Evaluation of Learning Objectives


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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. State the ratio of Americans who suffer from anxiety. A B C D
2. List factors that cause unhealthy anxiety. A B C D
3. Compare anxiety to other health problems among American women. A B C D
4. Define the "recognition gap." A B C D
5. List the two major factors that have caused a rise in anxiety. A B C D
6. Define GABA, neurotransmitters and synapse. A B C D
7. Describe how trauma can be a psychological and chemical event. A B C D
8. Explain how to manage anxiety. A B C D
9. Describe healthy anxiety. A B C D
10. List the physical symptoms of unhealthy anxiety. A B C D
11. Describe the first level of healing. A B C D
12. Define serenity skills and describe their development. A B C D
13. Describe how diet, exercise and herbs are important in reducing anxiety. A B C D
14. Discuss the relationship of depression to anxiety. A B C D
15. List the five primary forms of anxiety. A B C D
16. Define GAD. A B C D
17. List problems that may be associated with GAD. A B C D
18. Define hypochondriasis. A B C D
19. State the most common symptoms of GAD. A B C D
20. Discuss the treatment-seeking behaviors of people with GAD. A B C D
21. State the most prevalent form of chronic anxiety. A B C D
22. Define dysthymia. A B C D
23. Describe the action of Nardil. A B C D
24. Compare the ratio of panic attacks between men and women. A B C D
25. List the symptoms of a severe panic attack. A B C D
26. Define agoraphobia. A B C D
27. List the symptoms of PTSD. A B C D
28. State the cause of PTSD. A B C D
29. List the causes of OCD. A B C D
30. Define cognitive behavioral therapy. A B C D
31. Describe the "Rational Response" exercise. A B C D
32. Define distress tolerance. A B C D
33. Describe "Peeling the Onion". A B C D
34. List and describe the three cognitive distortions of social anxiety disorder. A B C D
35. Describe exposure therapy. A B C D
36. List and describe the three guidelines for real life exposure. A B C D
37. State the strongest trigger of a panic attack. A B C D
38. Briefly list the ten guidelines for imagery exposure. A B C D
39. State the hallmark of unhealthy anxiety. A B C D
40. Describe visualization. A B C D
41. Describe serenity skills. A B C D
42. Describe a mini-relaxation exercise. A B C D
43. Define body-scan meditation. A B C D
44. State methods to interrupt a panic attack. A B C D
45. List the primary serotonin uptake drugs. A B C D
46. List the side effects of SSRI drugs. A B C D
47. Describe psychotherapy. A B C D
48. List the benzodiazepines and their use. A B C D
49. List the uses for Neurontin. A B C D
50. State the primary medication used for panic. A B C D
51. Describe the use of Zoloft for PTSD. A B C D
52. Describe the use of Anafranil. A B C D
53. List foods high in omega 3 fats. A B C D
54. List the symptoms of a panic attack. A B C D
55. Define endorphin. A B C D
56. Describe the role of exercise in the treatment for anxiety. A B C D
57. List essential facts about Kava. A B C D
58. List essential facts about St.- John's Wort. A B C D
59. List the uses for Valerian. A B C D
60. List nine items that make a person resilient. A B C D