Evaluation of Learning Objectives

Home Care Nursing Practice

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To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and submit it as part of the course assignment.

1. Explain criteria for home health services as stated by Medicare regulations. A B C D
2. List 4 universal clinical factors which influence health care management within the hone setting. A B C D
3. State principles of documentation for home health visits and phone conversations. A B C D
4. Define the role of patient education in home health nursing. A B C D
5. Define the concept of case management. A B C D
6. State 4 conditions necessary to ensure a safe return home for the ventilator-dependent patient. A B C D
7. Give an example of a common regimen for home administration of insulin. A B C D
8. List 4 factors which have contributed to the growth of home infusion therapy. A B C D
9. State the role of home health nursing in the care of persons with AIDS. A B C D
10. State 4 primary themes of parent education for the failure- to-thrive child. A B C D
11. Discuss elements of post-partum assessment to be completed by the home health nurse. A B C D
12. Describe a method for assessing patient safety in the home. A B C D
13. List 4 common problems which develop in hospice patients and give one nursing intervention for each. A B C D