Manage Pain Before It Manages You

Self-Study Examination

Instructions: After studying the text answer the following true/false or multiple choice questions.  Remember, there's only one answer to each question.

1. What does the author mean by “accepting ownership of your pain?”

a) Others are to blame for the pain and they should be responsible for taking it away.
b) Your pain is your problem and you have only yourself to blame for it.
c) You’re a worthwhile person and you’re taking upon yourself the responsibility for living with your pain.

2. Which is a better way to deal with pain on a long-term basis?

a) denial
b) conscious action

3. Which of the following is an example of acute pain?

a) fibromyalgia
b) back or neck pain
c) pain during delivery
d) osteoarthritis

4. Which nerve fibers carry messages at a faster speed?

a) A-delta fibers
b) C fibers

5. The relaxation response is not the same as relaxing.

a) True
b) False

6. Which type of breathing produces a sense of calm and relaxation?

a) chest breathing
b) diaphragmatic breathing

7. Insulin-dependent diabetic patients who practice relaxation response technique regularly find that their insulin requirement is reduced.

a) True
b) False

8. According to the author, which basic RR technique you should master before moving on to the advanced RR techniques?

a) Technique 1: Using a Focus Word or Phrase
b) Technique 2: Coupling Breathing With Imagination
c) Technique 3: Progressive Muscle Relaxation
d) Technique 4: Using Repetitive Motion
e) Technique 5: Creating a Safe Place

9. Which advanced RR technique allows you to transfer pain or sensation from one part of your body to another?

a) Technique 6: Self-hypnosis
b) Technique 7: Visualization

10. The author has listed three factors that allow you to stay active while in pain. Which of the following is not such a factor?

a) pacing
b) adaptation
c) distraction
d) delegation

11. What does the author mean by “deconditioning?”

a) learning to live with certain level of pain
b) not being able to tolerate pain beyond the minimum
c) decreased muscle strength and endurance that occurs as a result of not having a regular exercise routine

12. Self-talk could be both positive and negative.

a) True
b) False

13. Who developed the “rational-emotive therapy” model?

a) David Burns
b) Albert Ellis
c) Mulla Nasrudin
d) Edward T. Hall

14. What is the basic premise of “rational-emotive therapy?”

a) negative self-talk is the root cause of most of our anguish
b) we’re prisoners of our own cultural and familial upbringing
c) much of our suffering comes from the irrational ways we perceive the world
d) all-or-nothing thinking

15. Psychiatrist David Burns has identified 10 common cognitive distortions that can contribute to negative emotions. Identify the label that refers to the tendency to dwell exclusively on a single negative event and thus to perceive the whole situation as n

a) disqualifying the positive
b) emotional reasoning
c) personalization
d) mental filtering

16. Which label describes, “I feel useless. [Therefore] I am useless”?

a) overgeneralization
b) labeling
c) emotional reasoning
d) magnification

17. Chronic pain has its origin in both the mind and body.

a) True
b) False

18. On the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), in the Approval system, a positive score indicates that the person has a healthy sense of self-worth.

a) True
b) False

19. On the same DAS scale, in the Perfectionism system, a positive score indicates that the person demands perfection in himself.

a) True
b) False

20. Many people experiencing chronic pain find it difficult to believe that certain suggestions or techniques will alter their pain perception and help them gain control. What would you call this attitude?

a) anger/hostility
b) unable to forgive
c) learned helplessness
d) lack of empathy

21. An important phase in the process of forgiveness is seeking restitution from the person who has committed the wrong.

a) True
b) False

22. Optimists and pessimists look at events differently. Can you identify an optimistic characteristic below?

a) “This always happens to me.”
b) “Just because it happened once doesn’t mean it will happen again.”
c) “I never do anything right.”
d) “It’s all my fault.”

23. Which attitude signifies “nonjudgmental awareness of others’ experience?”

a) stress hardiness
b) optimism
c) empathy
d) altruism

24. At this time, there’s no consistent evidence that most mineral and vitamin supplements are helpful in relieving pain.

a) True
b) False

25. In our interactions with others including medical professionals, which is easier to get?

a) information, analysis, advice
b) understanding, reassurance

26. Which of the following statements is an example of assertive communication?

a) “Do whatever you want to do [sigh].”
b) “I don’t care what you say.”
c) “I feel sad when you don’t ask what I would like to do, because it makes me think you don’t care about me. I want you to ask me what I’d like to do.”

27. What does the author mean by “emotional hook?”

a) emotions getting in the way of reality
b) not being able to judge a situation objectively
c) self-defeating talk