17. Directory of Digestive
Diseases Organizations for Patients
Alagille Syndrome Alliance
10630 SW. Garden Park Place
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: 5036396217
Email: alagille@earthlink.net
Internet: www.alagille.org
American Celiac Society
Dietary Support Coalition
P.O. Box 23455
New orleans, LA 70183
Phone: 5047373293
Fax: 5047374283
Email: amerceliacsoc@netscape.net
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
120 South Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 18003661655 or
Fax: 3128994739
Email: hotline@eatright.org
Internet: www.eatright.org
American Hemochromatosis Society Inc. (AHS)
4044 West Lake Mary Boulevard, 104, PMB 416
Lake Mary, FL 327462012
Phone: 18886554766 or
Fax: 4073331284
Email: mail@americanhs.org
Internet: www.americanhs.org
American Liver Foundation (ALF)
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 603
New York, NY 100384810
Phone: 1800GOLIVER (4654837),
18884HEPUSA (4437872), or
Fax: 2124838179
Email: info@liverfoundation.org
Internet: www.liverfoundation.org
American Porphyria Foundation
P.O. Box 22712
Houston, TX 77227
Phone: 7132669617
Fax: 7138711788
Email: porphyrus@aol.com
Internet: http://www.porphyriafoundation.com
Association of Gastrointestinal Motility
Disorders Inc. (AGMD) (formerly American
Society of Adults With Pseudo-Obstruction Inc.)
11 North Street
Lexington, MA 02420
Phone: 7818613874
Fax: 7818617834
Email: agmdinc@aol.com
Internet: www.agmd-gimotility.org |
International Foundation for Functional
Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) Inc.
P.O. Box 170864
Milwaukee, WI 532178076
Phone: 18889642001 or
Fax: 4149647176
Email: iffgd@iffgd.org
Internet: www.iffgd.org
Intestinal Disease Foundation
Landmarks Building, Suite 525
100 West Station Square Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: 18775879606 or
Fax: 4124712722
Email intdis@stargate.net
Internet: www.intestinalfoundation.org
Iron Disorders Institute
P.O. Box 2031
Greenville, SC 29602
Phone: 1888565IRON (4766) or
Fax: 8642921878
Email: publications@irondisorders.org
Internet: www.irondisorders.org
Iron Overload Diseases Association Inc.
433 Westward Drive
North Palm Beach, FL 334085123
Phone: 5618408512
Fax: 5618429881
Email: iod@ironoverload.org
Internet: www.ironoverload.org
National Association For Continence (NAFC)
(formerly Help for Incontinent People [HIP])
P.O. Box 1019
Charleston, SC 294021019
Phone: 1800BLADDER or
Fax: 8433770905
Email: memberservices@nafc.org
Internet: www.nafc.org
National Foundation for Celiac Awareness
124 South Maple Street
Ambler, PA 19002
Phone: 2153251306
Fax: 2152832335
Internet: www.celiacawareness.org
National organization for Rare Disorders Inc. (NorD)
55 Kenosia Avenue
P.O. Box 1968
Danbury, CT 068131968
Phone: 18009996673 or
Fax: 2037982291
Email: orphan@rarediseases.org
Internet: www.rarediseases.org
Oley Foundation for Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (HomePEN)
214 Hun Memorial, A-28
Albany Medical Center
Albany, NY 122083478
Phone: 1800776OLEY (6539) or
5182625079 (outside U.S.)
Fax: 5182625528
Email: bishopj@mail.amc.edu
Internet: www.oley.org
Pediatric/Adolescent Gastroesophageal Reflux Association Inc. (PAGER)
P.O. Box 1153
Germantown, MD 208751153
Phone: 3016019541
Fax: 6309826418
Email: gergroup@aol.com
Internet: www.reflux.org
Pull-thru Network
2312 Savoy Street
Hoover, AL 35226
Phone: 2059782930
Email: info@pullthrough.org
Internet: www.pullthrough.org |
Reach Out for Youth with Ileitis and Colitis Inc.
84 Northgate Circle
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 6312933102
Fax: 6312933103
Email: reachoutforyouth@reachoutforyouth.org
Internet: www.reachoutforyouth.org
The Simon Foundation for Continence
P.O. Box 815
Wilmette, IL 60091
Phone: 180023SIMON or 8478643913
Fax: 8478649758
Internet: www.simonfoundation.org
TEF-VATER International
15301 Grey Fox Road
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone: 3019526837
Fax: 3019529152
Email: info@tefvater.org
Internet: www.tefvater.org
United Ostomy Association Inc. (UOA)
19772 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 926122405
Phone: 18008260826 or 9496608624
Fax: 9496609262
Email: info@uoa.org
Internet: www.uoa.org
Weight-control Information Network (WIN)
1 WIN Way
Bethesda, MD 208923665
Phone: 18779464627 or 2028281025
Fax: 2028281028
Email: win@info.niddk.nih.gov
Internet: www.niddk.nih.gov/health/nutrit/nutrit.htm |
Wilsons Disease Association International
1802 Brookside Drive
Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: 18003990266 or 3302641450
Fax: 5095756418
Email: wilsonsdiseaseassoc@yahoo.com
Internet: www.wilsonsdisease.org |