Healthy Immune System

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. Immune system is designed to fight off infections by agents such as

a) bacteria
b) viruses
c) fungi
d) parasites
e) all of the above

2. An antigen can be any of the following except

a) virus
b) bacterium
c) fungus
d) tissues or cells from another individual
e) tissues or cells from an identical twin

3. What is an epitope

a) self cell
b) allergen
c) intricate and characteristic shapes that protrude from the surface of an antigen
d) autoimmune disease

4. Although spleen plays an important role in the body's immune system, people can live without it.

a) True
b) False

5. Which of the following statements reflects the function of humoral immunity?

a) interact with circulating antigens such as bacteria and toxic molecules
b) attack body cells that have been commandeered by viruses or warped malignancy

6. Which immunoglobulin concentrates in body fluids such as tears and saliva?

a) IgG
b) IgM
c) IgA
d) IgD

7. Heredity has a strong bearing on the immune system of an individual

a) True
b) False

8. Passive immunity, such as children receive from their mothers, typically lasts a whole lifetime

a) True
b) False

9. Children who are nursed receive antibodies from their mothers that typically protect them against

a) polio
b) digestive diseases
c) pneumonia
d) hepatitis

10. Vaccines contain microorganisms that are

a) slightly altered
b) killed microbes
c) weakened live virus
d) attenuated by growing for many cycles in animals or cell cultures
e) all of the above

11. All autoantibodies are harmful to the body.

a) True
b) False

12. Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?

a) juvenile diabetes
b) anemia
c) tuberculosis
d) rheumatoid arthritis

13. Most autoimmune diseases are far more common in women than in men.

a) True
b) False

14. No one knows just what causes an autoimmune disease, but all of the following factors are likely to be involved except

a) sex hormones
b) heredity
c) exposure to sunlight
d) diet

15. Select the correct statement from below:

a) Immune complex diseases occur when the body's immune system turns against itself.
b) Immune complex diseases are a complex form of autoimmune diseases which science has not been able to figure out.
c) Immune complex diseases occur when the body is unable to remove clusters of interlocking antigens and antibodies from the bloodstreams.

16. Identify the immunodeficiency disease found in infants lacking all the major immune defenses:

c) agammaglobulinemias
d) mononucleosis

17. Which of the following cancers of the immune system is caused by the proliferation of white blood cells?

a) lymphoma
b) multiple myeloma
c) Hodgkin's disease
d) leukemia

18. In graft-versus-host disease, transplanted bone marrow from a donor is rejected because of incompatibility.

a) True
b) False

19. Privileged immunity refers to

a) immunity acquired by booster shots.
b) immunity accorded when an organ is transplanted from an identical twin.
c) immunity developed by the fetus in the womb.
d) genetically inherited immunity.

20. The field of psychoneuroimmunology can best be described by one of the following statements:

a) how the immune system affects the psychological make-up of an individual
b) explores how the immune system and the brain may interact to influence health
c) how the immune system protects the brain against tumors and other cancers
d) medical specialty that combines the sciences of psychiatry, neurology and immunology

21. The connection between stress and the immune response is only tenuous, supported by anecdotal evidence.

a) True
b) False
c) how the immune system protects the brain against tumors and other cancers
d) medical specialty that combines the sciences of psychiatry, neurology and immunology

22. Which of the following parts of the body are most susceptible to fungus infection?

a) palms of the hands
b) soles of the feet
c) genital-urinary track
d) legs
e) a and b only

23. Organism that cause human disease grow well at ______ temperature.

a) 70° F
b) 98.6° F
c) 102° F

24. Lymphocytes, the most important cells of the immune response system, are manufactured in

a) spleen
b) bone marrow
c) thymus
d) liver
e) b and c only

25. Identify the person credited with the invention of smallpox vaccination:

a) Louis Pasteur
b) Edward Jenner
c) Linus Pauling
d) Dr. Jonas Salk

26. Disorders of the immune system are classified as hypersensitivity, autoimmunity and immune deficiency. Where does AIDS fall?

a) hypersensitivity
b) autoimmunity
c) immune deficiency

27. Which of the following organs acts as an immunologic filter of the blood?

a) bone marrow
b) thymus
c) spleen
d) lymph nodes

28. One important function of the immune response is to pick up and ingest foreign materials and present these antigens to other cells of the immune system for destruction. Identify the cells that perform this function:

a) T-cells
b) natural killer cells
c) B cells
d) granulocytes
e) macrophages

29. Which of the following peoples should not take plant sterols and sterolins?

a) older individuals
b) children
c) pregnant women or nursing mothers
d) people who have had an organ transplant

30. The levels of DHEA hormone _______ as we get older.

a) increase
b) decline

31. Human body can neither manufacture nor store one of the following vitamins:

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin E
c) vitamin C

32. Which of the following statements is True with respect to thymus?

a) The function of thymus is to convert white blood cells into T-cells.
b) Thymus is fairly inactive in an infant.
c) As we grow into adulthood thymus enlarges and becomes more active.
d) Thymus stops working by the age of 20.

33. Only about 5% of sterols and sterolins contained in fruits, vegetables and nuts get absorbed by the body.

a) True
b) False

34. Our immune system is made up of an arsenal of different cells, each with a specific duty. Which of the following cells form the frontline defense against virus or bacteria?

a) natural killer (nk) cells
b) helper T-cells
c) cytotoxic T-cells

35. Which of the following vitamins protects us against the damaging effects of stress?

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin C
c) vitamin E
d) vitamin B6

36. Mega doses of zinc can cause immune suppression.

a) True
b) False

37. Deficiency of one of the following minerals has been known to cause cancer:

a) magnesium
b) zinc
c) selenium

38. Which mineral helps increase the size of the thymus gland?

a) magnesium
b) zinc
c) selenium

39. In athletes engaging in endurance sports the level of glutamine would generally be

a) high
b) low

40. Which of the following foods contain the least amount of plant sterols?

a) wheat bran
b) refined oils
c) dried vegetables
d) nuts, cereals, beans

41. A serious illness is often preceded by a major life stressor such as a death, loss of a job, illness of a loved one, even moving or the birth of a baby.

a) True
b) False

42. What is the role of cortisol hormone?

a) stimulate the immune system
b) suppress the immune system
c) both of the above

43. Which of the following symptoms produces the most stress points on the stress test?

a) insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
b) suppressed anger
c) lack of desire for sex
d) feeling of anxiety or depression

44. Women often have higher risk factors for contracting autoimmune conditions such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

a) True
b) False

45. The connection between stress and the immune response is only tenuous, suported solely by anecdotal evidence.

a) True
b) False

46. Which nutrient is called "the spark of life," and plays an essential role in producing energy in the cells?

a) vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) 100 IU
b) coenzyme Q10 30 mg
c) alpha lipoic acid 30 mg
d) reduced L-glutathione 45 mg

47. How much vitamin C is too much?

a) 60 mg per day
b) until bowels become loose
c) 1000 mg per day
d) there's no limit since the body will excrete any excess vitamin

48. Glutathione plays an important role in maintaining cellular integrity throughout the body. Glutathione deficiency in AIDS patients often manifests as

a) tuberculosis
b) Kaposi's sarcoma
c) inflammatory bowel disease
d) Herpes Zoster

49. Supplementation with nutrients to boost cellular glutathione can protect the body against immune system dysfunction. Which of the following nutrients is most important?

a) N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)
b) vitamin C
c) selenium
d) glutathione

50. Cortisol, the stress hormone, causes DHEA, the immune and anti-aging hormone, to go ____.

a) up
b) down

51. There are five types of anxiety disorders. Identify the disorder that is precipitated by a traumatic life event such as a serious accident, crime victimization or a natural disaster

a) Panic disorder
b) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
c) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
d) Phobias
e) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

52. Which of the following classes of drugs used in the treatment of anxiety is addictive and results in tolerance for the drug?

a) serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
b) tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
c) monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO)
d) benzodiazepines

53. Positive effects of regular exercise have been linked to the release of one of the following brain chemicals:

a) melatonin
b) cortisol
c) endorphins
d) adrenaline

54. More than 20 million Americans are afflicted with some form of depression. Who is more likely to be afflicted with depression?

a) men
b) women

55. New reports have emerged that say that depression is a symptom of weak immunity.

a) True
b) False

56. Giving powerful immune-boosting drugs_like interferon for hepatitis and cancer_to patients can result in

a) elevation of mmod
b) better perspective on the disease and will to survive
c) life-threatening depression with suicidal feelings

57. Longer duration exercise coupled with distance training performed consistently is the surest way to boost our immune system.

a) True
b) False

58. Identify the "friendly" bacteria from the following:

a) Candida albicans
b) Clostridium difficile
c) Lactobacillus acidophilus
d) Beta glucuronidase

59. Bacteria-containing supplements are known for their ability to improve our overall resistance to infection. How are they commonly known?

a) antibiotics
b) probiotics
c) bifidobacterium
d) Allium sativum

60. What is the most abundant source of lactoferrin?

a) cow's milk
b) mother's milk
c) soy milk
d) dark green vegetables

61. The gastrointestinal tract is viewed as an ecologic system in which a balance between both good and bad bacterial flora (micro flora) exists. Identify from below the good micro flora:

a) E. Coli
b) streptococcus
c) clostridium
d) bifidus

62. People with HIV infection have a systemic _______ of lactoferrin.

a) deficiency
b) abundance

63. Select the hormones that are made only in the adrenal glands:

a) aldosterone
b) cortisone
c) hydrocortisone
d) all of the above

64. Corticosteroids ________ the immune system.

a) enhance
b) suppress

65. Which of the following foods provides the richest source of phytosterols?

a) frozen fruits and vegetables
b) boiled, not fried, vegetables
c) salmon
d) raw, unprocessed nuts and seeds

66. Identify the stress hormone from below:

b) cortisol
c) Interleukin-6
d) testosterone

67. This chapter provides definitions of several terms such as oxidation, glycation and carbohydrates. Identify the definition of glycation from below:

a) the process whereby carbon monoxide (CO) becomes attached to proteins, which in turn blocks oxygen use and transport.
b) when free radicals attack biological molecules
c) a series of reactions that irreversibly cross-links sugars to proteins

68. Carnosine is _________ to the body.

a) beneficial
b) harmful

69. Garlic contains over two hundred compounds. Which of the following is responsible in boosting body's immune function?

a) quercetin
b) selenium
c) sulphur
d) allicin

70. Which of the following has no caffeine?

a) hot chocolate
b) soft drinks
c) decaffeinated coffee
d) herbal tea

71. Sugar comes in many different forms. Which of the following is best for your immune system?

a) apple juice
b) concentrated fruit juice
c) whole apple
d) aspartame

72. One teaspoon of white sugar can devastate your immune system for up to six hours, leaving you vulnerable to attack from viruses, bacteria, cancel cells and parasites.

a) True
b) False

73. Cromium picolinate is known to _____ cravings for sugar.

a) increase
b) reduce

74. Which of the following foods is the richest source of amino acids?

a) fresh fruit
b) legumes
c) garlic, onions
d) ice cream

75. Infection, say to common cold, is dependent upon three important aspects. Which aspect refers to the immunological state of the person exposed?

a) virulence of the organism
b) inoculation size of the organism
c) host resistance

76. Just because a person is exposed to an infection does not mean that an infection will ensue.

a) True
b) False

77. In relieving the symptoms of cold, which of the following medications is generally preferred?

a) one ingredient generic brand
b) mega formulas that can treat several symptoms at once

78. As people get older, their bodies lose the ability to produce enough antibodies.

a) True
b) False

79. The most severe, life-threatening allergic reaction is known as

a) angioedema
b) epilepsis
c) angina
d) anaphylaxis
e) sinusitis

80. Immunological reactions are divided into four types or categories. Contact dermatitis (poison ivy type) is an example of

a) Type I reaction
b) Type II reaction
c) Type III reaction
d) Type IV reaction

81. Which immune factor is responsible for causing allergies?

a) PSA
b) Interleukin-4 (IL-4)
c) Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
d) T cells

82. Which of the following two types of immune cells has been implicated in bone loss and development of osteoporosis?

a) T-helper-1
b) T-helper-2

83. Herpes Simplex (HSV) is responsible for a recurrent viral infection that causes outbreaks on any area of the body, particularly the mouth or genitals. Which type causes genital herpes?

a) type 1 herpes (HSV-1)
b) type 2 herpes (HSV-2)

84. Shingles are caused by the herpes varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chicken pox. Thus a person who has had chicken pox as a child will be immune to shingles.

a) True
b) False

85. In the treatment of shingles, several vitamins among other supplements are recommended. Select the vitamin not mentioned in the article:

a) vitamin A
b) vitamin B12
c) vitamin C
d) vitamin E

86. Regardless of your genetic makeup, if you keep your toxic load under control and strengthen your immunity, cancer can be avoided.

a) True
b) False

87. How do plant sterols and sterolins help fight cancer?

a) enhancing DHEA levels in the body
b) regulating cortisol levels
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

88. What is a normal reading in a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test?

a) 0 to 4
b) 10 to 20
c) 40
d) 150

89. According to the American Cancer Society, which is the most common cancer among women?

a) skin
b) breast
c) ovarian
d) colon

90. Which of the following methods of testing not only identifies women with breast cancer but also identifies women at risk of developing breast cancer?

a) breast self-examination
b) mammogram
c) Mammastatin Serum Assay

91. According to a research study performed at the clinical oncology unit at Guy's Hospital in the UK, which of the following groups with breast cancer had a higher survival rate at the ten-year mark?

a) group one that had their surgery between 3-12 days after their last menstrual period
b) group two that had their surgery between 0-2 days or 13-32 days after their last menstrual period

92. Which of the following groups is least likely to develop asthma?

a) children born during high pollen months
b) children raised in high altitude areas
c) children raised in central heating and energy efficient homes
d) children born in a family with a history of asthma

93. Repeated courses of antibiotics in the first year of life can increase the risk of asthma significantly.

a) True
b) False

94. There's a direct link between air pollution and asthma.

a) True
b) False

95. What is the major factor in adult eczema flare-ups?

a) infections
b) stress
c) climate changes
d) depressed immune system

96. Which of the following health tips is not recommended to enhance eczema healing?

a) Have your thyroid checked. Low thyroid function inpairs the immune system
b) Take immune boosters
c) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday.
d) Avoid deep-fried foods, meat, foods high in sugar, caffeine, and alcohol

97. Organochlorine compounds (OCCs) are ______ to the immune system

a) helpful
b) harmful

98. Everyone of us carries at least 5 organic toxics in our fatty tissues.

a) True
b) False

99. Which of the following drugs has the least amount of side effects for an HIV+ patient?

a) phytosterols
b) nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI)
c) non-nucleoside reverse trancriptase inhibitors (NNRTI)
d) protease inhibitors

100. Who are more likely to get autoimmune diseases?

a) men
b) women

101. Which of the following is considered the main cause of autoimmune disease?

a) genetic susceptibility
b) stress
c) viral or bacterial infection
d) poor diet

102. Two types of T helper cells, Th-1 and Th-2, determine whether we become ill or stay healthy. The key to health is keeping Th-1 and Th-2 cells in harmonious balance. Which of the following would promote better health?

a) low Th-1 cell function, high Th-2 cell function
b) high Th-1 cell function, low Th-2 cell function
c) low Th-1 cell function, low Th-2 cell function
d) high Th-1 cell function, high Th-2 cell function

103. People with low concentrations of vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin A in their serum are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

a) True
b) False

104. Which of the following conditions is the manifestation of leukopenia?

a) a decrease in the number of red blood cells
b) an abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells
c) when the body does not have enough blood platelets, or the platelets are damaged

105. Daily supplements of iron are advisable to protect against iron deficiency

a) True
b) False

106. Which of the following types of anemias is most often found in premenopausal women?

a) pernicious anemia
b) folic acid deficiency anemia
c) iron deficiency anemia

107. Select the incorrect statement about CFIDS from below:

a) There is no documented evidence that CFIDS is infectious.
b) Some CFIDS patients may improve gradually but never fully recover
c) PWCSs with gradual onset of the disease recover nearly twice as often as those with sudden onset
d) As a rule, CFIDS are unable to tolerate even limited physical activity.

108. Symptoms of CFIDS often resemble to symptoms of other disorders, such as

a) mononucleosis
b) multiple sclerosis (M.S.)
c) fibromyalgia (FM)
d) Lyme disease
e) all of the above

109. Which of the following conditions excludes a patient from a diagnosis of CFS?

a) unexplained persistent or relapsing chronic fatigue of new or definite onset
b) fatigue is not substantially alleviated by rest
c) a major depressive disorder with psychotic or melancholic features
d) impairment in short-term memory or concentration
e) multi-joint pain without joint swelling or redness

110. Research has shown that CFS is about three times as common in women as men.

a) True
b) False

111. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS) are two distinct disorders.

a) True
b) False

112. Regarding fibromyalgia, which of the following statements is not True?

a) Fibromyalgia is more common in women than in men
b) Many diagnostic tests_blood, urine, X-ray, CAT scan, MRI, etc._are often unable to produce a conclusive diagnosis.
c) In the final analysis, FM is a psychosomatic illness requiring psychiatric attention
d) FM is caused by multiple stressors - a traumatic emotional event, stress and depressive episodes, nutritional deficiencies and chemical toxicity.

113. Many of the symptoms of FM overlap with those of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Fatigue is the common denominator between the two.

a) True
b) False

114. Treatment of fibromyalgia requires

a) shutting off the immune factor Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
b) decreasing the levels of hormone DHEA
c) both of the above
d) none of the above

115. In chronic ITP the body's immune system attacks and destroys

a) T-cells
b) B-cells
c) macrophages
d) platelets.

116. Splenectomy (removal of the spleen) is a successful treatment in many patients with ITP.

a) True
b) False

117. Diagnosis of ITP requires

a) measuring antiplatelet antibodies
b) measuring platelet-associated IgG.
c) differential diagnosis

118. Treatment for chronic ITP is indicated in patients who are unable to maintain platelet counts consistently over

a) 25-30,000
b) 30-100,000

119. EPA and CDC guidelines recommend that severely immunocompromised persons in all U.S. cities should boil or avoid drinking tap water at all times.

a) True
b) False

120. Boiling water is the most effective way of killing Cryptosporidium.

a) True
b) False

121. For people with severely weakened immune systems, which is the most effective measure to avoid waterborne Cryptosporidiosis?

a) boiling water
b) point-of-use filter
c) bottled water
d) they all are equally effective

122. In persons with average immune systems, symptoms of Crypto last about

a) 1-2 days
b) 2 weeks
c) 3-4 weeks.
d) several months

123. Crypto is spread by contact with the blood of an infected person.

a) True
b) False

124. Swimming in a superchlorinated water is one way of avoiding Crypto infection.

a) True
b) False

125. All but one of the following statements are True regarding Cryptosporidiosis:

a) There's no effective treatment for Crypto.
b) Cooked and heat-processed foods are safe against Crypto.
c) Activated carbon filters remove Crypto.
d) Reverse-osmosis treated water is effective against Crypto.