Human Sexuality

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. One of the major reasons why sexuality education has received greater prominence than ever is because of the

a) increase in sexual dysfunction.
b) world wide AIDS epidemic.
c) increase in sexual scholarship in general.
d) statewide legislation.

2. People’s sexual attitudes, experiences, and behavior are determined primarily by their

a) sexuality educators.
b) cultural traditions and beliefs.
c) familial structure.
d) religious teachings.

3. Compared to the sexual mores of the ruling class in ancient Rome, contemporary sexual standards of the U.S. are

a) quite permissive.
b) somewhat permissive.
c) about the same.
d) staid.

4. Incestuous relations are considered to be

a) taboo today, but widely accepted in most ancient societies.
b) acceptable in lower classes, but forbidden in the upper classes.
c) taboo with rare exceptions in the ancient and modern periods.
d) perfectly fine as long as they are kept hidden.

5. The ancient Greeks viewed men and women as

a) bisexuals.
b) heterosexuals.
c) homosexuals.
d) androgynous.

6. In general, women of the ancient world were viewed as

a) equal to men.
b) chattels or property.
c) philosophically superior men.
d) gifted with the power of social sophistication.

7. The Sexual Revolution occurred due to

a) the development of the “The Pill.”
b) Queen Victoria’s long awaited death.
c) the tabloids which supported people’s lustful desires and curiosity.
d) a number of economic, cultural, scientific, artistic, and political factors.

8. Sigmund Freud originated the concept of

a) ethnocentrism.
b) erogenous zones.
c) learning theory.
d) modeling.

9. The vulva or pudendum consists of

a) the labia, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
b) clitoris, labia, mons veneris, and vagina.
c) mostly the external female sexual structures and a few internal ones.
d) the external female sexual structures.

10. The clitoris is the only sex organ

a) that has a small bone that emerges from sexual pleasure.
b) whose only known function is the experiencing of pleasure.
c) that has a pressure point, but does not emit fluid.
d) that produces sexual pleasure without increased blood flow to it.

11. The clitoris is

a) opposite of the penis in terms of embryological tissue.
b) analogous to the penis
c) homologous to the penis.
d) the same as the penis structurally and functionally.

12. The female urethral opening can

a) be enormously sexually gratifying.
b) pose problems for women in terms of being the entrance for microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections.
c) conduct female ejaculation.
d) be crucial in the reproduction process.

13. Vaginal lubrication occurs due to

a) a kind of “sweating” in the vagina that results from sexual excitement.
b) an expulsion of fluid from the Bartholin’s glands.
c) a contraction of the pelvis floor muscles.
d) a release of fluid from the fundus.

14. Douching and vaginal sprays are generally

a) a good idea for hygienic purposes.
b) ineffective.
c) good because they help women “feel better” about their genitals.
d) not recommended, as they can cause vaginal infections.

15. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the

a) fallopian tubes.
b) uterus.
c) fimbrae.
d) abdominal cavity.

16. ______ is the term used to describe benign tumors.

a) Fibroadenomas.
b) Malignant growths.
c) HRT.
d) Corpus luteum.

17. Estrogen causes the endometrium to

a) thicken.
b) shrink.
c) retract.
d) thin.

18. A woman’s basal body temperature

a) rises substantially at ovulation.
b) rises slightly at ovulation.
c) dips slightly at ovulation.
d) dips substantially at ovulation.

19. Advocates of circumcision argue that it is valuable for

a) sexual arousal.
b) hygienic reasons.
c) excretory purposes.
d) reproductive purposes.

20. Testosterone levels in men

a) are relatively stable.
b) tend to fluctuate widely from month to month.
c) tend to increase as men get older.
d) are heavily dependent on a positive feedback loop.

21. Sterilization of males involves a surgical procedure of the

a) ejaculatory duct.
b) vas deferens.
c) seminiferous tubules.
d) epididymis.

22. The typical ejaculate contains between

a) 100,000 and 200,000 sperm.
b) 10 million to 100 million sperm.
c) 200 million to 400 million sperm.
d) 500 million to 750 million sperm.

23. Among the preventive measures for urethritis is

a) drinking less water.
b) d) drinking cranberry juice.
c) lowering the intake of sodium.
d) increasing the use of vitamin E dosage.

24. The prostate tends to become enlarged during the late adulthood because of

a) hormonal changes.
b) an increases in girth of the rectum.
c) various blood disorders.
d) an imbalance of the prostate fluid.

25. The ______ test helps assist in the early detection of prostate cancer.

a) PCT
b) d) PSA
c) PCS
d) PSS

26. The major reason why men die of prostate cancer is because

a) the cancer spreads to the intestinal tract.
b) it turns into brain cancer.
c) of the avoidance of and ignorance about getting annual rectal exams.
d) they refuse treatment.

27. Morning erections are due to

a) a need to urinate.
b) physiological reasons and dreams.
c) a spasm in the corpus spongiosum.
d) spinal lubrication and reflex arc in the lumbar spine.

28. Penile erections that last for hours and days are diagnosed as

a) Peyronie’s disease.
b) Priapism.
c) Phimosis.
d) retrograde erections.

29. Ejaculation has two stages, which are the ______ and the ______.

a) ebb stage; flow stage.
b) ebullient stage; effluent stage.
c) emission stage; expulsion stage.
d) expressive stage; emission stage.

30. A retrograde ejaculation is a condition in which ejaculation empties into the

a) seminal vesicles.
b) prostate gland.
c) scrotum.
d) urinary bladder.

31. Primary erogenous zones are

a) richly endowed with skin.
b) found in animals but not in humans.
c) richly endowed with nerve endings.
d) found primarily in the genital region.

32. Secondary erogenous zones are

a) parts of the body that become erotically sensitized through experience.
b) found primarily in middle-aged women.
c) rarely if ever explored by people.
d) created for disabled individuals to gain sexual arousal.

33. The ______ is/are referred to as the primary sex organ.

a) genitals
b) skin
c) the mouth
d) brain

34. According to the text, the safest and most effective aphrodisiac of all is most likely

a) a certain tranquilizer.
b) exercise.
c) obtaining new sexual partners on a regular basis.
d) daily masturbation.

35. The text says that drinking alcohol can be used

a) as an excuse for dubious behavior.
b) as a stimulant.
c) to attract sexual partners.
d) to heighten sensations while having sex.

36. It is commonly believed that cocaine is an

a) aphrodisiac.
b) appropriate medicinal agent for sexual problems.
c) effective way of escaping sexual problems.
d) excellent way of causing vascongestion in the genitals.

37. Loss of ______ may cause vaginal dryness and make coitus painful

a) estradiol
b) ERT
c) androgen
d) estrus

38. ______ and ______ developed the four phase sexual response cycle.

a) Bancroft and Kinsey
b) Masters and Johnson
c) Brody and Buffum
d) Freud and Ellis

39. Kaplan developed a three-stage model of sexual response, which consists of

a) excitement, orgasm, and plateau.
b) desire, excitement, and orgasm.
c) excitement, desire, and plateau.
d) resolution, desire, and orgasm.

40. By Masters and Johnson’s definition of orgasm, men are

a) incapable of having multiple orgasms.
b) quite capable of experiencing multiple orgasms.
c) capable of having multiple orgasms if they lack a refractory period.
d) often left not having a True orgasm.

41. Women are able to have multiple orgasms, primarily because

a) of the G-Spot.
b) of the inner layers of the vagina.
c) they do not have a refractory period.
d) they alternate having various types of organisms in different locations.

42. According to Masters and Johnson, women have

a) three types of orgasms: clitoral, vaginal, and uteral.
b) unlimited types of orgasms.
c) as many orgasms as there are vaginal fluid.
d) only one type of orgasm.

43. A study of professional women who are counselors health workers concluded that most believed

a) the G-Spot does not exist in women.
b) the G-Spot exists, and they have experienced pleasure from it.
c) the G-Spot exists in few women.
d) is a myth, developed by a man to make money.

44. Sexual fantasies can occur

a) during masturbation.
b) in daydreams.
c) during lovemaking.
d) all of the above.

45. In contrast to men’s fantasies, women

a) are more likely to fantasize about strangers.
b) are more likely to fantasize about assuming aggressive and dominant roles.
c) are more likely to focus on partner’s feelings.
d) are less likely to connect sexual activity to relationships in fantasies.

46. According to the text, ______ is the most important “sexual” technique.

a) foreplay
b) touching
c) communication
d) fellatio

47. According to the text, women generally prefer ______ as a prelude to intercourse.

a) direct caressing of the genitals focused around the clitoris
b) insertion of fingers into the vagina
c) hard sucking action from their partner on their breasts
d) insertion of fingers into their anus

48. The ______ position has the psychologically positive feature of allowing couples to experience simultaneous oral-genital stimulation

a) sensate focus
b) cunnilingus
c) fellatio
d) sixty-nine

49. The male-superior coital position is also called

a) the missionary position.
b) “doggy style.”
c) the side-entry position.
d) fellatio.

50. As with oral sex, the NHSLS survey found a higher incidence of anal sex among

a) African Americans.
b) Jewish people.
c) more highly educated people.
d) lower socio-economic classes.

51. The male parent and the female parent combined make ______ pairs of chromosomes in the fertilization process.

a) 11 1/2
b) 23
c) 36
d) 46

52. The basic blueprint of the human embryo is

a) male.
b) female.
c) none of the above.
d) both female and male.

53. The external genitals including the penis, begin to take shape at about the

a) 2nd week.
b) 4th week.
c) 8th week.
d) 12th week.

54. Sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus most likely occurs during the

a) initial stage immediately following conception.
b) first trimester.
c) second trimester.
d) third trimester.

55. Most children acquire a firm sense of gender identity by the age of

a) 12 months.
b) 18 months.
c) 36 months.
d) 50 months.

56. Hermaphrodites usually assume the gender identity and gender role

a) that their parents decide for them.
b) of the gender assigned at birth.
c) that they identify with at age three.
d) that they identify with at age six.

57. Research suggests that gender identity

a) is pretty much fixed immediately following birth.
b) may be subject to subsequent biological and/or psychological influences.
c) are fixed by early learning experiences.
d) renders to knowledge at all.

58. The cause of transsexualism has

a) been discovered by biological scientists.
b) not yet been discovered.
c) been explained definitely by psychologists.
d) been discovered by neuroanatomists.

59. Sexism is

a) a form of prejudgement.
b) part of gender conceptions.
c) a portrayal of negative traits.
d) all of the above.

60. It can be said that males generally are able to ______ better than females.

a) read texts
b) read a map
c) do computational skills, particularly in elementary school
d) excel in military schools

61. Research has shown that

a) men have better verbal skills than women.
b) women have better spatial skills than men.
c) men spend more time talking than women.
d) women introduce new topics and interrupt others.

62. Men’s life expectancies are shorter than women’s because

a) men do not seek health care when needed.
b) of the life-limiting male hormone, testosterone.
c) men are more daring and put themselves in physical danger.
d) men wear themselves out from working too hard.

63. The process by which children acquire behavior that is deemed appropriate for their gender is called

a) gender expectation theory.
b) gender reinforcement.
c) gender typing.
d) gender roles-fixation.

64. According to Freud, the Oedipus Complex occurs from ages

a) 1-2 years.
b) 2-3 years.
c) 3-5 years.
d) 6-7 years.

65. The process of socialization occurs

a) from the time of birth.
b) at about 2 years of age.
c) at the time children begin schooling.
d) most in the high school years.

66. Psychologist ______ proposed a cognitive-developmental view of gender typing.

a) Abraham Maslow
b) Lawrence Kohlberg
c) Robert Sternberg
d) Carl Rogers

67. According to the text, ______ is the key factor when considering partners for dates, sex, and marriage.

a) intelligence
b) physical appearance
c) political stance
d) family of origin

68. In our culture, ______ is in style and is highly valued.

a) tallness in men and women
b) female plumpness
c) slenderness
d) pushiness

69. Some people suffer from an eating disorder called ______, in which they literally starve themselves to conform to the contemporary ideal.

a) anorexia nervosa
b) bulimia
c) priapism
d) frigidity

70. Charles Darwin believed that our physical preferences were

a) socially constructed.
b) apt to change every 10 years.
c) based on the physical preferences of our closest friends.
d) largely inborn and related to survival of our species.

71. College women generally see themselves

a) attractive enough to “get” most men.
b) much heavier than the figure that is most alluring to men.
c) slender with ideal bust lines.
d) lighter that the ideal feminine form.

72. According to the text, ______ may affect perceptions of attractiveness.

a) political affiliation
b) religion
c) astrological signs
d) gender-role expectations

73. One study found that highly feminine women are more likely to be attracted to ______ than less feminine women are.

a) masochistic men
b) dominant “macho” men
c) passive men
d) shy men

74. Men who viewed videos in the Riggion and Woll (1984) study were put off by

a) outgoing, self-expressive behavior in women.
b) passive women.
c) submissive women.
d) women in “traditional” roles.

75. Women place relatively greater emphasis on all of the following attractiveness traits provide

a) vocational status.
b) fondness for children.
c) expressiveness.
d) physical attractiveness.

76. Men’s interest in ______ is apparently universal.

a) plump women
b) skinny women
c) tall women
d) younger women

77. Women in 36 of 37 cultures placed greater value on ______ of prospective mates.

a) “good looks”
b) “good earning capacity”
c) “emotional closeness”
d) “honesty and sincerity”

78. Though similarity may be important in determining initial attraction, ______ appears to be an even stronger determinant of maintaining an enduring intimate relationship.

a) sexual attraction
b) expressiveness
c) compatibility
d) liberalness

79. Which of the following statements is True about dating someone with similar interests and backgrounds?

a) We tend to live among people in neighborhoods with different backgrounds.
b) We are attracted to people with different attitudes because “opposites attract.”
c) Marriages are “made in heaven” not “in the neighborhood.”
d) Men place more value on physical attractiveness than on attitude similarity.

80. ______ is rated by young people as the single most important reason for marriage.

a) Infatuation
b) Romantic love
c) Fatuous love
d) Pregnancy

81. The psychologist who offers a triangular theory of love is

a) Alfred Kinsey
b) William Masters
c) Robert Sternberg
d) Anthony Comstock

82. ______ is the full or complete measure of love involving the combination of passion, intimacy, and commitment.

a) Romantic love
b) Companionate love
c) Fatuous love
d) Consummate love

83. According to the NHSLS study, married people are most likely to meet their spouses through ______ or by self-introduction.

a) family members
b) coworkers
c) classmates
d) mutual friends

84. Researchers find that women

a) are ten times more revealing about themselves than men.
b) disclose their feelings more on the second date while men disclose more on the first date.
c) adhere more to the “strong and silent” stereotype.
d) are only slightly more revealing about themselves than men.

85. According to social exchange theory, relationships draw to a close

a) when the barriers to leaving the relationship are high.
b) when partners find great satisfaction in the affiliation.
c) when partners don’t have sex for a two week period.
d) when alternate partners are available.

86. According to the text, two of the most important ingredients of an intimate relationship are

a) empathy and sympathy.
b) self criticism and an internal locus of control.
c) general optimism and being passive.
d) trusting and caring.

87. In Western culture, looking other people “squarely in the eye” at least among men is

a) rude.
b) seen as an aggressive invasion.
c) positively valued.
d) a sign of anxiety.

88. The text states that when it comes to sex, ______ may be the most overlooked word.

a) intimacy
b) talk
c) orgasm
d) petting

89. ______ is perhaps the most difficult step in communicating with your partner.

a) Asking for exclusivity
b) Broaching the topic of sex
c) Talking about finances
d) Admitting jealousy

90. An excellent way of expressing your feelings and making requests of your partner is through

a) using “I talk.”
b) having them express themselves first.
c) ask them what they want to change.
d) telling them what they are doing wrong in the relationship.

91. According to the text, you can handle an impasse by

a) focusing on the things that you and your partner have in common
b) ignoring your jealousy.
c) ignoring your anger and letting issues “just pass.”
d) using “you” statements about a partner’s faults.

92. On the Kinsey Scale, a person who is a “3”

a) is predominantly heterosexual.
b) is equally homosexual and heterosexual in orientation (bisexual).
c) is exclusively gay in sexual orientation.
d) is someone who is transitioning from one orientation to the other.

93. Statistics about past same-sex behavior can be misleading, because

a) it could represent a single episode or a brief period of adolescent experimentation.
b) people are often untruthful about same-sex experiences.
c) researchers have difficulty doing follow-up interviews.
d) people tend to repress same-sex experiences.

94. The most accurate statement that could be said about bisexuality is that

a) most bisexuals end up getting married and repress their bisexuality.
b) bisexuals are fortunate that they are fully accepted in the gay and lesbian community.
c) bisexuality is truly not an authentic sexual orientation.
d) bisexuality is complicated and there are a number of motivations for the ways bisexuals live their lives.

95. Ford and Beach’s (1951) study suggests that in preliterate societies, female-female sexual practices were

a) much more common than male-male sexual practices.
b) slightly more common than male-male sexual practices.
c) far less common than male-male sexual practices.
d) equal to male-male sexual practices.

96. Women who consider themselves lesbians are likely to suffer doubly as much discrimination if they are

a) African American.
b) Asian American.
c) Pacific Islander.
d) Hispanic.

97. The African American community forces gays and lesbians

a) to take care of the unwanted children in the community.
b) to remain secretive about their sexual orientations.
c) to do the grunt work in the community.
d) to work extraordinarily hard to win respect and favor.

98. Homophobic attitudes are more common among

a) Northern Americans.
b) individuals in the medical and legal professions.
c) liberals.
d) religious fundamentalists.

99. The most successful place in the United States in terms of gay rights has been

a) New York, New York.
b) Dallas, Texas.
c) Chicago, Illinois
d) San Francisco, California

100. Most biological researchers believe that sexual orientation is

a) socially constructed.
b) a simple interplay of biological and social factors.
c) inborn.
d) cultural.

101. Regarding family reactions to a gay family member it is True that most families

a) initially accept it, but then turn on the gay family member.
b) turn their backs and never accept their gay family member.
c) are initially unaccepting, but eventually grudgingly come to accept their gay family member.
d) continue to be untrusting and uncomfortable with their gay family member.

102. According to the text, ______ is the most common male fertility problem.

a) low sperm count
b) having a sexually transmitted disease
c) injury to the testes
d) premature ejaculation

103. Which of the following is a major cause of infertility in women?

a) Three or more years of taking oral contraception.
b) Recurrent yeast infections.
c) Irregular ovulation.
d) Increasing hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone that occur with aging.

104. The fetus is connected to the ______ by the umbilical cord.

a) placenta
b) mesoderm
c) ectoderm
d) embryonic disk

105. ______ is the time near the end of the second trimester when the fetus can sustain independent life.

a) Presentation
b) Vulnerablility
c) Viability
d) Rh incompatibility

106. A condition in which antibodies produced by a pregnant woman are transmitted to a fetus and may cause brain damage or death is known as

a) Rh incompatibility.
b) ectopic pregnancy.
c) toxemia.
d) spontaneous abortion.

107. Maternal use of the hallucinogenic drug ______ during pregnancy has been linked to chromosomal damage in fetuses.

a) diethylstilbestral
b) heroin
c) nicotine
d) marijuana

108. Maternal smoking increases the risk of

a) spontaneous abortion.
b) larger birth weight.
c) longer duration pregnancies.
d) the forth and fifth months of prenatal development.

109. What stage of childbirth ends with the birth of the baby?

a) the first stage
b) the second stage
c) the third stage
d) the after-birth

110. Two of the most common birth problems are

a) maternal herpes and genital warts being transmitted to the neonates.
b) overweight neonates and small vaginal canals of pregnant mothers.
c) lack of estrogen and lack of progestin.
d) the birth of pre-term and low-birth weight babies.

111. Which statement is True regarding breast-feeding in the U.S.?

a) the majority of U.S. women still breast-feed their children.
b) children who were not breast fed have higher rates of anxiety.
c) breast-feeding reduces the general risk of infection to the baby.
d) breast-feeding increases the incidence of allergies in babies.

112. Which statement is True about birth-control pills?

a) They fool the brain into acting as though a woman is allready pregnant.
b) They cause additional mature ova to be released.
c) They cause a woman to ovulate 21 days into her cycle.
d) If used correctly, they have a 0% failure rate.

113. Which statement is True regarding the reversibility of oral contraception?

a) Nine of ten women have trouble ovulating within three months of suspending use.
b) Oral contraceptives may temporarily reduce fertility after they are discontinued but are not associated with permanent infertility.
c) Clomiphene is a drug used to stop ovulation after a woman stops taking oral contraception.
d) 90% of women ovulate within a week after they stop taking “the pill.”

114. Which statement is True about morning-after pills?

a) They prevent ovulation from occuring.
b) They stop fertilization from taking place or prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.
c) They are most effective when taken within 96 hours after ovulation.
d) Women should wait to see whether they have missed a period before taking the morning-after pills.

115. Norplant provides continuous contraceptive protection for as long as ______ year(s).

a) 1
b) 3
c) 5
d) 10

116. The diaphragm should be used in conjunction with

a) condoms.
b) spermicidal cream or jelly.
c) oral contraception.
d) cervical caps.

117. Spermicides that contain ______ provide some protection against organisms that give rise to STDs.

a) nonoxynol-9
b) progestasert-T
c) loestrin
d) laminaria

118. The ______ of birth control seeks to predict ovulation so that the couple can abstain from coitus when the woman is fertile.

a) coitus interruptus method
b) rhythm method
c) Norplant method
d) Depo-provera

119. The great majority (nearly 90%) of abortions in the United States occur during

a) the first trimester.
b) the second trimester.
c) the third trimester.
d) the forth trimester.

120. ______ is the safest and most common method of abortion.

a) Dilation and Curettage (D & C)
b) Dilation and Evacuation (D & C)
c) Intra-amniotic infusion
d) Vacuum aspiration

121. According to the text, what should be done when children at age 2 engage in genital play with others?

a) punish both children involved.
b) punish the child doing the majority of the genital play.
c) do nothing since this type of play is common among two-year olds.
d) separate the children engaging in these activities immediately.

122. According to the text, same-gender sexual play in childhood

a) often leads to a homosexual or bisexual orientation.
b) is much less common than heterosexual play.
c) is much more common in girls than boys.
d) does not presage adult sexual orientation.

123. Studies have consistently shown that in the United States, ______ are the main

a) parents
b) schools
c) peers
d) media figures

124. ______ is/are often the first visible sign of puberty.

a) Strands of pubic hair
b) Erection and vaginal lubrication
c) Masturbation
d) Sperm and ova production

125. Around the age of 18, men stop growing taller because ______ prevents the long bones from making further gains in length.

a) estrogen
b) LH
c) FSH
d) testosterone

126. About ______ of American girls between the ages of 15 to 19 become pregnant each year.

a) 1%
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 20%

127. According to the text, the majority of teens become pregnant because

a) they feel a baby will fill an emotional void.
b) it is a way of rebelling against parents.
c) of misunderstandings about reproduction and contraception.
d) problems in school.

128. ______ is a predictor of early sexual initiation.

a) Having a sexually active sibling
b) Early communication about sex with parents
c) Taking sex education classes
d) Poor performance in school

129. Men who have never married are often suspected of being ______, while single women often feel that men perceive them as ______.

a) too picky; out to get “richest man”
b) “playboys;” being lesbians
c) gay; “loose”
d) selfish; prudish

130. Women in their ______ were somewhat more likely to reach orgasm consistently than other women.

a) early 20s
b) mid 30s
c) 40s
d) 50s and 60s

131. According to the text, about ______ of the marriages in the United States end in divorce.

a) 25%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 65%

132. The most common reasons given for a divorce today are

a) lack of financial support and economic problems within the family.
b) problems in communication and lack of understanding.
c) extramarital affairs and lack of sexual satisfaction.
d) lack of personal fulfillment and problems when couples have children.

133. Which statement is True regarding sexual dysfunctions?

a) Men are considered to have a sexual dysfunction if they ejaculate more rapidly that they would like.
b) Women are considered to have a sexual dysfunction if they occasionally have difficulty becoming sufficiently lubricated.
c) Occasionally faking orgasms is a form of sexual dysfunction in women.
d) Men and women are not considered to have a sexual dysfunction unless the problem is persistent and causes distress.

134. ______ is a sexual dysfunction which prevents penetration by the penis or makes penetration painful.

a) Phimosis
b) Vasocongestion
c) Vaginisnus
d) Anorgasmia

135. Women who have never achieved orgasm through any means are sometimes labeled

a) ejaculatory incompetent.
b) preorgasmic.
c) frigid.
d) vasocongestionless.

136. The most common male sexual dysfunction is

a) anorgasmia.
b) retarded ejaculation.
c) premature ejaculation.
d) erectile dysfunction.

137. Vaginismus is causes by

a) physical injury or defect.
b) certain diabetes medications.
c) psychological fear of penetration.
d) certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

138. ______ pioneered the use of direct behavioral approaches of treating sexual dysfunctions.

a) Kinsey
b) Masters and Johnson
c) Freud
d) Singer Kaplan

139. Many sex therapists treat people suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder by prescribing.

a) self-stimulation exercises combined with erotic fantasies.
b) the start-stop technique.
c) the squeeze technique.
d) a set of plastic vaginal dilators of increasing size.

140. Masters and Johnson prefer the female to ______ in treating anorgasmia.

a) engage in masturbation using various dildos and vibrators
b) engage in masturbation using her fingers and lubrication
c) undertake coitus with her partner in the female-superior postition
d) undertake coitus with her partner in the missionary position

141. A method of treating premature ejaculation in which a woman holds the man’s penis between her thumb and first two fingers to prevent ejaculation is known as the

a) Kegel exercises.
b) Semans’ stop-start technique.
c) pubococcygeus control method.
d) squeeze technique.

142. In pilot studies, drugs used to treat ______ have been shown to help men suffering from premature ejaculation.

a) chronic pair disorders
b) high blood pressure
c) diabetes
d) psychological problems

143. ______ treatments may help restore sex drive and erectile ability in men with low levels of this hormone.

a) Testosterone
b) Estrogen
c) Progesterone
d) Adrenaline

144. Most states allow the title “sex therapist” to be used legally by

a) anyone who wants to use the label.
b) only licensed professional psychologists with sexual certification.
c) only professionals licensed by the American Association of Sex Therapists.
d) only licensed marriage, family, and child counselors (MFCCs).

145. Which of the following is True about sex therapists?

a) They only engage in sexual relations with clients when clinically necessary.
b) They prefer to use sex surrogates for therapy rather than a person’s partner.
c) There is never any therapeutic justification for a sex therapist to have sex with a client.
d) They can have clients masturbate in front of them, but can’t touch their clients.

146. ______ is now the most common bacterial STD in the United States.

a) Chlamydia
b) Gonorrhea
c) Syphilis
d) HPV

147. Newborns are treated with silver nitrate or penicillin ointment in their eyes to protect against

a) herpes.
b) hepatitis.
c) genital warts.
d) gonorrhea.

148. In women, untreated gonorrhea can cause fertility problems caused by

a) epididymitis.
b) pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
c) candidiasis.
d) treponema pallidum.

149. Untreated chlamydial infection can lead to

a) erectile and lubrication difficulties.
b) brain damage.
c) infertility.
d) death.

150. A sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is most often contracted by oral-anal sex is

a) lymphogranuloma venereusm (LGV).
b) candidiasis.
c) trichomoniasis.
d) shigellosis.

151. According to the text, about ______ of women will experience at least one episode of candidiasis at some point during their reproductive years

a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%

152. Which of the following is the best cure for genital herpes?

a) Applying acyclovin (Zovirax) ointment on open sores five times a day.
b) Taking penicillin twice a day for two weeks.
c) Freezing the herpes lesion (cryotherapy) with liquid nitrogen.
d) There is no effective cure for genital herpes.

153. Pubic lice is a/an ______ STD.

a) viral
b) bacterial
c) parasitic
d) fungal

154. A person’s blood normally has ______ CD4 cells per cubic millimeter.

a) 200
b) 500
c) 1,000
d) 1,800

155. Which of the following bodily fluids has been shown to transmit HIV?

a) saliva.
b) breast milk.
c) sweat.
d) tears.

156. ______ describes people who are excessively aroused by particular body part.

a) Exhibitionism
b) Necrophilia
c) Voyeurism
d) Partialism

157. According to the text, most transvestites

a) are married and engage in sexual activity with their wives.
b) are homosexual but too afraid to “come out of the closet.”
c) are divorced and consider themselves bisexual.
d) are very open about their transvestic urges and activities.

158. The preferred victims of exhibitionists are typically

a) female friends or acquaintances who are newly married.
b) women in their late 30s and early 40s.
c) girls or young women.
d) younger boys.

159. Women are advised to ______ if they receive obscene telephone calls.

a) tell the caller how scared she is
b) yell at the caller and assure him he will get caught
c) say nothing at all and gently hang up the receiver
d) use reverse psychology and act excited.

160. ______ involves mutually gratifying sexual interactions between consenting partners.

a) Voyeurism
b) Exhibitionism
c) Frotteurism
d) Sadomasochism

161. An excessive, insatiable sexual appetite or drive in men is known as

a) nymphomania.
b) satyriasis.
c) impotence.
d) hyposexuality.

162. ______ techniques include systematic desensitization, aversion therapy, social skill training, covert sensitization, and orgasmic reconditioning.

a) Traditional psychoanalysis
b) Behavioral therapy
c) Biochemical therapy
d) Modeling

163. ______ are chemical substances that reduce the sex drive.

a) Antiandrogen drugs
b) Androgen enhancing drugs
c) Endorphins
d) Leukocytes

164. ______ rape refers to sexual intercourse with a person who is below the age of consent.

a) Forcible
b) Kiddy
c) Statutory
d) Acquaintance

165. Most social scientists view rape as an act of violence that is associated with

a) orgasmic intensity.
b) power.
c) sexual desire.
d) passion.

166. ______ rapes are probably more common than date rapes because a sexual relationship has already been established.

a) Homosexual
b) Acquaintance
c) Statutory
d) Marital

167. Evidence shows that ______ commit a disproportionate number of sexual assaults.

a) homosexual men
b) student athletes
c) school teachers
d) police officers

168. The anxiety disorder that is experienced by many rape survivors is known as

a) rape trauma disorder (RTD).
b) female anxiety disorder (FAD).
c) post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
d) acute phases disorganization disorder (APDD).

169. Research has shown that less forceful forms of resistance to rape, such as pleading, begging, or reasoning

a) are the most effective ways of preventing a rape.
b) will reduce the risk of injury and often fend off the attacker.
c) can be dangerous strategies and heighten the risk of injury.
d) are most effective with men being raped.

170. ______ is the most common type of child sexual abuse.

a) Genital fondling
b) Vaginal intercourse
c) Anal intercourse
d) Oral sex

171. According to the text, all ______ share persistent or recurrent sexual attraction to children.

a) paraphiliacs
b) child molesters
c) pedophiles
d) partialists

172. ______ is the rarest form of incest.

a) Father-daughter incest
b) Brother-sister incest
c) Stepfather-daughter incest
d) Mother-daughter incest

173. Which statement is True about prostitution?

a) Prostitution is illegal everywhere in the United States.
b) Prostitution is often referred to as “the world’s newest profession.”
c) Prostitution is legal in Nevada only in state-licensed brothels.
d) Prostitution started in the United States in the 1960s.

174. ______ occupy the highest states on the social ladder of female prostitution

a) "Escort service" provider
b) Call girls
c) Masseuses
d) Streetwalkers

175. Studies of teenage prostitutes in the United States show that perhaps as many as one half to two thirds of female prostitutes

a) are marrier.
b) still live at home.
c) lost their virginity on "the streets."
d) have been sexually abused in childhood.

176. Some men are compulsive users of prostitutes and suffer from a/an ______ in

a) authoritative-submissive syndrome
b) whore-Madonna complex
c) lack of sexual excitement complex
d) occasional john insight

177. The major motive for male prostitution is

a) sexual excitement.
b) drugs.
c) money.
d) independence.

178. Which statement is True about pornography?

a) Both sexes experience similar physical responses to pornography.
b) Women find sexually explicit scenes more arousing than men.
c) Men are less accepting of sex without emotional involvement in pornography.
d) Women are turned on more by hard-core videos than by audio taped passages.

179. Most of the research on the effects of pornography has focused on

a) nonviolent pornography.
b) violent pornography.
c) child pornography.
d) homesexual pornography.

180. Despite years of consciousness-raising about the issue, commercials still

a) bluntly put down homosexuals and bisexuals.
b) show too many scenes for “moral” audience.
c) tend to depict women in stereotypical ways.