Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Women's Sexuality Across the Life Span

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Discuss the various ways sexuality may be defined and constructed using a developmental perspective. A B C D
2. Explain how sexual meanings can be problematic, and how they may be challenged and changed in the therapeutic setting. A B C D
3. List behaviors and experiences that constitute “normal” sexual exploration and development for children ages infant to 12 years old. A B C D
4. Assess the meanings children derive from others’ reactions to their developing sexuality. A B C D
5. Summarize basic issues regarding body image, gender identity, and sexual identity formation commonly faced by adolescent girls. A B C D
6. Describe some of the messages about sexuality girls receive during adolescence from significant others and their cultures. A B C D
7. Discuss the impact of often-contradictory messages on girls’ perceptions and experiences of their developing bodies and evolving sexual self-constructions. A B C D
8. Utilize various activities and interventions to help adolescent girls create new meanings and a sense of joy regarding their sexuality. A B C D
9. List the typical biological changes and psychological issues that characterize young adulthood. A B C D
10. Assess the interaction between women and their reproductive decision-making, roles, and losses. A B C D
11. Explain exercises and activities that can be used to help young women navigate through the physical changes and transitions they experience. A B C D
12. Describe factors that shape and define the commitments young women make to intimate roles and relationships. A B C D
13. Predict the normative biological changes and psychological issues women face during middle age (40-65 years old). A B C D
14. Discuss problematic meanings and messages faced by women experiencing menopause. A B C D
15. Help women adapt to body changes and body image as they relate to the aging process. A B C D
16. Describe methods for dealing with midlife women’s needs, desires, and expectations in their intimate relationships. A B C D
17. Summarize how sexuality is defined, lived and expressed by women in later life. A B C D