Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Discuss the relationship of heart disease and smoking. A B C D
2. Define acute tolerance, chronic tolerance and abstinence. A B C D
3. List three additional reasons for ambivalence as to why people want to continue smoking. A B C D
4. List the most common triggers for smoking. A B C D
5. List the five coping strategies when triggers remain. A B C D
6. Describe the two general ways smoking cessation medications work clinically. A B C D
7. Compare lapse and relapse. A B C D
8. List the four key aspects of CBT for weight-gain concerns. A B C D
9. Compare social factors with pharmacological factors regarding adolescent smoking. A B C D
10. State the two reasons for rapid relapse after smokers try to quit on their own. A B C D