GLA)
b) dong quai
c) aspirin
d) ginger tea

15. In Chinese gynecology, most problems are caused by excesses or deficiencies in temperature (cold-hot) or moisture (damp-dry).

a) True
b) False

16. In homeopathy there are single remedies and there are combination remedies which inlcude between two to eight single remedies. Combination remedies are used

a) to relieve multiple symptoms at the same time;
b) when the practitioner is unsure which single remedy is the correct one to use;
c) to increase the effectiveness of a single remedy;
d) to speed up the recovery.

17. A common pregnancy difficulty, morning sickness or nausea, responds well to one of the following homeopathic remedies

a) coffee cruda
b) witch hazel
c) pulsatilla
d) ipecac

18. All of the following herbs are recommended by herbalists as safe for pregnant women except

a) red raspberry leaf
b) nettles
c) alfalfa
d) dandelion
e) cohosh

19. Kids who are treated more frequently with antibiotics have more infections.

a) True
b) False

20. In some situations when a child is ill, parents should seek immediate conventional treatment. Select such situation(s) from below:

a) an infant with a fever of 102;
b) child shows signs of respiratory distress;
c) diarrhea that lasts longer than 2 days;
d) all of the above

21. When faced with common childhood illnesses, which statment is least True?

a) Most childhood illnesses are not life threatening and will run their natural course without causing any lasting problems.
b) Parents who take their child to an alternative healthcare provider should also consult with a pediatrician.
c) For ear infections, conventional approach with antibiotics is the most effective answer.
d) Children who are given antibiotics at the initial diagnosis of strep throat suffer a higher rate of reinfection than children whose antibiotic treatment is delayed for 3 days

22. Out of the three species of echinacea commonly used for medicinal purposes, which is the most widely used?

a) angustifolia
b) purpurea
c) pallida

23. Which of the following herbs is believed to increase immunity?

a) ginseng
b) valerian
c) saw palmetto
d) chamomile
e) licorice root

24. For soothing burned or otherwise damaged skin, which herb is most recommended by natural medicine practitioners?

a) cat’s claw
b) pygeum
c) cayenne
d) aloe vera
e) feverfew

25. All of the following herbs are used for soothing an upset stomach or other intestinal irrtations and prevent nausea. Select the incorrect choice:

a) gotu kola
b) ginger
c) chamomile
d) peppermint

26. According to traditional Chinese medicine, most ailments are caused by imbalances in the "five climates" that exist within the human body. Which one is responsible for causing colds and flu?

a) wind
b) heat
c) dampness
d) dryness
e) cold

27. Echinacea, astragalus’s and goldenseal are recommended in the treatment of colds and flu. Which herb may prove most beneficial due to its short-action time?

a) echinacea
b) astragalus
c) goldenseal

28. FDA has declared colloidal silver products generally safe and effective.

a) True
b) False

29. Which of the following herbs has become endangered in the wild and is difficult to cultivate?

a) barberry
b) goldenseal
c) Oregon grape root
d) gold thread
e) elderberry

30. Which of the following herbs is used for its antidepressant properties?

a) ginkgo biloba
b) milk thistle
c) St. John's wort
d) saw palmetto

31. Free radicals are

a) beneficial.
b) harmful.
c) both.

32. Acne is caused by

a) eating too much chocolate and sugar;
b) sebum, a fatty substance released by the glands;
c) retinoic acid, generally produced by overactive liver;
d) low levels of vitamin B6.

33. Regular intake of large amounts of vitamin C prevents the common cold.

a) True
b) False

34. What signs tell you that you're taking too much of vitamin C?

a) excess thirst
b) cramps and joint aches
c) lethargy and fatigue
d) diarrhea

35. Which vitamin is recommended for fatigue and low energy levels?

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B6
c) vitamin B12
d) vitamin C

36. Most vitamins are safe even when taken in excess amounts for short periods. However, one vitamin in large doses can cause irreversible, toxic side effects.

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B6
c) vitamin B12
d) vitamin C
e) vitamin D

37. White blood cells, soldiers of the immune system, include five types: lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, neutrophils and cosinophils. Which of the following is responsible for producing antibodies and humoral immunity?

a) lymphocytes
b) monocytes
c) basophils
d) neutrophils
e) cosinophils

38. Which of the following herbs is known for its anti-inflammatory ability to reduce swelling and repair injured tissue?

a) astragalus
b) echinacea
c) ligustrum
d) shiitake mushrooms
e) licorice

39. Mental stress is one of the greatest hazards to the immune system which it does by overstimulating the ______ nervous system.

a) sympathetic
b) parasympathetic

40. The high energy Zone diet recommends the following proportions of carbohydrates, fats and proteins:

a) 70:15:15
b) 30:30:40
c) 40:30:30
d) 50:25:25

41. Several minerals are important to the body's energy processes. The USDA has termed this mineral a "problem nutrient" because of its low levels in most people's diets:

a) magnesium
b) potassium
c) zinc
d) chromium

42. One of the following herbs may be unsafe if taken in large, ongoing amounts due to its overstimulating properties:

a) wild American gingeng
b) gotu kola
c) sarsaparilla
d) licorice
e) guarana

43. The dangers of administering antibiotics for otitis is

a) overdependence
b) development of antibiotic-resistant organisms
c) meningitis
d) resultant food allergies

44. In this chapter, Joel Robertson, author of Natural Prozac, has defined four personality types depending upon the individual's responses to stress. The person who is depressed, sleeps excessively, feels lethargic would fall into this personality category:

a) mellow
b) compensantory
c) frustrated
d) hyper

45. Following herbs are recommended for soothing your frazzled nerves. Which one is considered most effective for sleep disturbance problems?

a) chamomile
b) kava kava
c) skullcap
d) California poppy

46. Which is responsible for some people's mood fluctuations?

a) low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
b) high blood sugar (hyperglycemia)

47. The article lists several homeopathic remedies for lifting the fog of depression. Which one does it recommend for depression after a business failure?

a) aurum metallicum
b) causticum
c) gelsemium
d) ignatia
e) lachesis

48. Most experts agree that drugs or nutrients do not help increase a person's IQ or enhance memory

a) True
b) False

49. Which of the following herbs is found as one of the most popular brain tonics in the pantheon of Ayurvedic remedies?

a) ginseng
b) DHA
c) bacopa monniera
d) ginkgo biloba

50. Of the following 4 herbs, which one is specifically recommended for treating visual problems?

a) ginkgo
b) bilberry
c) centella
d) butcher's broom

51. Of the 4 herbs discussed, which one is recommended to increase blood flow in the peripheral limbs of the body?

a) ginkgo
b) bilberry
c) centella
d) butcher's broom

52. People sleep most deeply when the bedroom temperature is

a) >70 degrees.
b) between 68 and 70 degrees.
c) between 65 and 68 degrees.
d) 65 degrees or lower.

53. Insomnia is classified as either sleep onset insomnia or sleep maintenanceinsomnia. The following symptoms-depression, sleep apnea, involuntary muscle contractions during the night, restless legs syndrome-indicate the insomina is

a) sleep onset
b) sleep maintenance

54. Prescription benzodiazepine drugs such as Halcion and Valium are used by millions of people to aid sleep. One of the following is not a True statement of these drugs:

a) a)
b) they extend REM sleep which causes "morning hangover;"
c) they have side effects, such as impaired memory and coordination;
d) they are addictive

55. Most people need 8 to 10 hours of sleep, but if you wake refreshed after only six, then that may be all you need.

a) True
b) False

56. What is the best claim to fame of melatonin?

a) boosts the immune system;
b) potent antioxidant;
c) defense against cancer;
d) fights AIDS virus;
e) enhances sleep and relieves jet lag.

57. To get the maximum benefit of melatonin's sleep-enhancing power, which of the following is the best recommendation regarding its dosage administration?

a) take melatonin at least 6 hours before bedtime;
b) take melatonin in small doses 3 times a day;
c) take melatonin at bedtime in dosage sufficient to last the entire night;
d) take melatonin in a timed-release format;
e) c and d only

58. Which of the following statements is not True of melatonin?

a) it has no negative side effects;
b) it has no effect on a person's memory;
c) it does not affect a person's performance the next day;
d) it does not produce drowsiness;
e) it loses its effectiveness over time.

59. The gland in the brain that produces the hormone melatonin is called

a) pituitary
b) pineal
c) lymph
d) adrenal
e) thyroid

60. As a rule, it is easier to fall asleep when your body temperature is falling and to wake up when it is on the rise.

a) True
b) False

61. Which of the following herbs is listed to faciitate the removal of excessive mucus from the lungs and help relieve congestion?

a) licorice
b) yarrow
c) marshmallow root
d) oregon grape

62. Which of the following herbs works specifically on the kidneys and urinary tract to stimulate increased urination?

a) flax seeds
b) dandelion leaf
c) ginger
d) cleavers

63. Different herbs are used to promote cleansing of different body systems and organs. Which category of herbs is used to eliminate toxins in the body through the skin?

a) hepatic herbs
b) diaphoretic herbs
c) lymphatic herbs
d) expectorant herbs

64. The text mentions 7 liver cleansers. Which of the following is not mentioned?

a) milk thistle
b) dandelion root
c) psyllium
d) phospholipidis

65. Which herb acts as a blood purifier?

a) turmeric
b) burdock
c) psyllium
d) senna

66. Toxins are classified either as endogeneous or exogenous depending upon whether they originate inside or outside of the body. Industrial chemicals, pesticides and food additives are classified as

a) endogenous toxins
b) exogenous toxins

67. The text mentions all of the following herbs and nutrients for weight loss except

a) garcinia cambogia
b) gymnema sylvestris
c) burdock
d) chromium

68. To bring the maximum benefit to your immune system, you should take echinacea continually.

a) True
b) False

69. Echinacea is best known for

a) preventing colds and flus.
b) fighting yeast infections.
c) healing skin irritations.
d) curing cancer.

70. Which of the following is not a way to ensure that you are buying quality echinacea?

a) check manufacturing date
b) check the label for ingredients
c) the tongue tingling test

71. Which of the following mushroom varieties is widely used in food?

a) reishi
b) shiitake
c) maitake

72. Spirulina is known for its many healthy benefits. Which of the following is its best use?

a) vitamin B12
b) appetite suppresant
c) source of protein
d) protective action against radioactivity

73. Aloe vera has many documented applications. Select the one most widely used:

a) immune system enhancer
b) for treating cancer
c) memory booster
d) for anxiety and panic disorder
e) healing skin abrasions and burns

74. Peppermint and spearmint herbs have been used for hundreds of years. Which of the following best describes its application?

a) ease motion sickness and nausea
b) antioxidant qualities
c) spurt growth in young children
d) help relieve menopausal symptoms

75. It has been claimed that garlic has wide-ranging healing powers. Select the correct response relating to its beneficial effects:

a) inhibits blood platelet aggregation;
b) lowers blood cholesterol levels;
c) antibacterial and antifungal properties;
d) lowers blood sugar;
e) all of the above

76. What is the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Zinc?

a) 5 mg./day
b) 8-10 mg./day
c) 15 mg./day
d) 85 mg./day

77. Zinc deficiency is rather rare in the U.S. population due to improved dietary habits.

a) True
b) False

78. Zinc plays many roles in the body. All of the following are True statements regarding zinc except

a) Zinc is essential for many enzyme activities in the body.
b) Zinc has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities to fight off infections.
c) It stimulates production of gamma interferon, a cancer- and disease-fighting substance essential for immune strength.
d) Zinc is important for the working of the thymus gland, which oversees the workings of the immune system.

79. For more efficient absorption, which is a better form of zinc?

a) zinc sulfate
b) zinc oxide
c) zinc picolinate

80. The alternative, natural way for treating menopausal symptoms lies in one of the following herbal remedies:

a) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
b) fennel and anise
c) brewer's yeast
d) licorice root

81. Which of the following statements isinaccurate when considering herbal medicine?

a) Many herbs work best as preventive medicine.
b) Because of their similar ingredients, herbal remedies can be taken safely with over-the-counter medicines.
c) Pregnant women should be careful with most herbal medicines.
d) Many over-the-counter medicines contain ingredients synthesized from medicinal plants.

82. What is the best herbal remedy for motion sickness?

a) valerian tea
b) goldenseal
c) chamomile or peppermint tea
d) ginger root
e) red sage leaves

83. Which of the following statements correctly describes superherbs?

a) They are very effective in relieving a specific acute condition.
b) Superherbs are taken only for a short time to avoid toxicity.
c) Superherbs are tonics or generalists, used to maintain a healthy state by fostering equilibrium and balance.
d) The concept of superherbs is largely a Western adaptation of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine.

84. Which of the following superherbs is used in the treatment of hypertension?

a) bilberry
b) garlic
c) Siberian ginseng
d) nettles

85. Chinese ginseng is generally available in the form of red ginseng or white ginseng. Which one is more potent and stimulating?

a) white
b) red

86. Which of the following superherbs is known to prevent and treat eye disorders such as macular degeneration, night blindness and cataracts?

a) dong quai
b) codonopsis
c) ashvagandha
d) bilberry

87. Tonic herbs are classified according to their actions. Select the True statement from below:

a) Sexual tonic acts to enhance sexual desire and function.
b) Energy-building tonics are stimulants; they provide energy when one is tired and feeling low.
c) A whole-body tonic supports a few systems synchronistically to promote overall health.

88. What does feverfew not do?

a) ease headache pain including migraines
b) relieve arthritic pain
c) help prevent flus

89. Passionflower’s main application is

a) enhance sexual desire and function
b) ease muscle tension and emotional distress
c) used in soaps, perfumes and creams
d) used in hair and skin products for its pleasant scent

90. Herb milk thistle is used to

a) stimulate lactating glands in mothers with newborn babies
b) soothe and heal damaged skin
c) prevent insomnia, ease nervousness and tension
d) stimulate bile flow and aid digestion

91. Hormones taken in supplemental forms always carry a certain amount of risk and side effects. However, one of the following hormones is relatively safe:

a) estrogen
b) testosterone
d) melatonin

92. Testosterone is the principal male hormone, responsible for masculinization. However, long-term, high-dose testoserone supplements can actually shrink the testicles and cause male infertility.

a) True
b) False

93. Chinese herbs ma huang commonly known as ephedra contains two alkaloids only one of which is approved by the FDA for use in the OTC products:

a) ephedrine
b) pseudoehedrine