Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Immunity, Infectious Diseases,and Pandemics — What You Can Do

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Discuss basic components of the immune system. A B C D
2. Describe the two basic types of leukocytes. A B C D
3. Explain the keystone of immunology. A B C D
4. Identify the origin and purpose of stem cells. A B C D
5. Define immunity. A B C D
6. Explain immune response: specific, nonspecific, cell mediated, adaptive. A B C D
7. Define acquired immunity. A B C D
8. Describe autoimmune responses. A B C D
9. Explain CMI (cell-mediated immunity) and what it does. A B C D
10. Discuss factors impacting the immune system. A B C D
11. Discuss stressors, acute and chronic. A B C D
12. Explain psychoneuroimmunology. A B C D
13. Explain the connection between stress and immunity. A B C D
14. Explain the link between immunity and viral infections. A B C D
15. Discuss the link between stress, immunity, and chronic diseases. A B C D
16. Identify factors that deplete immunity. A B C D
17. Define anti-nutrients. A B C D
18. Identify supplements that enhance immunity. A B C D
19. Identify foods that aid immunity. A B C D
20. Explain the benefits of various vitamins, minerals, and herbs. A B C D
21. Identify foods to eat and those to avoid. A B C D
22. Discuss actions and strategies for enhancing the immune system. A B C D
23. Identify three types of vaccines. A B C D
24. Explain advantages/disadvantages of live vaccines and inactive vaccines. A B C D
25. Discuss the importance of vaccines. A B C D
26. List factors contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases. A B C D
27. Explain the role of vectors, biologic and mechanical. A B C D
28. Explain the role of arthropod vectors, endoparasites and ectoparasites. A B C D
29. Define zoonosis A B C D
30. Describe how fungi can create disease. A B C D
31. Discuss protozoa and what they can cause. A B C D
32. Define bacteria and their life forms. A B C D
33. Discuss transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and complications of botulism, salmonella, campylobacteriosis, and E coli. A B C D
34. Describe causes, transmission, and symptoms of shigellosis, cholera, and typhoid fever. A B C D
35. Identify effective ways to prevent the transmission of foodborne diseases. A B C D
36. Describe the three stages of pertussis and why it is of concern today. A B C D
37. Discuss transmission and symptoms of streptococcus A, bubonic plague, glanders, leptospirosis, and clostridium difficile infections. A B C D
38. Explain cause, symptoms, transmission, and prevention of lyme disease. A B C D
39. Explain transmission and infection routes of the viruses. A B C D
40. Discuss microbial spread of viruses. A B C D
41. Discuss diseases caused by viruses i.e., trypanosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis. A B C D
42. Define antibiotic resistance, superbug, MRSA, and VRSA. A B C D
43. Identify guidelines for using antibiotics appropriately. A B C D
44. Explain how to prevent spread of antibiotic resistant infections. A B C D
45. Identify co-morbid factors that contribute to MRSA/VRSA. A B C D
46. Discuss the control of MRSA and VRSA outbreaks. A B C D
47. Discuss vancomycin, gentamycin resistance. A B C D
48. Describe the CDC guidelines for the proper use of vancomycin. A B C D
49. Describe the characteristics and components of viruses. A B C D
50. Discuss the history of virus discoveries. A B C D
51. Discuss classifications of viruses. A B C D
52. Explain viral entry and phases of replication. A B C D
53. Explain how viruses are transmitted and the routes of infection. A B C D
54. Explain bacteriophage therapy and its uses and benefits. A B C D
55. Describe DNA and RNA viruses. A B C D
56. Explain coronavirus, SARS, calicivirus, orthomyxovirus, paraviruses, and paramyxovirus. A B C D
57. Discuss HIV statistics, transmission, and treatment. A B C D
58. Identify a major protozoan disease, a parasitic disease, and rickettsias disease. A B C D
59. Discuss the role of mosquitoes in spreading disease. A B C D
60. Describe the etiology, epidemiology, and treatment of trypanosomiasis, cryptosporidiosis, malaria, typhus-rickettsias, dengue fever, and viral hemorrhagic fever. A B C D
61. Explain what arenaviridae are and diseases that they cause. A B C D
62. Discuss diseases caused by flaviviruses. A B C D
63. Explain the difference between endemics, pandemics and epidemics. A B C D
64. Describe various stages of pandemics. A B C D
65. Explain antigenic shift and drift. A B C D
66. Identify influenza types, subtypes, strains. A B C D
67. Describe the symptoms and transmission of influenza. A B C D
68. Identify the components of H5N1: avian flu, incubation period, and clinical manifestations. A B C D
69. Explain the effectiveness and importance of the influenza vaccines. A B C D
70. Discuss how influenza pandemics are different from other pandemic threats. A B C D
71. Identify serious problems with pandemics. A B C D
72. Explain transmission/incubation/clinical signs of swine flu. A B C D
73. Discuss the history of H5N1 virus. A B C D
74. Identify symptoms of avian flu caused by H5N1. A B C D
75. Explain avian flu transmission. A B C D
76. Identify medications used in the treatment of pandemic influenza. A B C D
77. Explain how the avian flu pandemic influenza is different from avian influenza. A B C D
78. Discuss Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A B C D
79. Compare influenza and SARS. A B C D
80. Identify ways to prevent spread of SARs or infectious influenza. A B C D
81. Discuss antiviral vaccine development. A B C D
82. Discuss the history of bioterrorism. A B C D
83. Explain why BioWar is of grave concern. A B C D
84. Classify bioterrorism agents or diseases. A B C D
85. Describe BSL (Bio safety lab classifications). A B C D
86. Discuss biological /viral agents' use as biologic agents of bio war. A B C D
87. Describe the botulinum toxins and how they might be used in biowarfare. A B C D
88. Explain the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the plague, smallpox, and viral hemorrhagic fevers. A B C D
89. Identify possible clues to a biological warfare or terrorist attack. A B C D
90. Discuss The Four R's for nurses. A B C D
91. Explain the role of the school nurse in bio-terror or pandemics. A B C D
92. Describe how the nursing role/scope of practice may change or expand during times of crisis. A B C D
93. Describe an effective disaster plan. A B C D
94. Explain political and financial factors related to public education. A B C D
95. Discuss the nursing role in pandemics or other infectious threats to health. A B C D
96. Describe indications of possible BW agent attack. A B C D
97. Identify resources for nurses who wish to become better prepared. A B C D
98. Discuss current pandemic challenges. A B C D
99. Discuss community preparation, family and individual plans. A B C D
100. Identify supplies that should be stored as part of a disaster preparedness plan. A B C D