Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

1. State how bulimia nervosa was identified as a separate disorder.
2. State the name of the manual that reflects the standard criteria for eating disorders.
3. Describe the four criteria for anorexia nervosa and include the two subtypes.
4. List two contributing factors to compulsive exercising.
5. List the diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa.
6. Describe the BN psychological behavior.
7. Discuss the criteria for eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).
8. Describe the prognosis for AN and BN.
9. Define “spectrum hypothesis.”
10. Compare structured diagnostic interviews and semi-structured interviews.
11. Define objective and subjective binge eating episodes.
12. Describe Bruch’s psychological model.
13. List the two broad classes of risk factors that produce eating disorders according to Fairburn.
14. Briefly describe the addiction model by Wilson.
15. List the four cognitive maintaining processes that interfere with change and interact with the core eating disorder disturbances.
16. Discuss hormonal theories of eating disorders.
17. Describe the danger of ipecac abuse.
18. State the greatest challenge the clinician faces when discussing change being difficult and fear provoking.
19. State the body mass index when the patient is diagnosed with AN (Table 12).
20. Discuss factors that influence treatment decisions, such as age, gender and race/ethnicity.
21. Describe the diversity of treatment.
22. Describe the “RU curve.”
23. Describe the three phases of cognitive behavior therapy for the BN.
24. Discuss the importance of self-monitoring in cognitive behavior therapy for AN (Clinical Pearl, page 49).
25. Define the “Anorexia Wish.”
26. Describe the golden rule in promoting weight gain.
27. State the purpose of a Dysfunctional Thought Record.
28. Describe “mood intolerance” according to Fairburn et al. (2003) and dysfunctional mood modulatory behavior.
29. Describe the interpersonal problems of the adolescent with AN.
30. Describe body shape education and cognitive restructuring.
31. List the three approaches according to Maudsley regarding family therapy in adolescents and children.
32. Describe the “refeeding syndrome.”
33. Discuss psychodynamic therapy.
34. Describe nonspecific clinical management.
35. Describe interpersonal psychotherapy.
36. List the four stages in motivational enhancement therapy and describe each.
37. State reasons as to why there is little evidence for the treatment of AN.
38. Describe the steps of compulsory treatment.