Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Ethical Questions in Dentistry

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Discuss several ethical issues faced by dentists. A B C D
2. Define values. A B C D
3. Describe a fiduciary relationship. A B C D
4. Discuss specialized knowledge and state the most obvious problem. A B C D
5. Discuss knowing facts and how it affects clinical dentistry. A B C D
6. Define descriptive relativism. A B C D
7. Describe autonomy, nonmaleficence and beneficense. A B C D
8. Define veracity, fidelity, gratitude, and reparation. A B C D
9. Compare the professional standard with the reasonable person standard. A B C D
10. Compare capitation programs and fee-for-service programs. A B C D
11. Discuss the obligation of the dentist who observes an incompetent, dishonest or impaired colleague. A B C D