Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Identify themes and research advances in the field of mental health. A B C D
2. Discuss the origins of stigma and its impact. A B C D
3. Recognize the relationship between brain function and behavior. A B C D
4. Identify approaches to prevention and treatment of mental disorders. A B C D
5. Recognize the impact of the organization and financing of mental-health care. A B C D
6. Discuss the impact of consumer and family movements in the area of mental-health service delivery. A B C D
7. Utilize a lifespan approach to the consideration of mental health and mental illness. A B C D
8. Discuss mental health in a social and cultural context. A B C D
9. Discuss the impact of nature and nurture in the area of mental health. A B C D
10. Describe common psychiatric disorders and their prevalence throughout the lifespan. A B C D
11. Recognize preventative measures and effective clinical interventions for children, adults and older adults. A B C D
12. Identify barriers to accessing mental-health services for children, adults and older adults. A B C D
13. Describe the costs and financing mechanisms for mental-health services. A B C D
14. Recognize the benefits and limitations of confidentiality. A B C D
15. Discuss the recommendations of the Surgeon General's Report for the future of mental-health service delivery. A B C D